HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Gazette, 1849-05-10, Page 1lox' re ";Ary �T� A u • � 1.•"•`,."� � -y .? �-� s„M1.U- itraNt!yi-�, 3:gO .�\. • a O o, 1 •4 � I T i r �ra `}� 9 -P'S, 1s 3 s 11 �� �N -IIC11 ELL, Y`IL"L -ISL TILE QUI:i'.h I". ;t'.t,'S', AND. THE PEOPLE." Vol"UmE II.—NO._ XII. GODEPaICI , I3TJI10`? I> ST.R1. ,'. ADA WEST, THURSDAY, MAY 10 1843, 11Ta!Iit$5 t 11YLftQx . __ , - t _ -- �ry ... -- -- ........................ ................. D R, 11 A M> L ' ON, 1-1° 1 ' A� For Sale.— Terms Liberal. �r1I r�t ��91— . r� z• COD R1 C"IZ V SNS 3 r.'� 1'xii,i _ ..,y IVESI,:S7: �L�. , STRAC.FI,^ N irz LIZ Z:RS, the putllc t,::.i. tt : !seep cor'star ,.: ; <l SHAT very desirable House at present occupied I It M _ Feb. 16, 1843, 1.tw r': TOWN AJi I::ISl EI S and Attornies-at-Law --- --- - a ei as ort,::.n t t 111I, �jl. exy' �- by > 1. Robertson, Esq., situated in Solicitorsin ChmiceryandI3anl;ruptcy, ^ r -ti - ( lescription-an iusp t to ,1' t f, yet West Street, Goderich: containing Dieting FOR SALE, .. P. iC \1 .t713i aL futiysu!irit,anu:Wiiicl tl.y'are },.. T ,..:, 'ar101, flue bed Rooms, Kitchen. ON 1TOST ADI'ANT,4GEOOS TERMS, Noti,rieS Public; and Conveyit.cer3, Gode' h- - i.� �iT + i „ .I dart ;a O,Idbl e. ter"I'2S d`a ANY 13' x., rich, a.ud Stratford, I1uron l) lsti'ict. - ti BEl CO' SULILD at al, hours, Pi.0VI_ CE: ar; a never failing spring of tete �„ JOHN S'rit Ar,:I.t�' Goderich: at the Ii, ..zs z Lntr, (L.I .is'rii s), Goderu.i. I Hamilton, August 20, 1848. i , I d other con nun a ei wit l stabiitag an a.I till i1 SUBSCRIBER offers the fol. Septen.ber 15, 18.48. 29 ti -m lowing Town Lois for sale in one DA�:irL Iloa : I�Iz:L1 s, Stratford. I � - � "� ---- � venieuces: �, --- ~ -- - ---___.-- I VIRLAGE LOTS FOE S. This residence Is one of the most eli eligible p ' April, -20,1513. I STf?II';S g block or separately, to suit the convenience j i. , `I'll, ub criber offers for sale 't3.o thatcan be desired for a family, being beauti• of purchasers, viz Lots. 426, 427, 423, J G H N :Z T E VJ A R T , i Ciln3_IS, A�:, v1iLO I r Lots coni niiia a quarter c1' an tr ;eh I fully situated on the cliflwand cominandln 429, 430. They are all clear of stumps, 1YARRIS`I'ERi`and At''fprney at Law, 1VFS•o c rrrr-r• i i,,)I.rI�TI• ! at tLe i ,. I.an extensive prospect, 'not only of tLo" arld enclosed within aboard fence, and the 1 Solicitor ui Chancery, 8-.c. c�c.— — - - - - ! t''j y; #t f� s Q'; i,01 :take IJut also; of C,odercl: Ilarbo�ir, the coil is ofthe ver best description for Icor {?flee, ui:c door 1`vre;it of lir. E. G'raee A L I: X l lv D L R 1-s _` ii I ; u.z; ni t_es from floder:eli. TL ` 0 River Maitland' and surrounding O.,'mntry�': ticnitural purposes. s. '!here les a good ,v 1 P p a �L Co.'s Store, Ivest-strcot, i; oderiol� PROVINCIAL Lg`L sic t.t..,i,.' ti a. -of tine G eric i" A31ifield;; i� ' I< �, I and there isnot a more salubrious lac :lith j-rc:Lruar y l u i 648. M; , r n <t*a$e, illy lit ,he Z e u� ince. Apply Izersonaliyy or if'! E Ti• �t 11I.T; EI 0 U. S E. by letter, post paid, to the Publisher o.[ this r.c . pal D-. tr'd I•'S ! - ----- ----- ---- --- ing i;ur htnr,!ed an is a d ler. .,l 1 48 r, �. 1• I_ r comltt=tufour alsooffe give Goderu_t; I'I a., ISj ltty AI 12IST_��3 .��torue f at I aw: So.tcl J. C�. l: T R Ii . n t --------.—_-- for in Cuaacery, Bankru, tc t .c. ,&e. t,na re a0ie Lots f0 s 1,:'z.t .lee rear io. •.he �# l: y.� I PROZI_ PROVINCIAL L AND SURVEYOR, EYOI , i said .I'',arn1S. I DjSC T T'T' `1T � T � (Frio, Ltely occupied by tliL Bank of Clvir EtiGl�rrli, c. I ' �a t 1, r SO�,L iI01, Or P_itl �NERSIdIP. Apply t0 I. _ atten t -: , sa ,�>• Ian Notice is hereby given, that the Pattnerahip hipper Camila Goderich. +" COTiYlSSIONLR OF THE COtiRT OF (IUCEI's RENCIr. Cottage GoQe rich! o2 t.o 1'r 11atte � hiiherto exi5, b(;,,% CCI! t.IL s>Gl)SC!'lbet'8, as Dt' k' Iilbruary 16, Iti48. I-tw I b y - 54. STRATFORD. H. D. Clinton a.rin5 i _Ilago of Clintoa L' ods lilalchan , c4c:, 1 Stratford, was this day ' dissolved by mutual consent. Ail aftius indebted '. , — --- nnap of the said vilinge can be ^can is P ALFRED Si • OTTER. , I , , to the estabii':hmentare requcmed to make. imme- ' a �I I%: Cr: I+ R A S L li; I Goderich, tlttle.t; `?7th. 184'3. lass; paymcni to C. 1t. Dickson, who will dis- AND and General Agent, Conveyancer, r,01 OAT -E-A, ` — - -- chat ail claims against it, atm continue the bu- L ,, ...:,, t ,,� - css as usual. &C. &C. �- &�C. ' }" .� Ii � it3, _� :t �, 11 �r .'�. I, lJ -. f r NE; Office !rice occupied b ilio I3anit of I S1'. .I'AT iICIr's"rirET, M- S%: rat ord; Fe' 15th. 1.441). y_� 1. Upper , 5d GODERICTI. PROPERTY, O),t THE (r' M. CAItTACY, L er Canada Goderich. Y i p an. 1 b, 1 ,49. I - .._ -- . - — - -- — + C.: b1CIiS0Y. -` __ —_-- `8'-tWv t „ �` `� It. At l' .Witness to signat of G.Macartiny. KENNEDY, NEDY, I't�i> b I,Ii & Co, , , tiV: P. ,>icC oLLoc, �Viaress to s guaiac of L. IIALI Ii'A Y BE 2 TEE N I O Y.r.' c 4, ,. L E W I S. R nick;on. 64 I IatrollTr_as or E GLIsu Fr£Ncn. AND GOD PRI CII, AND fee' ,I' A-tbl T.L LA;V, CHANCERY, cj CONVEYANCING, I --- -- ------_.__-- 1v.sz' of TATO BE LET.GC]7LIlICIT. Ausric:In, STAPLE <.ID FANCY. .1vcY; L 0ND0N ROAD - ---- - DIt�' GOODS, IND y1 S1I.Ii GuODS &c. , + rfl-10, , That comfortable Houm and . Farm - lis. ,I. R. VANI�OUGIiI\I+'T BAlt Being Loi `,o. 1 on Sal.c ,ioati �tld. , • }. J'4. HA'-MIL1(NT C. W. Con essionofHa nebunc:-o _ acro t known as Clifton late the Residence of •,�+-�r-T.a�,V�j�LICIT R I� 1 Ji.� Sri IL.e z, - n ,.e. �-�----...-•- vu i __-_�._.-� _ _�,.. 'a nt::trter froiita<°e to+' �Honry �Wansford, it:sq. olid at liresent ;in CrtaxcEtcr�Auors 1LL:Cr%iU:. ,,: T T , - the oecupa.tton af'J. Iald'xiie;:'sq: one rya-iw-- I 1ti .LLT S GTON, II.02 �L, the Road, with the .privilege of poncho ink . -- -- --- _ OII:� ER of Church and Weliingtoli 'the Lot in the rear from the C .ua iIa' Coin- isle from the town of Goderich. _ `Apply _ loFi\4 J. G Lies i Ct , U street's, Toronto. pang; there are fifty acres cleared;ind `,roll t0 Geo. Brown, Jixnr: 52 'OTARY Public, Coliveyancer; Colnmr. IIUss>✓L ING.LIS. 1-tw fenced, a goodFra.me i-Youse; Lb�'utable, - - -- 11 Q. B•, Stratford. 1 February 1 18.1!3. Cow Douse &e, a ii_ci er failing spring creek F 0 R ,S- A L -t..' , Stratford, Feb., 1848. 1-61n I ------_-.-- - rises near the House with ee:fhcierlt:a+Iprly F.LTTIti;'JGD : & R 1I AND SAV �' I `& J. MONTGO1 ERY,-Raslbion of Water I'ulliri;7 1llill. T' I3.iv r I_LI '( _ � , : f iI�1: tornter consists of' 150 Acres of very ex - able TAILORS 4- IIAHIT '.TAA"ERS, Stable passes through the Lot wi ^a g"od ,relent Iran ., •,.a, 1 , r n' ;, ;. - d, rC1il.1:.aJ-y W:'Lh wati!r0 4,i of q aFREE r ES. James Street• 11.§.MILTON; e i L�,Sl$a. 1I11�r & JO�i..S,I ;, ,, o -,.,� _ �1i11 Site,tscre iso Scho^:.and TIccil,:� :vitictiareanon:rr,ahivation,}bcautit'nllysitnated Se. t. Iti, tS4.,.. 2J-tA C W 1 e batiks of LAKE ; Hou,.,,.alf amide from rile a ., .. _ In *t'ae- I � . _ HURON. On the Property, S. B. FRET IdAN diate possession can �'„ •, I 1 s a ;nod Leg Dzcer?iiz, IAucse, with requi- . _ p o be , T ., T :Eb t.r.ir,,•, s,,,,,, vla.iliitoll. I-ftW f j® � I ..0 mites tram tile "r T. Jogs �. _� 1i �At 1'i D S A DIV 2 .L rust Of' E;. , ) r p, to I. I �1 ':,.. ?.•:zan ( f' and sic „m the Viilar•c of Bazt'ir:LD t. 1 1`t:i \ "+ C `Tr Ccttir�e ^}+ a} -;c! n Fea C Y BREAD AND BISC t, IT I ,, , Goderi;,... places tl re are excel.,.m _,oads. Cite ---_--- _------_-.--- �y7, } 77rr y , yy Goderich -March !8,49. 5 _d,. � iIrr.L is in good erdcr. Pur iurthcr artieu- B, A K E iti:. — —(_h'_— J �- ,9 lads eliq lLi l'e of p 'i1r s4Rs. BURTON & SADLI:IIi, I r y r f'L $ V ! 01IN S RACHA v, iso.• liesrisTER - , ' , ,,., AVIl: (,r rGmOCed t0; his NCtF Premises � A L .0 A. B AJ LGa:li.�-tcit. ' ' D A-RRISTERS and Attornies-at-Law. ~' .F King-sireet, I�d!i13itOn. - On Arthur' St. and St. Patricks St., j �e f,� - � ��� p�Y�r�,.t � j ;�C'rude-ice_, �ltigttat 14th, .8Vd . Z•';-ttic'. 1` intimates to his Ctlstalners S e. c�,c. that FR..L 10LD P F, , , �. ii Farrel: F1'. I3L1ttuN, 1-trW lie has fitted them up in a superior style, U� tR 8) zP i"L '.� i ^------- .-T LnARLEs A. SALi,�Ilt, .. i �. I y.'- I+' f� ., S A� L the purpose of en.argin& his: Bread and { i Feb: 1, 1848 I Biscuit business i ;;u . iiwlDTFIIS and Atto I3tighsun Streif, 11ailli1w1t. "It B. 1�rII,I,.,SJN I LG n t;ttaai.r:s G. CRICiCE10R�3 E. � -tw ���j LSSiI,S. DUGG A:N HOLDEN •d_ B:iLilti.;Trrs, c�:c. S.,c., It. 0 DUGGAN Z IIamilton. • Feb., 1818. 1. JAMES JOLLI Y, ,54"I3_DI.E and n, HARNESS.iI.11L*'IL, ming Stt•i:e!, .d.Ilti1- I TON. September 12, 1843. 29-tw Dill. VASTDINDE-1 . I1A YS VII Lam.. April 10th, 18 8. 3-tw E. U., VV ATSON, P A1N'i'LR AND -GL:'iZI.'III, .'APEF. IiANGLR, &C.. &c. GI 0DEiL1C11. :: tzy 10th 134x_. 12 J. K. G O OI?IN G Aril Cir' 10EEIZ, S1 -I i1 OT L GO L' 1' It FL I T i ?; D , I C II . T 1"It11S llS SALIES in every part of the i31 trice ori reasonaLie Berms. S;ipt. 15, ISIS. §101-EN'IOUNG' 'Jr., ; a. Vholesale Gro- cer, Provision alio Brine Mbrchant, Xittg-stI'setlsaiuiit0.. AC Ii A Y, D-ROTH RS & Co., Grocesi iVirle and Spirit I'. MCGIVI]13--:, Saddler and IIarnoss 11). :Japer, I1inU_stre.ct, 11:.o ;.iltoll. Fob. 1, 1`t4E: 1-tw pT+, , ��- . IriP.ii la, - iLil,'Sl1GCt-il'0I1, and Cop_ por Ser th, Brass Founder, and Teel Pump Mlakor, INTO. 50 Yon-e-st. Toronto. Feb. 1, 1648: 1_tv J. P, 0BI'S'SON, MPORTER of English, I reneli;'and '' aI a) e � .. Alnelic L Paper Ila,) IIs Ia ' 1 nufac- turer of Picture Frames find Lookino, Ulasses; Will l&w CoauiCes m4- Room Bordexin-,-ado: 5, McNab's. BAuld-ings, pprGSite the ">ra:',-et; Janies-street, 11'a- inllton k�tib: 1, 18-4�. I-tw 60 Farrcy 'Cralices, e ce° tikes and ".. "` „... A T A C: I Crawlers of every description which Ili, Or, Light Douse Point, cOrnniandinn an-extensi°r n tivill sell at Lite lust i st lir) Bible price. v'iety of Lase learns?; and the Goderich Halt .)urs v 1 Goderieli, Ccb., 1b48• I S , i3 FOR ti, t .F,. raining a never failing SPRING, of the To save ttoulile—i arcs xi15. For'' further ---- -- - - - --- - particulars enquire of the prohric:tor, TILLIA-11 SHAW, Land and General I GEORG1, PDX PALMER. ' A7ent Conveyancer, cv c. .c.— �`0. a y i Czoe:'lch, July •,'th ll3i:v : ; t I _ 13, Cit q Building Ting -street, 'T'oront'o, -- (opposite the English Church.) . FARM FOR SALE. References are permitted to the follow' Solicitors, 4•c. and l3rit;annia, Road, at the entrance into 1HE Subscriber, offers for sale Lot Number ing gentlemen : His Worship the MAYOr X 0ne,in thOSeventh�Concession, of the To;vn- jr'IessrS: Ill OWAT & VANkOUGIIIVi:'r, SUl1C ship lof Colborne -W. D., contaiitina one hundred tors in Chancery, &c., Messrs.. Pruor L, Acres of Laud. There is on the premise§ a small liWvai:'r Barristers' 5 c. W. B. JARrit.- , > > t Log Barn, with 1J Acres under good cultivation, and well fenced tli la -id is of eFcc:pert quality Esquire, Sheriff, lis. D. and Wvithin (3 miles of !l.eTown of Godes it h. Toronto, Dec. 23, 1847. 1-iti Lot 1, in, the 8th cc cession, containing 100 - __--_ acres 211 of which are cleared and icnred, with a r,c5� M-A-TTII1:�, it '111:1r,�IilJN:URICI y _ good Log -Shanty and (:tittle Shy:` £237 loss A liberal,discount a1.1ot ea f r Gash. t�l ; Booksol.] el, „�j� loner, and BoM binder, Pbr further particulars'apply c NV. Roberts^n, ing country fbr. the, very .liberal support they hays gsq., Canada Oompattq s OtFicco:fe::ch tubo KIl`;rG ST.--IIA-MILTON, is empowered to conclude a bargain. C PATIONERY and BOOKS, in Great variety. 1)avlD S:.ISTFI. Goderich, March. 1849. 54 -tic ►►JJ BINDING; 1iuLixa, and PIUNr.kc.TG ;y, 0Xecu� - ted with the utmost care, and at moderate chargas. r T. �"ALUAtL.E LOT OF LAND JI -Lw Further particulars iiiay be obtained by a plicatio . to Gr•,or Gr Browny Jr. Esq., P 1 —A -)--[ -�--- --p--$ P 0 R S A L E. Q { P. Ji'. �Y�� A-1Z.S ' & BROTHER, , _ . T T t ,� n � O );,. SOLD, .or C.s_,Il, Lot No. 23, 1st. DEALk:lts IN Coneession, -To viiship of Tuckotsmitli, on (, ,i a `e,,.,� f,l _ Clocks, Yv at,��les, and Jet, elryy the, llturozi Road, 1:i miles from Goderich, con - taiaing 1110 A rCs of LAND. `Ihe're is a SILVER PLATL, L, FA-NCY GOODS, i I good Lott Ilei +e; Frame Barn, and Franie Shed, and custc m.rs with any pattern they may select. au.,ve 60 Acres of cleared Land. II A M I L T 0 Ni' t i, t r particulars a_ i ly to Wrll. Chalk, i t; tic smith. LOCKS, WATCHES, J EA-, +1L RY, l cdu'rcu, Jit l,• 2:,, i8I8. 23-hv. a:idACCOtiJii 2 `4; rt�laired. i ' c ) " r' T l� bII for OLD I .11 � A paid or J .1x.:3. a 1 �-I:-.R. p - _ -ry � _ e' r� r � yy e r LET �� A).�I L i? L �. tJ 'z SOLS SOLD, Strt (V' iIteLAt,E lfri�SII :- o, 11 ,TSUIiT1Am1?-�I. and excel - 0 I eL) 0� �fh rtb �, . lent TiO bt32iclU'h .U_` lUJSE. situated oat ed Sept.: 1818. '2.9-tw in North. Str-c G 1 ct h the uniperty u" the -- sabscr. vet. `I'lirs Facts., c.cntali,,. „ i i fa JOtnS. I AVILLiA._i1 11IAs, A -G C T I O NT F: El TZ 1 -SP 1C'T QL 3�_ _L r -ORRIS errs 'irienas and tele public that lie hr�s com menced the above business and shall be happy to a�hnid sales, in town, or country on reasonable terms; Application to be maJo tq Mr`. James Gotitles, Huron Ilotcl—�Mr. lVnl. Itattcn- buty, Corners or M1'Irs. Bayle -well Devon. shire Settlement. Ithe Subscriber, ub c Ibcr'1 JCO Bushels of Barley ey : t )e d> IvIie>fat the -Ara,land ✓ c cty,.br ' which cash will be pa.I on dclivery. 1_loi.I.tq Si,I::u. Maitland Brewery, Goderich, March, 1848. 3-tw CASH VOR- &.%O L OGFS, AND r �A-W IL G I}O V L ON SIIAI'tES. TIE STJB,S'CRIBER will pay Cash. at the'GoDt R,clt MILLS, for GOOD.DLACK CHERRY SAV LOGS; acid will sate any othet ower- -tion of Saw Lop, for any pa -des O1N uLlililiES. ' IVILLTJILM PIPER. j lvitil a o I PY-0i.L; of GOOD II21BIZ in tlae CELLA R. l an a. CAR DEN RGE C DEN at ar it c' is cligibly e 110:11, u' 'lit' Se i ; and y per on dea`f'ens of pit nu,in; u i s,i, ti"c a! t -will be treated with on inost adt a:._ oeous a. 1 l u nal terms; Ca. ap nlicatio- Ur >VILLiA3I WOOP.HAM. { Goderich; Aug.4, 18.!86 itw FOR S1.L_P. I- L -ki IO i' of I3IiOCIf G, in t•ile Township of Colborne, NVestern Divi - 1 slog, heron District. containing T117. 17.0 11UNDRDD ACRES CFLAND, raith Tweuty t:ve Acres cleared, and in food order, Fences in repair. There'is a good FRAME, 2IL IQJSL (Cottage eta oA„ 5tyI e the lu' � anon ._�., �u- ty, 35 by 3w feet. Also a I� P ,)IE isA;\? 50 by 35;. and Two i+ rani,; Sheds ouch 30 f et long, with a Log Farlii House, In tdlotable repair. ''here e lis of ” water are TL . ree i _gstreams tlli'ougl, the Let, two of which are in the i clearing , a small Orchard about the Fraise Hous.,, and a first rate Tyrell in the. Cellar. allle price of this desirable Property is z 6)0 currency. For particulars �.a pply to _C8-.9. �i?A_Av LTA_S. :;elicitors, 1yest-street. G oclzrich, 'Z'nd March, 1848, 6-tl?i' t...�ric ,c. .-;(TIrC aC)T,nl O firtS.li) ail l' ,ry. - i 1 eC i ri':1, CO Lt,xitlili� 1v tier,s Of LAIJ �1 ... j GSC 'es Clcared. This Lot is -well t,;.:(,,ed and watered.— I For terms of sale; °.c., enquire of S nIt _� r -tL. , r , : I.i AR, i 5 i. I'C'(5-�.:et, Giode;-ieh. I 0-odertcfl,`�(Jai:C3, 1a48. 19 tiv. HOUSE Aide? LOT FOii, SALE. THr UNDERSIGNED is inswacted to ofler for _ale, on velyteasunable terms. the I!ouse and Lot lately in the occupation of Mr. bella- more, in the Town of Goderich. The Zlouse i consists of "two'siories. and there. is an excellent Gardcn alld Lever -:'ailing Spring of the .pures t- lice, o, ue prem is s. P.I: I])a• rbcs one, third down.. t; ill be al- lowed tri play the ren.a_..det ill yearly t t .lments. D. -XIdL MBERT. Goderich, 13 July, 18.10'> i-ttW� IN) TSP Sold), or- LQC, � 0NT REAS0-NABLE TP1L1•IS, FARM- , situated in the Township of; I3ulle t, lieina Lot 23 thrr'd'-Concension- Containin 100 Acres., 18 of which are cleared. arldcotnptt�t';b a D'WELI ENG Huso E. Thi desird151e rroperty is cvateteil by a never -fail r Creek, ant is .vorthy the atte t,.oir of pureliascr=. I YorT,articulars,enguire Of`WM, ROBSRTSO;v,I Es-q.,Gocetuh ;tilt WILLIAM RATTENB lR` Clin- totl Corners, Ji ._.o sub;.oiler. u � ,i, ,tTJ CASIL I71:. j Goderl ..,'Sept 1l 1c 9 �+'`1•'•'�at� �'�' cLs .fir.: , _ , ,ix. ?-, ,. �.,., . 10. I. `S D E e H y 0 !Olt St L.,. THREE THOUSAND ND 1 :V ,1, - -.T iii. t 1'rJ rT11; P l r Y. 2111\711 .Z' 3 P 11 Ih 1'HE TOWNSHIP OF' dao property of the Baron DE TUYLL. T . i nes vice Odin.Gly valuable property con— lists of a I.r.:.i?ler of TOWN LOTS, in he flourishing Village of B YYIELD, .nd of 2 number of P RK LOTS inost'i legibly 'situated on.the banks of Lake alt,- . ou and the beautiful B eld Il.i - fi I er, s i ALSO—A till IBEIi. OF j F A R. T);. L O T S, j f the clicicest land;;in the sante Township, This valuable estatefVsurrourded by Ile densely populated Townships of Gade- ich and Stanly, and there ,is,, Post Office a the Village. The whole of this: desirable property fill :be sold together or separately to suit he convenience of purchasers, on the MUST RE, ASONABLE TERMS. i Tor further jai t= ulars apply to R illiam ,obertson, J;isq • Goderich.. June Fth; 181^•� lb µ NUMLBEIt LXIV NOTICE; All kinds of produce will be taken in exchange for the Iluron Gaxeac—such as beef, pork, flour, barley, oats, peas, butter, eggs, &c. Parties desirous of paying, in wheat,. will have the kindnessto leave it at the Goderich Mills—Thwaites' Store Tuckersmith, or Rattenbury's Store, Clin- ton, where they will receive a receipt. CASH FOR WHEAT. AT THE GODERIC I3 MILLS. 59 tw W. PIPER. II aterials. The building is 32 feet by 24, FOR SALE. and contains one large Dining Room, two Lots 27 and 23 in the Eighth Con6es- Si+ Q'Ig booms, four Bed Roonls, and large sion of. the Township of Ftillarton, Ruron District. The Land is well timbered and I+Tont Room; with a full sized Cellar, con- raining a never failing SPRING, of the watered, P URZ*:ST WATL3R. On`°the premises For particulars apply to Messrs. Bu - there is an Orchard of choice Fruit 'frees, chanan Harris, and Co., Hamilton, or to consisting of Apple, Plumb and Cherry, the Subscribers at their offices in Gode- Stratford, r in a flourishing condition. These desirable rich and Promises are most eligibly situated at the STRACIIAN & LIZAR,,S., junction of Toronto and Pieton Streets, Solicitors, 4•c. and l3rit;annia, Road, at the entrance into Godetlich, April 3, 1849. 59-h.m Goderich. Also— -- A BLOCIC, OF -TILIt=L' L OTS, PATENT PORTABLE GAS. fronting on Toronto, Elgin; and Picton . Streets -being: Lots No, 330, 377, 375, A INE 141, BEAUTIFUL AND BRILLIANT cleared of timber. Al?ViCLE. This very valuable and improving pro- EvansBrothers & Co. perty' will be sold either jointly or sepa- _BEG leave to retui% thanks to their nu- rately, to suit the convenience of pttrcha- mercus enstomers in Hamilton and surround - sero by private contract, on the ing country fbr. the, very .liberal support they hays IVO T L1BE, RAL TER .1,18 S obtained sin, the oilening of their . of ore fvurth,purchase money paid down, the in annual instalments, GENERAL RETAIL HARDWAILD STORE. and remainder in any tcrin not exceeding F... 13. & Co. having succedeed in obtaining tate sole Agency for the sale cf 1L'j YEARS jS�tii ETI' GAS LAMP Further particulars iiiay be obtained by a plicatio . to Gr•,or Gr Browny Jr. Esq., P 1 AND PATEN -T PHOSGENE G A S, J orlN SIL tivaltT, lase(., the Editor of this in Hamilton and Western Districts, wool' invite public attention to the same. They have now on gape); or the subscriber. hand samples of this most safe ecoro!nical and JOSEPH '"rILLIAMSO.N• beautiful light, in a variety of forms, for Private Goderich; I st June, 1848. Houses, Stores, Churches Public Building, &c., and are prepared to take ordet:s for supplying their N. B An undisputed title will custc m.rs with any pattern they may select. -be +l given forthwith. _ i 5tw I The !)i ht is produced by the burning of ani � a a:ritorm' as, which is emitter_ in beautiful jets CAINADA COMPANY. ® -)003 ®00 ! ACRES OF LAND For Sale in Caliaces, West. ''iIIE CANADA COMPANY have for _1.i about 1 din oral 500 0(10 Acres o Land p I � f 3.aporsod throughout most of the Town- ships in Upper i(:anada-ne-arly 500 Q110 iieres are situated in the Ilttron 1'raet, ,vell known as one of the most fortile parts ,f the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion in five years, and now contains upwards )f 20;000 inhabitants. The lands are ;offered by way of L Z; ASF, 'or rl'e;t Yea:rs, or frir :Sale CASII U U blrX --tlee plan of on-e-ftfhh .Caslt and the b'ala:Lce in. fissta'lnbents being done away with. The Tents -payable Ist Feb. encu year ire about the Interest at Sin per Cent. up- mtheprice, oftheLand• Ttpoilrilostof the', Lots, when LLASPD, Xlo 11 oibey is regi4ir- d dozo;t-whilst upon the others according ,0 locality, one, two or three years tent, !rest be paid in. advance,—but those pay - no], ts ay-no]ts will free the Settler from farther calls intil the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of his term of Goas, e. TherighttoPuRcirasz:theFRLr 0LD'd4- -inj theterna,ia secaredtothelesseeata fix- :d suin name cl in tele I;ease;and an allowance s r ade according to anticipated payment. Lists of lands, and any further informa- aon.;can be obtained, (by application if by etter post -paid) -at the COMPASY's OFFICES Zo,o;i!o and Gode'ridt; of R. BIRDSSLL, ',sq. Asphodel Caborne District; Dr. Alling ru dp)k, or J. C. W. DaLy Esq. Stratford, '.i^on District. f March 1848. 5--tw - N 0 T 1 C E Sin airr's OFFICE, e ' Goderich, 22nd Juue,1848: N*, -OT10E is hereby given that I 'shall not tz` hold myself responsible fur any, monies payabla to, Or rccovcrable by me, as Sheriff of the 13uty t DiSttict, U11103S the same are paid to my- sclf, T)crsonallly, or deposited in one of the chart - ,,red Uaiiks of their A ulcics, and a receipt of 'ason• fe tune dellWer- su�u deposifc is within a re ab ed to me personally, or remitted to fele per mail. J. 'McDONALD, Skerxf f Haran District. N. B. -Parties; purchasing goods and chattels, or lands and tenetnenis, at Sheriffs Sale, eau. adopt the above'sure and direct mode of making payments, aswell as parties havingto iouidate ieSTs of am• r,thet' dP-. ,i,iion. 1 _ta'. f•rum small perforations id Platina. The Gas is generated, as it is used, by the heat to of its own combustion on the burner, connected with the liquid in the Lamp; Thus it is a per- feet and portable apparatus for creating and burr -an asrifurm Gas. Tis construction is such, that all pose bility of accident from its use is entirely rc:nuved and the rca,simFL•ciC3 f.its.arrai!ga,nentrendersi2l s liar!c to tiet Out of order than any o[!STr` ri La,np. It requires no cleaning and t.i as do the Oil and Camphene Lair_ps. and u equal!- well either with or without a t tas3 5!uba (.I,sna e, and perfectly free from smoiie c. ouou;. The opinionsof the scientific may be learned - `from the tact, that at the Annual fair o: he Ame- rican Institute in 1815, a SILvna 2,1FDat, was awarded to the Inventor, ,and. a Diploma to the I Manufacturer, and at the same time it was pro- nounced the best light ever exhibited to the It, stitute. These Lamps only require, to be tested, to put. a stop to all complaints about poor lights, smoke ,or grease. They consist of all the various styles of Parlour, Stand, Reading ' ' and FIan d Lamps alsoHanginhbze And two Light, Side and Bracket plaid and, ornamental,' for Churehei , Steamboafs, Railroad Depots, &c.IIailsL The above for ale, Wholesale and Retail, by EVANS, BRoTnEits & Co., fi, Stinson's Block, King Street, Hamilton. LM, One of the Lamps; and a Card of Speef- miens, may be be seen at tine Ifrtron Gazette Offiee, where orders will be received. 29-tw. .TO WAGON MAKERS. An eligible opportunity now offers for a-wagoh maker thourou hly under'standt r., his business, tb commence at. CLINTON, twelve miles from GDdo- rich,on the High Road from I3amilton and London.. A suitable shop may be immediately obtained .cif the subscriber who also has on hand some lumber adopted for wagon building. BARTHOLOMEW LAVINT. Clinton.— G3 -Liv NOTICE. All persons indebted to Duncan McGregor Lamber either by Note or -book account.. are re:• quested_to )a'y the same to Mr; George' Burton at the Huron District Olffcos, on or be:ore the 15th day of May next. and will thereby save'costs. DUNCAN M. G. LAMBERT. Goderich April 27. V3-tw. STB AYED. Prom' the Subscriber or, or about the 12th April, a brown Cow with dark face, a small white spot oil the hind feet, 8 or 9 years old, had d bell on with a rope twice round its beck. WV ,oever will bring her or give information where she may be found will to liberally rewarded. 53-tw HENRY N IVMAN TO BE SOLD OR LET FOR sr NES]? SEASON. Mall's Patent Irick Moulding Machine and Tempering IlHill, together with Adamli Revolving Bricit Deceiver. This w Ma- chine a hors and; ver few bands chine e Y n r 1 t0 n from 0 C00 a able of making is c 10,000, p 0 12.000 stock Bricks per day with ease, superior to those made by the: hand. For farther particulars apply to John r.Ialdan, Sonr, Goderich C. W. 62-tw THE NE'NV IVORK By E. II. Marlton, Esq., and dedicated by permission to the Right !Toil. Col_. Bruce, is intended to be 'published by Subscrip- tion. The'Subscription List now lies at " Lancaater's" for - signature. Parties at a distance wishing to subscribe mill please intimate the same to the Author? Gode- irh h� l£t�p naa „qi•j. 5941