HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Illustrated Signal-Star, 1889-03-25, Page 23GODERI C ! ILL USTRA TED SIGNAL -STAR. FRANCIS SMEETH, PLANING MILL AND SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. Mr. Smeeth began his present business in Goderich in 1870, his location being on the corner of Nelson street and Cambria road. In ` the -Past nineteen years he has been actively identified with a large proportion of the building which has taken place in Goderich and the surrounding country, and no establishment of its kind in Ontario has a better reputation for prompt and reliable work, and adaptation to the changes and improvements in building designs, than has this of Mr. Smeeth. The stock of raw material such as lumber, lath, shingles, cedar and other timbers, is always very full, and a large and improved drying kiln per- mits an almost unlimited supply of material in the right stage for working up. The capacity and equipment of the mill is sufficient for all &asses of manufactures used in building, plain and ornamental designs in mouldings, stairs, sash and doors, and the host of accessories which are ? essential to the convenience and beauty of the humblest dwelling and the largest business block. Contracts for buildings complete up to any amount are taken by Mr: Smeeth and promptlyand satisfactorhy filled, and parties contemplating build- ing will find this establishment a good place to get estimates, and can depend on honorable and skilled work. In a word, Mr. Smeeth is one of . the class of business inen whose relit'ons with the public wear well, and he is confidently recommended to readers of these pages as a good man to deal with. ROBERT MCLEAN, MEAT MARKET AND PORK PACKER' AND DEALER IN HORSES AND EXPORTING CATTLE. Goderich possesses no more active and enterprising citizen than Mr. Robert McLean, who is a native of our county, and has grown up with the town since 1868. His first business was in the handling and shipping of cattle and conducting a general meat market, which he still continues on the Square, near East street, where he does a very large trade. His pork packing establishment is located on Brock street, where he packs each season an immense number of hogs. A large home trade is done with the product, but the bulk is shipped to outside points, including the Northwest, to which country Mr. McLean ships also each year large numbers of horses. Even with the re- sponsibilities of both these businesses, Mr. McLean finds time to employ his surplus capital in buildiag and other enterprises, and is at present putting up a handsome and commodious block of six stores on the corner of Montreal street and the Square. When completed—about July of the present year—these will be amongst the best stands in town, and'furnish capital openings for different lines of business. Their erection reflects great credit on our enterprising townsman. Mr. McLean has an elegant residence on the Huron Road, a view of which we give on page 21, and on ail public 23 questions he is one of our most liberal go-ahead citizens. and I patronized by ladies who want soinething specially good . for 'Asters, jackets and boating or tennis suits. In the winter season fur goods of the better class are kept in stock, and special or individual requirements are supplied with promptness and at reasonable prices. In the cultivation . of their outside trade the firm have facilities and directions for self measure- ment, which they send gratis with samples of goods to parties at a distance, and when these are properly carried out as good a fit and selection is guaranteed as though the order was taken on the premises. The firm of F. & A. Pridham has become one of the leading tailoring establishments in the Province, and to get your clothes at Pridhatp's is a _guarantee that you are \ ell dressed. F. & A. PRIDHAM, THE BEAVER CLOTHING EMPORIUM. No more striking example of a successful business career can be found in this or any other town than is shown in the history of this house. The members of the firm are both young men, born and raised in Goderich, but each of whom spent several years travelling through the larger cities of Canada and the United States that they . might perfect themselves in their trade and acquire wide experience in all its branches. In 1884 they returned to their native town and opened a tailoring and gentlemen's furnishings establishment, and from the .first they have.met with a success almost phenomenal. They now occupy one of the large stores in the Horton block, on the Square, a few doors from North street, and a walk. through their establishment will convince the most critical that it is in every respect a first-class house. They carry at all times an unusually large stock of goods for gentlemen's wear, much of which they import direct from the manu- WILLIAM ELLIOTT, WAGON MAKER AND' GENERAL REPAIRS, has his business stand on Kingston street, half a block from the Square. He is an old resident of our town, with 25 years experience in his line, and either in the manufacture of wagons or repairing, can execute orders with promptness and the best satisfaction. r (4- - 1 111 F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL. facturers, in which will be found every class from the plainest tweeds to the finest -worsteds and broadcloths. These are made up in the latest styles demanded by fashion, and with nothing but the best workman- ship. Aside from the very large home trade which they do, their books show orders from as far distant points as California and the Pacific slope up to Vancouver, through the Northwest and south and east of our town for hundreds of miles. Indeed their trade with outside points would snake a respectable sized business by itself. • Travelers and officials in our great inland marine service find tris house a favorite spot to secure well made and perfect fitting clothing. In the line of gentlemen's furnishings the stock is endless —neckwear, shirts, underwear in all grades up to the finest cashmere and silk, in fact everything a man wants in wearing apparel is here to choose from during every season, Hats and caps are a leading feature, ' and sporting and hunting suits of all classes are made up with promptness and equal to the latest requirements. Their stock is largely R. P. WILKINSON & CO., HARDWARE, PAINTERS' AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. This house has been in exis- tence for 20 years, its originators being Messrs. Johnston & Kerr, who were followed by Kerr & McKenzie, and then by Mr. R. W. McKenzie alone, who con- ducted it most successfully for over 16 years. He retired from business this spring, being suc- ce eded by the present firm of R. P. Wilkinson & Co., the senior partner having been Mr. McKen- zie's chief assistant and manager for the past eleven years. Bob, as he is familiarly termed, is a God- erich boy, a young man, and full of enterprise and activity. The store is located in the Square, midway between Montreal and North streets, and is one of the largest and most complete establishments of its kind in the county. The stock of shelf and general hardware, and builders' materials is very extensive, everything that years of experience shows to be requisite being kept on hand. Paints, oils, glass and all the articles included in the term painters' supplies, are given special atten- tion. Harvesting tools and the many articles essential to a country trade are always to be found, avoiding the annoy- ance which delays in supplying often bring to the busy husbandman. This is the headquarters for sportsmen's goods, every- thing requisite in fishing and shooting being in full stock. Mr. Wilkinson is- one of the most enthusiastic sportsmen we have in this section and he knows what is wanted. A very large trade is done in vessel supplies and outfits, ° the phrase " from a needle to an anchor," finding a literal exemplification here. R. P. Wilkinson & Co. will be found a most satisfactory firm to deal with, having experience, capital and that energy and perseverance which ensures success.