HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Illustrated Signal-Star, 1889-03-25, Page 2222
is representing the best of the leading
Canadian and American makers. Mr.
Thomson aims to make his dealings with
the public in these lines mutually satis-
factory and his agency is ,deservedly
popular. He also keeps on hand a full
stock of violins and strings, flutes,
flageolets, &c. In sewing machines he
represents such improved and popular makes
as the White, the Williams and the Wanzer, Province, and everywhere it has given great
They have a specialty in the manufacture
of school furniture and reversible settees for
halls, churches, &c., their designs and
workmanship in this line being considered
amongst the best on the market. Parties
requiring anything of this kind will find it
a paying investment to consult with the
Goderich Planing Mill. Their work will be
found throughout a large section of this
and keeps, besides a full stock
of these, all repairs, needles, oils,
&c., connected with these house-
hold necessities. Lovers of
'cycling will find Mr. Thomson
headquarters for the best makers
of bicycles, and he -is .prepared to
attend to repairs promptly and
efficiently. He is an enthusiast
On the wheel,and rs always ready
to accompany visiting wheelmen
on .some of the many beautiful
roads for which Goderich is so
famous. The artificial stone
manufactured by Mr. Thomson
is a very superior article, of great
beauty . and undoubted dnira-
bility. His facilities for turning
out this class of work are very complete, THE OCEAN HOTTSE, HARBOR ST.
the plans and designs used being the latest
products of the best city architects. If you
contemplate building and wish to beautify
at a small expense compared with that of
natural stone, you will. find ' it to your
advantage to consult Mr. Thomson, who
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breezes of old Huron, guests have an
opportunity to test, within a few yards of
the house, the water of two mineral wells,
possessed of valuable medicinal properties.
In a large and complete boat house, on the
'beach situated but a few yards from the
hotel, Capt. Babb keeps a fleet of splendid
row boats, and attends to his patrons with
a courtesy and care that gives courage to
the most timid handler of the oars, and
adds to the pleasure of a spin
over the water. He is this
season making arrangements for
a series of rowing races, having
some splendid shells especially
_built for that attractive sport.
As commander of the life saving
station here, Capt. Babb has
won the highest praise from the
government inspectors, for his
efficiency and zeal.
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satisfaction. The long career of;yMessrs.
Buchanan & Robinson, covering 25 years
as proprietors of this ` Grill, and., their
honorable record, are the best guarantee
that orders entrusted to them will be
worthily and promptly filled.
can give you promptly every information.
BUCHANAN & ROBINSON, PROPRIETORS, This hotel,an illustration of which is given
wa`s established ,in 1855, and during the above, is situated at the harbor, within a
long period of its existence it has been one stone's throw of the beach and the docks.
of the solidest institutions of its kind iii Capt. Babb is an old salt, having graduated
Western O n -
tario, its work
being always of
the most reliable
character and its
dealings w i th
and liberal. The
lumber yard s
are filled with
a 11 classes of
lumber, 1 a t h,
shingles, cedar
posts, &c., and
from the sash,
door and blind
factory, there is
regularly turned
out a very large
output of su-
perior workman-
ship. In t h e
various classes
of building ma-
terial the firm
has had an ex-
Mr. Barry is a Canadian by
birth, and has done business in
Goderich for close on to a quarter of a
century, during which time he has stood
prominent as one of our most reliable
and successful tradesmen. His present
quarters are on Hamilton. street, half a
block from the Square, where he carries a
large stock of furniture and furnishings
ranging from the substantial and plain
to the finest and i.nost artistic designs, both
i m port e d and home manufactured.
Whether your tastes and needs be simple
and few or aesthetic and extensive, here you
can at all times find everything requisite,
from the appointments .of the cottage
kitchen to the elaborate and extravagant
furnishings o f
CANAO9# r° 4.
tensive exper-
ience, and
everything from
the plainest trimmings to the most unique ' from Her Majesty's navy, and his house is a long experience and a careful and competent
popular resort for the navigators of our staff' cf assistants. Mr. Barry in all his
great lakes. ]'he hotel is well adapted to business relations, can be fairly commended
meet the requirements of the travelling as a reliable and accommodating tradesman,
public, and an excellent table is at all times and he rightly claims that with his long
practical experience and ample capital he
sells at the lowest working margin possible
with a reliable house.
the parlor and
drawing room,
the patterns and
w orkmanship
being only such
as skill a n (1
good judgment
would select.
He keeps also a
fi n e stock of
which he makes
up for any class
of pictures o r
house decora-
tions. In his
undertaking de-
partment he has
everything re-
quisite for con-
ducting the last
services to
humanity, hav-
ing two hand-
some glass
hearses, a large
stock of coffins,
caskets, &c., a
and elaborate ornamental work is supplied
at the shortest notice, and in any class of
wood desired. Considerable shipments of
'ready-made houses have been made for the
Northwest country. In fact, there is
nothing in the building line made from
wood that cannot be furnished by this firm.
provided. The building commands a fin3
view of the harbor, and in addition to
enjoying the invigorating and health -giving