HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Illustrated Signal-Star, 1889-03-25, Page 19GODERICH ILLUSTRATED SIGNAL -STAR. D. K. STRACHAN, MACHINIST AND BLACKSMITH, whose business stand is on the corner of Nelson and Victoria streets, has one of the mostcompleteestablish mentsof its kind to be found anywhere. In addition to his general trade Mr. Strachan has several specialties in which he has built up a very large business. First amongst these we may mention his ice tools, which have reached their eighteenth annual yew of rnanufacturing,ernbracing an ice plowcapable of cutting 125 cords per day; an ice loader, and a grinder for crushing ice, with a capacity of 10 tons per day. The merits of these articles are attested by a wide sale, including most of the large ice dealers and fish packers throughout Ontario and Manitcba. Next we may mention his improved hot water heater, one of the most economical and efficient heaters for residences and large buildings now on the market. Mr. Strachan has abundant testimonials to show that the amount of fuel used by this heater is but one-third that of the ordinary apparatus of this class. He is the builder for the Dominion Government of the apparatus used at several life saving stations for raising and launching the life boats. In repairing Mr. Strachan is most in- genious and expert, and the publishers of the SIGNAL -STAR can bear testimony to his efficiency with difficult jobs. He Vrightly claims without boasting that he takes jobs which others have given up and generally succeeds with them. ALEX. MUNRO, DRAPER AND HABERDASHER. Mr. Munro has for 30 years been .a resident of our town, and although one of our most recently established business men he is one of the most successful. Experience, capital and skill are the factors necessary in the purchase of goods, and these Mr. Munro possesses in a degree that has enabled him to, .from the first, take a leading position in the trade of our town. He has made it a point to keep quality the chief characteristic in his goods, without sacrificing this to mere cheapness of price, and the purchaser may always rely on getting none but the best articles in every line in his stock. While aiming to keep a full stock of staple and fancy dry goods, well assorted at all seasons, he has from time to time special lines careful l ychosen as to value and popularity, and the public have learned to rely on always finding the correct thing at Munro's. This season he is announcing as leading features linen goods, fine hosiery and gloves, and all the leading items in small wares. A native born Scotchtnan, Mr. Munro possesses all the characteristics of a careful and shrewd business man, a keen observer of the public wants and a prompt attention to their supply. He has as his motto, " All goods of first-class quality, marked in plain figures and .strictly one price." E. RICHARDSON,. DENTIST. The above is a faithful portrait of Dr. Edward Richardson, L. D. S., the popular West -street dentist. He has been in town but a year, yet his practice has grown extensively, and is constantly increasing. His recognized efficiency, excellent equip- ment and pleasing address, combined with a genial manner, have made him a general favorite. Tourists visiting him express themselves as delighted with his skill and cordiality. Office in the Grand Opera House block. COLBORNE BROTHERS, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND GROCERIES. This firm, established in September, 1879, is located on the corner of the Square and 19 the caritalist's mansion. Their stock throughout is at all times an unusually large one, not surpassed in either variety or extent outside the larger city stores, and as the firm have made it a rule to buy for spot cash, they are always in a position to give their customers the lowest rates. They are large purchasers of country produce, and every year do a large trade in the purchase of wool. They have also done a considerable business in grain, handling during the past season a very large amount. In brief it may be said that this firrn is one of the most enterprising and extensive in its dealings to be found in our. county, and they have an established reputation for prompt and honorable dealings. The members of the firm are John H. and W. Ambrose Colborne, and they hail originally from the County of Lanark. The senior partner has for years been a prominent 'member of our town council, and an active worker in our Mechanics' Institute. J. A. REID & BRO., GENERAL STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AND MERCHANT TAILORS. This firm, composed of James A. and Samuel J. Reid, occupy one of the hand- somest stores on the Square, some 80 feet long, two flats and the basement being occupied, the second door north of the intersection of Colborne street. They are Goderich boys, having been born and raised here, and the senior partner began business in 1879, Samuel Reid joining his brother three years ago. The leading department is of course that of dry goods, in which everything within the terms staple and fancy can at all times be found in great variety. The firm are experienced buyers, and having a good financial standing secure always the best terms from manufacturers and wholesalers, of which their customers get the benefit. Of their stock in this department it is difficult to particularize—suffice it to say that their shelves are full to overflowing with the standard lines and all the latest novelties. Dressmaking is also carried on in connection, so that ladies have every facility for securing the latest goods made up in a style equal to the most recent de- mands of fashion. The merchant t a i l o r i n g department is under the imme- diate supervision of Mr. S. J. Reid, and this is always kept stocked with the best of tweeds, cloths, suitings and everything necessary for what would really constitute a large single busi- ness. A large force of hands is constantly employed in this de - department, and the most im- proved methods of cutting and fitting guarantee satisfaction to all patrons. rj �:.�\.;;kRr'.��CIli RESIDENCE OF J. M. SHEPHERD, SOUTH STREET. Hamilton street, where they occupy two flats and the basement of a store 85 feet deep. While their principal trade is in staple and fancy dry goods, of which they are large direct importers, _they maka a speciality of carpets and house furnishings, in which departments they can meet the requirements of the mechanic's cottage or JOT -TN F. BATES, WAGON MAKER AND GENERAL REPAIRS, corner of Victoria and Trafalgar streets, is a competent workman and a reliable business man. He has for years enjoyed a good trade and has an established reputation for prompt and honorable work.