HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Illustrated Signal-Star, 1889-03-25, Page 16GODERICH ILL USTRA TED SIGNAL -STAR. C. G. NEWTON, DEALER IN HATS, CAPS AND GENTS' FURNISH- INGS. In the " Oddfellows Block," at the corner of North street and the Square, is situated the Hat and Cap Emporium and Gents' Furnishing Establishment of C. G. Newton. For a number of years past Mr. Newton has successfully carried on his business in Gode- rich, and so well has he been patronized that he has been compelled to increase his accommodation to find room for his extensive stock. His specialty is the importation of fine English hats, and in this • line he is second to none. WM. ACHESON, DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &C. The oldest established harness business in town is conducted by Wrn. Acheson, on Hamilton-st., dating back to 1862. He is the third of the name engaged in different branches of business in town, and it is needless to say possesses the pluck, perseverance and energy which appears to be a family characteristic. He car- ries the largest stock in his var- ious lines in the county, and has a patronage that warrants the -carrying of the large stock. In addition to being an importer of the best outside goods, he has a full staff of work- men and under personal supervision makes a specialty of fine harness. In addition to being a successful business man he has found time to devote to the public interest, and for a number of years has been a val- ued member of the Public School Board of the town. THE HOME OF M. C. CAMERON. This residence is one of the finest west of Toronto. The main building is 60 x 55, with a kitchen range of 50 x 25. The house is heated with hot air and lighted with gas, and has hot and cold water in the various rooms. Connected with thehouse is a conser- vatory, 37 x 17, a hot grapery, 17 x 17, and a cold grapery, 50 x 17. The plants and vines himself of them, and the result is that Goderich can boast of a well-appointed art studio that would do credit to many much larger towns. The studio has been com- pletely renovated from the entrance to the reception, operating and finishing rooms, and everything has been done towards securing suitable back -grounds and other accessories to make pleasing pictures of family groups or individuals. Every ap- pliance has been obtained for turning out first-class work, and for copying and enlarging. Re- cently a handsome plate glass show window has been placed at the entrance on Montreal st., which has already become a centre of attraction to visitors and others seeking something exquisite in art. It is the in- tention hereafter to keep a full line of oil paintings and Taber's famous artotypes in stock, to- gether with a splendid assort- ment of mouldings of the latest designs and finest finish. The time for viewing is now at hand, and persons desirous of having their residences taken can re- ceive full satisfaction, as a com- plete outfit for this class of work has been specially obtained. Orders left early in this line al- ways give the artist an oppor- tunity to select the most favorable time for securing the most perfect pictures. Mr. Thos. Brophy, who has assisted Mr. Sallows for the past seven years, has full control of the finishing department, and it is needless to say is thoroughly proficient in his chosen vocation. During the absence of Mr. Sallows from the studio work can always be entrust- ed to Mr. Brophy with the utmost confidence. Lastly, but by no means least interesting, is the lantern department in connec- tion with the establishment. Mr. Sallows has imported from one of the leading opticians in London, England, a world-renowned "Pam- phengos Dissolving Views Appar- atus." During the past winter over twenty public exhibitions have been given to Sabbath schools and churches in Huron county, with unbounded success and satisfaction to all concerned. The views, which are of the best, are all colored by the first Eng- lish artists, and comprise travels in the Holy Land, Egypt and Tndia, and these will be supple- nented as occasion requires. A large assortment of views of local scenery, statuary and slides of passing events, &c., will also be obtained. Terms for exhibition, public and private, which are moderate, can be had d on applica- tion. • T�4oryTaE! Laiwe RESIDENCE OF M. C. CAMERON, Q.C., NAPIER STREET. R. B. SMITH & CO. Something like twenty years ago the business that is now so widely known as the Estate of R. B. Smith & Co. was established in Goderich, and was conducted by the late R. B. Smith until his death in 1874. After that event the business was conducted under the firm name of " Estate of R. B. Smith," and continued to do a good trade. In 1883 Mr. C. W. Andrews, the present efficient manager, was installed as business superintendent, and continued in that position until the following year, when the firm was re -organized, •becoming R. B. Smith & Co.," with Mr. An- drews as partner and manager. The firm has an extensive busi- ness connection, and m a k e s a specialty of the fine classes of dry goods, fancy goods, carpets, &c. The appearance of the premises is such that customers are much taken with the neatness and order that prevails, and the selection of goods is so choice that the most fastidious. taste is al- ways suited. In addition to the regular trade, a special line is kept in ladies' fine work, which is under the personal supervision of Mrs. Smith, and which never fails to give satisfaction to patrons. What- ever is new and whatever is neat can al- ways be had at R. B. Smith & Co's. 5 are very choice. The grounds consist of two acres, laid out and planted in the most artistic style and with the best plants, shrubs and trees. There are also large and commodious stables, coach and driving houses, fountains and abundance of water on the premises. Altogether this is one of the most complete and charming homes in the West. ��ilt ennrn �; ��i I I i `�11 ! ,noon i�l,[u, ill n! �� tuIIIIHIIlll57 IIIIII`III I f;IIRNI N' 711, IL L' ILII lel! li ':l nn u unm: &4.. 14490//40 8.r1C, C RESIDENCE OF DR. T. F. M'LEAN, BRUCE STREET. THE ART STUDIO, R. R. SALLOWS, PROPRIETOR.. In 1881 Mr. R. R. Sallows purchased the right, title and interest of the Art Studio on the corner of Montreal street and the Square, from Mr. R. R. Thompson, and since that time has worked up a business second to none outside of the cities. As improvements in his line of art have made their appearance he has not failed to avail C. A. NAIRN, GENERAL GROCER AND IMPORTER. The well-known grocery house carried on by C. A. Nairn was established in 1863 by Henry Horton, and was cond ucted success- fully by that gentleman until 1880, when he retired in favor of the present proprietor, who had been his principal assistant for the previous ten years. Since the business has conte under the management of Mr. Nairn