HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Illustrated Signal-Star, 1889-03-25, Page 1212 GODERICH ILL UST RzI TED SIGNAL -STAR.
Mr. O'Dea has held its own as a business
emporium for several years. In it can be
found e‘ ery requisite of a first-class busi-
ness house, and the gocds on the shelves
give evidence of careful selection, neatness
and order. Mr. O'Dea is one of the oldest
business men of the town, having been a
resident since 1859, and during that time
has been successful in getting a large busi-
ness connection, and a good re-
putation as a public dealer in
his line. The store itself is one
of -he largest in town, and the
quality of stock carried is infer-
ior to none. _ In addition- to the
heavy stock of dry goods, gents'
f urnishingsandready madecloth-
ing, there is a full display of
groceries, for the benefit of the
general public who favor him
with their custom. The manager
can always be found at his place
of business on the north side of
the Square, ready and willing to
give all patrons the benefit of
his ripe experience in his chosen
The Pharmacy was established
in 1854 by the late George Cattle,
who continued to conduct it un-
til his death in 1881. The busi-
ness was then taken hold of by
Mr. Geo. Rhynas, the present energetic and
efficient proprietor, and has continued until
the present one of the leading drug stores
of the town. For number of years the
Pharmacy was carried'on in the old Albion
Block, but after the destruction of that
building by the fire of .Feb. 24th, 1881, it
was reinoved to - -the corner of Montreal
street and the Square, where business was
done until March of the present year, when
it was removed to the present •handsome
and commodious quarters in
cial success to himself, but is a great boon
to his patrons. Recently he has greatly
improved his premises, by having placed in
it a handsome plate -glass front and re-
modelling the interior of his capacious and
handsome sale room, which is brilliantly
illuminated by electric light. Everything
that money and artistic taste could do to
improve the surroundings has been done,
Rooms of Messrs. Chrystal .& Black, a firm
which for about ten years has occupied a
front position as a manufacturing establish-
ment, not only in Goderich, but in Western
Ontario. The proprietors are Goderich men
in every sense of the term, and have en-
deavored to keep up the name of the town
as a manufacturing centre, so far as their
line is concerned. Wherever Boilers,
Smoke -stacks, or Sheet .Iron
Work of any kind is required in
the Western Peninsula, Chrystal
& Black have been found enter-
ing into generally successful com-
petition with opponents from
more pretentious towns. Last
year they succeeded in sweeping
out all opposition when the con-
tracts for the mammoth boilers
in connection with • the water-
works and electric light system
of Goderich were let, and in Car-
rying out the work they gave
the best satisfaction of all of the
contractors who were engaged
on the different branches of in-
dustry connected with the under-
taking. The firm has a capital
business record, a good financial
standing, a name for turning out
conscientious work, and the full
confidence of all who have en-
trusted undertakings to there.
During the past year the business
of supplying engines has been
added, the special line being the
celebrated Corliss Engine, which for good
work and durability cannot be excelled by
any other make. May their business in-
crease and prosper so that the town will.
get therefrom even a greater benefit than
.c 0.
and the shelves are closely packed from
floor to ceiling with assortments of goods
in his line that prove that while cultivating
the esthetic he has not forgotten the prac-
tical nature of the business in which he is
engaged. Mr. Downing is looked up to as
one of our thorough -going and progressive
business men, and has met with the success
that push, pluck and enterprise usually
bring in their train. He is English by
birth, but although loyal to the traditions
Acheson's Opera Block, fronting
the Square. It has been specially
fitted up with all modern equip-
ments, such as electric light, tele-
phone, &c., and is another of our
town institutions that cannot be
excelled outside of the large
cities. The Pharmacy has a good
patronage, and a popular and
capable manager; and with a full
stock in drugs and fancy goods,
and the latest and best lines in
patent medicines, is sure to con-
tinue to do its share in filling the
requirements of the public.
The business carried on under the name
of "John Acheson " vas estab-
One of the best known busi-
ness establishments in Goderich
is the boot and shoe emporium
and manufacturinghouse of E.
Downing, l o c a t e d on the corner of
East street and the Square. Some fifteen
years ago Mr. Downing came to Goderich
and entered into business, occupying the
stand in Crabb's block, on the corner of
Kingston street and the Square. Subse-
quently he removed to his present location,
where he has been successful in building up
a business which has not only been a finan-
tr pr¢im� yf t -9 1,9-.q•
of the Old Land, is staunch and
country in which fie lives.
true to the
Situated immediately opposite the G. T.
R. station is the Boiler Works and Engine
lashed in 1876 by John Acheson,
sr. Since that time the place as
a centre of trade has become a
familiar institution, not only in
Goderich, but in the neighboring
townships for miles around. By
uniform courtesy and square
dealing the trade has been made
to increase and multiply until
now it holds rank with the best
twits line in the county of Huron.
Every department is well
stocked, every line is well chosen,
and in the special departments
the exhibit is the best that mon-
ey can buy or long experience
dictate. Of late -years the busi-
ness of direct importation from
the Old Country markets has
been added, and the result is a
better selection and quality of
goods than could be obtained by
keeping to the more restricted
Canadian markets. For the past four
years Mr. John T. Acheson has been the
buyer for the firm, and the manner in
which he has succeeded in keeping in touch
with the latest and best styles and qualities
of goods has been shown in the large trade
which has been done by the establish-
ment during these years, which, in many
other cases, 1 ave proved a time of depres-