HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-09-10, Page 5Celebration of Life for Katy Hackett Submitted Names in picture:An ornamental pear tree was planted in honour of Katy Hackett at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home on September 1, 2014. Back from left:Allan Hackett, Gladys Hamilton Larry Hackett, Nick Caen Front from left: Stuart Hackett, Cora Brown, Mercedes, Jackie Daer. Pincrest Manor Nursing Home Submitted Pinecrest held a cele- bration of life in memory of Katy Hackett on Sep- tember 1, 2014. Katy was a valued member of our Pinecrest Community. Rev. Gerald McFarlane conducted the service. Mr Cliff Emmerton, President of Resident Council pro- vided the music. Staff members purchased an ornamental pear tree in honour of Katy. Many family members, friends, residents' and co-workers attended the ceremony. Full Day Kindergarten Fully Rolled Out Bluewater District School Board Submitted To coincide with the beginning of the 2014 - 2015 school year, Full Day Kindergarten is now fully implemented with 39 schools throughout Blue - water District School Board offering the program to the local area's youngest learners. Full Day Kinder- garten has been phased into Ontario schools over the past five years. This fall, the remaining 11 Blue - water schools are ready for the program with 27 new classrooms (19 English and 8 French Immersion). Research demonstrates that positive early years experiences lead to improved determinants of health, resulting in better social, economic, and health outcomes through- out the life cycle (Ontario Early Years Policy Frame- work - 2013). Some of the data collected thus far regarding Full Day Kinder- garten indicates that par- ticipating children dem- onstrated improved scores in social competence, lan- guage and cognitive development, and communication. In an effort to streamline and align early childhood education, all early years Special Youth Sections At The Fall Fair Fall Fair Facts Submitted Class 40 in the Lucknow Fall Fair book gives complete details on sections directly aimed toward youth. You'll find that class bro- ken down into 6 to 9 year olds, 10 to 13, and 14 to 18. Check it out and get the young people in your family involved in the fall fair. Don't forget, our young people are the ones we will be looking to carry on the tradition of the fall fair. This is Lucknow's 151st fair. and child care programs in Ontario have been placed under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education. Many Bluewater schools are currently partnered with child care providers to offer extended day pro- grams for students enrolled in Full Day Kindergarten. These programs share simi- lar curriculum goals and instructional approaches while creating the opportu- nity for students to maxi- mize their development and learning. The 11 schools that are implementing Full Day Kindergarten in 2014 - 2015 are as follows: Bruce Peninsula District School (Lion's Head), Chesley District Community School, Dawnview Public School (Hanover), Duf- ferin Elementary School (Owen Sound), Elgin Mar- ket Public School (Kincar- dine), Hanover Heights Community School, Pais- ley Central School, Ripley - Huron Community School, Spruce Ridge Community School (Durham), St. Edmunds Public School (Tobermory), St. Vincent- Euphrasia Elementary School (Meaford). Parents/guardians who would like to register their children for Full Day Kin- dergarten in September 2015 can visit www.bwdsb. on.ca/instructional_pro- grams/jr_kgtn for a list of this fall's registration dates. Canadian C.ancer Society Societe esmadie.nne du cancer LET'S MAKE CANCER HISTORY For inrorrnation about cancer, se.rvices Or to make. a donation 1-888-939-3333 • wvirw.cancer.ca Wednesday, September 10, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 letters to the editor Lucknow Sign There is one thing that is bugging me and has been every time I have been up to Lucknow in the last little while. The new sign on the way into town is anemic, dull and boring. It gives the impression that the town is that way as well and that is anything but true. As far as I am concerned it is difficult to see and it blends in to the surrounding fields. The old sign stood out made reference to its his- tory and the wording was something that others would remember. What happened to the old sign? If it needed repair why wasn't it fixed and if needed moved to the present location? - Evan Agnew lucknowsentinel.com SUDOKU THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE SPONSORED BY Mitchell Twolan, Broker of Record Lake Range Realty Ltd. Brokerage 3430 Concession 2, Point Clark R.R.1 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X3 Office: 519-395-3959 Toll Free: 1-866-495-3959 Direct Line: 519-955-0664 www.lakerangerealty.ca ANSWER C 1, 17 3 3 9 L 8 6 SL 3 3 I- 69 6 1 17 C 82 8 9 1 C 17 3 3 I- 8 9 C 17 5 L 94 1 , L 9 9 6 9 8 6 17 1 1 6 8 9 3 C L 8 1 C L 9 17 76 6 3 8 3 9 1 6 9 8 17 CL 5 17 6 7 3 2 £ 4 9 9 ANSWER C 1, 17 9 3 9 L 8 6 SL 3 I- 8 6 9 17 C 6 8 9 L C 17 3 S I- 8 9 C 17 6 L 9 1 3 L 3 9 Cl. 9 8 6 17 1 17 6 8 9 3 C L 9 9 C L 9 17 I. 6 3 8 3 9 1 6 9 8 17 CL 17 6 8 3 L £ I- 9 9 Level: Intermediate To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: • Each of the nine vertical columns • Each of the nine horizontal rows • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes • Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box