HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-09-10, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Local Resident Rides to
Fight Prostate Cancer
Tony Miltenburg was the top fundraiser in the Grey Bruce TELUS
Ride for Dad in Owen Sound on August 9, 2014.
Grey Bruce TELUS
Motorcycle Ride
for Dad
Valerie Gillies
Editor, Lucknow Sentinel
Local resident Tony Millen -
burg particpated in the Ride
for Dad 2014 on August 9,
The Grey Bruce TELUS
Motorcycle Ride for Dad is a
fundraiser to fight against
prostrate cancer. This was first
year that this event was held
in Owen Sound including a
full day of riding, lunch, a
poker run and prizes. The
Owen Sound ride had 89
bikes participating who
together raised over $21,000
Tony Miltenburg was the
top fundraiser with a $6,300
total. His brother-in-law, Jack
Boulet, was second highest.
Miltenburg states, "I cannot
prevent prostrate cancer, I
cannot cure prostrate cancer
but I can ask you to get
checked early, because early
detection is treatable
Donations to fight prostrate
cancer can be made on the
TELUS Ride for Dad website
Choose the Donate button
and click on "make a general
donation" or search for your
preferred team or rider to
New Immunization Requirements for School Attendance
Huron County
Health Unit
The Huron County Health
Unit reminds parents and
caregivers that three vac-
cines in the province's
immunization schedule are
now required for students to
attend school.
Effective July 1, 2014,
changes to the Immuniza-
tion of School Pupils Act
(ISPA) require students to
have immunizations against
pertussis (whooping cough)
and meningitis. Children
starting junior kindergarten
this year must also receive
the varicella (chickenpox)
"These vaccines are in
the Publicly Funded Immu-
nization Schedule for
Ontario but were not previ-
ously required for school
attendance," says Public
Health Nurse Shirley Chal-
mers. "The changes help
further protect children
and communities against
vaccine -preventable
Ontario students are
already required to receive
immunizations against diph-
theria, tetanus, polio, mea-
sles, mumps and rubella.
Health units are required
to keep immunization
records of all students. The
Huron County Health Unit
usually receives immuniza-
tion information from par-
ents and caregivers through
the school registration pro-
cess. The copy provided to
the school is sent to the
Health Unit
If your child receives a vac-
cine after they have registered
for school that information is
not automatically shared
between physician offices and
the Health Unit. Be sure to
report these immunizations to
the Huron County Health Unit
so that your child's records are
kept up to date.
To report an immuniza-
tion or to ask questions
about these changes, please
contact us: 519-482-3416
or 1-877-837-6143.ext. 2329,
e-mail "mailto:immunize@
county.ca, fax 519-482-9014.
Police Briefs
On August 23, 2014 at 11:07
p.m. a Huron County Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) officer
was travelling southbound on
Lucknow Line when he came
upon a Chevrolet Blazer in
the east ditch near Nile Road.
The investigation revealed the
driver of the Blazer was travel-
ling southbound on Lucknow
Line when she lost control of
her vehicle, hit the shoulder of
the road and then skidded off
into the ditch.
Both the driver and pas-
senger were uninjured however
when the officer was speaking
with the female driver he noted
she had been drinking alcohol.
A roadside screening test was
administered which the driver
failed. She was arrested and
transported to the Huron OPP
Detachment for breath tests.
Two breath samples were pro-
vided to the qualified Intoxilizer
Technician and both samples
registered over the legal limit.
As a result a 25 year old fe-
male from Norfolk County, has
been charged with Drive Motor
Vehicle - Over 80 Milligrams
of Alcohol & Careless Driving.
She has a court appearance
scheduled for the Ontario
Court of Justice - Goderich
on September 22, 2014. She
received an automatic 90 day
driver's licence suspension and
her motor vehicle has been im-
pounded for seven days.
Just after 10:30 p.m. on Au-
gust 23, 2014 a Huron County
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
Officer observed the driver
of an eastbound Chevrolet
Impala travelling in an erratic
manner. The officer noted the
driver was swerving from the
shoulder of the road across to
the center line. The driver was
stopped and upon speaking
with the young driver the offi-
cer noted he had been drinking
A roadside screening test
was administered which the
driver failed. He was arrested
and transported to the Huron
OPP Detachment for breath
tests. He provided two breath
samples to a qualified Intox-
ilizer Technician and both
samples registered over the
legal limit.
As a result, a 17 year old
male from South Bruce has
been charged with Drive Motor
Vehicle - Over 80 Milligrams of
Alcohol. He has a court appear-
ance scheduled for the Youth
Justice Court - Goderich on
October 2,2014. He received
an automatic 90 day driver's
licence suspension and his
father's motor vehicle has been
impounded for seven days.
Huron County Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) is cur-
rently searching Lake Huron
for a missing 39 year old male.
Yesterday afternoon at approxi-
mately 3:30 p.m. Huron County
OPP and Lucknow Fire Depart-
ment members responded to
the Port Albert Main Beach
after receiving a 9-1-1 call for
assistance involving three
swimmers that were in distress
in the water.
Police learned the missing
male went into the water along
with another adult male to res-
cue the missing male's seven
year old son. The young boy
was observed struggling in the
powerful current at the mouth
of the Nine Mile River and Lake
The boy and one of the
rescuers were able to safely
make it back to shore however
the boy's father was overcome
by the powerful undertow and
failed to return to shore.
Canadian Coast Guard ves-
sels, a helicopter from Joint
Rescue Coordination Centre
(JRCC) Trenton, two OPP Ma-
rine vessels and members from
the OPP Emergency Response
Team (ERT) have been utilized
in the search for the missing
The OPP Underwater Search
& Recovery Unit (USR(J) ar-
rived on scene this morning to
assist in the search.
The investigation is ongo-
ing. Further information will
be released as it becomes
The Ontario Provincial Police
(OPP) Underwater Search & Re-
covery Unit (USRU) has located
the body of male swimmer that
went missing yesterday after-
noon. The male did not return
to shore after he went into the
water to rescue his seven year
old son that was struggling with
a powerful undertow located at
the mouth of the Nine Mile River
and Lake Huron.
This afternoon at 1:45 p.m.
members from the OPP Under-
water Search & Recovery Unit
(USRU) located the male in
Lake Huron approximately 150
meters from the shoreline.
The deceased has been
identified as Tomasz GLAD-
KOWSKI, 39 years of age from
On August 29, 2014, the
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
Organized Crime Enforcement
Bureau - Drug Enforcement
Unit (DEU), with the assistance
of the Emergency Response
Team (ERT), West Region Ca-
nine Unit (K9), South Bruce
OPP and South Bruce Crime
Unit, executed a Controlled
Drugs and Substances Act
search warrant at a property on
Tain Street in Ripley.
Police seized various con-
trolled substances including
marihuana, oxycodone, hydro-
morphone and meth. The com-
bined estimated value of the
seized controlled substances
was $1,200.00. Police further
seized offence related property
that consisted of marihuana
production equipment and traf-
ficking paraphernalia with an
estimated value of $1800.00.
A 65 year old male of Huron -
Kinloss Township was arrested
and charged with production
of cannabis marihuana, pos-
session of cannabis marihuana
for the purposes of trafficking,
possession of oxycodone for
the purpose of trafficking, pos-
session of methamphetamine
for the purposes of trafficking,
possession of hydromorphone,
possession of cannabis resin,
and failing to comply with con-
ditions of a probation order.
A 49 year old female of
Huron -Kinloss was arrested
and charged with the same of-
fences, as well as an additional
count of failing to comply with
conditions of a Recognizance.
Both subjects were held in
custody pending the result of
their bail hearings.
The South Bruce OPP is
requesting anyone with infor-
mation that can assist police to
cal11-888-310-1122. Should you
wish to remain anonymous,
you can call Crime Stoppers at
1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or send
a web -tip to crimestop-gb.org,
where you may be eligible to
receive a cash reward of up to
Huron County Ontario Pro-
vincial Police (OPP) officers
are investigating the theft of
a green 2007 Polaris Sports-
man 500 ATV stolen from a St.
Helen's Line property.
Those responsible for the
theft attended the property
sometime between 12:15 p.m.
on August 30, 2014 and 2:30
p.m. on August 31,2014 and
entered an unlocked garage.
Once inside they located the
ATV and drove off in an un-
known direction of travel.
The stolen ATV is described
as a green 2007 Polaris Sports-
man 500 ATV with black fend-
ers. There is also a yellow rack
attached to the front and a
white 10 gallon field sprayer at-
tached to the rear. The ATV and
sprayer are valued at a total of
approximately $10,000.
Any person with information
regarding this incident should
immediately contact Huron
OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519)