HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-09-03, Page 1314 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, September 3, 2014 ADVERTISING WORKS! Network e LASS 1 1 1 -I ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! Formoreinformationcontactyourlocal newspaper MISCELLANEOUS Turn your dotal VIu into a sure way to save money, use as beset° mounta verlieel wind ty bine Kelso Energy, 204-325-0554 barty@ked scenemycom DRIVERS WANTED LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION requires opedenced AZ leensed ddvers to run the U.S. Premium mileage rate. Home weekty. New equidment Also hiing Omer Operators. 1.800. 263,4267 DRIVE STAR •AEDZ Divers wanted b delnier new & used huda to vaicus locations around North Amedca.Ernal resume 0:000:6,9,0 drive-starcom, FaK 1-866-754-5718 a CALL Tcl-Free1,955-781-3787. MORTGAGES AS SEEN ON TV•Need a MORTGAGE, Home Equity Loan, Better Rate? Bad Credit, Self- Empbyed, Sankey!? Been timed down? Feu irg Foredosure,Pow of S4e? 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All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e—mail: milestones.sun@yourlifemoments.ca Obituaries I In Memoriam I Thanks I Births I Celebrations I More Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Make a Difference in YOUR Community JOIN THE GREY -BRUCE VON VOLUNTEER TEAM TODAY! Individuals & Families need YOUR HELP in Communities across Grey -Bruce VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: HOSPICE VOLUNTEER VISITING • Bereavement Support • Music Care Service • Residential Hospice Support • Caregiver Support Fall Education Locations: *Owen Sound •Wiarton •Markdale •Kincardine SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) 0 Exercise and Falls Prevention Program • Free training provided (including First Aid & CPR) 1 Hour Gentle Fitness Classes Sites: •Teeswater •Sauble Beach 'Owen Sound & Area FOR INFORMATION: VON Grey -Bruce (519) 371-5331 x223 Jacqueline.herbert@von.ca Lucknow Legion Branch 309 t▪ 7754* September Events 1 1 September 3rd Seniors Dining 1 September 6th Breakfast 8 a.m. to 12 noon September 6th Wing Night -Bruce Vincent 1 entertaining 1 ▪ September 23rd Executive Meeting I September 24th L.C.P.S. Bbq- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. I 1 September 28th Gerry Dorscht/Bill Haldenby 1 Annual Shoot Tournament 1 September 30th Regular Meeting 1 IFor more info contact the branch at 519-528-2745 Clip & Save 1 CAMP MENESETUNG Turkey Dinner, Oc- tober 4, 2014, 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m., Camp Menesetung, 82190 Church Camp Rd. Adults - $14 in advance, $15 at door, Chil- dren 5 to 10 $7, under 5 free. Take outs available. Contact for tickets any Board member or call 519-523-4290 or 519-524-6157. FRIDAY Night Supper — barbecued sau- sage on a bun, salads, dessert and drinks at the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Fri- day, Sept. 5, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $12; under 12 $6; limited tickets. 519-528-2284 HAWK Theatre is holding a youth acting workshop with MacKenzie Carruthers on Sat. Sept. 6th at Lucknow Town Hall from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for ages 7 -12. Reg- istration is 9:30 a.m. Cost is $5.00. This will be followed by a monologue workshop for ages 12 and older from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. also with MacKenzie Carruthers. Stage experience would be beneficial but not necessary. Cost is $5.00 for more info or to pre - register contact Gail 519-395-5497. LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE RENTAL OPTIONS • Main Hall • Kitchen Facilities • Meeting Room Seats 80 INFO & BOOKINGS CALL Lucknow Travel 519-528-2388 Lucknow Fall Fair Celebrate our 15Ist Sept. 19, 20, 21 • Midway Friday and Saturday • Pie, Cake Auction Friday • Lucknow's Little Mudder Saturday at 9 a.m. • Parade has 11 a.m. start Saturday • Sunday Fair Breakfast, 8:30 to 11:30 • Sunday Church service, 10 a.m. • Entries wanted from area youth - see pages 72 to 76 in fair book www.lucknowagsociety.ca enNtr.r. Edwin Secwyer Cusill and JS/tr: et,..2S/trr. 23ccric ‘7Zeizr vc.2,14.cknow annonnce tke mars -Ise f th.eir children , /- Victoria Seavjer 6c g;teirew wi eakeyace S5sfestE4er 13, .2(H4 at post qien. rec5Wvit at 8: lost ot thefetrft vt.9<ins G'4 Sontk Xinitv.r Rve...Litcknent, PreAr Cantai) HAWK Theatre is seeking people from local area who are interested in stage production of amateur theatre. Every aspect of a pro- duction is needed including acting, director producer, costuming, set building, etc. If you are that person and can contribute some skills and time, HAWK would like to hear from you. No experience is necessary but definitely an asset. Contact Keith 519-395-5497.