HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-10-29, Page 9115g Township of Huron — Kintoss
PUHA [ — — Lucky:ow
Huron -Kinloss Council
Valerie Gillies
Editor, Lucknow Sentinel
Public Meeting of Development
Charges By -Law
The Development Charges By -Law is
at the stage where a public meeting was
to be held. This took place at the
Huron -Kinloss Council Meeting on
October 20, 2014.
It was explained that Huron -Kin-
loss was divided into 3 areas: Lake-
shore, Rural Huron and Rural Kinloss
for the research portion of the Devel-
opment Charges calculations. It was
noted that the most common resi-
dence in Huron -Kinloss is the single
family home with an average of 2.5
people per family unit, with the aver-
age for apartments being 1.5 per unit.
Although there have been some shifts
to larger households in the last few
years, the resulting statistics have
been offset by split families, single
person households and retirees.
Another statistical factor is that the
2011-2039 estimated population
growth does not include seasonal res-
idences, however, to better reflect the
actual growth in the Township sea-
sonal residences were included in the
estimates for number of residences to
assess the need for services.
The next step in the process is for
Council to give approval or not to the
By -Law. There will be 40 days to appeal
this decision once it is made.
Double Hatting
A resolution was passed by Council
to request the Province of Ontario to
amend the Fire Portection and Pre-
vention Act, 1997 which denies mem-
bership in an association of fire
fighters if they are salaried, yet choose
to work as volunteer firefighters out-
side of their salaried position. This
volunteering as a firefighter in a dif-
ferent municipal jurisdiction to the
one in which they are salaried fire-
fighters is referred to as "Double Hat -
ting': The Council posed that the right
of individuals to use their free time in
service of their community is a funda-
mental right in a free, open and dem-
ocratic society.
Regulatory Area Mapping
Council resolved to support the
Resolution of Bruce County in
requesting that Saugeen Valley Con-
servation Authority provide funding
for the creation and improvement of
Regulatory Area Mapping throughout
their watersheds over the next 2 fiscal
years. Bruce County is also requesting
Ontario MNR provide further funding
to SVGA for this mapping. The resolu-
tion also addressed funding and time-
liness in dealing with enquiries and
applications to the SVGA among
other recommendations.
Rescue Van
The Fire Rescue van that was
involved in a single vehicle accident
earlier this year has been deemed as a
total write-off by Aviva Insurance. There
is enough insurance for replacement
cost less 10%. Council is moving for-
ward with getting quotes for a replace-
ment van. There may be one available
from a supplier that is being checked
into. If it is deemed as a suitable
replacement it would shorten the time
without a van. A rental van while the
replacement is being sought is not cov-
ered in the insurance policy.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 9
Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel
Fall Clean Up
Huron -Kinloss Township workers J P Walden (front) and Colleen Gillies were cleaning up outside the
Municipal Office in Ripley on October 24, 2014.
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