HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-10-15, Page 1010 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Huron County Forestry Services Home-grown actors return
Program in Full Swing for the farm show
Scott Currie
Communications Coordinator,
Huron County
Fall timber harvest season
is fast approaching, which
means it's a busy time of year
for the County's Forest Con-
servation Officer, Dave Pul-
len. Each year Pullen
receives hundreds of inquir-
ies from woodlot owners
about the services offered
through the County's For-
estry Services Program.
"Timber markets are
strengthening and there is
renewed interest from land-
owners in woodlot manage-
ment. The recipe for long-
term profitability usually
includes getting independ-
ent professional forestry
advice and competitive bid-
ding on trees marked using
'Good Forestry Practices"
says Pullen.
The County's
Forestry Services Program
offers professional advice on
woodlot enhancement and
forest product marketing.
Woo dlot owners can also
receive assistance by apply-
ing for the new Huron Clean
Water Project Forest Man-
agement funding, which pro-
vides grants of up to 50% of
the cost of hiring profes-
sional forestry consultants.
As well, the program offers
pre -consultations on tree
removal to ensure compli-
ance with the County's For-
est Conservation By-law.
The purpose of the By-law
is to protect soil and water
quality for all Huron County
residents by conserving the
remaining 15% of the
region's forest cover. Most
privately owned woodlots in
Huron County are zoned as
natural environment areas.
Many of these areas contain
wetlands or are located on
rolling lands or have soils
that do not support profita-
ble agricultural production.
These woodlands and wet-
lands help to protect impor-
tant agricultural lands from
erosion caused by wind and
storm water events.
"We work with woodlot
owners to achieve the best
possible outcome for their
land and for their surround-
ing communities," said Pul-
len. "Ensuring the protection
of our soil and water
resources is a winning strat-
egy for everyone!'
To help meet the demand
for information requests, the
County has launched a new
webpage this year to support
woodlot owners who are
considering a commercial
harvest. The webpage can be
viewed at www.huron-
A, The Livery
Some of Goderich and
area's own home-grown the-
atre professionals are return-
ing to the Livery Theatre
stage for a very special pro-
duction, An Evening with the
Farm Show. The production
runs October 17, 18, 23, 24,
and 25 at 8 pm, and October
18, 19, and 25 at 2 pm at the
Livery Theatre in Goderich,
and features Geoffrey
Armour, Emily Johnston,
Anne Potter, and Shawn Van
In 1972, a troupe of actors
from Toronto moved to Clin-
ton and built a play from
who they met, what they
could see, and the lives that
they experienced. The Farm
Show became a renowned
Canadian classic, and the
first example of Canadian
theatre directly inspired by
rural Canadians and written
for rural Canadians.
Emily Johnston, Producer
The Corporation of the County of Huron
has openings for citizen appointments to the following:
(1) Huron County Library Board and
(2) Huron County Accessibility Advisory Committee
Are you interested in library?
Do you want to make a difference in your community?
The County of Huron invites applications for the position of library trustee on
the Huron County Library Board. The position is voluntary, but receives a small
honorarium and expenses.
The Library Board is responsible for the governance of the Huron County Library.
The Board works closely with Huron County Council, which provides most of the
funding for the operations of the Library.
The Huron County Library provides public library services to all residents of the
County of Huron through twelve branch libraries located in towns and villages
across the County.
Meetings are usually held the fourth Wednesday of the month in the morning.
Candidates must be at least 18 years old, Canadian citizens, and residents of
Huron County.
Thank you for your interest in improving Huron County's Library!
Are you interested in disability issues?
Do you want to make a difference in your community?
The County of Huron invites applications for the position of member of the Huron
County Accessibility Advisory Committee (HCAAC). The position is voluntary, but
receives a small honorarium and expenses.
The HCAAC provides vision and advice to the Council of the County of Huron and
member Municipalities to create a welcoming, inclusive and accessible community.
The role of the HCAAC is to (1) advise Council on accessibility issues regarding
buildings, structures, municipal premises and services and (2) work with community
groups regarding accessibility issues.
Members come from different backgrounds, but the majority of members on the
HCAAC must be people with disabilities. The HCAAC is made up of 9 voting members
including: 5 persons with disabilities as defined in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act,
2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 32, 1 person from professional disciplines; 1 elected official
and the Warden as ex -officio; and 1 citizen representative.
Thank you for your interest in improving Huron County's accessibility!
Please submit a written application/letter of interest by October 24, 2014 to:
Office of the County Clerk, Corporation of the County of Huron, 1 Court House Square, Goderich, ON N7A 1M2
EMAIL: scronin@huroncounty.ca FAX: (519) 524-2044
The County of Huron is an equal opportunity employer Accessibility accommodations are available for all parts of the recruitment process. Applicants need to make their needs known in advance.
Only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted. Information is collected solely for the purpose of job selection under the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of PrivacyAct.
and one of the ensemble
members, explains the
importance of the show to
Huron County theatre art-
ists: "The Farm Show really
had international success
because of its unique and
truthful portrait of everyday
life - it's very exciting to be in
a major city, studying thea-
tre, and hear about home,
about places like where Hwy
8 meets Stone School Rd.
Yes, the original production
was written in the 1970s, but
it is such an honest portrayal
of Huron County that we feel
like we know these people."
The original actors and
their production process was
made into a documentary
film by Michael Ondaatje.
The ensemble will be show-
ing portions of the docu-
mentary to give the audience
a full picture of the show,
and a chance to see firsthand
the original performers and
the Huron County people
who provided their inspira-
tion. The ensemble hopes to
bridge the gap between the
generations, connecting the
original artists, modern
actors who weren't even
born when The Farm Show
premiered, and the rural
community, then and now.
"Huron County artists
have such pride in where we
come from," says Johnston.
"This project is an opportu-
nity to show that sense of
pride, to the people who
helped us get our start':
Geoffrey Armour began
his journey in the theatre
with Peter Pan at the Livery
(1996) and the Blyth Festival
Young Company. He has
studied at George Brown
Theatre School and Lecole
Jacques Lecoq (Paris), and
has performed in Canada,
France, Italy, and South
Korea. Emily Johnston also
got her start in the Livery's
Peter Pan; she graduated
from University of Toronto
and Sheridan College's joint
actor training program, and
works in and around
Toronto as an actor, musi-
cian, and arts educator.
Anne Potter graduated from
the Musical Theatre Perfor-
mance program at Sheridan
College, and performs as an
actor in Toronto. Shawn Van
Osch studied at George
Brown Theatre School in
Toronto and currently seeks
out theatre opportunities in
Anne Potter
Emily Johnston
Geoffrey Armour
Shawn Van Osch
his spare time.
Tickets may be purchased
at (519) 524 6262 or at theliv-
ery.ca. The Goderich Little
Theatre is one of the longest -
running community theatre
companies in Canada, and
has been presenting theatri-
cal productions at the Livery
Theatre since 1983.