HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-10-01, Page 15Wednesday, October 1, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 15 Potluck at Dungannon Seniors Hall New Opp Police Recruiting Valerie Gillies together. All 3 of these church on Sunday, was at Editor, Lucknow Sentinel churches are the only ones the hospital auxiliary on left in their respective Monday, on Tuesday she The Dungannon Seniors towns. collected money for the held their Potluck Lunch at Belgrave United Church MacKay Centre Luncheon, the Seniors Hall on Septem- celebrated its 150th Anniver- attended the potluck on ber 17, 2014. This was very sary on September 14. The Wednesday, on Thursday well attended and featured service was well attended. she will attend the Auburn Guest Speaker retired OPP Currently the congregations WI meeting and on Friday Andy Burgess who gave a are worshipping alternately they join their friends for a very informative presenta- between Dungannon (for get-together when they take tion on driving as a senior the month of September) in a different restaurant citizen. Watch for a recap of and Trinity (for the month of every week. When Fred was this tallc in a future edition of October) at 9:45 a.m. and at asked what he did, he the Sentinel. Belgrave every Sunday at quipped that he was busy Brian Hymers, Student 11:15 a.m. being Donna's secretary. DCM Minister at Dungan- Also in attendance were All are welcome to attend non United Church and Fred and Donna Young. the next Potluck at the Dun - Trinity in Belfast is pleased Donna was eager to relate gannon Seniors Hall on to announce that Belgrave that being retired does not November 19 to enjoy a has joined their group as a mean being bored. They live social time at noon when the 3 -point charge. They are still in Goderich. Donna guest speaker will be a local working on getting them all reported that she attended lawyer. Video Hits Social Media Submitted A new Ontario Provin- cial Police (OPP) recruit- ing video is being launched this week in an effort to encourage quali- fied candidates to consider joining one of North Amer- ica's most highly -respected police services. The video, entitled "Did You Know?" is being show- cased on YouTube and through other social media channels. The OPP aims to who might be an ideal reach people people from all didate for a challenging walks of life - an important and exciting career with attribute of the OPP that the OPP. has earned the organiza- To view the video, click tion its stellar reputation on the following link: for having a complement https://www.youtube. of uniform, civilian and com/user/ volunteer members as OPPCorpComm diverse and specialized as The OPP would like to the people they serve. thank the Essex Police in The OPP is encouraging the United Kingdom who the public to view this edu- provided the inspiration cational video and to share for the video's "Did You it with anyone they know Know" theme. Everybody's talking about what's in the classifieds. 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