The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-11-26, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Garden Touring is the Topic at Banquet
Lucknow Horticultural Society
Valerie Gillies
Editor, Lucknow Sentinel
The topic was Garden
Touring. The speaker was
Rea Hamilton Seeger of
Auburn, writer for Rural
Voice and member of Undis-
covered Gardens Huron/
Perth. The place was Luc -
know United Church for the
Lucknow Horiticultural Soci-
ety Banquet on November
14, 2014.
Hamilton Seeger has
been gardening since she
was about 10 years old. She
worked alongside her par-
ents on a large farm where
the owners used to do a lot
of entertaining and there-
fore required that the large
formal gardens and
landscaping be immaculate
at all times. The landscap-
ing had been laid out by a
Toronto company and
Hamilton Seeger believed
that this was how all gar-
dens were done. She real-
ized that gardens bring
enjoyment to others, both
through the visual effects
and fragrances. There were
certain plantings that they
were instructed to leave
less strictly pruned and
Hamilton Seeger learned
that people like to kick and
touch things that are out of
order. With very fragrant
plantings this gave a mysti-
cal and magical feel to the
Hamilton Seeger and her
husband bought their farm
many years ago. At the time
it was very rustic with no
landscaping. The transfor-
mation to their existing gar-
den has taken decades. The
first landscaping occurred to
deal with a drainage prob-
lem to terrace the lawn to
stop having water flood their
front porch and seep into the
kitchen. Following this, she
says "We started just like
everyone else does with a
3 -foot wide flowerbed and
just kept going from there:'
Things to consider when
planning and developing a
garden are sun vs. shade
areas which changes the
light requiring different
plants, lawn space vs. gar-
den space and the pathways
that will run through the
space. Once you have the
plant material it is time to
consider structures and
The Lucknow Sentinel invites you
to help fill their annual mitten
tree. Donations of new mittens,
4 gloves, scarves and hats will
be collected until December
12. All donations will become
part of the Salvation Army's
Christmas packages,
delivered to area children
who are not as fortunate
as others.
For more information
please contact the
staff at the Lucknow
• • ,
(519) 528-2822
-fge , Ff. "I I' II "1 'AY/ /If. .
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iticknow Sentinel
ornamentation to give win-
ter eye candy.
The idea of inviting others
to their garden came in the
1980's in the form of potlatch
garden parties. Many gar-
deners in the area would
attend and bring plants to
trade. It was a wonderful
opportunity for new garden-
ers to ask questions of the
experienced gardeners, as
well as to obtain plants along
with the instructions for
planting and caring for
From the idea of the gar-
den parties to share plants
grew the idea of sharing the
gardens, as well. Horticul-
tural Societies are the great-
est supporters for garden
As the garden tours
expand, Hamilton Seeger
notes that there are now
more vegetable gardens, as
well as gardens where vege-
tables are tucked in among
perennial beds.
Hamilton Seeger revealed
that at first she was very
leery about offering their
garden as part of a tour. She
felt it would be too much of a
commitment to have to have
everything perfect through-
out the entire summer. What
she discovered is that you
can schedule tours for per-
haps one day per week
throughout the summer.
Since the gardens look their
best when the grass if freshly
cut, you can cut the grass
one day then have the tour
the next day.
Along with her friend
Gwen Richardson, Hamilton
Seeger decided to drive
around the area and tour
other gardens. They soon
learned that all of the spec-
tacular gardens they visited
had started out the same
way, as a bare lot, then
Rea Hamilton Seeger of Auburn was the guest speaker at the
Lucknow Horticultural Society Banquet held at the Lucknow
United Church on November 14, 2014. She spoke on garden
gradually the garden areas
grew. These gardens ranged
from large farms to small
plots. They were delighted
with the cool containers and
structures, vegetable gar-
dens, trees and ponds. They
discovered that although
most people include seating
areas in their gardens, most
"Mar, alpf 01‘
at participating stores in Wingham
• The Workshop • Christine's Clothes Closet
• The 2 Step • Chameleon's of
Wingham Fashion Boutique
gardeners do not sit in them
unless they have visitors as
they are always working in ft.
Hamilton Seeger decided
to explore the gardens in
Lucknow in preparation for
her presentation. She
described what she found as
there being "a jungle of j oy in
Lucknow' : There is just one
treasure after another from
the small gardens in public
areas maintained by the
Horticultural Society that
make the village so inviting
to the many amazing private
Hamilton Seeger stated
that the main reason she had
agreed to speak about gar-
den touring is that they are
always looking for new gar-
dens to be volunteered to be
able to offer even more
tours. She would like anyone
who has an interesting gar-
den to consider opening up
their garden for the public to