HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-11-12, Page 3Butterfly Room is Opened New Palliative Care Space at Pinecrest Valerie Gillies Editor, Lucknow Sentinel The "Butterfly Room" at Pinecrest Manor in Lucknow was officially opened at a rib- bon cutting ceremony on November 3,2014. The project was proposed and carried out by the Palliative Care Team, headed up byWilma Blake who has been working at Pinecrest for 35 years. The team reports that "Palliative Care benefits any person and family living with a life-threatening illness. The goal of palliative care is to relieve suf- fering and promote quality of living and quality of dying.' Res- idents at Pinecrest can choose to make use of the Butterfly Room or, if they feel more com- fortable doing so, to stay in their own room. The name and concept for the room was formed in the mind ofBlake. She believes in life being in definite stages, of which dying is the final stage. The idea of the butterfly life cycle was appealing as the stages are so (-Efferent with the final stage being the emergence of wings to let them fly freely. Following this analogy, the per- son will be Oven wings in the final stage oflife to fly to heaven. Lucknow Red Tent Linda Johnston Facilitator Red Tent Our Monthly gathering for the Lucknow Red Tent was held October 23, 2014 at Grassroots Rural retreat. The astrological influence for this new Moon in October was Scorpio. The goal of under- standing is to transcend our lower urges by becoming aware of one's own shadow. Knowing and being aware of our negative thoughts and triggers helps to transform our natural impulse of want- ing to destroy others in an unconscious means of self defense. The lesson to our- selves is to acknowledge our anger as it rises, transform it to a positive action and be able to live a liberated life according to our inner truths. Our theme and Circle dis- cussion for this month was Gratitude. We were very grate- ful to have Ruth Percy from Goderich as one our our Sis- ters. Ruth teaches Nia in Goderich and at Grassroots twice a week. Nia is a cardio dance group fitness class that incorporates martial arts, dance arts, and healing arts. Nia promotes mindfulness and holistic fitness and well being. "Nia empowers people of all shapes and sizes to con- nect their body, mind, emo- tions and spirit by paying attention to sensations. Nia is practiced barefoot through non -impact choreography and listening to the intelli- gence of the body. Partici- pants are shown a variety of intensity levels and ways to modify movements to safely condition their bodies:' Ruth led us through a full participation demonstration of the moves, then an amaz- ingly fun and creative and hair soakingworkout We all loved it. Ruth also led us through the emotionally powerful dance of "one Billion Rising': It was one of our most fun evenings. There are now over 20,000 Red tents all over the world. Please feel free to join us for some "Sisterhood Time" in our sacred space at Grassroots Rural Retreat Our next gathering is November 20th at 7 PM. Please RSVP to Linda Johnston at ljohnston@ tnt21.com , or if you want more information on the Red tent movement go to www. redtentmovie.com. MA. Canada Because some wishes can't wait for someday. www.makeewish.ca 1-88S-822-9474 AraliZilfAttirffff -alms Chad Mann 519-357-3015 www.kruzinmannlimos.com A Division of Lloyd Collins Construction Ltd. Unfortunately the room was closed to the public at the time of the ribbon -cutting as it was in use by a resident. Blake described the choices made by herself and the Resident's Council in decorating the room. The paint chosen is an off white that captures the changing light in the room, also providing the perfect backdrop for bright fab- ric and tin butterfly art that cov- ers the walls, door and even some in the window. This gives texture and colour to add com- fort to the resident and family as a distraction or something to focus on during the stay. There have been contribu- tions from the community to augment the decor and provide comfort for the families as well as the resident Lucknow Pres- byterian, Lucknow United and South Kinloss churches were asked to provide quilts for the room, not just for the bed, but for use by the family to bundle up while staying with their loved one. All have graciously taken up the challenge. Luc- lcnow Pharmasave has donated bags for the families including small items such as pens and pads to write notes or lists, candy to suck on and Kleenex. The paint was purchased from Lucknow Home Hardware who have also donated angel keep- sakes for the families to have as a remembrance of their loved one. The residents and team would like to thank all who have contributed in so many ways. Alison Clark, Nurse Practi- tioner with Community Care Access accepts referrals for peo- ple who require complex or pal- liative care. The interdisciplinary team at Pinecrest is composed of the person, the family, the doctor, nursing (which may include a Nurse Practitioner), physiother- apy, recreation, dietary, clergy and housekeeping. "The team explores ways to manage symp- toms and care for the person's body, mind and spirit' Liz laird from the Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Con- sultation Program of South- westem Ontario provides sup- port to the Pinecrest team. In October, 6 staff members com- pleted the Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care Program. At the ceremony, another presentation was made. The 1st Beaver Division Trefoil Guild, Girl Guides of Canada donated 2 tactile aprons that they had sewn to CathyLane, RN, Behav- iour Supports Ontario for use with the residents at Pinecrest Resident Isobel Adams cut the ribbon to the Butterfly Room on behalf of the Resi- dents' Council. Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel Lucknow Home Hardware has donated Angel keepsakes for each family who occupies the Butterfly Room at Pinecrest Manor in Lucknow. November 3, 2014. 011111311C1 SET YOUR OLD FRIDGE OR FREEZER FREE ONE LAST CHANCE! See insert in today's paper hydro one Partners in Powerful Communities Wednesday, November 12, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 3 Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel Palliative Care Team Leader Wilma Blake displays many of the donations received from the community for the new Butterfly Room at Pinecrest Manor. During the ribbon -cutting ceremony on November 3, 2014, Cathy Lane, RN Behaviour Supports Ontario also receives a donation of tactile aprons from the 1st Beaver Division Trefoil Guild, Girl Guides of Canada based in Lucknow. LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 12 - NOVEMBER 18 Wed. Nov. 12,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm 9:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Initiation #1 & #2 Practice Bantam Development Practice PeeWee Rep Game vs Milverton Legends Practice Rec League - Amberley vs Kintail Fri Nov 14,2014 10am 4:45pm 5:45pm 7pm 9pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Tyke Practice PeeWee Girls Practice Legion PeeWee Tournament Midget Development Game vs Listowel 9:30am 11:30am 1pm 2pm 5pm 6:15pm 7:30pm 8:30pm Sun Nov 16, 2014 Body Checking Clinic Old Devils vs Ripley Wrecks Public Skating Atom Girls Game vs TCDMHA Midget Development Practice Midget Rep Practice Bad Apples Cliff's Shinny Tue Nov 18,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm Adults &Tots Public Skating Atom Rep Practice PeeWee Development Practice Bantam Gids Game vs South Bruce Lancer Practice Thu Nov 13,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 9:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Atom Development Practice PeeWee Rep Practice Legion PeeWee Tournament Rec League - Roosters vs Holyrood Sat Nov 15,2014 8am 6pm Legion PeeWee Tournament OPEN ICE Mon Nov 17,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm Adults & Tots Public Skating Novice Development Practice Bantam Rep Practice Bantam Development Game vs Wingham Midget Rep Practice HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca