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The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-05-28, Page 9
Gerry Schuit Recovery Valerie Gillies Editor Gerry Schuit and his wife, Sherry, lived in Lucknow for 25 years and were in town recently, to visit old friends and co-workers, after mov- ing away in September, 2013. Sherry Schuit worked at Armstrong's Bakery for 2 years after a number of years at Mac's in Lucknow. Gerry Schuit, at the age of 52, fell 20 feet off a cot- tage roof when a ladder gave out, landing headfirst on a gravel laneway, on November 11, 2012 (remembered as 10/11/12). His wife was worried that the ambulance would not find them as there are no 911 numbers in that part of the county. The cottage is in Sundridge, Ontario. When Gerry fell, the doc- tors were confident he would never walk again as he was paralyzed from the neck down for over 5 months. He was in hospital in Toronto, first for a month at Sunny Brook, then in Lyndhurst. Schuit related that "my wife Sherry never left my side. Friends had opened their home to her so she could stain in Toronto at my side. She learned from the best people at Lyndhurst hospital how to care for all my special needs." He went on to state that "the people at Lyndhurst are gifted at spi- nal care. From the beginning, Schuit would tell everyone that he was leaving the hos- pital walking out the front door under his own power. Doctors told the couple Schuit would most likely remain in a wheel chair with head gear to drive it. On May 2, 2013 he walked through the front doors with his head held high to a new and different life with Centre Cord Syndrome. It is a long road to recovery, but Schuit exclaims "with the help and love of friends we will make it." The Schuits would like to thank those friends who came faithfully every week- end to bring a ray of sun- shine, called with words of encouragement and those who donated through the jar at Armstrong's Bakery. They remind you that when you see a handicap parking place, it is there for someone who really needs it. Submitted Lucknow Gerry Schuit Recovery May 2014 Gerry Schuit stands beside his wife, Sherry Schuit, after being paralized in an accident in 2012. They visited friends and former coworkers in Lucknow in April 2014. Wednesday, May 28, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 9 GET MORE IN A FORD THE STANDARD FEATURES YOU EXPECT AND-$0ME YOU DON'T 2014 FOCUS S WORLD'S BEST-SELLING CAR NAMEPLATE' Focus Titanium model shown OWN FOR ONLY FINANCE BI -WEEKLY F0884 MONTHS WITH PURCHASE FINANCE FOR ONLY $85..© O.90% $0 DOWN INCLUDES FREIGHT OR OWN FOR ONLY$14,948 OFFERS INCLUDE 52,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. $0 $85** $750 $81** $1,500 $77** 2014 ESCAPES Escape Titanium model shown OWN FOR ONLY PURCHASE FINANCE FOR ONLY $149**©1.990 FINANCE $ m INCWDES BI -WEEKLY FOR 84 FREIGHT MONTHS WITH u DOM. OR OWN FOR ONLY $25,178 OFFERS INCLUDE $750 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. SO $149— $750 $144** $1,500 $140** 2010-2013 STANDARD FEATURES • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • ADVANCETRAC. WITH ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL • INDEPENDENT REAR SUSPENSION • AUDIO INPUTJACK • POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS • AM/FM/CD/MP3 •160 -HP ENGINE • TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM • ANTI -THEFT ENGINE IMMOBILIZER UNEXPECTED FEATURES • AIR CONDITIONING • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS • EASY FUEL. CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • INTEGRATED BLIND SPOT MIRRORS • TORQUE VECTORING CONTROL STANDARD FEATURES 2014 F-150 XLT SUPERCREW 4X4 • ADVANCETRAC. WITH ROLL STABILITY CONTROL • AIR CONDITIONING • 6 -SPEED SELECTSHIFT.TRANSMISSION • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • 7 AIRBAGS • TRACTION CONTROL • 6 -SPEAKER AUDIO • TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM • FLAT LOAD FLOOR UNEXPECTED FEATURES • INTEGRATED BLIND SPOT MIRRORS • EASY FUEL. CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS • CURVE CONTROL • TORQUE VECTORING CONTROL BEST-SELLING $29 TRUCKS' LEASE FOR ONLY g *** 1.49WAR PER MONTH FOR 24 MONTHS WITH $1 950 DOWN INCLUDES FREIGHT OFFERS INCLUDE 58,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCWDE TAXES. 1 $1,950 $299*** $3,450 $236*** $4,350 $198*** COSMO rOINCIIOEMEMBERS 1 00 IGWHOLESALE RECEIVE UP TO ON MOST NEW FOCUS AND AN ADDITIONAL ON MOST NEW VEHICLES FIESTA MODELS EXPECTED FEATURES • 5.0L V8 • 360 HP • 380 LB -FT TORQUE • FLAT LOAD FLOOR • ALL -TERRAIN TIRES • EASY FUEL. CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • MACHINED ALUMINUM WHEEL • POWER REMOTE MIRRORS UNEXPECTED FEATURES • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • POWER MIRRORS • VOICE-ACTIVATED SYNC. • ENGINE BLOCK HEATER • HILL START ASSIST Our advertised prices include Freight, Air Tax, and PPSA (if financed or leased). Add dealer administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to 5120 and appiicahle taxes, then drive away. UnlockMore. Only at your Ontario Ford store. cFC_=_Doieri Go Further I =tar -1010w :a 1 Whicle(s) may be shown mirth optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease tor less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage 01 81101610 ford retail customer promotional incenfives/offers available at the lime of vehicle factory order or time 0/ 009140 delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Unfit Program or SrtCommercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Until June 30, 2014, Purchase a new 2014 [Focus Si Focus Titanium/Escape S FWD/ Escape Titanium] for [14,948/$26,164/$25.178/$32,998] (atter Total Manufacturer Rebate of t$2,500/$500/$750/$1.500] deducted). Taxes payable 00 1011 amount of purchase price after total manufacturer rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight and alr tax but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. 411 50000 are 00084 00 Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. "4,0/ June 30 2014, Neely° 0.991/y/1.99% APR purchase financing on new 2014 [Focus / Escape S] models for up to 84 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (045) from Ford Credit. 901 011 buyers will qualify forth° lowest interest rate. Example: 2014 Ford [Focus S/ 000040 4/ for S14,948425,178 (after $0,0750,01,500/$0,0750,81.500 down payment or equivalent trade-in, 000 32,000/070/ Manufacturer Rebate deducted) purchase financed at 0.99%/1.99% APR for 84 months, MOIltIlly payment is $185, $176,$166/$322,$312,0303 (Me sum of twelve I12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods ghres payee a bi-weekly payment of $85.$81377/$149,01443140), Interest cost of borrowing is $532,0505,8479/$1,81931,765,31,711 or APR of 0.99%/1.99% and total io be repaid is $15,470, $15,492,$15,514/827,118.$26,958,026,980. Down payment may be worded based on approwd 6,0/11 1,010 Ford Credit. All purchase finance offers include freight and air tax and PHA but exclude administrafion and reglstration fees of up to $799, fuel MI charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Pd.. OntilJune 30, 2014 lease a new 2014 Ford [7-150 XLT Supercrew 4x4] for up to 24 months and get 1.49% APR on approved credit LAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers Mt gob/for the lowest APR payment. Lease [7-150 XLT Supercrew 404] with a value 0829,8513 after l$1,950/$3.450/$4,350] clown payment or equivalent trade In, [98.5001 manufacturer rebates, 0048/1.200/ Ford Credit Cash deducted and including freight and air tax of [$1.8001) at 1.49%4PR for up to 24 months with an optiond buyout of $22,363, monthly payment is f$299/$236/$198]. total lease obligafion is 39,126/19,114/$9,102T Offers include freight, air tax, and PPM but exclude administration and registration fees 0/ 09 10 8799, fuel fill charge of [NW $120 and all applicable taxep Additional payments required tor optional features, license, and Insurance. All prices are based on Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. Some conditions and mileage restriction of 40,000km /00 24 months applies. Excess rtlornetrage charges are 1604e0 km for F -Series, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject /009a090, see your local clealer for detaily 009010118 valid from May 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 (the "Otter Period"). resident Canadians MTh an eligible Cost00 membership on or before Audi 30, 2014 Receive $500 towards the purchase or lease e a new 2014/2015 Ford Fiesta (excluding S), Focus (excluding S and BEV), C-IVIAX, and $1,000 towards all other Fordmodels (excluding Raptor, 01500, Mustang Bess 502, and Medium Truck) /1000 00 "Eligible Vehicle"), Limit one (1) offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease, tip to a maximum at two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with 00 01191511 Costco member Applicable taxes calculated before offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer. Offers only valid 5/ 00910100009 dealers. 00/011 0/1000 may be cancelled or changed at any dna without noticp See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1 .800-565.3673, For factory orders. a customer may either take advantage of eligible Fad retail customer promotional incentives/offers available 00 050 tirne 01 0951011 factory order or tirne of vehicle delivery, but not 50/0 or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPNGPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Unfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). l0000 00 yeayend 2010, 2011. 2012 and 201300/0/ sales figures for light vehicles in Canada from DesRosiers Automotive Consultants hp /and Canadi. Vehicle Manufacturers' Association data exchanged by OEMs), "Desert ,0000 2007 - 20139, L. Polk vehicle registrations data for Canada 10 198 Large Premium Utility, Large Traditional Utility, Large Utility, Medium Premium Utility, Medlurn Utility, Small Premium Utility, and Small Utility segments. Based on highway driving in a 2014 Fiesta 1LL 6701 -13 ©Speed Automatic and estimated fuel consumption ratings of La/100km City and 4.3U100km 9,9 40109 Government of Canada approved 000/ 94019030 Actual OSiriusX111))) fuel consumpflon will vary based on road conditions, vertcrt loading a. driving habits. • Claim base! on analysis by Ford of PAO61 new regi.ation tor 502012 tor a single nameplate which excludes rebadged vehicles, datform dertyatives or other vehicle nameprtte versions. 1E -Series 15 /50 best-selling pickup /0008 10 Canada for 48 years In a row 50004 00 Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association statistical sales reports, up to December 2013. ©2014 Sirius Canada Inc. "SiriusXM", the SidusXM logo, channel names 002 10900 are trademarks of F.,07=10lth'fi=rith SiriusXM Railioinc, and are used under been.. 02014 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. /31 01906 reserved. Pr.-pavd subscrsption