HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-05-28, Page 7Wednesday, May 28, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 7
uron-Kinloss Township Council
May21, 2014
Valerie Gillies
Editor/Lucknow Sentinel
Bar Debate:
Mike Gallant attended
Council to discuss the
Ripley Mushball Tourna-
ment hosted annually by
Ripley Classics Hockey.
Gallant wanted to know if
it would be of more bene-
fit to have Huron -Kinloss
Township run the bar for
the event, rather than the
organizers running it on
their own.
Gallant was of the opin-
ion that having the Town-
ship run the bar would
reduce the expenses for
the event organizers.
James Hanna spoke for
Council. He explained
that the Township was not
looking to "get into the bar
business", as Gallant had
indicated. Rather, the
intent was to help out
smaller events or func-
tions that did not have the
manpower or required
certifications to meet the
provincial regulations. No
matter who ran the bar,
the expenses would
remain the responsibility
of the hosting organiza-
tion as the Township is
not mandated to run in
the red, nor do they wish
to scoop money from vol-
unteer organizations.
Mayor Twolan added
that there have been inci-
dents at events on munici-
pal property that have
caused concern for the
OPP. Even with special
occasion policies in place,
venues must follow
Ontario Gaming and Alco-
hol regulations and
municipal rules set out in
the policy. These
regulations cover many
areas including security,
serving, identifying
minors and other issues.
The Ripley Mushball
Tournament be desig-
nated as a Municipally
significant event to allow
for the application for a
liquor license with the
organizers running the
bar, as usual. This allows
for the 30 days to have the
license approved in time
for the tournament.
Property Issues:
The Clerk will proceed
with the Township solici-
tor to search the lands and
prepare the appropriate
deeming by-law to sever
land for a parking area
and access and to merge a
portion of property to
become part of existing
Lot 50, Plan 343.
A letter has been
received from the Village
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Breathing life into the future'
John & Nancy Lucio from Cfearviffe,
Ont. and Bruce & Bar6 Wiaits from
Lucknow are excited to announce
the ntarriage of their children
Samantha & Christopher on
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Wading and reception to take
place on the VVilats Farm.
Wayne & Laurie Bell of Wingham
Jessie & LeRoy DeSmidt of California
are pleased to announce the
upcoming marriage of their children
Awkw/A & Acr/ne
on Saturday, June 7, 2014
Family, Friends and neighbours are all
welcome to their
Open Reception at 8:00 pm.
Lucknow Community Complex, Lucknow, Ont.
United Chuch UCW listing
concerns in the village,
mainly dealing with unli-
censed vehicle and the
former Courtney Grain
and Seed building. Coun-
cil will give a letter sup-
porting the actions pro-
posed in the letter.
Natural Gas Project:
Huron -Kinloss Council
authourizes Borden
Lander Gervais to proceed
with the proposed work
described as Phase 1B.
A resolution was passed
to strongly urge the Gov-
ernment of Ontario to pro-
vide direct funding assis-
tance to support
expansion of natural gas
service to this and other
unserviced regions and to
promote a more flexible
regulatory framework.
Also, to establish a spe-
cific time -line to accom-
plish this initiative.
Requests for Exemp-
tions Granted:
A noise by-law exemp-
tions was granted for the
Huron Shores Lions Club
for their Canada Day Fire-
works on Saturday, June
28, 2014 at the Point Clark
Lighthouse to allow for a
disc jockey to play music
for an outdoor party until
1 a.m.
A request for a tempo-
rary extension was
granted to the Ripley -
Huron Legion to extend
the licensed patio for the
Ripley -Huron Fall Fair.
Teranet and the Land
Titles Electronic Registry
System in Ontario:
Errors and omissions
were made when the
paper based land registra-
tion system was converted
to the electronic system.
Mayor Twolan explained
that this has caused finan-
cial hardship and has held
up land transfers for
Due to the changing
frequency of our
automated payment
system, all SUN MEDIA
EZ Pay customers will now
be billed in 4 week billing
cycles as of June 2014.
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extended periods. The
issue is that, even when
landowners have the
proper paperwork in
place, if there were errors
made at the time that the
registration was entered
into the electronic system,
the original paperwork is
deemed as incorrect. The
landowner must then go
through the process of
increased consent appli-
cations before the Com-
mittee of Adjustment at
their own expense.
Huron -Kinloss Council
supports the Township of
Muskoka Lakes to call on
the Ministry of Govern-
ment Services to be cor-
rected forthwith at the
sole expense of the minis-
try and that they develop a
funding model to ensure
landowners are not nega-
tively financially affected
by the need for these
Chad Mann
A Division of Lloyd Collins Construction Ltd.
* • y. ,
Lucknow Sentinel
Birthday Club
Kloe Livingston
May 28, 2003 - 11 years old
Skylar Murray
May 28, 2004 - 10 years old
Kamryn Wilson
May 29, 2003 - 11 years old
Jamieson, Brady & Brendan Curran
May 30, 2002 - 12 years old
Connor Thomson
May 30, 2003- 11 years old
Chasity Massena
June 1, 2003 - 11 years old
Kaden Hanna
June 2, 2008 -6 years old
Your child can be a member
of the Sentinel's birthday club
i,all 519-528-2822 to register
lucknow Smiting!
619 Campbell Street