HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-05-14, Page 3Dunga
Donations needed for
Fundraising Auction
Valerie Gillies
Lucknow Sentinel
William is the 13 -year-old son of
Matt and Jennifer Irwin of Dungan-
non. He has cerebral palsy and been
receiving the loving care of his par-
ents in his home. As he grows this is
becoming more of a challenge to be
done comfortably for all involved.
The Cerebral Palsy Alliance in Aus-
tralia states, "Cerebral palsy (CP) is
an umbrella term that refers to a
group of disorders affecting a per-
son's ability to move. It is a perma-
nent life-long condition, but gener-
ally does not worsen over time. It is
due to damage to the developing
brain either during pregnancy or
shortly after birth.
Cerebral palsy affects people in dif-
ferent ways and can affect body move-
ment, muscle control, muscle coordi-
nation, muscle tone, reflex, posture
and balance." The Alliance advises
that CP is the most common physical
disability in childhood.
To enable the Irwins to continue to
provide daily care they will need
some specialized equipment and an
addition to their home to house the
needed systems required. The addi-
tion would house a rail system for lift-
ing and moving, a chair lift, bed and
shower facilities, a change table and
other minor amenities and features to
help William be more comfortable in
his home. This addition would have
the added benefit of giving William
more mobility in his home as he is
now confined to one small area.
The cost of this project is
a'-7 Ziff/iv
Chad Mann
A Division of Lloyd Collins Construction Ltd.
Activate your mind, have fun
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Come alone or with a partner
Goderich Bridge Club ACBL sanctioned
Lessons start Monday, May 26th
at Trinity Christian Reformed Church
245 Mill Road, Goderich
Noon to 3:00 pm
Cost: 520.00 first week (includes book)
then $3.00 each week
Contact Richard Papineau 519-440-5157
or email mideni1228@gmai1.com
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 3
Lions Plan to Help Parents Care for William
approaching $100,000. Jennifer Irwin has
contacted many groups and foundations to
receive help to achieve the finances
The Dungannon Lions Club has set a goal
to raise $25,000 to help with the addition
and equipment costs. To achieve this, the
Club is holding a benefit live/silent auction
on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at the Dungannon
Agricultural Hall. The Lions are asking area
businesses and individuals for prizes and
donations for the auction. They request that
Anthony Alexander (in front)
sings "Ring of Fire" at the
Almost Famous Players on
May 6, 2014. Others on stage
include: Travis Oliver, Jim
Cober, Robin Graham, Michael
Craig (hidden)
Rob Jones.
Guest singers
were Sara
and Kim
these be registered at least one week prior to
the event to ensure time to be included in
advertisements for the fundraiser. If you
have questions about the event or how to
donate you can call Duane Rivett at 519-529-
3130 or Dave Sjaarda at 519-529-1072.
Almost Fameus
Photos by
Valerie Gillies
Lucknow Sentinel
The Couples Medley for
Almost Famous Players on
May 6, 2014 included on
stage: Nina Bloehinger, Kevin
Scott, Vicki Gerth and Scott
Fitzgerald. On the gym floor
are: Kathy Herd, Jim Cober,
Rob Jones and Julie Kuik.
K2 Wind Power Project
Community Liaison Committee
Wednesday, May 2a, 21114
13:30 p.rr_ — 0-.30 p.rn.
64605 aluewaicr Hwy 21.. nanh Gcclench (lorrnerry fLJoseph's School, Kirogsbridgc)
Open to the General Pubi c for Viewing
About the CLC
P. C4iirnunily Liaison Cociiniiriee C -CLC"'} Ms been ealablished as a lniu:n to ake.Nuige
idea, share inlorrnalion and provide regular updates regal clirtg corrstiuc,L-cn, inelallaiion., use,
operafiort, rnamenance and retiremen1 or lhe K2 Wricl F'cr.%,& Pro:led ("the Pi ojeoe). The
fl megawait wind Pact ieteiYEICI ita Reeiewable Erargy Approval in JLi 2013.
Stanleo Comulling Ltd. Will CoOrdinate ihe CLC meelinfj. All erketrig ma.ierAla {rniiiuks,
presentations, haporls, eta.}will be made akiaitable for publip reriew on the Prated webs -le
at www.K2WIrdd,r-a. The agenda for 1he rnee1ing will be gloated or. the Project website al
leael ohe weel;in athance. The CLC [meeting -e open to thegenera public for eloserwet;on.
For mare informaiion on the CLC please contact;
Herb S-iielda, CLC Faciltalar
Slantec Consultfig
Email; hicirl;t4hieldIsQ611-ablor—coni
Phone; 905-985-3294
For questions or requeata or addilional information ho1perlaining
he CLC, DlEaSia CODIIICt the K2 VOA PEnivElf 1310jECE Tearn. at
E-rnei; K2Wirurigfrcapilla1ptiwor.comi
Telophone: i 0-441-1087
Performing in the Guys'
Medley were Ryan
Jewitt, Rob Kugler, Tyler
MacKay, Kevin Scott,
Scott FitzGerald, Ed
Clark, Bill Zimmerman,
Travis Oliver (on floor)
About the Project
1<2 a giumereliw
telween Ssrieurgl9srewatle Eilecgy,
Nai'rftino), Pationn ner0.2 Cmn.).ip
(Pallem Clereleprnent) L aRIPowef
• 10 Wind will have the capacity to
generate /90 cirgaw.ariN aF annewahle
electriuty horn 140 Sierrritr nxicIL4.
5W1-2.3 wild tut Enes. Carrenn-cial
peroration o• exrnediCicamrriance
• Huothatiael COiegrutilitn jatz trelet1
duririg the 113ni0LiCiticlabuGtKifi
" 1E1 toi 24 permanero errploosea
w ill be hired For OPOraiions •Rar,araring
S.1.6 ninon, cd ernplavrnani inCOrrtp
nrou.a115+, Ji Il bl:t $6 S? (Tuition ri
nroct app. -icing into Ihrtr‘lr_Al eau -irk -es'
KQ wind power pre;act will generate
• ranawable energy° equal la flies
needs of —100,000 Orilorki here= ezith
I In 2013, ic2 W.idiltrld [he id....riship 01
ACW aiigliied a Ca-munay Benefit% Fond
Agreerrem the' wAldstiyer. an annual
payment of epar041Male," 700.040 lo
the ACW vase. ih•a life o1hs Neu
Mem, inforrrwilional~11-Fn Project k7.