The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-05-07, Page 14Networke LASSIFI ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTA RIO OR ACROSS ME COUNTRY! For ',Acme inrom-Ac, Elkin confoct your fac.c.d.neve-,,opper. A ENE RT1SHIG REACH Ivi.LLIONS c CUSTOMERS IFI C4kITA R IJTII a.! EA5Y LL 1 '1 OUT mum mAseiii Ad DF Diaptay Ad would appear In or Cro Idy newspapers eaoh week aoross Drr1r. in to rtunn, kalti kart' rtn end r kre I El WM IL r {Kr more Into-47nel non cat! Today Toll -Free 1 -88S -21D -2E80. Email: k.rnisgitesympabco.ca or wiall wave OrrifaInClassrmatIlAn's corn. VACATIONYTRAVEL ,k1-.31se Tit R F .A. 1%1 A L -rII WI L, 44 D R1.5 M5 DF SALEILE IML.ANIEL A IN' IELT-11N-11.1111.11111i41 kip saloon" fabulous al* Offerealli-ks year onky %lune IL114 5 AV CArigillalkkit Ci Lon te Ontano Newsaamens! sirsedverilaireopftetlaasofts TOLL-FREE, 1 -vou-aea-7.zaiE 1.4 F rani 61. M mosso Loo 41IC0 04001405j Rcr-ca-m7 P•oro1;1-1 -7-.45rvic- iis Can -Lorin, E Eta blt• he d 112 EU eta n QIu ntiel, FL & Affordable. A+B613 Ruling. RCMP Accredited Employ' rneulk Tr51117111 Winn rci,• co row !- nation 1-E- N DW-P.,01M1211hl 11.-E,EZ- n72-73413 Rra C1 Al LW RatInixl.com. r...0MING EVENTS I1 I/ 1-1AVL.J. DC1.1. - Join 1121 I CiT I NI 1 Pa Annual Reretklion a Performance Motor 8h.w - Jul. 1S-20. 2014 on The .../liornborno Croundra Venclorta, 5wap meal. Car !FLc.IJUirizes), Trauks. RV's. Eike:- TracIers. Fare, Ei.. EN DORS. wAN-rrio - I Fas 7715 T .nr VISIT wgeorsprnhaye• ock oorn Zany. irlgriwr505Ae.,:s 25Ih A111-411511 1-iAvr.i C:DLINTIZT JAMBOREE - Akin ..lackeors. DirM Bewily. Josh Turnen 2.ne ▪ ll'icklor, NI* &wine e -so - glue's a Mxrly 1.4.11X1 r.-nnnr1-11.15 1 Fame Liyo Couran.. allusra& Carapng, Fosil. yid! -AOC 14- 1 ;1, J 14, Cl -won .JS Acka - rsuY r TS 1 1100 9:411.:43M3, 1-1a...elockJ.:%mboree.corn Pgii3CINAL5 TOP REL PSYCHICS Aoculaie .14.:111:JuripH 24fr. Clall now 1-10 P -A42- 113:101. P.111 -.4111n. A14411.6 Frl tyr Amvoar to.ny asycl:lo4. Ea DATING SERVICE. L ucup144 r rfu'ipri u I - 1 or run neellonnhvn, 'Irmo lo bryl 287-981:13. Talk AIM sIngre lerdleos Call 47.117B e 1-E:SB-5a-4-61384. 1 -111511-'11 1 -1E-41:. i111151:115. Meek locaal esigle Irollaa I 4177-1154-5.35.1. 41114-) A NOT NER L NELY LI1M44ER We kip. ritrL1 raiaTY INTrionucTioranrirr you 5ornoone eou loya to spera you' Mu vd1111. OnLund'a IreLilLiOn an matchrnaluor ALL r5lEvi5k5-4D.I. BTEEL BUIiDING..HOT BAVII*EIS - EFRir1 Es.JALE 20.24 $4.45 7n X34 $4,5.111 71r1X1 0 3O12T 2 xao 7,7 .105015 112,1113 4.7X72 517,77E1. ClrIU Enid waII Included. Psonlear 1-411:10- O 1341,1422. www.planeers7eol FOR SALE EXPLOFI:EliLJU1 CAL'S ra P.1 P.:AS.9E145.ER VANS fiRilir.11;41 r.-. Irl Acanac-Inc. 1•1 HIGH SPEED IRTERSPET 517 lV1pnlh .AbarolurAlp ii Fal-%rlat ank bieekeit Unlimited Downloading Up1ol1Mapa Download •S 12K1131£1:sin Up2oncl ORDER TODAY AT WWW -IN q4,11,111ftc OrrAt or CALL TOLL-FREE 1.-1113a-2111-8635 ISAUV.1..411.1. r. Thorn .m1. 4,4 ,a2T - te.gArtm 4!NE & AVE NIONEY win!, your OV,Ifl bandmill - Cul lumber arty curnen•ton In stook rely R1-111 ri1uL Inho 2L DVD: vronee.Nui reuudSolydnultha..ealni4C100:1 1..61:1a Ek1:4300T EN! PLOYMENT 0P123. CrEALER REQUIRES 1ose41h? Joarneyrnan 'Peons. GM1D. esed aneprprinnrn 71 n MPLISI•11 C0AIWAVI1111.1.1. WIC Ng MI lull L4iniaf114 Ennuil no bluing, la: c[onnaog200342yahoo.ca 01 itrx. 714615-3150d Atierillon Don No phone crala Menne rainy! M1ii. St. Paul. Ailsaraa. MORTGAGES AS SEEN ON TV Need a MORT. Horne rninly 1 n..f. n. 11+1114d r U di I .14- Eirip105,d121, BeillkiuV? Boon 1urr.e.41 down? Facing Foradloaure. 'Power or Sstle DAL!, US hi OW TOLL-FREE 1-87Y-12-44.24 and Ilpeak 40 a licarisad rnorigeoe ageral MMArnoriproaa corn spectriliz- 4151 In rerun:R*7am! cornrnerehol, rural, wiricLatuin, ficrYni, indr1I1.uOno. V.Ii: wq.gw. MNIA.rnortgages com a_k-a11717.rsi tta 1oL, 2nd, rd moicruACES. - Debi Consolidelloa, Refinanoing,, fl en 04431 1£11141. To it A rree.rti.. flE. Crt0 $5114£ 5rne pay *NKIII :Joe monLL1 erap.c)ND rIi-ne, Lail credit, inawei of LIMO ScogIted!! BETTER OPTION IVO RT CALL Ti Teil-vraa I-add-202-11mm, woof nitiaLrepuurinnr iu. 01.$in (LIC•1; 1 Efg1R35. WANTED WANTED: OLO TUBE AUDIO F.11.11P15.11r14 T. 40 yeara .er elder Arno!' harm, ZGLermo Recordino end 20und EtlaiWnurfil Hafilinono orgoris. Any contatiork ao 'Nor rraxiel ennaelnn CAI! Tr.U-Frrpe L -E11)1? -947- .1 51 f.l.d5-215? • • • - A 1.1105 FOR SALE DU% ALP16 FILNIANCENC. 1.1ACYLe.AL -WI 111 yen.1 apprOve ref an automobile no planer flg your nirairnalarrorari Form Drron lIIi u rad IL 41 IL 101 Oyer aob vohrcion lo chooso rro,o. Apply online '01WW.C-ItrIEC11241-1e1.1106irP1.111 GE. cArenDIAIS AUTO GROUP INC Su 1 inu 1.143514. Oro., br, LOnduc`i , ON, Tell.Frce 1-9811.47.1-Bala1 E1ik472. 4415 DRIVERS WANTED ILAIIW,AUY c.Alliar1.211 AN 1,1516SION raquiees 6}11110rrenood AZ liceasee driver= io nal Ms U.8.. Premium mill:. Egle rate Horne %weekly New equip. meni. Also niririg Cweer Ogonalors. 1-1100-253-112E7 L OOFINO FOR OWYNER•OPERA TOR - To end horni.. U.B 3.1pnrie Weettencl.!..PI Weir%ty, Benallt Rook.° ge "%vial !labile PO'S' 5knec1ure 551. ol proems void.' your own trailer. Eia% g10513 with Malt roucl bailed MuiDahnd Tierudinnetilkeill'a Iiut zronnion 1or 70 17. wan per mile. Send Resume- to: Email: rn1all.d11Ehohniul.corn !Ins: f,i- CALL5113-52045.700. for lunhu. CAREER aPPEC 43U11- 'YOUR EXPERIENCE lefOrte le% THIRD -non QUARTER The Jot. 4.7,411-447.-e cr Penplegignr1 �Qld -0yAccost, Canada. FREE For CANDIDATE% REFER 6.10W AT evaron&lklo I roll Rom • r r_c TIZILL,FREE71415:5-.466-1:1446 Fion'k Minn Dukl 157 moron , Undlnino. oIbIIIiIs.5500 501. 1. ricum La 50.3 It of lake -shore. wr Lrl ecE WI aortal rid, • h0.171 I* gill lzkoolfhopra esproporro. ea J ackLe 1-341E-744-23512 S-3015-7441- 7432 1A1134sh orilr-e for open Mum!. 14 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Pinecrest Manor Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home is now accepting applications for the following position: Part Time Food Service Worker With current Safe Food Handling Certificate. Must have FSW certificate or be enrolled in FSW program Forward Resume to: Liana Baker, Dietary Manager 399 Bob Street, Box 220 Lucknow ON NOG 2H0 Fax 519.528.2377 Services Offered Services Offered CUSTOM SHORT DISC (TILLING) Available for those unplowed fields Call Jamie at 519-440-6449 DOUBLE D COMPANY - Billiard Specialist & Games Room. New & used Snooker & Pool Tables. Moving recovery & set ups welcome. Cues, cases, lights and all acces- sories, shuffleboards, pub and poker tables reconditioned, slot machines from casinos for home use. Showroom 4 McGivern St. West, Walkerton, 1-519-881-2113, Duffy. General Help Wanted General Help Wanted AZ TRUCK DRIVER TTK Transport is taking applications for a full time AZ truck driver. Based out of Goderich, must be able to cross border. FAST card eligible and Passport required. Preference given to experienced drivers but will consider further training for recent AZ driving school graduates. Excellent wage package, full family benefits including dental, drugs, life Ins. etc. Please fax resume and drivers abstract to TTK Transport Inc. Fax 519-524-9658 Phone 519 524 4331 Email to: darryl@ttktransport.com Or drop it off at our office 551 Mooney Street, Goderich. • www.ttktransport.com Premier Concrete requires CARPENTERS LABOURERS & EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for bridge construction. • Competitive wages paid • Travel is required Email resume to premierconcrete@tcc.on.ca Thank you to those who apply, but only those considered will be contacted. • General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Walmart Save money. LIv.buQ. We are renovating and NOW HIRING for temporary day & night positions for upcoming renovations. To apply or find out more, please visit us online at www.yourwalmartcareer.ca Legals Legals WirM HURON 4: 11 47 r Y COUNTY OF HURON CULVERT EXTENSIONS FOR STRUCTURE 25-37.1 AND STRUCTURE 25-41.6 ON COUNTY ROAD 25. CONTRACT NO. BR925B/BR926B Sealed tenders, addressed to the Director of Public Works, Mr. Dave Laurie, County of Huron, Public Works Department, 1 Courthouse Square, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2, will be received by him until: 2:00p.m., Wednesday, May 28, 2014 For the reinforced concrete culvert extensions for two concrete culverts on County Road 25 (Blyth Road), east of Walton. Plans, specifications and tender forms for this contract may be obtained from the office of the undersigned after May 7, 2014, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $40.00, payable to B. M. Ross and Associates Limited, which includes all taxes. Each tender must be accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $10,500. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender award is conditional upon County budget approval. Bidders shall note that the County has an established tender evaluation system. B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Engineers and Planners 62 North Street Goderich, ON N7A 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2641 Fax: (519) 524-4403 www.bmross.net Cn nurct with Ontarin n crwitenci ynur bus i 7.% yracF-i!utro.rw.narttunrkilas5ifiecl.nrg