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HST included
L ck ow Sentine
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
# nk
Volunteers join in the Lucknow c
ity pickup,
Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel
Girl Guides clean up the Lucknow Soccer Fields during the annual Pitch -In Canada Day Clean Cleanup under the leadership of Deb Marion and Dayle Taylor
on May 1, 2014. From left: Darcie Robinson, Skylar Murray, Daija Haldenby, Delilah Haldenby, Mikayla Havens.
Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel
The Lucknow Scouts volunteered to clean around the baseball diamond at
the Complex during the Annual Pick-up in Lucknow under the leadership
of Kevin and Jim Finnegan. on May 1, 2014. From left: Isaac Smith, Tyson
Robinson, Chase Smits, Jacob Smith, Layne Rothmaier, Tyler Hellen.
Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel
Lucknow residents Tammy Murray and her son Damon Murray joined in
the Community Pick -Up organized by the Lucknow & District Chamber of
Commerce on May 1, 2014.
Lucknow helping Canadians with Disabilities
Lions Foundation of
Canada Purina Walk
for Dog Guides
On Sunday, May 25, 2014, resi-
dents of Lucknow are taking steps
to help Canadians with disabili-
ties achieve greater independ-
ence by participating in the Luc -
know Purina' Walk for Dog
Guides. The Lucknow Walk is tak-
ing place at Lucknow & District
Community Centre, beginning at
1:00 p.m.
One of 200 Walks, the Lucknow
Purina' Walk for Dog Guides is
organized by local volunteers and
provides community members
with a fun and meaningful way to
positively impact the lives of Luc- Guides at no cost."
know residents living with disa- One in seven Canadians is liv-
bilities. It costs $25,000 to train ing with a disability and the
and place a Dog Guide, but demand for Dog Guides is on the
thanks to the funds raised by the rise. Dog Guides are trained to
Walk, Canadians can receive assist people who are visually
them at no cost. impaired, hard of hearing or deaf,
"We are truly grateful for the and those who have medical and
support from communities like physical disabilities. One hun-
Lucknow," explains Sandy Tur- dred per cent of the funds raised
ney, Executive Director, Lions from the Walk will go towards
Foundation of Canada Dog providing Dog Guides to Canadi-
Guides. "As our largest annual ans in need.
fundraiser, the Walk goes a long
way in helping provide Dog TURN>PAGE2