HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-03-19, Page 7Wednesday, March 19, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 7 Women's shelter survey information released The Canadian Network of Women's Shelters and Transition Houses (CNVVSTH) released the first pan Cana- dian annual survey SHELTER VOICES on the state of emergency shelters in Canada on March 5. The survey shows that on one day, 242 shelters in Canada helped 4,178 women and 2,490 children. The survey also shows that 116 women were preg- nant and 184 had been threatened by a gun. In 2014, violence against women remains a major barrier for far too many women in achieving their full potential. "Canada can and must do more to end violence against women" said Lise Martin, CNWSTH Executive Director. "This survey brings to us the voices of women survivors and their children and the voices of front-line shelter workers who are incredible change agents within their communities. Con- cern over inability to effectively address increasingly complex issues faced by clients and the feeling of not being able to affect the systematic causes of the issues facing clients were the top two most critical issues for shelter workers:' The survey also showed that the three biggest challenges for shelters are lack of government funding (70% of shelters reported), gaps in services and supports for marginalized women (62% of shel- ters reported) and lack of supports when a woman leaves the shelter (62% of shelters reported). "This survey is critical to the ongoing development and advocacy for greater services and supports for women who are rebuilding their lives after leaving VON planning seniors exercise programs in April The VON Grey Bruce SMART (Sen- iors Maintaining Active Roles Together) and Falls Prevention program is coming to Lucknow beginning Tuesday, April 8, 2014. The SMART Program is an older adult (55+) functional fitness and falls pre- vention exercise program that will be held at the Lucknow arena every Tues- day and Friday morning from 11 a.m. to noon. Each class is one hour in length and contains 30 minutes of aerobic activity and 30 minutes of strength and flexibil- ity exercises. There's no fee for register- ing for the classes, and equipment is provided, but interested participants must call the VON Office and register prior to participating. Instructors for this program are also needed for the program, with both vol- unteer and paid positions available. Training is free. Anyone interested in joining this pro- gram is asked to call Jessica Doerr at 519-371-5331 ext 236 or email Jessica. Doerr@von.ca an abusive situation," said Anuradha Dugal, Director of Violence Prevention at the Canadian Women's Foundation, one of the major funding partners for SHELTER VOICES. "This data shows us that too many Canadian women are having to access emergency shelters because they are not safe in their own homes and that as Canadians, we must continue the crucial work to raise awareness and funding for services that support women survivors of abuse." Shelters contribute more than a safe place to stay. They are a focal point con- necting women to the services available which are far too often insufficient and uncoordinated. The Network is com- mitted to working towards long term systems change. When asked to iden- tify one thing that would make things better for women and children, access to safe, affordable and permanent housing options came up time after time. Workers noted that "this is one of the main reasons that women end up going back to abusive relationships time and time again': "Don't give up on us because so many of us have already given up on ourselves." "I came here scared and confused, they made me realize that I am worthy of so much more." "This is the best and safest place to live ever!" These are a few of the voices that came out of the SHELTER VOICE survey. The 242 participating shelters com- pleted an on-line questionnaire to reflect the data of one specific day in the life of their shelter during the week of Nov. 25, 2013. The data from this Lucknow Bowling Scores prirrir Scores for March 13, 2014 Team Standings: Tulips -42, Pansies - 39.5, Daffodils -39, Hyacinths -32.5, Daisies -25.5, Snowdrops -25.5. Games over 200: Lois Chaput-200, Games over 175: Bev Springer -189, Pat Livingston -186, Noel Murray -183, Emerson Howald-175. High Single Ladies: Lois Chaput-200, High Double Ladies: Bev Springer -351, High Single Men: Noel Murray -183, High Double Men: Emerson Howald-346. MONDAY NIGHT MIXED BOWUNG LEAGUE Scores for March 10, 2014 Team Standings: Dragonlilies - 54, Roses - 52, Poppies - 49, Jack -in -the pulpit - 36. High Single Female: Wendy Ritchie - 226, High Single Male: Ron Elliott - 226, High Triple Female: Wendy Ritchie - 547, High Triple Male: Ron Elliott - 623 Over 200 Scores: Ron Elliott - 218, Herk - 218. MONDAY NIGHT MIXED BOWUNG LEAGUE Scores for March 3, 2014. Team Standings: Dragonlilies - 51, Pop- pies - 49, Roses - 48, Jack -in -the Pul- pit - 35. High Single Female : Theresa Flood - 202, High Single Male: Ron Elliott - 303 High Triple Female: Theresa Flood - 513, High Triple Male: Ron Elliott - 717, Over 200 Score: Ron Elliott 210 & 204. FORD IS BACK WITH BUILT - • TOUGH 1:WM11_11 $1000 Towards accessories on most new 2013/2014 trucks 2 years 40,000KM maintained included SEE MONTGOMERY FORD IN LUCKNOW & KINCARDINE FOR DETAILS. ,MationomERY Lucknow : Kincardine 519-528-2813 519-396-3436 survey is part of a global data count, a yearly initiative of the Global Network of Women's Shelters coordinated by the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters. Gold for Lucknow's Staehli before heading to Uganda Lucknow's Julie -Anne this inmind!" Staehli took gold at the Cana- Staehli was also named her dian Interuniversity (CIS) Queen's University's Female national championships at the Athlete of the Week on March University of Alberta from 10. March 6-8,2014. For more information, visit Staehli, a women's track www.facebook.com/ team member with Queen's fisu2014uganda University, was first in the 3,000 metre event with a time of 9:32.91 and a fifth in the 1,500 - metre, missing out on a medal by seconds. She had qualified for nation- als in the two events after tak- ing gold at the 3,000m and bronze in the 1,500m at the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) Championship a few weeks ago. The 20 -year-old recently qualified for the FISU World University (WUC) Cross Coun- try Championship in Entebbe, Uganda on March 22. Staehli left for Africa on March 16. "She has been overwhelmed with the donations that have made this trip possible, and wants to thank the community for their generosity," said her mother Cathy Staehli via e-mail "I can assure you that she will represent Canada at the World's Cross Country with Julle,Annu Staab!! Vito menesTmck. (QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY PHOTO) JUIle-Anne Staehli of Huron - Kinloss took national track gold in the 3,000 -metre at the University of Alberta on March 8, 2014. She left for international competition in Uganda March 16. IOWNiHIF °F- AN -mil" -c ximrsiyar -vmdtANcrai TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD - COLBORNE - WAWANOSH TAXES DUE REMINDER The first installment of the 2014 fax levy is due on March 31, 2014 Tax payments must be received at the municipal office by the due date. Tax payments can be made in person at the municipal office, by regular mail, or at the CI BC Goderich branch only. Interac/debit card services are accepted at the office as well as post-dated cheques for your convenience. Telephone/internet banking is available through most major banking institutions. Pre -authorized payment is available by completing a form from the office and providing a VOID cheque. After hour payments may be left in the letter slot located at the front door. Taxes not paid by the due date are subject to interest of 1.25% per month. Failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer from responsibility for payment nor the liability of penalty charges for late payment.