HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-03-19, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, March 19, 2014
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An unwelcomed guest on my back deck
The first time it happened it
very nearly scared the life out of
me. Jolted awake by the sharp
insistent barking of a dog that sel-
dom barks is a rude awakening
indeed. Someone or something
was on our back deck!
I must have watched far too
many stereotypical movies and
TV shows growing up. It was my
belief that it was always the man's
job to jump out of bed, grab a
nearby weapon, like a baseball
bat and run out to save the day.
Not so here. Hubby doesn't get
the chance as I spring into action
to stop the incessant racket.
I will admit that it is easier
these days in the early signs of
dawn than it would have been
even a month ago in the pitch
blackness of night. At least see-
ing what was causing our four -
legged alarm to go off was easier;
and easier to be seen running, to
dare I say, "hit the snooze"
Imagine my surprise! Bounc-
ing up and down, wagging his tail
and looking through the sliding
doors with great expectations
was our neighbour's dog. Who
says animals can't talk? It was
abundantly clear to me that this
Lab was looking for a playmate
for his early morning exploits.
Now Sailor's barking was
replaced with the plaintive cries
of this puppy.
Yes, puppy. Although a rela-
tively large dog, with incredibly
large feet, the face staring
through the glass was that of a
young pup. He was beautiful and
his cries tugged at my heart. But
let there be no misunderstanding
here. Sailor was NOT going to go
out and join him. I have raised
four boys and I know what hap-
pens when you give in just one
wee little bit to those sorrowful
This pup and I had already had
this discussion before. He had
come calling while I was out in
our drivewaywith Sailor and
Coffee, one of son's dog that we
were doggie -sitting. Oh, sure
they played the customary "Yel-
low Marks the Spot" and they
played rather nicely considering
Coffee was on a leash. (And we
all knowthat all dogs have to be
on a leash or no dogs are on a
leash, don't we?) But when all
was said and done, young pup
did not want to go home.
What's a person to do? Well,
take your dogs in the house and
the other will go home. Yes? No!
Ten minutes later I go back out
and lo and behold, young pup is
just sitting at the edge of the
garage. When he saw me, he got
so excited and his looks said, "Are
you coming out to play?" Oh,
bother. I grabbed Sailor's leash
and walked this lost soul back to
his house which is immediately
behind ours.
And now, here he was back
again. After ignoring him for a
time, he eventually went home.
But for the next five days, at 6:45
Sailor was up at the sliding
doors, growling and inter-
spersed with that sound was the
plaintive cries to come out and
Young pup was not looking so
cute anymore. Young pup was
needing to go home and stay
there. No waywas I looking to do
an early morning walk around
the block. I didn't do it for Sailor
so there was no way I was going
to do it for my neighbour's dog.
It's cold out there! It's winter out
there! Okay. My name is Merri
and I am a fair-weather dog
On one of those five days,
young pup was spotted through
the bedroom window. He was
half in -half out of a snow bank,
was digging and chewing at
something dark and furry look-
ing. It intrigued me yet fright-
ened me a little as I was thinking
he'd dug up something dead. It
was dead alright.
Later in the day I plowed
through the deep slow to see
what he'd found. Yikes! This dog
was a thief too. He'd stolen the
porcupine shoe scrubber off our
front porch and had chewed off
all the bristles. Part of me
thought he might have had a
good lesson if he'd tangled with
a live one but that beautiful face
made it hard for me to wish that
on him. However, he destroyed
my porcupine! Not that it got
used much. Call me crazy but it
did have some sentimental
value. It had been my mother's.
Last night he came to visit and
peered at us through the living
room window. The shades were
slightly ajar and Sailor was trying
really hard to ignore him. It's the
crying and whimpering that get
to me. And it's cold out there!
And it's winter out there!
I jumped to my feet and
grabbed the phone to call my
neighbor. But then it struck me
that I only knew the son's first
name and finding that in the
phone book was not going to
happen. So ignore him I did.
Young pup went home... at least
till the next time.
Note to Self: Unless you want
to make house calls, it's good to
Note to Self
Merri Macartney
QM! Agency
know the neighbour's last names
Merri Macartney is a profes-
sional speaker, seminar leader,
author and certified success
coach. Her book, Thoughtsfrom
the Tub, is sold locally. Send com-
ments to: merri@MerrimacCom-
Run Around the Square
set for May 11 in Goderich
Well, it is that time of year again,
to get geared up for the 5th Run
Around the Square in Goderich.
The date is set for Sunday May 11,
2014 and starts in the beautiful
downtown Square area
I am sure that most of you, are
not even entertaining the idea of a
run when you are sipping your
morning coffee and looking out
your front window to still see a few
feet of snow on the ground. Will
Spring ever arrive? Of course it will!!
We are hosting a 5K run and a
10K run that is on a designated
route throughout the town of
Goderich. We start and finish on the
Square. We encourage any and
every one to participate in this fun
day. We have seasoned veteran run-
ner's, occasional runner's, individu-
als who have never participated in
an organized run before and are
doing so for the first time and we
also have wallcers!
We kick off the run by having a
FREE KIDS RUN starting at 0840 of
which they actually run around the
All of our registration for the 5K
and 10K events are done online and
can be found at www.runa-
roundthesquare.ca You can also
find valuable information on this
site as well.
The registration fees will go up on
April 1st and the registration offi-
cially closes on May lst, at mid-
night!! We have added the breakfast
feature again for your supporters
that will be attending and cheering
you on. This is for EXTRA people
only, not the runner as the breakfast
is included in your registration fee.
We also have added a box for you to
make your own CUSTOMIZED bib
to keep as a memento for your 20th
run or your very 1st run.
The Run Committee is dedicated
to making this a wonderful event
and all the monies that are raised
from this event, go to the Dave
Mounsey Memorial Fund. This
fund raises money to purchase defi-
brillators to be donated in memory
of fallen Military, Police, Fire and
Paramedics whom have lost their
lives while on duty protecting their
communities. More information on
the DMMF can be found at www.
If you are not a runner or a
wallcer, but do wish to help, please
You may also make a monetary
donation at the local Scotiabank on
the Square and a portion of funds
raised, will be matched by
At approximately at 1045 hrs, the
Run Committee will be making a
defibrillator donation to the family
of deceased OPP Constable D. Craig
Campbell Badge #6477. OPP Con-
stable Campbell had just passed his
probationary period in the Kincar-
dine OPP station, when he was trag-
ically killed in a traffic accident
while on duty. We will be honour-
ing his memory at our 5th Run.
As Race Director, I would like to
extend an invitation for our local
townspeople to come out and sup-
port all these runner's and walkers
who will be malcing their way
throughout the town on Sunday
May 11. Your cheering at different
locations wffi be a welcome sight to
all who are participating and put a
little extra in their step!!
On behalf of the Run Around the
Square committee, I will see you on
May 1 lth!!
Liz Black -Petrie , Race Director
Run Around the Square