HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-06-11, Page 5Wednesday, June 11, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 •Riwwww.lucknowsentinel.com letters to the editor War Amps Child Amputee Program Dear Editor, I was born missing part of my right hand and was enrolled in The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program. I have been a "Champ" ever since. Two weeks ago , I had the opportunity to attend The War Amps 2014 Ontario CHAMP Seminar in Burlington as a Junior Counsellor. Junior Counsellors are role models for younger Champs as they too grow up in the CHAMP Program. I was able to help out with the Seminar during the many ses- sions and talk to the parents of new child amputees. The impact I strive to have on other Champs is that as they learn about my life and experiences, it helps them gain the con- fidence to know that they too don't have to be limited by any physical difference they have. As Champs, we often have to work a bit harder to learn how to adapt to a new task, but with effort and a little creativity, we can reach any goal we set. My favourite things about seminars are that there is always something to learn, whether it be about artificial limbs, CHAMP Ambassador projects such as PLAYSAFE, or amputee advice, and the opportunity to make friends with the new Champs, while catching up with those I have grown up with in the program. As someone who has benefited locally, I would like to thank all of you who support The War Amps Key Tag Service, which has made these programs possible for young amputees like me. Sincerely, Jamey Irwin, 16 Mississauga, Ontario Purple Grove News Submitted Finally a break all the farmers have been waiting for. It's been a race to get the fields planted before this next rain. Hopefully eve- ryone has been careful meeting and follow- ing all the farm equipment and have shown patience while traveling the roads arriving at their destinations. Has anyone else been watching the activity of the bee population and taking notice that there truly are fewer bees on the go? Some- thing to think about and figure out is there any way we can help before it is too late and they are gone for good? Many from Purple Grove appreciated the special Anniversary Service at the Knox Pyes- byterian Church in Teeswater Sunday. It was a wonderful time of praise and worship with the Ballagh Bunch, The Bushell's and the Bruce Power Post -secondary Scholarshin Pro ram Submitted For the fourth consecutive year, Bruce Power has launched a scholarship pro- gram aimed at students pur- suing post -secondary educa- tion in Bruce, Grey and Huron counties. Students attending post- secondary school this fall can apply for one of 100, $500 scholarships. Students who are enrolled in a skilled - trade, college or university for the 2014-2015 academic year are invited to apply when it opens on June 2. "As we look to future refur- bishment of our units at Bruce Power and have iden- tified a need for people with technical and trades exper- tise in our industry, it's important that we encourage and support our youth in pursuing post -secondary education," said Duncan Hawthorne, President and CEO, Bruce Power. The scholarship program, Giving for Living which builds on existing Bruce Power commence- ment awards for Grade 8 and high school graduates, exemplifies the company's commitment to youth devel- opment and education. There are no limitations on areas of study and some spe- cial considerations are in place to ensure a broad reach and diverse group have the opportunity to reach their goals. The pro- gram's aim is to reach as Weekly Door to Door Collection As the warmer weather approaches us, residents of Lucknow can once again expect weekly door to door vis- its from Community Living Wingham Volun- teers whom wish to col- lect Non Perishable Food and Hygeine items for the North Huron Community Foodshare. This is the fourth year, that volunteers Julie Kuik, William MacMillan, Terri- Menary Stanley and Kevin Wilson have dedicated their time and efforts to what they con- sider a very worthy cause. This project will start the first Friday in June, and continue over the summer months until all streets and sections of Lucknow have been cov- ered. One can expect a visit from these volun- teers Friday mornings between the hours of 10-11:30 am. This canvas is a "no pressure" donation. We realize that many people already give to the Foodbank through their local churches and or directly. We just want to make this easier for you by coming to your door, and delivering these much needed items for you. On another note, no donation is too small. Please know that we do not take cash donations, and will only accept canned or packaged goods. For more information on howyou can help the Food - share, contact Julie Kuik at 519-357-3562 many students as possible with a one-time monetary pledge of support during their academic studies. In 2014, Bruce Power will invest $75,000 in scholar- ships and commencement awards for students through- out our region. To apply for one of Bruce Power's $500 scholarships, visit www.bru- cepower.com/community/ scholarships. The applica- tion period runs from June 2 -July 4. Volunteers Needed Lucknow Music in the Fields Valerie Gillies Editor/Lucknow Sentinel It takes many hands to organize and run an event as large as the Lucknow Music in the Fields. Organizers are in need of several more volunteers. You can find an application under "Infor- mation" on the website or call Cheryl Johnston 5-9-441-7456 or Karen McMurray 519-528-3947. Vaughan Men's Choir. Mary Anne Kukoly visisted with June and Earl Elliott in Wingham on Sunday. Congratulations to Tereasa and David Becker who celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary on May 29. Recent visitors with Fran and Jim Farrell where Diane and Tom Slumsld from the Dob- binton area. The Conservation 4-H Club met at the Huron Township Landfill Site to do a major clean up. A good turn out showed and did a great job clearing the area. Thankyou for all your hardwork and support. Ladies remember our next meeting for the Purple Grove Women's Institute is Wednes- day June 4, noon at the Morrison Straw House. See you there. 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