HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-06-04, Page 15Raise a Litt Submitted Office of MP Ben Lobb, MP - Huron -Bruce The Hometown Heroes "Raise a Little Health" char- ity hockey game will be tak- ing place on July 24th in Goderich at the Maitland Recreation Centre. The goal is to raise $50,000 for three local organizations; the Goderich-Huron YMCA's Strong Kids; Gateway Cen- tre of Excellence in Rural Health; and Alexandra Marine & General Hospital. The game will feature for- mer and current NHL stars, including former Detroit Red Wings Forward and Stanley Cup Champion, Boyd Devereaux; current Colorado Avalanche For- ward Ryan O'Reilly; and his younger brother Cal O'Reilly, who currently plays for the Utica Comets in the AHL. Brett Maclean, former Phoenix Coyote Forward, will be joining the roster. In the summer of 2012, Brett suffered cardiac arrest while playing some pick-up hockey with friends in Owen Sound. The arena was equipped with an auto- mated external defibrillator and this was used to shock his heart until paramedics arrived on the scene. This ultimately ended his career as a professional hockey Wednesday, June 4, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 1 5 e Health player, but it did not end his passion for the sport. "I'm excited to be taking part in this cause, and as always, pretty pumped to get out there on the ice," said Brett. For the past three years, Brett has worked together with friends as well as the Heart and Stroke Founda- tion to set up the Bar Down for Heart and Stroke Road Hockey Tournament. This year's tournament is taking place June 13 -15th at the Racquetball Club in Port Elgin. For more informa- tion please contact Adam Rosner at 519-389-1504, or email him at: HYPERLINK "mailto:adamrosner@hot- mail.com"adamrosner@ hotmail.com. "We are delighted to have Brett joining the team, and we look forward to 'raising a little health' with him and many others this July!" said Member of Parliament for Huron -Bruce, Ben Lobb. You can purchase tickets for the Hometown Heroes charity hockey game at M.P. Ben Lobb's offices in Goderich and Port Elgin. Tickets are also available at the Gateway Centre in Sea - forth, the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Gift Shop, and the Goder- ich-Huron YMCA. You can also contact Gwen Devereaux at 519 524-8689 x5212. Networ «LA CAREER OPPS. PUT YOUR EXPERIENCE TO WORK CkTHIRD QUARTER The Job Service For People Aged 45 And Over Across Canada. FREE FOR CANDIDATES REGISTER NOW AT: www.thirdquarter.ca TOLL-FREE: 1-855-286-0306 EMPLOYMENT OPPS. PCL ENERGY - Now Hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. 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