HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-07-30, Page 7Wednesday, July 30, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 7
Nothing New - Liberal Budget Fails Huron -Bruce
Office of Lisa Thompson,
Huron -Bruce MPP
When families and busi-
nesses alike see expenses
exceed revenue, a natural
reaction is to reign in spend-
ing and to stop living beyond
their means. This simple
economic concept is seem-
ingly lost on Wynne's Liberal
Government. "The budget is
a political document, not a
practical plan for our prov-
ince's fiscal situation," said
Lisa Thompson, Huron -
Bruce MPP.
"I cannot in good con-
scious support a budget that
will cost families in our com-
munity more money." It's
unbelievable for the govern-
ment to claim everything
will be fine as long as they
keep spending money
Ontario taxpayers don't
have. Thompson's remarks
came following the introduc-
tion of the Ontario Budget by
Kathleen Wynne's Liberal
Thompson continued,
"Liberal policies have made
our energy rates the highest
in North America. Liberal
policies are also driving
business and investment out
of Ontario and putting the
squeeze on hard-working
families, and especially sen-
iors on fixed incomes!'
Ontario's debt rating out-
look has changed from sta-
ble to negative. "A credit
downgrade will have imme-
diate consequences for every
person in Ontario," she
added. "It will mean billions
of dollars will be redirected
towards paying the interest
on our debt, rather than
1141A:10N- BPKICE
going towards frontline
"I will be voting against
this budget - again - in sup-
port of the people and busi-
nesses across Ontario that
can't afford to have their
future mortgaged due to bad
policy decisions. There was
nothing new in their reintro-
duction of the budget today,
and I will hold the Liberals to
account for their unrealistic
and unaffordable decisions,"
she concluded.
Key Budget
Projected deficit: $12.5 billion.
Up from $11.3 billion last year.
Projected provincial debt:
$289 billion. Up from $269 bil-
lion last year. The debt was
$139 billion when the Liberals
first came to office in 2003.
Government spend-
ing: $130 billion. Up from
$127 billion last year.
Net debt per capita (in effect,
the amount owed by each
and every Ontarian): $21,019.
It was $11,339 in 2003.
Interest payments on the
debt: $11 billion. Up from
$10.6 billion last year.
Interest on the debt is the
third largest expenditure
in the provincial budget,
behind only health care and
education. Interest pay-
ments are projected to rise
by almost 8% per year for
the foreseeable future and
are expected to be the fast-
est growing expense item
in the provincial budget.
For more information on
the 2014 budget, visit http://
Harper Government Welcomes Applications for Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program Funding
Submitted by Office of Ben
Lobb MP
Over $11 million already
invested for more than
200 projects across Can-
ada to support fish habitat
conservation and
OTTAWA, Ontario - The
Honourable Gail Shea,
Minister of Fisheries and
Oceans, announced that
the Government of Can-
ada is now accepting
funding applications for
Round III of the Recrea-
tional Fisheries Conserva-
tion Partnerships Program
The RFCPP was
announced in Economic
Action Plan 2013 to sup-
port habitat restoration
projects led by recrea-
tional fishing and angling
groups, as well as conser-
vation organizations.
Given its early success
and high demand, an
additional investment in
Economic Action Plan
2014 increased the fund-
ing available through the
program to a total invest-
ment of $25 million.
Upon discussion with
stakeholders, the Gov-
ernment has simplified
the applications process
as well as clarified and
expanded some criteria.
The Terms and Condi-
tions have been extended
to March 31, 2016. The
total financial support
for the project from all
levels of government
combined (federal, pro-
vincial, territorial and
municipal) has increased
to a maximum of 75% of
the total project value. In
addition, 25% of the
RFCPP contribution can
now be applied to the
costs associated with
design and planning
activities within the pro-
ject and certain eligibil-
ity criteria have been
expanded to accommo-
date new types of
Since 2006, the Gov-
ernment of Canada has
taken important steps to
conserve and restore our
country's natural envi-
ronment and connect
Canadians to our rich
natural heritage. On May
15, 2014, the National
Conservation Plan was
launched to provide a
more coordinated
approach to conservation
efforts across the
The RFCPP is now part
of this national plan.
Quick Facts
* DFO will accept applica-
tions until August 15,2014.
Additional program infor-
mation as well as the
application form and guidelines
will be available on the Depart-
ment's web site June 30, 2014.
* Under Round I the pro-
gram awarded $5.9 mil-
lion to 94 projects taking
place between 2013 and
early spring 2015.
* Under Round II an addi-
tional $5.5 million was
awarded to 128 projects tak-
ing place between 2014
and 2015.
* Recreational fishing con-
tributes significantly to the
Canadian economy, espe-
cially in rural areas. In
2010, for example, angling
generated $8.3 billion
for local economies.
Rally Together to Save Lives
Blood Signal
Canadian Blood Services
We are activating the
Blood Signal during the
week of July 28 and are ask-
ing eligible Canadians to
give blood before the long
Remember why... To spark
an inner drive and compel
people to act, the Blood Sig-
nal has been activated and
symbolizes a rallying cry for
communities to come
together and save lives. Long
weekends have been a
challenging time for years so
we want our donors and pro-
spective donors to know that
it is time to take action and
give or to become a donor.
The next Blood Donor
Clinic in Lucknow is on Fri-
day, August 29 from 2-8 p.m.
This is one of three clinics
at this location for the year.
The goal for this clinic is to
collect 115 units of blood.
Walk ins are always wel-
come. The clinic will be held
at Lucknow Community
To bookyour appointment
to save a life visit www.
blood.ca or call 1-800 2
DONATE (1-888-236-6283).
Save a life.
Blood Signal Image
Fri &Sat
43;45 & 0:15 II
Sun - Thur
7.151* Wnas•
Fri & Sat
6:45 9:15
Sun - Thue
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