HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-07-23, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, July 23, 2014 TiTJi Tieucknow Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street Lucknow Ontario NOG 2H0 phone: 519-528-2822 fax: 519-528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company Ark MARIE DAVID Publisher marie.david@sunmedia.ca VALERIE SILLIES Editor valerie.gi Ilies@sunmedia.ca lucknow.ed itorial@sunmedia.ca JILLIAN UNDERWOOD Sales representative jillian.underwood@sunmedia.ca MARILYN MILTENBURG Office Administrator lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO SENTINEL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT RO. Box 400 Lucknow ON NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: 519-528-2822 • lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca SUBSCRIPTIONS Regular one year Senior one year Two year regular Senior two year $40.00 + $2.00 =$42.00 $35.00 +$1.75 = $36.75 $70.00 + 3.50 = $73.50 $60.00 + $3.00 = $63.00 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All advertising and editorial deadlines: Friday 2 p.m. Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: GODERICH LIBRARY, (from 1875) 52 Montreal Street Goderich ON N7A 1M3 Goderichlibrary@huroncounty.ca KINCARDINE LIBRARY, (from 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) 727 Queen Street Kincardine ON N2Z 1Z9 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. CanadN Aocnal Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association Val's Views Valerie Gillies Who Knows the History of the Cannons? Sometimes we become so accus- tomed to seeing something that we barely give it a second thought. Unfor- tunately, such is the case of some of the symbols in our communities. Unless the history of these treasures is recorded, the stories run the risk of dis- appearing as the links to their past, as well as the older generations who pos- sess these memories, dwindle. A recent communication has brought this breech in recording to the attention of the Sentinel. Gary Moon of Listowel has requested that I ask Sentinel read- ers if anyone knows the story behind how the pair of Walker cannons came to be located in front of the former Luc - know Town Hall. Moon has travelled throughout southern Ontario and has located approximately 30 cannons, so far. He is one of 81 members of a group that is trying to bring the history of the Rother- ham cannons back to life. A visit to their Facebook group page, Rotherham can- non and Nelson's navy, reveals that none of the buildings where these can- nons were built have been preserved. However since the cannons were such a big part of history, both in England and around the world, this group has dedi- cated itself to finding the remaining units and recording the cannons' histo- ries and promoting the history of their town. Moon posts images of connon in Ontario with their stories as he researches them. According to Moon, the cannons in Lucknow were cast 150 or more years ago by the Samuel Walker Foundry in Rotherham Yorkshire England. In speaking with Grant Robertson at the Lucknow Public Library, it was revealed that this is approximately the right tim- ing for the cannons to possibly have been a part of the Sepoy history. Unfor- tunately, neither Robertson nor I were able to find recorded references as to where the cannons actually came from, where they were used, who was respon- sible for securing them or how they came to be located in Lucknow. There are many photos of them in front of the building, but none give their history or significance to Lucknow. Robertson agrees that this history search would be a worthwhile joint pro- ject of the Lucknow Public Library and the Lucknow Sentinel. We are jointly requesting that anyone who knows the story behind these cannons approach either the library or the newspaper to have the history recorded. The informa- tion will also be shared with the Rother- ham group. Furthermore, both the Library and the Sentinel are interested in having people come forward to have their other various memories and histories recorded before they are lost to the www.lucknowsentinel.com passing of time. Although there are sev- eral histories in print for this area, there is still a lot of history missing from available records, as the query concern- ing the cannons illustrates. We look forward to receiving any information concerning the cannons and are quite open to discussing the possibility of setting up interviews with those who have memories and facts to contribute to the ongoing recording of the history of Lucknow and area. The Lucknow Public Library can be reached at 519-528-3011 and the Sentinel at "mailto:lucknow.editorial@sunmedia. calucknow.editorial@sunmedia.ca. Lucknow News Local flower show on today By Ruth Dobrensky Today is a big day for the Lucknow Hor- ticultural Society. They are holding their annual flower show and tea at Lucknow United Church this afternoon. They always have a great show and I'm sure that this year will be no exception. The times they are a -changing. I gave up comic books years ago, but I still remem- ber reading the adventures of Archie and his high school friends as have many oth- ers since the comic book was started in 1939. Well, it seems that the powers that be in the comic book world have decided that Archie must go and so, he will die a heros death, saving the life of his gay best friend Kevin Keller. Kevin wasn't in the comic book when I read it, but keeping with the times, he was introduced a few years ago and Archie who could never make up his mind between Betty or Veronica came through for his friend Kevin. A good example for us all. It looks as though Lucknow is proceed- ing at full speed with plans for Music in the Fields and the Lucknow Fall Fair. Both are always a big attraction for Lucknow and bring in lots of people and business to the community. The line-up for Music in the Fields is looking pretty good and the theme for the fall fair is family farm. That reminds me that I mentioned in a column a few weeks ago that if anyone could guess jpe mpe ntpem vpe, they could win a prize. Well, no one guessed that it was - how now brown cow - but cows do fit in with this year's fall fair theme, so I'm one U p on everyone else. It's interesting to see how the work is progressing in the construction zone at the east end of town, just wish as one of those living in that part of town that they'd hurry up and get it done, just trying to get on and off my street is a danger to the underside of my car. Purple Grove News Purple Grove WI Congratulations to Catherine Andrew who celebrated her 100th birthday on July 14th. Friends and family gathered at her home to help her celebrate. Eve- ryone was delighted to see the 'Queenly' presence whom brought greetings from the Queen, the Governor General and other worthy personages. Thanks to the Ripley and District Lions for another great beef barbeque, and to the Bervie United Church for a tasty meal and enjoyable entertainment (despite the weather). Irene Boyle, Bonnie, Heather and Sam Finnie and family attended the wedding of Jessica Boyle to Andrew Butts near Kitchener Saturday, July 12. Heather went on an adventure July 14, 15, and 16 to Ohio with the friends who had traveled on the Junior Farmer Exchange in 1981. What a blast from the past. Tammy Carbaugh and family were back from Phoenix and visited with her aunt and uncle Deanna and Morley Scott. While here they also attended the Doupe family picnic at Tiverton. Our sympathy is sent to Shirley Col- well Gilders of Clinton on the death of her husband Ray.