HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-07-16, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, July 16, 2014 CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 They chose to spend their time doing crafts, but that did not appeal to Catherine. She much preferred climbing trees, roofs and windmills. Catherine adamantly states, "I am not retired, just mu responsibil- ities have changed." She is still very independent and active in the community, although she does not get out as often since she stopped driving. She plays bridge, but like many groups that were started many years ago it was the same members and no new members were recruited. In fact it was noted that now most wives are working and do not have time to join clubs. With so many peers being lost there is not as much incentive to go out of the home. The change has mainly happened since Catherine has been 97 or 98 years old. She now has someone come into the home to help her with the house- work. Catherine asserts that she still is looking after her son, just as she has done all of her years as a mother, a role she continues to cherish. get it Vine www.lucknowsentinel.com Delegates Bring Concerns to Huron -Kinloss Council General Committee Meeting July 7, 2014 Valerie Gillies Editor/Lucknow Sentinel Drain Installation Concerns: Keith Vanderhoek attended the July 7, 2014 meeting of Huron -Kin- loss Council and provided a detailed letter over concerns with installation of drain through his property on Concession 6 of Huron Township. Vanderhoek com- mended the workmanship of the crew that laid the tile, but has many concerns with the contractor that was to complete the work. Con- cerns included blowouts that had not happened before, catchbasins that were not bolted down, fences that were taken down and not restored as well as crop damage. He has taken this up with the con- tractor that had agreed that these issues would be fixed, but they are not done. The contractor suggested that Vanderhoek take his concerns to H -K Council if he wished reim- bursement for damages. The other option posed by the contractor was that Vanderhoek could pursue his complaints under the drainage act. In discussion it was agreed that there were blatant problems that needed to be addressed. It was agreed that it is most certainly the onus of the contractor to do the repairs and complete the work. Although making an application through the drainage act is an option, Council agreed that it is a costly procedure and should be totally unnecessary in this case as the issues are most certainly the fault of the contractor. Councillor Hanna suggested that Council should approach the contractor to revisit the issues to attempt to avoid having Vanderhoek incur the extra costs of appealing through the drainage act. Encroachment Agreement: Margaret Clement attended Council as a delegate to ask to enter into an Encroachment Agree- ment with the Township to allow for legal access to a shed that has been on Township land for approx- imately 35 years. The following dis- cussion centered on if such an agreement would transfer if the property changed ownership. Council saw no problem with entering in the Encroachment DECLARATIONS DE CANDIDATURE LE CONSEIL SCOLAIRE CATHOLIOUE PROVIDENCE (FRENCH LANGUAGE SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD) Un (1) a elire - representant les regions combinees l'interieur des Comtes de Lambton, Huron, et Bruce. LE CONSEIL SCOLAIRE VIAMONDE (FRENCH LANGUAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD) Un (1) A elire - representant les regions combinees de toutes les municipalites des Comtes de Waterloo, Wellington, Middlesex, Perth and Huron Les formulaires appropries sont disponibles au bureau du Greffier. Chaque nomination doit etre dOment signee par le candidat et classee par le candidat ou un agent entre la periode de l'annee debutant le Jeudi 2 janvier et finissant le vendredi 12 septembre 2014 (Journee des nominations) entre 9h et 14h. Un honoraire prescrit au montant de cent dollars ($100.00) doit accompagner le formulaire. Les reglements provinciaux requiert que l'honoraire soit en argent comptant, cheque certifie ou un mandate, carte -client ou carte de credit. Carte de credit pas accepte A Sarnia. Les cheques personnels ne peuvent atre acceptes. Le formulaire du candidat doit etre approuve par le Greffier afin que la personne nominee devienne un candidat certifie pour le poste qu'il a ete nomme. Veuillez noter que les nominations pour le Conseil Scolaire de Lanque frangaise doivent etre classees comme suit: Le Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence (French Language Separate School Board) Les nominations peuvent etre classes entre 9h et 14h, le jour des nominations le vendredi 12 septembre 2014 ou avant le jour des nominations pendant les heures normales de bureau. Les nominations peuvent etre classes au bureau du Greffier de Sarnia au C.P. 3018, 255 Rue North Christina, Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7N2 ou votre demande, au bureau municipal de votre municipalite si la distance entre votre residence et le bureau municipal de Sarnia est au dela de cent (100) kilometres. Le Conseil Scolaire Viamonde (French Language Public School Board) Les nominations peuvent etre classes entre 9h et 14h, le jour des nominations le vendredi 12 septembre 2014 ou avant le jour des nominations pendant les heures normales de bureau. Les nominations peuvent etre classees au bureau du Greffier de London au C.R 5035, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario, N6A 4L9 ou A votre demande, au bureau municipal de votre municipalite si la distance entre votre residence et le bureau municipal de London est au dela de cent (100) kilometres. Au cas oO il y aurait un nombre insuffisant de candidats certifies pour remplir les postes disponibles, les nominations pour les postes libres seront reouvertes seulement le mercredi 17 septembre 2014 entre 9h et 14h, heures de bureau, et toutes nominations additionnelles, si requis, peuvent etre classees au bureau du Greffier design& L'electorat est clument notifie au cas 00 il y aurait un nombre excedent de candidats certifies pour les postes disponibles les bureaux de vote seront ouverts aux dates precisoes, dans le but de permettre les notes avances. Si vous avez l'intentionde poser votre candidature aux elections municipales pour quelque poste que ce soit, vous devez premierement completer et classer un formulaire approprie indiquant votre candidature au bureau du Greffier assigne avant de depenser aucun frais monitaire ou d'entreprendre des prelevements de fonds monitaire votre campagne electoral. Mark Becker, Greffier Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Gary Long, Greffier North Huron Larry McCabe, Greffier Goderich Carol Watson, Greffiere Howick Brad Knight, Greffier Huron East Charlene Overholt, Greffier, Bluewater Nancy Michie, Greffiere Morris-Turnberry Brenda Maclsaac, Greffiere Central Huron Genevieve Scharback, Greffier South Huron Agreement as Clement was aware that she had agreed to pay all legal costs involved to prepare the agree- ment. Clement was advised that the agreement would only be legal for as long as the property did not change ownership. Should the property be sold the Council at that time would need to address the agreement to decide if it will con- tinue. At this time a survey will not need to be done as a sketch is available. Fire and Emergency Management Services: Chief Martin attended to discuss matters involving the Ripley -Huron Fire Department. A major concern at this time is the information received from the Ministry of Com- munity safety regarding legislative changes. The main focus is the abil- ity of residents to get out of a build- ing, specifically addressing resi- dents with cognitive or physical conditions that require them to have assistance to evacuate. The concern is that there will be sub- stantial financial cost for the man- datory retrofitting which must be done by the owners. Everything is changing quickly making it difficult to plan. There are courses that can be taken on evacuation drills with 3 years being allowed to complete the mandatory training. Martin expressed the need to talk to the Agricultural Society about procedures for fair grounds evacuation. Industrial Wind Turbine Fire Suppression Systems: The policy is that any fire in wind turbines are to be left to burn out on their own. The fire department is responsible to protect the area sur- rounding the turbine until they have burnt out. Chief Martin stated that the fire suppression systems need to be addressed as there is a high prob- ability of grain field fires from wind turbine fires that could be out of control too quickly to be handled. Councillor Hanna stated that if they are going to build the turbines that there should most certainly be fire suppression in place. Martin asked that Council push for this requirement to be retroactive, as well as for future development. Martin proposed and Council agreed that if the fire safety is man- datory for the buildings housing vulnerable occupants then it should also be mandatory for the wind turnbine companies. Blyth artist challenges society's wastefulness Robert Tetu The Blyth Festival Art Gallery fea- tures local artist Kelly Stevenson in its fourth exhibition of the season. The Blyth resident moved to town as a teenager ten years ago. Since graduat- ing from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 2012, she has partici- pated in a number of shows in Toronto, Stratford and Huron County, winning awards for her work. The art pieces in "Who Heals You", use a variety of media and are intended to hold a mirror up to our- selves as a society and ask us to exam- ine our consumerism. The imagery of Kelly's paintings originates from a combination of bro- ken or damaged objects, hardware, and discarded technology. Working on paper or surfaces that have lost thier original purpose, she strives to open a dialogue with the viewer. Embracing a naive style, the exhibi- tion consists of works that explore relationships between religion, tech- nology, violence, hope, and human connections. Through the use of a parallel universe, the works take *nspiration from the society we live in and examine the darkness and light that is in all of us. She describes the theme in this way, "In a time increasingly ruled by technology and under the constant bombardment of violent images, our western society has continued down a path leading to the dehumaniza- tion of others and those closest to us." Kelly attempts to understand the world we live in, and the connections between humans in our technology filled times. It is through her paint- ings that the viewers will have an opportunity to question our society and ourselves. The exhibition by Kelly Stevenson is presented by the Blyth Festival Art Gal- lery and sponsored by Lynda and Dun- can McGregor. It can be viewed in the Bainton Gallery (next to the Box Office) in the Blyth Memorial Hall, July 18th to August 10th, Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 10 am to 9 pm. The public is invited to meet the artist at the Opening Reception on Friday, July 18th, at 6 pm. For more information, contact Rob- ert Tetu at 519-345-2184 or email "mailto:gallery@blythfestival. com"gallery@blythfestival.com. Planning an event? Don't forget to advertise! The Lucknow Sentinel 519-528-2822