HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-07-09, Page 51717717171 www.lucknowsentinel.com letters to the editor Summary of Letter to K2 Wind George Alton This is a summary of a let- ter that I am sending to K2 Wind to the attention of Mr. Jay Shulcin asking for answers to issues that affect myself, my farming operation and everyone in our community. If anyone has similar con- cerns, they can use this letter or any part of it to raise the issues and seek answers. Dear Mr. Shulcin: After trying to work with you by making enquiries, requesting answers and awaiting responses, it would appear that my efforts have fallen on deaf ears. You have not answered my questions adequately or given any assurance that my rights as a property owner will be pro- tected. This is not acceptable. If there is reduced devel- opment ability, damage or loss of income on my farm due to the K2 Wind Project, who do I contact? What information, records and/or documentation will I need to provide? I require a legal document and protocol allowing me to be able to safely spray with a helicopter when need be. Your wind turbines turn when we could spray, con- trary to what you have stated. This is a right this wind pro- ject has taken away from me as a farmer in the project area. Turbines pose a risk to pilots required to operate or land in an area affected by turbine turbulence. How does K2 Wind intend to address the issue of air ambulance service to ACW to ensure that turbines will be shut down if an air ambu- lance must be dispatched to an accident scene in the Township? Water well testing should be provided for contami- nants before and after K2 becomes operational. If a well goes dry or is contami- nated up to 1 year after con- struction has ended, K2 should bear the cost of replacing the well for the landowner. If something unforeseen were to happen at a K2 site (example -.oil spill), then a longer time frame would be appropriate. I believe there will be property devaluation within the project area. K2 Wind should address this issue and acknowledge the placing of restrictions onto neighboring properties (ice throw, build- ing restrictions). We, the non -participating citizens, have the right to the peaceful and unencumbered use of our property at all times. There are many problems that non -participating land- owners must endure. A few examples are: ice throw, increase in daytime and night time noise from tur- bines and substations, vibra- tions through the soil from turbines and substations, electrical dispersions, increased electrical magnetic radiation, lost ability to locate a building site in a place of the non -participat- ing landowners choosing. These example issues were nonexistent before the K2 project and are only a few of the restrictions to the peace- ful enjoyment to our non- participating private prop- erty. How will K2 address this issue of restrictions placed by the K2 project onto non -participating private properties? I am now in the unfortu- nate position of needing to put you on notice that these issues must be addressed by July 31, 2014. I must do what I need to do to protect my interests as a property owner and resident of this township. Yours Sincerely, George Alton Editorial note: A substan- tial amount of detail has been edited from this letter due to length. A copy of the letter as submitted in its entirety to the Sentinel will be posted in the office for view- ing during business hours or you can contact George Alton directly at 519-440-7050 for more information. Lucknow Fall Fair Facts Ili Little Mudder Submitted Following upon a very successful first year, the Luc - know Little Mudder will return to the Lucknow Fall Fair on Sept. 20. This three kilometre course leads participants through a variety of terrain, from grassy fields to murky waters. Obstacles challenge participants to work together, get muddy and have fun all for a great cause. Funds raised from the Lucknow Little Mudder are given back to the Lucknow Ag Society. Last year, Little Mudder raised over $4000! These funds are being used to support the 2014 Fall Fair! Check out the new Midway! The Lucknow Little Mudder paid for this year's midway. New this year! We are able to welcome partici- pants 14+ and we've added 80 more spots!WAIVERS: Waivers will need to be printed off and brought with you (along with your ticket) to the event - waiv- ers are available at http:// lucknowagsociety.ca/luc- know-fall-fair/events/luc- knows-little-mudder and will be included in the information email sent out a week prior to the event. Please read the waiver carefully and initial each line as required - pay atten- tion as some lines only per- tain to those under 18. For more info contact Jaclde at 519-812-1082. Wednesday, July 9, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 Durham Dam Posted Unsafe for Bathing Andrew Barton Manager, Safe Water, Grey Bruce Health Unit Beach water sampling from Thursday June 26, 2014 at Durham Dam shows levels exceeding Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care standards for acceptable bacterial lev- els. As a result, this area will be posted and remain PUBLIC HEALTH posted until samples indi- cate that water is safe for bathing. The Medical Officer of Health advises bathers that high levels of bacteria in the water may pose a risk to their health. Beach information on our website is updated as conditions change. For more information, please call 519-376-9420 or 1-800- 263-3456 or visit www.pub- lichealthgreybruce.on.ca. Planning an event? Don't forget to advertise! The Lucknow Sentinel 519-528-2822 Dog Bite Update Valerie Gillies Editor/Lucknow Sentinel The 72 -year-old victim of the dog bite incident on June 2, 2014 in Ripley has con- tacted Sun Media with an update. First of all, she clarified that the dog actually belongs to her daughter and was also attacked by the same ger- man shepherd that caused her own injuries. The bichon frise received 18 puncture wounds and required stitches. A month after the attack, she is healing but is still fearfull of large dogs. When she sees one she immediately runs for the house. The Ripley resident reports that her scars are still visible. However, both the scars and the bruises are now fading. Help For Today. Hope For Tomorrow. Alzheimer Society please recycle this paper SUDOKU THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE SPOUSORED BY Tie _ bleknOiN Sentinel Your no no to wr. no wspopm- since )0a 619 Cornpbari Street. Ochx MO Lutkikow, ON NGG 2H -CF 51'? -528-2822 ... www..ludirlowseritinel ,corn • 1 87 9 - - 3 , 5 2 86 1 1 3 4 - 3 - 5 1 2 2 9 4 1 1 5 8 7 2 4 4 7 A N -DA ER 6 3 8 L 9 9 I- fr 8 17 8 9 6 3 I- Z 9 8 TO 801170 I_ 9 L 8 17 E 6 9 3 ,i aL.EldluP4744. 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