HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-07-02, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, July 2, 2014
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Val's Views
Valerie Gillies
Proud to be Canadian
Canada Day 2014 threw
some people off schedule,
with it falling on a Tuesday.
Not all employers were giv-
ing the same day off to their
employers. Some opted for a
long weekend, while others
adhered to the statutory hol-
iday date.
It seems every long week-
end throws a monkey
wrench into routines. For
some, this means extra
stress and pressure from
shortened hours to produce
the work to meet quotas or
deadlines. For others it
brings the need to plan for
care and activity for those in
their charge. But, for the
lucky ones, it is an extra day
to get their happy on and
celebrate a day off of the old
Coming close on the heels
of the ending of a school
year, there were a lot of
younger students and adults
who relished the chance to
really celebrate the begin-
ning of their summer off. It
was trickier this year than in
the past to find the particu-
lar celebrations, but they
were out there to enjoy.
Hopefully you found one
that matched your style and
Canada Day is one of my
favourite statutory holidays
as it reminds people to stop
and think about what an
amazing country we live in.
Not very many nations can
boast as much natural land-
scape as us. We draw from
very diverse cultures and
backgrounds to make up our
various communities, organ-
izations, focus groups, reli-
gious affiliations and so on.
As Canadians we experience
our land not only as Canadi-
ans in general, but in our
own area -specific culture.
I am especially proud that,
as a nation, we believe in
defending basic human
rights and in being the peace
keepers both at home and
abroad. Travelers are well
aware of the positive recep-
tion when they identify
themselves as citizens of this
well-respected country.
There are as many reasons
to be a proud Canadian as
there are people in this
nation. Each has their own
experiences and knowledge
of what it is to be Canadian.
I am even proud that we are
considered to be overly nice
and polite. I can think of
worse associations, to be
Personally, I have some-
times been criticized for
insisting on each time that I
am asked to lead the singing
of "0 Canada" that we sing
both verses. Yes, there is a
second verse. So, in honour
of our great nation, please
stand and join with me in
singing our National
0 Canada
Our National Anthem
"0 Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all
they sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, 0 Canada,
We stand on Guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
0 Canada! Where pines
and maples grow,
Great prairies spread and
lordly rivers flow.
How dear to us they broad domain,
From East to Western sea!
Thou land of hope for all who toil!
Thou True North, strong and free!
God keep our land glorious and free!
0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee."
By Ruth Dobrensky
All was quiet in Lucknow after
Summerfest and then came Can-
ada Day. Fortunately for us Luc -
know residents, we can always
count on our Legion Branch 309
to put on a great fish fry for Can-
ada Day. As everyone loves to cel-
ebrate our big day, and I hope
however you celebrated, you had
a wonderful day.
We've had some visitors from
Leeds, England in town for the
couple of weeks. Margaret and
Noel Murray have been entertain-
ing Margaret's sister Moira, her
husband Rod and their daughter
Claire Stubley who seem to love
our community. They'll be head-
ing home July 4 and I hope they
had a great time and that they'll
be back to visit us again. I hope
everyone made them welcome.
Happy 80th birthday to Cecil
Sutton, hope you had a great
party Cecil.
Congratulations and happy
50th wedding anniversary to Lila
and Lee Rintoul who celebrated
this past weekend.
Sympathies of the community
to the families of: Debra Griffin,
59, Cambridge; Fritz Neidlinger,
89, Culross Twp.; James Loree, 90,
formerly Hanover; and, Jean Elli-
ott, 95, Ripley.
Purple Grove News
Dianna Scott
Marilyn and Don Reid attended
the funeral of Don's aunt Jean
Kingsbury in Alliston recently.
While there they also visited with
Ken and Joyce Nicholson for-
merly of Lucknow.
Marianne, Slcyler, Robert and
Oliver visited with her parents
Janet and Wayne Rhody last
Gary Lawton of Seaforth visited
his sister Shirley and Doug Mac-
Donald on Sunday. Shirley and
Doug also attended Roger Smith's
special birthday gathering on Sat-
urday evening the 21st.
Happy Birthday to Cecil Sutton
who is also celebrating a special
birthday this year. Family gath-
ered at Wilma and Cecil's home
for a great time of fun and fellow-
ship - and of course food.
Special visitors with Fran and
Jim Farrell were Jeff Knapp's sister
Leanne and Kaitlyn from Oran-
geville, Barb Hicks from Ancaster,
and Grandma Kate Hicks from
Niagara Falls. These ladies were
among those who attended the
bridal shower for Carmen Farrell.
Pine River United Church
hosted a Chicken Barbeque on
the 18th in Ripley. Thanks folks
for all your hard work, we appre-
ciate the opportunity to visit with
friends and neighbours.
Our sympathy is sent to Kathy
and Allan MacKay on the passing
of her father Orval Hynds. Our
thoughts and prayers are also
with Gwen Hall and the Hall fam-
ily on the death of Jim Hall.
The community sponsored a
bridal shower for Carmen Farrell
on Saturday afternoon the 21st at
the Purple Grove Community
Centre. M C Heather Finnie kept
the program going smoothly and
Bren deLeuuw had a fun contest.
Carmen was presented with
many lovely gifts and she thanked
everyone for their thoughtfulness
and kindness. Lunch and a great
time of visiting was had by all.
Thanks to Heather Finnie, Bren
deLeuuw and Mary Anne Kukoly
for organizing the afternoon and
to all the folks who contributed to
the lunch afterwards. Special
thanks to Janet Rhody for a lovely
Planning an event? Don't forget to advertise!
Lucknow Sentinel