HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-01-29, Page 11Obituaries Obituaries CRANSTON, Ellargerat Mary - Formerly al Luckhow, passed away al H urordea Homo. Or Itnii Aori In eniosi3IF on January 15, .2014 al lho apt of 149. aho vms the blaioud wife. cd &Ilan Cranston for 70 yeaiS. tylangwer 'pal; buil oil July 213. 1924 ir BrownInR, Saskatchewan Lo late parents Mazy Brennen and Ji258011 KR1:10-01rINIEll.lear rriNftElr I$rt L GOKI Hon1 ol Vl,Irnovalor, and (.1.prinno Irma rel ',gingham, and moth.cr-in-law of iiklayno Grigg ol kitotrener. Messed by her cirarnletildiEvi Jim, Angela. Ka.en, Brands, Candice arid Peter. and by her 10 ;inn!: grendenoldre n. Firecleceessclb n er danghtar Nanny Grigg, grand$pn (img Hunt son,in-law Torn Irwin, hr sistr.r Enna and her brothers Lava-m.11ot' and J. Viaiiation was held al MACKENZIE & MCCREATH FUNERAL HOME on Mull:lay January al, 201,1 Ircm 12 noon anal 1tie lame lne Imam' SiariaMa was conducted al 2:LICI PM. Spring In1ormont QrornhIll Comelory. Donation to tho Wingham & o isiriet Hosoiral Foundation were score -Dime& Pken10111:13 end tOildol.orices online en werw.rnaollaruleandmocrealh.oarn Obituaries Obituaties 1 J ONES, Wayne -�I Locknow oaased away at hla reslderKeo Mcrglay January 20. 201-1 st ags 54, Survived by specisi lrmrid Dadono Boirnms DI Lucknowa and 4 brokers Jrd sislors; Robari iMarion) Janos KildhEinEr, Diapcia Elakel Hatnive.r, RMtatti LlIIIrfl Jones or Holvrcod and D arlene (Jou) DIelrlG.1i 1 IlancYer. Also greaUy missa6 -E.euaral nlocss ;rid ripphows.Proilt--gianc-d by his brcilhni- F.411111 and 13.3ronls ViDIU CWilken) mod Ernt•st Janes. Visitation Wks had a PACKENZIE & MCCFIEATII FLPNEFIAL HONE, Lucknov.i. on. Thursday January 23, 2011 11Kirn 700 FM,A funeral Service from the qhapal ;YDS CV-111-LrARd on RION( January la, 201A at 11 AM weilh R. Pr.,ggy kinsman of Ficraling. Spriwg :nlerinant Hano..rer Cemeiery. Dmslions lo The Freart & Stroke FotrndalAn or etiarity 01 ,Olrf choice were preally RppreGlalal iplpre5siDns qf s‘yrnpaihy. Con0.114mcgs onlino at IMIN.1.1110CP‘C1ZleandrrccreaL1.corn Wednesday, January 29, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 11 Pay your respects... on _your m o rn en ts c a You can now share your obituarfes and in rnemoriams online. 1413VEFIT LSE ACROSS ONTARIO CR ACIR.DSS. THE COUNTRY! Fur' ...•;,.).1 •iii i. .let...1ItIuIrIJEr*C.1../1 ICIC421114011113.0pKf. ADVERTISING 1 \1ii.iN 1ICP-I5 I L3MUFt5 [IA C.'1%4TAA WrIr14 ONE EA,51' CALL, -ouiCliomailiOLI Ad Or I;IImpline Ad ...Joule! appoor In wisokly noyiropauar oaol) wool, oCrOSO lanlorio ri ultimo ro.4aurl-nan 317.CI rurs1 arena For irnefe mierrnatlor. CiII "re.thiv 1-r:1ns-21u-2680. • k rr 1i nIi!I or YrileW.0111011.501gdiGirtenlAtlIb.il. CAREER TRAINING fl 11PRI11411_1-- Isilental Health Helpline 1 ri 6 COinalliurra WilA2perlmrkw rrAntol health HnIplino 1.111E1A311.213000. 16%-efouldinir1url-loulgliFIsslollrin_ot Alor.11n0 muniui Hu. HI11i.uo:zeiFau:bacei: la:.oirin.naCnitanc, no Tsy-ftlnr MICIDNOILAS o yOu'RE 811KOLE? Jub guuit, frlands. ..11..1141 mI plaint; Ihril u13.12•Cial -3.0fniiipne" JOU'. MISTY 1.Z1VMP INFTNIZICISJCTIC.N5 - An Ion - cured on GT./. 080. A Cohainnill Or<I Rogora CALL roizoky et 217A. YZAW 111-,44-7Y I rt-ilrf1}. rOrri. TRUE PS,f4C1-11.081 For 1'3 c.nII flaw 2.417 T111 rnsa moult 3144e1j. pir.1.-..rip=m. on. ciATINL7. e7.1Z•1:ZW1c•E 4.9n11-11."71651,Ort- Linen fish: lit. hy. 1-B77- 7:17-pann. Tak well 1. nriln Incline. Coll #7678 ci 1 -se -9 53ceesd. Taal. n.e.rei 1-2;ed-11-pe.ia NtO15 Ilksimk local 1-rw7-nna-purr Academy of LEARNING cLLEcE START NONNI Carnplialm P.Cruary oppro...an DIplornito In n•inrih.si tigusIne51.,1-alonithinnt, ono moroi Crialss-1 am...hammy or I strunt-.1g CrAlainei 1-1M-364-JCIIEIS 15,13211 .inwthLanaririmya▪ iloarolog.corn. Clunigu LIVUI•11 LEARN FROM HOME EARN FROM 1-C.IWIE Hugo la du roand Ir likardsr-al Trisrusnriptiorat.la wrsur unirrri te.orniro tortap. !yam CanGcrites CUL -Of CO'logel. 1.5411fIAM.165.6 infoCin•Lar_rhsu coin TRUCK IVE.R5 L-1:11.J1P- mENT oPERAToR's ond MEV-IAN- IC ASSISTANTS 13.2-1 21..410i iradars Furnlugg may 1:44 blYbill- mbla CALL 311-1 Wheal Training Innli- 11.41, iWny Tell -Free<1(447.. ,A10 Cnn Help! CAM] I NCI moms, AiLiBuroeice ColifSei& Health. C-11.1111.1.411.111 CCMMERCIAL MA.R11-1LIA- Mr, olruary 22 21. 23 Ron: Wr•klarr. IriiIKok-Poops. RC. wo.r.e.giventineoc.acronly_con) t. -1-66E-6€a-son i2 St...WI-a-1602. ,OtV wiimrep LAIEA-A.111 OrkRRIERB VAN DIYISION raquiroa pran.i 2 licannisol drnenre j min lino L prnrrunrri rniIi- r' Horr+) wenkly New ecivo- rrourli 1).1.ng Own. Ownriata 1-ecr.]-252my NIORTGAGE5 EEErAi ON IV • u MLA{ • Hr•rnis, 1-irroisy aeocor Rav-,EJC•recnic, Sell boon ti.rnorl down? Foninrs ronnolonurp. og awe? CALL US NOW TOLL-FREE i-ar ?-1•-gh.:124 xinrI pipproe.i. to PI ir,711 71A1 fl Y71 rnaricisni, agent heltelArn•Droaagel.corn spaciallz. 02 1.1 isouLluriLiiil, =L•iiirlienciul. 1 snail, Land m.orbgm MMArn orqoati es.co m 4L..rzh▪ ir1 212E4. 355. 1n1, 2nd, aid roon.TaALM.t.i. - Elea;II1il.n oe-Nnehnolno. FIOnur.011.:51.n. Tux A•rfugLit..ri cr.iiic IM.V.t.'.01•C yaw pay 52L1a1.33f rriPnlIN {0.4C1 F oGrArTIP. kind c.r.,c111. po.h.er of 1711,J aioppetrl BETTER LALL -roDAY Tpii-Freas -0010-702- I 1 CA. ...4ww.irrgiagicit7nizelo.ca-11 I_ IC n 1CatIgl raoR1-,A17.17 Ltd...For-no oEgiunFn oor tiro nlorrniago on raw. Goon roily ol rsreurri 'four luyoycir n▪ nrIjImor n-Frinriy PPhJ rlarnon, ▪ Mongane Grcmp (LI. 1103-3). CALL 1 g -IS PO- 65-42 or n-ni u : raglonlelzkamnoiMenihno nom 1•5t 4 2nd MORTGAGES Irosn VRIA, 2.45% 5 YR. FIXED. Ad! ridI1 Ty pr.& CnnMC do rad . Lek us heip ycKi SAVE rhroumrxlia on mOrtossgol Purchoz IRa-flonnolopi, ClabL Conargldnilon, IHorne Renovations.. CAL L i -ac -n. 226-1177, worni.liLnirogualdluriLling.ou CLIC NR3.1DO) WAriTED ANTF1 1 n EGUIPMENT yoa.s or older. An-ualiPara, &Immo, ttocoreing oral Thanme. *mind rcripmoril ILnir rnond o twins. MI5i oanclinlan.11.3 rtoor rec•del conmoi•Ua loll-I:ram 1-Ig_1134l4?"- i11p1 e FINANCIAL SERVICE*. 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N• .7.21 rD 1 F Fl Ric7.11, 30.4 40 1J!. 5O0. 15Dx 1 na 1113x1C10 no11 far bnlonce 0.-ve•1! 1-80n..:17 22130 astilE CRITate.AL 1o4w.3 1 bniaeripkoni•E• u.crona Cariade W ork from I-1 orrur C a n n riiiIemlnornkr, non ponr.ur41 10 apply. Apply chrough hi-rk woner nCla- IA. FisifyrOw ijuj. AlLnurLii nuoda Ircrono Enininwuring knielrucloin IID Ini.nr.lorin noporInnon, nt,prol-A.,-11 PkInS.A. 11-44'11.7.1 rIr CalTrAli asseoal anceear via aur 11-Foritod.e pim; Acnaci. -1 1111 *Pr CD irirrsikw-r s32.1:16.1.1onth Akar olulaly no porta sirm U,iIIrmftui giowo kosTEJ 1.41 In 1MbDOWn100.714 8DOKlygol Upload 1:1131.21.2-1.6210.15.T..6.1 lAnNiol....ENO leSapthod. GALL Ti7.1.-FRE.E• 1..see.za14s34 S.cdrimiLLE horn only MAIO? - PoiglatE Ivl L3 NE T t.'AVE M CI.NE Y Wel !- lemur own boririrrilll CLI 1.1 ▪ n y reacve ohip FREE hula 8, OVID, ▪ NUramuusl .izbin.44.X11:PT 1-tILX1-belf,-If-tUa ENLAIXIIJ 1 LISA &Lir,' BENEFIT GROUP hill mg iron' Di Mil lailrLy?' 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