The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-02-19, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Junior Farmers year in review
The Huron County Junior Farmers
have been very busy.
In December, the club worked dili-
gently to get the affiliation book for
2013 done. The final result was an
impressive report of what the club
accomplished in 2013.
Because some
wishes can't wait
for someday.
January was a busy month
as well with the Annual
General Meeting and the
club also held a new mem-
ber evening at the Moles-
worth Bowling Alley on Jan.
25. The club also worked
hard on creating a scrap-
book of the previous year
for others to enjoy in the
future. Just as Junior Farm-
ers has always been known
as a "rural matchmaker," the
Huron club saw member
Rachel Haney marry Haldi-
mand Norfolk member
Mark Vaarkamp.
The first provincial event
of 2013 was the Winter
Games on Feb. 16, hosted
by the Renfrew County Jun-
ior Farmers, held in Pem-
broke. The event was a lot of
fun for all that attended
including several new mem-
bers. The club also held a
social afternoon Feb. 18 at
Cobble Hills in St. Mary's
where the group went tub-
ing. Through the winter
months, the club has also
been working on the Huron
County Junior Farmers Club
In February, a team
traveled to North Simcoe, to
compete in the second
annual bonspiel held in
Elmvale, by the North Sim-
coe club. Huron County did
very well, coming out on top
as the day's overall winner.
March is always an excit-
ing time of year. Many
members made it to the
March conference, which
was held in London this
year. It was an awesome
moment for the club, when
we were announced as the
overall club of the Year 2012.
The club also seen member
Wade Doelman, win the
New Member of the Year
Award 2012. The club also
picked up several communi-
cation awards. The theme for
the year was "Just Say Yes!"
April saw the club assist-
ing the Seaforth Agricultural
Society clean up the fallen
show barn. That day was full
of laughs and crazy weather.
The club also assisted with
the Breath of Spring, hosted
by the Homecraft division of
the Seaforth Agricultural
Society and the Lung Asso-
ciation, which is always a
favourite. The club also had
a wing night and a t -shirt
design evening to sport a
new shirt at our events. A
few members also attended
the spring provincial direc-
tors training and meeting
held in Haldimand-Norfolk.
We were also proud support-
ers of the Agriculture and
Water Festival that contin-
ues to impress members
each year.
The spring saw the club
participating in events
hosted by other clubs
nearby. It was a great oppor-
tunity to learn some new
ideas and activities to use in
Fri & Sat
6:45 & 9:15 4
Sun -Thur
00 7:30
Fri a Sat
CAS a. 9:1S
Sun - Thor 730
Sat & tun Mat
www.movieli riksza hnq difioncei'l .800.265-3438
our club. This included a hockey tour-
nament, and a car rally to name a few.
11 1
The Huron County Junior
Farmers have been very
The summer is always busy, but
always a favourite time for the club.
This year, the club hosted the very first
annual baseball tournament. It was a
complete success. It was held in Kirk -
ton. We also sold a lot of ice-cream at
the Dungannon Tractor pull as the
weather worked in the club's favour
once again. Members helped the Cen-
tral Huron Agricultural Society with
their demolition derby, which did not
see the most favourable weather. The
president of the club, Samantha
Klaver, spoke on our behalf at the
ambassador competition as well,
where she decorated and had the cake
auctioned off. The proceeds went to
the Central Huron fair.
July went just as quickly for the club.
They attended the Poker Rally in Sea -
forth for Canada Day it went really
well. The Junior Farmers also had
another fun filled, exciting time at the
North Simcoe annual baseball tourna-
ment near Wasaga Beach that saw two
members get engaged at the start of
our first game! Congratulations to Ben
Beirnes and Lisa Nethercott! As
always, we assisted with the Huron
County 4-H Association's Go For the
Gold competition.
August saw the club host six
exchange delegates from all over the
world. The club enjoyed showing them
what Huron has to offer including the
Exeter Rodeo, Goderich beaches,
Cowboy Loft and everyday farm life.
4.41% 4.114 •
NOVI fill 011,11 4,04 till
hrenla4r (Wet, ...11
Maize 'Your 0Wri
Lk-tr. Wive, LoAts arK11,uiL We
01.ret idle at kiwi)
rargito St, COI:01CH 524-2323
Members also enjoyed celebrating
member David Haney's marriage to
Jen Scott.
September always gets the club back
into the swing of things. The club
assisted the Seaforth Agricultural
Society with their fall fair, which was
very successful once again. The club
also sponsored member Danika Klaver
in the Ambassador Competition, in
which she was successful in being
chosen at the 2013-2014 Seaforth Fall
Fair Ambassador.
Huron County has also been work-
ing with the Bluewater Heritage Com-
mittee and the South Huron Heritage
Committee to promote Century Farm
Sign applications, resulting in over a
dozen signs being applied for and
We also took part in making sugges-
tions for the Huron County Cultural
Plan. We enjoyed giving our input
from the young people's perspective
as well as learning things about our
own county we had no idea existed.
We spent an excessive amount of time
preparing for Sing Swing, which is a
provincial event that showcases, danc-
ing, singing and home craft events and
Huron hosted Swing Sing 2013, in
November, on a weekend that just had
to show our lovely winter weather. The
last time the club hosted the province
was April 2012, for the spring Provin-
cial Directors training and meeting.
Despite the weather, we saw tables
beyond tables of home craft entries,
and numerous entries that showcased
enthusiasm towards our theme, "Bat-
tle the Elements."
We battled the cold weather as we
entered a float in the Seaforth Santa
Claus Parade and the Clinton Santa
Claus Parade. We finished 2013 off
with our Annual Christmas party. It
was a lot of fun and a great way to start
off the Christmas season. In the
Christmas spirit, we made a donation
to the Huron County Christmas
To start 2014 off, we held our Annual
General Meeting, at member Saman-
tha Klaver's home. The 2014 Huron
County Junior Farmers executive is as
follows: Julie Nethercott, president;
Samantha Klaver, past president; Jac-
quelyn Denham, vice-president;
Samantha Klaver, secretary; Kayla
Bishop, treasurer; Becky Aikens, pro-
vincial director; Erica Murray, agricul-
tural representative and Lisa Nether-
cott social committee representative.
For information about cancer,
serviceS or to make a donation 16888•939•3333 • www.cancenza
Can cer
du cancer
y. -t, • .
c 14.
Lucknow Sentinel
Birthday Club
Trey Bender
February 19, 2005 -9 years old
Alyssa Moffat
February 20, 2009 - 5 years old
Abby Robinson
February 22, 2006 - 8 years old
Madeline Collins
February 22, 2002 - 12 years old
Quinn Murray
February 24, 2006 - 8 year old
Your child can be a member
of the Sentinel's birthday club
call 519-528-2822 to register
linknow Swami
619 Campbell Street
\ 4
January was a busy month
as well with the Annual
General Meeting and the
club also held a new mem-
ber evening at the Moles-
worth Bowling Alley on Jan.
25. The club also worked
hard on creating a scrap-
book of the previous year
for others to enjoy in the
future. Just as Junior Farm-
ers has always been known
as a "rural matchmaker," the
Huron club saw member
Rachel Haney marry Haldi-
mand Norfolk member
Mark Vaarkamp.
The first provincial event
of 2013 was the Winter
Games on Feb. 16, hosted
by the Renfrew County Jun-
ior Farmers, held in Pem-
broke. The event was a lot of
fun for all that attended
including several new mem-
bers. The club also held a
social afternoon Feb. 18 at
Cobble Hills in St. Mary's
where the group went tub-
ing. Through the winter
months, the club has also
been working on the Huron
County Junior Farmers Club
In February, a team
traveled to North Simcoe, to
compete in the second
annual bonspiel held in
Elmvale, by the North Sim-
coe club. Huron County did
very well, coming out on top
as the day's overall winner.
March is always an excit-
ing time of year. Many
members made it to the
March conference, which
was held in London this
year. It was an awesome
moment for the club, when
we were announced as the
overall club of the Year 2012.
The club also seen member
Wade Doelman, win the
New Member of the Year
Award 2012. The club also
picked up several communi-
cation awards. The theme for
the year was "Just Say Yes!"
April saw the club assist-
ing the Seaforth Agricultural
Society clean up the fallen
show barn. That day was full
of laughs and crazy weather.
The club also assisted with
the Breath of Spring, hosted
by the Homecraft division of
the Seaforth Agricultural
Society and the Lung Asso-
ciation, which is always a
favourite. The club also had
a wing night and a t -shirt
design evening to sport a
new shirt at our events. A
few members also attended
the spring provincial direc-
tors training and meeting
held in Haldimand-Norfolk.
We were also proud support-
ers of the Agriculture and
Water Festival that contin-
ues to impress members
each year.
The spring saw the club
participating in events
hosted by other clubs
nearby. It was a great oppor-
tunity to learn some new
ideas and activities to use in
Fri & Sat
6:45 & 9:15 4
Sun -Thur
00 7:30
Fri a Sat
CAS a. 9:1S
Sun - Thor 730
Sat & tun Mat
www.movieli riksza hnq difioncei'l .800.265-3438
our club. This included a hockey tour-
nament, and a car rally to name a few.
11 1
The Huron County Junior
Farmers have been very
The summer is always busy, but
always a favourite time for the club.
This year, the club hosted the very first
annual baseball tournament. It was a
complete success. It was held in Kirk -
ton. We also sold a lot of ice-cream at
the Dungannon Tractor pull as the
weather worked in the club's favour
once again. Members helped the Cen-
tral Huron Agricultural Society with
their demolition derby, which did not
see the most favourable weather. The
president of the club, Samantha
Klaver, spoke on our behalf at the
ambassador competition as well,
where she decorated and had the cake
auctioned off. The proceeds went to
the Central Huron fair.
July went just as quickly for the club.
They attended the Poker Rally in Sea -
forth for Canada Day it went really
well. The Junior Farmers also had
another fun filled, exciting time at the
North Simcoe annual baseball tourna-
ment near Wasaga Beach that saw two
members get engaged at the start of
our first game! Congratulations to Ben
Beirnes and Lisa Nethercott! As
always, we assisted with the Huron
County 4-H Association's Go For the
Gold competition.
August saw the club host six
exchange delegates from all over the
world. The club enjoyed showing them
what Huron has to offer including the
Exeter Rodeo, Goderich beaches,
Cowboy Loft and everyday farm life.
4.41% 4.114 •
NOVI fill 011,11 4,04 till
hrenla4r (Wet, ...11
Maize 'Your 0Wri
Lk-tr. Wive, LoAts arK11,uiL We
01.ret idle at kiwi)
rargito St, COI:01CH 524-2323
Members also enjoyed celebrating
member David Haney's marriage to
Jen Scott.
September always gets the club back
into the swing of things. The club
assisted the Seaforth Agricultural
Society with their fall fair, which was
very successful once again. The club
also sponsored member Danika Klaver
in the Ambassador Competition, in
which she was successful in being
chosen at the 2013-2014 Seaforth Fall
Fair Ambassador.
Huron County has also been work-
ing with the Bluewater Heritage Com-
mittee and the South Huron Heritage
Committee to promote Century Farm
Sign applications, resulting in over a
dozen signs being applied for and
We also took part in making sugges-
tions for the Huron County Cultural
Plan. We enjoyed giving our input
from the young people's perspective
as well as learning things about our
own county we had no idea existed.
We spent an excessive amount of time
preparing for Sing Swing, which is a
provincial event that showcases, danc-
ing, singing and home craft events and
Huron hosted Swing Sing 2013, in
November, on a weekend that just had
to show our lovely winter weather. The
last time the club hosted the province
was April 2012, for the spring Provin-
cial Directors training and meeting.
Despite the weather, we saw tables
beyond tables of home craft entries,
and numerous entries that showcased
enthusiasm towards our theme, "Bat-
tle the Elements."
We battled the cold weather as we
entered a float in the Seaforth Santa
Claus Parade and the Clinton Santa
Claus Parade. We finished 2013 off
with our Annual Christmas party. It
was a lot of fun and a great way to start
off the Christmas season. In the
Christmas spirit, we made a donation
to the Huron County Christmas
To start 2014 off, we held our Annual
General Meeting, at member Saman-
tha Klaver's home. The 2014 Huron
County Junior Farmers executive is as
follows: Julie Nethercott, president;
Samantha Klaver, past president; Jac-
quelyn Denham, vice-president;
Samantha Klaver, secretary; Kayla
Bishop, treasurer; Becky Aikens, pro-
vincial director; Erica Murray, agricul-
tural representative and Lisa Nether-
cott social committee representative.
For information about cancer,
serviceS or to make a donation 16888•939•3333 • www.cancenza
Can cer
du cancer