The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-12-31, Page 88 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
New Minister for Lucknow Presbyterian in 2014
Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel
Reverend David Chung has become a resident of Lucknow
in 2014 after being chosen as the minister for Lucknow
Presbyterian Church.
Valerie Gillies
Editor, Lucknow Sentinel
David Chung took on the
charge of the Lucknow Pres-
byterian Church in the sum-
mer of 2014.
Chung was born and
raised in Toronto. He began
ministering in his early 20's.
While working at his second
and third architectural firms
suddenly got the call and
wrestled with it for many
While he worked, Chung
did some ministering in his
home church, the Toronto
Korean Presbyterian Church.
At first he was youth pastur-
ing to those who were young
professionals, collage stu-
dents or those starting
careers. He served in this
capacity for about 10 years.
He also led Bible studies for
middle school and high
school students. Along with
this he worked with the
audio/visual equipment on
Sundays. There were over
2,000 members in the
Toronto Korean Church, but
they were split into multiple
Following this, Chung
jokes that he went from hid-
ing behind 4 cameras while
working with his friends with
the soundboards and com-
puters to playing musical
instruments and singing.
Chung did his student
ministry in the Thornhill
area. This was the first time
that he did not attend a
Korean church and found
this to be both a cultural shift
and that serving as a minis-
ter was another shift. Having
been a world traveler and
experiencing many different
cultures, he found the
Thornhill area to be more
traditional that what he was
used to. He was raised with
more contemporary worship
and music.
There are trends in reli-
gions and Chung believes
the global trend is moving to
more non -denominational
worship. After moving to
Missisauga he became part
of a more hybrid congrega-
tion with about half
traditional and about half
were not even Presbyterian.
Each new setting that
Chung has encountered has
brought new perspectives
and understanding. Each
step he has was farther from
the city. His idea of worship
has expanded as he has
experienced different people
worshipping in a different
Since moving to Lucknow,
Chung observes that he has
met only very generous, lov-
ing, kind people who are
open and caring. He is still
getting used to everyone
knowing where his is and
what he is doing at all times.
He jokes that he was told
that he is now the most eligi-
ble bachelor in Lucknow as
he is single.
Some new experiences
include meeting the Men-
nonite population which has
provided new adventures.
While attending the Bruce/
Huron Produce Auction he
described one Mennonite
youth staring at him at eye
level with a bewildered look
on his face. Chung assumed
it was because the youth had
never seen a Korean person
before. He described it as
being looked at as if he was a
magical creature. Chung was
not sure what to do or to say
in the situation.
Being one of very few
new people in town,
Chung is always asked by
new acquaintances if he is
the new minister, as word
has spread. When asked if
he has any specific plans to
help him become more
settled and at home,
Chung answered that he is
researching breeds of dogs
for suitability as a pet for
someone with his lifestyle.
He may eventually get one,
but is afraid that if this lit-
tle bit of speculation goes
public that he will be inun-
dated with people offering
to help him find one. Now,
the people of Lucknow
would not do something
like that, now would we?
Welcome to the commu-
nity, Reverend David
Feast for Past and Present �
Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel
Past and present members of St. Peter's Anglican Church in Lucknow gathered on December 16, 2014 to remember the family and friendships that grew over the years in
this church congregation. The tables were full and the meal was thoroughly enjoyed. St. Peter's Anglican Church is to be decommissioned in January of 2015.