HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-12-10, Page 5letter to the editor Contradictions and bias undermine credibility of the Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise Study An open letter to: The Right Honourable Ste- phen Harper, Prime Minister The Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health The Multi -municipal Wind Turbine Working Group is comprised of elected municipal council- lors and appointed citizens from parts of Southern Ontario where approxi- mately 30% of industrial wind turbines are concen- trated. Over the past sev- eral years we have received a growing number of dele- gations from constituents whose health has been adversely affected by prox- imity to the wind turbines. It is not easy to listen to people who continue to suffer from ringing and pressure in the ears, pounding vibrations in the head and chest, nausea, dizziness and the ongoing inability to sleep. Their stories are especially dis- turbing because we know these people; we know they are not lying; and it is our responsibility under the Municipal Act to protect their health. We are dismayed that the recently released Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study has ignored the distress of real people by hiding behind meaningless "estimated" noise projections and pre- dictive modeling rather than first making professional clinical observations based SUDOKU THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE SPONSORED BY Iiimheknow Sentinel Vox rwitekOwn NI wViVief 5 friC.9 )813 4519 Otampbtkil Sirea BOX 400 Licknow, ON NOG an 5 I 9-52B-2822 - WY.Plemr. lucknovesrentingleorn 3 1 9 3 8 76 5 9 2 5 _ 7 _ 1 3 6 8 6 1 5 4 _ 8 9 84 Level Intermediate ANSWER 6 9 L 3 17 8 9 6 I- 3 I- 8 6 9 C 9 Lt7 To solve 9 6 17 9 I- L 6 3 8 a &AUL! imile• Eon mai '. 9 8 3 CZ 17 6 I- 9 rrom ID 9 MS.: El rir_e' in: , Each oi ire nrie i,iinca' coon -5 -17 L 6 I- 3 9 8 9 £ p Each Di dig ri-13 h;cuErdg' roto. I- E 9 8 9 6 3 17 L 'EPt."11113?" :J2 :11:43em 6 17 I- 9 £ 9L 8 Z - Firma -Ns, no number cgri Don. Wow 1 --al ciic ill liip ithy, balm- 83CL61-1799 CV hip L 9 9 17 8 3 1 C6 on the histories of actual suf- ferers. Investigation of anec- dotal evidence is the founda- tion of all medicine. The Health Canada study sum- mary contains no reference to the growing body of research that contradicts the main theme of the summary. Our Grey -Bruce Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Hazel Lynn has found 18 peer- reviewed studies that "pro- vide reasonable evidence... that an association exists between wind turbines and distress in humans". The Brown County (Wisconsin) Board of Health has declared its wind turbines a "public health nuisance" and a "human health hazard for all people... who are exposed to Infrasound/Low Frequency Noise and other emissions potentially harmful to human health': Key findings contradict summary of results. The key findings have been released without data for verification and without peer review. Epidemiologists have pointed out that the study lacks scientific credibility. Gaps, biases and errors in methodology make it unreli- able. For example, only 1234 out of the 2004 dwellings selected responded to the survey compromising its validity. Only 20% of the homes studied were "near" turbines. And yet homes up to 10 kilometres away were included, diluting the results from the homes near the tur- bines. And the serious issues of low frequency noise, cyclical sound and ampli- Wednesday, December 10, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 tude modulation were sim- ply overlooked. At the same time, the study contradicts itself. It found that wind turbine noise is "statistically related to several self-reported health effects including blood pressure, migraines, tinnitus, dizziness, and dis- turbed sleep". And yet the key findings which have been widely publicized claim that "no evidence was found to support a link between exposure to wind turbine noise and any of the self-reported illnesses': Does Health Canada no longer advocate the precautionary principle which calls for rigorous caution when the safety of any group is even remotely threatened, acknowledging that lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a rea- son for postponing measures to protect them? It is our belief that that the premature marketing of the key findings has been a dis- service to the people of Can- ada, an insult to those who continue to suffer the adverse effects of the tur- bines, and has resulted in loss of respect and credibility for Health Canada. We await your explanation as to how Health Canada came to its conclusion that there are no health problems when obviously there are. Mark Davis, Chair, Multi -municipal Wind Turbine Working Group Deputy Mayor, Arran-Elderslie NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD-COLBORNE-WAWANOSH TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh passed By-law Number 66-2014 on the 2nd day of December, 2014, under Section 38(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, not later than the 30th day of December, 2014, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by payment of the fee prescribed under the Ontario Municipal Board Act. AMOUNT OF FEE payable to the Minister of Finance on appeal is $125.00. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed on behalf of an unincorporated association or group. However a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies is provided below. DATED at the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, this 10th day of December, 2014. Linda Andrew, Deputy Clerk Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh R. R. #5, GODERICH, Ontario N7A 3Y2 (519) 524-4669 Purpose and Effect: The proposed zoning by-law amendment adds provisions to the zoning by-law for Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh for the purpose of automatically making necessary amendments to the zoning by-law as a result of surplus farm residence severances. When the County of Huron or its delegate has approved a severance of a surplus farm residence the appropriate zone map in the zoning by-law shall be amended to change the AG1 Zone to AG1-37 for the retained parcel and AG4-19 for the severed parcel. The AG1-37 zone will prohibit a residence on the retained lands and the AG4-19 zone will recognize all legally established buildings on the severed property. These changes will remove the requirement that surplus severances be subject to an application for rezoning in addition to the severance application. This By-law amends Zoning By-law 32-2008.