HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-04-09, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Rod McDonagh
Lucknow Chamber of Commerce
Spring has come and can be seen by the new kites adorn-
ing Lucknow's main street lamp posts.
The `Kites of Spring' project is an initiative of the Lucknow
and District Chamber of Commerce (LCOC) as part of their
ongoing efforts to make Lucknow a stop -and -shop
The LCOC applied for a 2013 Spruce the Bruce Grant to
financially assist with the community improvement endeav-
our. It was determined, however, the project didn't meet all of
the requirements needed to qualify for partial funding from
Bruce County.
The COC Executive then turned to the Lucknow Reunion
2008 Beautification Committee whom they had partnered
with before on other village upgrades. The Beautification
Committee is tasked with the disbursement of profits arriving
from the 150th anniversary reunion which was held in July of
Once quotes were received for 40 kites and a tender
accepted, the two groups came to a 50-50 agreement on
Pat McKillop of McPyatt Signs had drawn up the design
using a Spring theme by incorporating flowers and butterflies
set on a pastel background. It was her hope that these images
combined would bring to mind thoughts of sunshine and
warmer days ahead. It's something that's needed this year at
the end of such a long winter. Tails for the kites were added
by the residents of Sepoy Manor using an assembly line
approach under the direction of owner Kayla Howald.
Hopefully these "Kites of Spring" herald the beginning of
warm weather and the promise of summer.
With the cooperation of Huron -Kinloss Township employ-
ees Gary Austin and Dave Spoenlein, the kites went up last
week, back to back on 20 of the light standards along Camp-
bell St.
It's the hope of all involved that this makes our Lucknow a
more appealing place to shop, live and play. "Caed Mile
Myna Mann, Jean Whytock, Norma Davidson and
Ruth Orien of Sepoy Manor show off the `Kites of
Spring' they added tails to for the beautification of
the village.
The Lucknow and District Chamber of
Commerce has placed `Kites of Spring'
on light posts around the village as
part of its spring beautification and
community improvement efforts.
Jean Whytock, Ruth Orien and Norma
Davidson help add tails to the `Kites of
Spring' at Sepoy Manor.
The Kites
of Spring
are seen
on light
posts in
with one of
the 'Kites
of Spring'
Fami�� & Friends are invited to a
K4:44.4 Ne44.444 Atvz 644 044
Saturday, April 19th, 201+
Lucknow Arena f=loor 9 PM- 1 AM
f' Music by DJ • Games • Lunch Provided • Age o4 Ma ority
Tickets: $8 per ticket/2 for $15 or $10 at the croor
CaII 519-440-5059 or 519-529-75+7
Brucedale Press looking for Bruce
and Huron farming manuscripts
The 20th Anniversary of The
Brucedale Press is 2014
This small independent press, which
brought readers such rural heritage books as Barns
of the Queen's Bush, Even Cows Go to Heaven,
Thirty Years on Call, Why Not? and Harvest Dust,
now seeks contributions for a collection from fam-
ily farms to be released this fall.
Writers must live (or have lived) on family -oper-
ated farms in Bruce, Grey, or Huron counties.
Stories may be historical, humorous, reminis-
cent, or analytical. Writers can tell the heritage of
their family farm, share special memories, and/or
discuss challenges or changes that have affected
family and farm.
They might relate roles played in shaping such
organizations as co-operatives, commodity
groups, Women's Institutes, or present a story of a
family farmer that non -farmers should know
"Family farming is a means of organizing agri-
cultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquacul-
ture production which is managed and operated
by a family and predominantly reliant on family
labour, including both women's and men's,"
according to the UN Food and Agriculture
Manuscripts must arrive at The Brucedale Press
on or before May 31, 2014. The offering must be
original, unpublished work of the author(s)-family
collaborative writing or by one person alone.
Full guidelines are available by e -mailing info@
Manuscript copies must arrive by Canada Post
to Family Farming The Brucedale Press, Box 2259,
Port Elgin, Ontario NOH 2C0
Further information info@brucedalepress.ca
When you can't breathe,
nothing else matters "'
Asthnia? We can help.
Fami�� & Friends are invited to a
K4:44.4 Ne44.444 Atvz 644 044
Saturday, April 19th, 201+
Lucknow Arena f=loor 9 PM- 1 AM
f' Music by DJ • Games • Lunch Provided • Age o4 Ma ority
Tickets: $8 per ticket/2 for $15 or $10 at the croor
CaII 519-440-5059 or 519-529-75+7
Brucedale Press looking for Bruce
and Huron farming manuscripts
The 20th Anniversary of The
Brucedale Press is 2014
This small independent press, which
brought readers such rural heritage books as Barns
of the Queen's Bush, Even Cows Go to Heaven,
Thirty Years on Call, Why Not? and Harvest Dust,
now seeks contributions for a collection from fam-
ily farms to be released this fall.
Writers must live (or have lived) on family -oper-
ated farms in Bruce, Grey, or Huron counties.
Stories may be historical, humorous, reminis-
cent, or analytical. Writers can tell the heritage of
their family farm, share special memories, and/or
discuss challenges or changes that have affected
family and farm.
They might relate roles played in shaping such
organizations as co-operatives, commodity
groups, Women's Institutes, or present a story of a
family farmer that non -farmers should know
"Family farming is a means of organizing agri-
cultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquacul-
ture production which is managed and operated
by a family and predominantly reliant on family
labour, including both women's and men's,"
according to the UN Food and Agriculture
Manuscripts must arrive at The Brucedale Press
on or before May 31, 2014. The offering must be
original, unpublished work of the author(s)-family
collaborative writing or by one person alone.
Full guidelines are available by e -mailing info@
Manuscript copies must arrive by Canada Post
to Family Farming The Brucedale Press, Box 2259,
Port Elgin, Ontario NOH 2C0
Further information info@brucedalepress.ca