HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-19, Page 68 TUE WING -HAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 19, 1908 MINOR LOCALS. ONTARIO FARMERS MAKE GREAT SHOWING. --Saud the Ti;sEs to your friends, $1 to34,Unary 1st, 1910. ---The Tulles to new subscribers to 3unuary 1st, 1910 for $1.00. -.The TINES and Weekly Globo to Sanuary 1st, 1910 for $1 60, —Curlers --attend the meeting in the Council Chamber this (Thursday) evening, --Before selecting your reading matter for the coming year, read the Thies clubbing offers in auother oolumn. —Inspeotor Robb is making his om• *sial visit to the Wingham Pnbllo School Maui week. —His Honor Judie Holt will hold Division Court iu Wingham to -day, (Thursday). —Special meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters on Friday evening of this week, —The December meeting of Huron County Conceal will be held at Gorier - lob, commencing Tuesday afternoon, December lat. . —The Coroner's jury in the Scott fatality at Auburn railway orossiug found that the 0. P R. did not give the train crew sufficient rest, and recom- mended a new system of working hours j and the abohehment of all level '" Lrossinge. £RESOEENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORETHROATS HRO TAND COUGHS y comgermicidalo Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, lOc in stamps. j,r.}6YiNe, IAMBS Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. see —The Wingham branch of the Women's Institute will meet in the C. 0 F. hull on Thursday, Nov. 2Gth, At 3 p. m. Subject for discussion: • The possibilities of agriculture in the Province of Ontario reosived an il- luminating discussion at the Canadian' Olub at Toronto on Monday afternoon 1 by Mr C. C. James. Deputy Minister of Agrioultnre for Ontario, and who has been oouneoted with the Department during the past eighteen years. He showed that the farming produce of the Provinoe was equal to $200,000,000 per annual, and that the value of live stook had doubled in a deoede, being now $180,000,000, The miloh cows of the Province produced $35,000,000 an- nually, with a possibility of another ti 50,000.000 of increase if more care was exeroieed in selection. Following out the subject upon whiuh he was announced to speak, -Tee Agricultural Problems of On- tario," Mr. James dealt with the prob- lem of maintaiutng the supremacy of the Provinoe as a farming centre. In ten years from now, he said, it would will be tbe premier Provinoe of Can- ada. "There is no question of the prao• tioability of so developing our agrionl- tura! resources," said the speaker, -that Ontario will keep her present lead, for she has the advantages of the situation, climate, soil and people." The speaker referred to the growing and mutual interest between the city and the farming community. Agrioultnre was the greatest of Oau- ada's industries, yet was inadequately represented in the House of Commons. As an instance, the speaker cited On- tario, where the farmers numbered 175,000 of the population and $1,200,- 000,000 of its invested capital. Yet only seven representatives were sent to the Commove, inolndiug one editor. farmer, as compared with eight lumbermen, thirteen manufacturers, and twenty - "Why marriage is a failure." Ladies I rive lawyers. "The raw material for aro all requested. to attend as there is E city business may more and more be business of importance to disansa. supplied by the farms," continued Mr. James. '•I1 may seem strange to hear me tell the city manufacturer that the farmer to -day is providing their cepi- s , dirt, tal, but it is a fact." Referring to the moral effect of the farming community, Mr. James deolar- ed that "the rural constituency is the greatest restraining and steadying in- fluence in the country. Towns and cities which are so eager to bonus factories, might better turn their en- ergies to developing the rural commun- ity ,about them." In the last twenty years, Mr. James pointed out, the Pro- vincial expenditure on agriculture in- creased from $154,000 to $747,000. As a suggestion toward the future develop- ing, he showed that large areas should be drained and sandy tracts in the Provinoe should be abandoned as farming seotions and used for refor• estration. Some means should be found whereby the farmers in the back townships could be transferred to the. rich clay lands in Northern Ontario recently opened up. RING'S FOR BARGAINS I W E WANT YOUR TRADE —The delicious flavor and aroma of "Salads" Tea is preserved'by the use of 'sealed lead packets. kt is never ex- posed to the su d t d' t air,the surroundieg odo nd contaminating iafiaence of oth., goods as bulk or loose teas are. A teapot teat will show the difference. —Our readers will be very sorry to learn that Mr. H. Kerr, one of Wing - ham's hest known oitizens, is seriously 311 at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr were visiting with relatives at Clinton and while there Mr. Herr was taken serious ly ill. We hope he may have a speedy recovery and soon be able to return home. —The trend of events in the financial world was again witnessed Monday when it was announced that one of the large Toronto banks, the Standard Bank of Canada, was about to absorb one of the smaller sister institutions, the Western Bank of Canada, with headquarter© at Oshawa, and which hro carried on business for upwards of PRODUCE WANTED. All kinds farm produce ---Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Feathv-°rs, etc. --for which we will pay the highest price. Furs!! Furs!!! A full range of Fur Coats, Fur - Lined Coats, Neck Furs, Muffs, etc., at the lowest prices. SOMMOMMINNI Our stock of Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Hosiery, Under- wear, Yarns, Blankets, etc., is complete in every particular We solicit a call. GOOD GOODS BUTTER 25c, FRESH EGGS 25c. G. ,1 . KING. O HEAP PRICES Meeting of the Narg� County Count The council of tbe corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, December the let, at 3 o'clock p. m. All accounts against the county meet be placed with the (Jerk before date of meeting. Dated at Goderich. Nov. 1008 10th, LANE, Clerk. 25 years. —Something rare—a weekly news- paper that publiehes seventy olmmns of good reliable news, cons me on cur- rent events, markets a general farm news each week is r re in these days of cheap weeklies. Credit is due The Weekly Sun foo keeping its columns clean and filled with fresh and up-to- date matter of vital interest to every farmer. Give it a trial; you will find it the best. The TRIES and The Week- ly Sun costa yon but $1.80. The Weekly Sun free for balance of 1908, and they are extra good value at that price. KEEP BABY WELL. No matter whether baby is sick or well Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the house. They not only care the minor disorders of el;ildhood, but prevent them and shonl1-'be given whenever the little ones 4.h the slight- est signs of illness. Children take the Tablets as readily as oft dy. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy B ach ue., sue :—"MY baby woe greatl oubled with colic and cried night and day. but after gin- ing Mira Babv's Own Tablets the trouble disappeared. I advise til mothers to nee this medicine." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Mediotne Co., Brock- ville, Ont. t ,w NEWS NOTES. Kerosene oil was first used in the United States for illuminating in 1826. 0. BORN. WOREMAN.—In Wingham, on November 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Workman; a son. ••l••H•3•.•b3'•F....•1.3•..3••F3•..•F'1•'1•'1.. •F Ceotral Bnsrness4. 4. College 4. •r +'r 4. of Toronto b.5 started thous- 4' ,1, auda of young men and wo- 4men on the easy way to hide. 4' . +1'pendence and success. Let $4. us give you the right start. g. 41' Write for Catalogue and plan . 1, to spend the next six months ,1, •1+ with us. Enter any time 4. 4. Address W. H Shaw, Frill -,1, Opal, Tonge and Gerrard 4. 4. Streets, Toronto. •1' d• 3••?•,i••••p3.3•••d••i'+3'd'+ MARRIED KNIGilT—DOXEY: At the home of the gr oom's father, on November tth, by Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brussels, Mr. C. A Knight, of Gr ey, to Miss May Doxey, of St. Thomas. DIED MCCALLuac.—In Brussels, on November llth, Robert McCallum, agedll years and i months. fair Henri Joly de Lotbiniere died at his residence in Quebec. A party of Prince Edward county hunters killed a white door and a black fox. Mr. 0. 0. James says the value of Ofltaric's farm products could be doubled by the general adoption of improved methods. Reports from New Ontario state that large numbers of moose are being slaughtered for the heads alone, and the carcases left lying on the ground to rot. Mr. R. P. Davidson, Manager of the Traders Mull at Lfikefield, shot himself and is in a critical condition. The affair is believed to have been acolden- tial. Two women living in a shanty in Oobalt district were attacked by a man with an exg, who was bent on robbery. curio Smith had both jaws broken and nay tile. Ethel Stone's injuries are not so mottos, DR. MARGARET C. CALD Honor Graduate of Tenn . University, Licentiate of Ontario C. ege of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special atte.t'.n to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. es thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitte.. OFFICE—With Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours -3 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m, NOTICE The annual meeting o Cheese and Butter Fact held in the Foresters' Friday, November 27 p. m., for the elepptio the transaction that may bo brow By order, JOHN BURGESS, Secretary, P. S. The ladies are invited to attend. A lecture on tbe care of oream and separation of cream from milk will be given by an expert. +4.4.444.+4.44444,4+4.44+4.+ Royal Grocery 1 .1. +1+ 4 Try ♦ +i+ Malcolm's I + 4. For new 4 rVthe Bluevale y Co., will be all, Bluevale, on , at one o'clock of Direotors and lay other business t before the meeting. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a ti?oronghbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms --$1, to be paid at time of cervica. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P.O. Sample Copy Free Raisins - Currants Peels Dates +b a4 +1• •i+ •A 4. ,,„„„,„„„,„„,„„, „„ :HANNA BROS. 10 Days of F Unrestricted Under - ;'.rIciI1g Ten days of the greatest un - IrVITYYYTYVVYVYYVVYTIt CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p. m in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. AWDE, T. E. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording Secretary W..7. W YLES. Financial tbecretary. $ Mi ice Meat 4. (in package or bulk.) $ Everything new and frssh * for the Christmas M 4.baking + +1' AT 4 MIUI�GOL�M'S + PRODUCE WANTED. 3+' Griffin's Old Stand. PRONE 54. 4. +++++++++++++++++++++-1-144 41 Would you like to have a sample copy of The Farmer's Ad- vocate and home Mag- azine l' The Best Agricultural and Home Paper on the American Continent. No progressive farmer can afford to be without it. Published weekly Only $i.50 per year. Drop post card for tree sample copy. Agents wanted. AJiis : "The Farmer's Advocate" Mention this paper. LONDON, Ont, The great School CENTRALS STRATFORD. Our past record and our present grade of work stamps ns as the great praotical training school of Western Ontario, We have three departments:— COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teaohers as well as office assistants. Indivtdnel instruc- tion. Enter now. Large catalogue free. Write for it..: , ELLIOTT & • MctACHLAN PRINoIPALS. Chicago and return $9.45 From Wingham on account of INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOOK EXPOSITION. Good going Nov. 29, 30, Deo. 1, 2, 3, 4. Return limit Dec. 12th, 1908. To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, The attraotive route is via Chicago and St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. For full information as to rates, routes, ate., apply to W. Henry, Depot Agent, or address J. D. Mc- Donald, D. P. A., Toronto. • ♦ ♦ ♦ 2 4. • • • • • • 4. r 4. 4. ♦•♦ • • ♦ •♦ ♦ ♦ ••♦ • • S ♦ ♦ • • • ♦ ♦ s ♦ ♦ p4. • ♦ 4444.44444.• a ••4 • • • • ♦ • • ♦ � of where you are going to buy some of your GOOD GOODS +++++++••••••••••••••••••• POPULAR PRICES 2 ♦ Z CHRISTMAS PRESE)y 1TS ? O •♦ + • • 2 many ♦ •♦ We have the best assor ant of Japanese, Lim- oges and Fancy hi ever shown here. We in- vite you to inspec ur stock. Also we have a complete line of ♦ TOYS, DOLLS, ETC. ♦ 1 •• See our stock of Staples and Fancy Groceries, Bis- cults, Confectionery, Fruit. etc. • i highest prices for produce and dressed poultry. : ' • We appreciate your patronage. ♦. • z • 4 ♦ •• ♦ ••♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ 4 P. ► Ir 10E I•r R. J. LAING & CO.. ♦ wWroxeter, Ontario. QUALITY HIGHPRICES L W dorpr!cing in Seasonable Goods you have ever known For the balance of this week and every day of next, we offer you such reductions as will re- duce our immense and overload- ed stock surely and quickly NO NEED OF TALKING, VALUES --- You know the quality of our goods. • • 0 1 O ♦ • • NO NEED OF TALKING PRICE--- The reductions are too apparent to be questioned.• .. 4. + W . Expect V u to ..s. join the crowds who are entering our big store and profiting beyond 'their expect- s ations by our splendid money -saving opportunities. z 1 1 a 1' Read Carelully our big circulars already distributed or, better still, come in and look over our special offerings. HANNA BROS., W.ingham. E Strictly Cash or Trade. Produce same as Cash. s 'WA 11A/ Au1AA,A,l1C IiA1 04 09.**1.1.:0....A�N110.01 t1. �7;11Ai►�i�► All, ".