HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-19, Page 4r et U The gh:: bread or the leaden loaf is a matter of cimico-not luck. Choice of m. ethod -.choice of yeast -but, above all, the choice of the flour. scci,useinaod Flour is made from the finest, selected Manitoba wheat, wha en contains more gluten (that quality which makes bead light) than any other wheat. It is milled under the most sanitary conditions, -there is no other flour in Canada upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Household -the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. 15 TUB NV ils.1.41.1.Alit LM1SP NOVEMIflI 19 1OO8 .*4."-re's•"*"."sr•'"..r"" "*"..ftret•....r.511- • •VOIMM,1040.0•A•4...in d. to D A wedding in Ohloago on Thor/340.y, c V1,1 vv orrie F eath OA 29th, in which Ooderiolt people are interested wee Past of Wee Bile Mey Poole, olden daughter of Mrs. ()rouse, formerly of Readers', to Wee 1v George Durat, of Cheoley, Ontario. The bride is a niece of J. W, Vatter, of Goclermh, by whom be was given away, and Mr. and Mrs. Vatietter and Mimi Mary Gundry, were among the peen). 1......P.WU.ayaimuimacarwar.m.r,s.ticef.n.,..er....*..t-as.*.c.orar....n.....s................momawmpoommmosooromem 4: interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges wevorromentargvamoloaasalarmouf..11•10101.•1011,......mins1.10,WOMIIIMMI Repent It: -"Shiloh't Cure will al - wisps once my coughs and oolds." Marrying a girl with money is the surest get -rich quick test -tome. What Would Ten In case of ft here er Feald whet would you do to reheve the Wit? Such in- juries are liable to coma in any faintly and everyone ehonld he prepared for them. Onanherlaie's Salve applied on It soft ninth will relieve the pain almost instantly. and unless the injury is a very Revere one, will canoe tbe. perm to heal without leaving a soar. Fur *este by all dettggiets •••••••••••••••••••111.0.......... A woman in Ken latati recently walked 1,000 miles to get a husband. It's always safe to ask a girl for a kiss after you have taken it. A clergymen writes: "Preventics, those little Candy Cold Care Tablets are working wonders in my parish." Pre- te vendee surely will cheek a cold, or the Grippe, in a -very few hours And Prevention are so safe and harmless No Qoinine, nothing harsh nor sicken- ing. Fine for feverish restlees children Box of 48 at 25o. Sold at Walley'e Drug Store. nrie,.,•-p.tsr..•.4twaqinied, .....„4,-.......,..4.4,..e,...i....t. ;No. 10.;-.41......1.,....-1,4„,,,,.•4„,., is.. g.,.. so.sr.-sfisalim.sP.s.l.o.ouosstsour,allosa...;:sesisszoos.1",...eaore- .....r.....twi ...AA.. .....- • - od,.. art tace 'a COLLEGE 1411' DON'T G& TO 'BUSINESS F R E E ,..„.. ....,.:„. 4. UNTIL YOU'VE READ THIS s...,.., BOOK,... .,.....,.....,...1/4.,,, FATAL es, e 'at P.o-re-s; tees, and silent. ee„eca. Cones.oi "hod • Nouse viij ... . ,1' r• . It is immensely Important tliat you should got all the information about n college beton, you enroll as • student. Your success de. pends npon your choice. Our Free Catalogue tolls all about our Methods of Teaching -why we turn out graduates who aro always in demand. It explains the Commercial and Short. hand courses in detail. Show. the value of the Business Educators Asseciation's Diplome- And ties large. handsomely Illustrated book will.be sent to you FREE • by return of mall If you will just ennui os your name and eddres. Students admitted any Ursa: Special Opening September and January The Forest City Business and Shorthand Collette LONDON. ONTARIO J. W. Westervelt. JO i C.A. PrItclpal Vice-Psinclps 1.• • •44•09.00000.4ttege•A•000•00•0 ••••••••••••••_00.••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • • 40 4. 40 4. 40 4.4.• 410 • 40 • • 4. • 4. 4. 40 40 ‹.1 0 09 0 0 (") ree 0 0 3 If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouse -trap than hie neighbor, though he bei d his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door, -Emerton. Get on the path to the door of the Times Printing Office, Where mouse traps are not made but -where- 0 RI ' ' s :p • , , (33,fd / •DiaTt7.0.11:7.e2•:;:l 'Lie; ; art', LT= 7,;:K.:,S1:;.4. (4 El ; ' • ir rififl ?(P.,) or by c.hg 2F'1'7.1ciie, 4. „tili(tItleo*000 Many an aggressive man strikes an attitude and lets it go at that. Some men kiok because they don't get justice, and some because they do. The men who weed orally stays out ell night tote nee for a fertile imagin• ation and an impreative manner. Sense men ere bowel to neve them- selves even if they have to use every dollar in eight irrespeotive of the little matter of ownership. An Extraordinary Case. "For three days my wife hovered be. tween life end death with pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs," writes Mr Fred Hawkins of Hintontirg, Carleton Co., Ont., "and the doctor's medicine did not help her, I then got Dr Chase's Scrap of Linseed and Turpentine and this brought her relief the first night Complete cure was soon effected and I oannot praise this medioine enough." 4. • • • 4.• • 4.• 0 • 1C,ASHI1ee leAvoiraerit. Laxa•Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite inedleine They ewe Conetipation, Sin Reed/mho, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. ••••••••••••.. - • indigestion. Loss of Sleep. "Heart Palpitation. A girl athletic enough to mow the lawn may eeem at first blush very de. eireble for n wife, but suppose she should command yon to mow it? Cranberries are now declared to be a good aver eorreetive. Possibly, but why should a good liver need a oor- reotive? Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Onre will al- ways cure nry oopghe and colds." If only men without freckles on their reputation should butt into the poli- tical game it would be something like solitaire. Fire did $2,500 damage to Linder & Watson's grooery store in Clinton. At last count there were 1,318,000 persona in India dependent on state aid. Colds and Croup In Children. "My little girl is subject to colds," says Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41 Fifth St. Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter she bad a severe spell and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Dr. Cham- berlain's Oongh Remedy without the aid of a dootor, and my little boy has been preventedmany times from having the oronp by the timely use of this syrup. This remedy is ior sale by all druggists. One year's work of a man's brain may be ruined by his tongue in a few seconds. He who reforms himself has done more towards reforming the public) than a crowd of noisy apeakere. DR. A. W. CHASE'S ) CATARRH CURE ... ig.tru• is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and pennanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. ...1•••••,,,, • A 0 ase that proves prompt action in wise when he lith is Poor. "Man," said the tallor„ sadly, "is. we read, made of dust, hut I cannot see how that is so. Duet always settles. Man rarely does." Dorm's Kidney Pills act on the kin- neys, bladder ad urinary organs only. 'hey cure baokaAhes, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, oongestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other liseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Saskatchewan Provinoial Conserve- tivea will hold a oonvention in Saska- toon on December 9 to Gi8011103 the situ- ation and to frame a platform. Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways mire my coughs and colds." The ear is very sensitive to atmos- pheric changes. That is why deafness is more prevalent in cold countries than in the warmer climates. The 0. P. R will have to build a bridge at Walkerton over a level °roil- ing. That was the decision of the rail- way commission at Tcronto. It has been stated on British author- ity that American immigrante into Canada are taking $50,000,000 worth of property into that (Mont*, each year. Rheumatism promptly driven from the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic) Remedy. Don't waste time with oom- MQII remedies. A. test will surely tell. In tablet or liquid form. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. 'At night 1 wool wake up with vague feelluti ut fear. eta mune:wee to nly bends Alta ()thee peens of the body," writes Otft. E. X Sweeten, of St. hu's. "I lista gro u shut end pale, and at night it was very d ffl mit to get enough we loth in my iota to get asleep. My dictation was poor, aud appetite very uttoestatu The term of nervousness the%serried me most was starting at every little thiug, which resulted he ouch violent heart nin1011 e tinint4ittleti fright- ened me. Finally I hat to give up my work, whieh wee inside oflice work, so laugtpd, eery us and weak had I be °owe. Thrown the intervention of itt frtenti I welt minced to use Ferrozoutt. ny appetite imployed at once, toruults- tinn tthin improved and Ferroz me SO- aoinp,istitid the renewal of my blood and natural warnnh seemed to 0=9 baok to nit herbs A t the aline dine Ferrozone built up my eodirtitution 1 betianse quite strong met resumed my °troupe non. In brief, I am well." ketrrozone is the only remedy of its kind in the world -it makes yen feel better at untie; when yon are tired, dull, dispirited -whea yon feel there is no- thing in life for you, that's the time to take Ferrozone What a change Ferrozone makes I Your blood Mugs through your veins, carrying nourishment to every nook and (tomer of the body, yon tee' the exultant thrill of abundant nerve force, you learn the luxury and delight of being at your boot -in perfect good health. Just try Ferrozone and see bow muoh better you feel; .it's the one remedy'' in all the world that will get you bracing heelth at once Sold everywhere, 60n. per box or six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers. There would be lose trouble in the world if people were permitted to be happy in their own way. Read the pain formula on a box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then tisk yonr Doctor if there is a hotter one. Pain means con- gestion - blood pressure somewhere. Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tabletestoheck head pales, womanly pain& pain any- where. Try °ate and see! 20 for 250. Sold at Wallay's Drug Store. 0 Grandma -"Ah , my dear, the men <0 tree, a..t) tir15, watt fitly years granay, you know 11.1:1 will change a...1 man." 0 • tri(r-V17:711(civilip V.i7111(01K V.E.1220nITL/1133/"Z CU 11712"LOITI-21f..a see! -,ty ft, fc,n-y column, market -•-••••••••••••-...1111.••••,. W3C" Ca rt. aflla . Sears the The Kind YOU Have AlWaYt Bought Signature ae..4,14ir'.‘41-47#...'''.". • vf efeft4 It is eh con Mini' 9ctouno be ma With formed to wtrk the bustuet s. At pros. ent 3 1)00.000 emcee are need ia Auetralia maitre annuallY 111,000,000 The new box will, it is estimated, save the Queenelnid d..iry industry about $200,s 000 a year. In the new box a mixture of kaolin and irraw is used. It weighs, about iN lbs. and is damp-proof and odorless. D tniel Campbell, ri prominent farmer and cattle dealer, who lived on the Dur - him road ran into a hydrant at Kin - oat -dine and was thrown out of his boggy, Mr. Campbell was only stun- ned • odisa assisted into the vehicle, but on sequently, while tying his horse he Wilted away, and although every. thing possible was done for hire he died early Wednesday morning, Nov. llth. He leaves a widow and three sons. Repent it :-“Sbiloh's Cure will al- weys mare wy cough. and colds " The divisional court at Toronto has refused to quash the local option by-law of the town of isHensall In giving judgment, Mr, Justice Riddell save: - "I agree with theechief justice of the exotaquer division that the objeotione are teohnioal and devoid of merir. It is perhaps too much to exueot that swill apptioations will oease, but every effort ehonld be merle to support a by-law carried fairly oven though there be teohnioal defeats which may be die - covered by a hypercritical eye." 1,11%t in future the bona ig but v hippe4 froth nil to Great Briteiu are to of Or ow end that cowpony 'samara of $200,000 bas been In Australia are found some of the most remarkable ants' nests in the world. They are known as "magnetio" nests, for the reason that they are built in a due north and south direction. Consequently, a traveler may direct his course by their aid. tight Coughs, can be surely and quickly loosened with a prescription Druggista are dispensing everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is so very, very different than common cough medicines. No opium, no Chloro- form, absolutely nothing harsh or un- safe. The tender leaves of a harmlese, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distresstng Cough and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with per- fect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it yourself! and see. Sold at Walley's Drng Store. India is rapidly becoming the most "distressful oonntry in the world." At the end of the last century the plague was introduced from Hong Kong, and since then an average of about three- quarters of a million people have died from it every year, while famine has become so much of an annual event that it has oearied to excite great in- terest in England. The Grand Trunk took over the eleo• trio system at the St. Clair tunnel from the contractors, and the inaugnration of the new system was duly celebrated. "I never give to beggars on the road," remarked a young man to a fellow who had asked him for help. "Will your honor oblige me with your name and address, and I'll oall on you?" was the retort. SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medioinoe Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the systeni and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Onion growing seems to be profitable in Logan towship. One day recently, Mr. John Eisler, of that township, de- livered in Mitchell $136 worth of Dutch setts, and Mr. Geo. Hillebrecht delorared $125 worth. Sick aleadachea 9'Itie diet rer.eing disease results from a d!,,,cre,i condition of the stomach, aati coxed by taking Chamber- leirfe Stomach end Meet Tablets. • Get free trample et any drug store and try lia CASTOR IA For Infants and. Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of HAW IMO MA.OHINES, Catarrh Sufferers Ara Nothing But. Hawking. Spitting* and Blowing Machines, Says An Authority. I4 it peastble that in these days when oleantioess end sanitary reform is being preached in the chur' ches eobools and i4Z Wilk) initherings, !het thnneatids of people will continue to suffer hem oatarrh wee , rh rft is r. mobitt ly oertain remedy always on hand. Hyomei (prontortmed 010 is a. pleasant, medioated anti antiseptic aira Breathe it in and it will cure oatarrh. To will stop. foul breath, v. atery eyes, and cruets in the nose iu'a few days. Mrs. fl W. Wiloon, of ,Tnhuson St.,. Wallacebnrg, Out , says: "Yes, we are great friends to Hyomei for ibe.reason that Mr. Wilson has had catarrh for several years and tried several remedies, and dootore, but nothing has relieved the trouble like flyomei His trouble he from pains morose the eyes and a burning - or huskiness in his throat. Sometinaese much dtftioulty in breathing, the elanda in his eyes and 11Q90 swollen and the discuses made him literally siok all over. He cannot Bey enough in praise of Hyomei, and there is nothing that °an give better relief to catarrh than this remedy, which we heartily recommend.' A complete Hyomei outfit, consisting of a strong, hard rubber pocket inhaler and a bottle of Hyomei, costs only $1 00, and extra bott&s, if afterward needed,. octet only 50 cents each. Walton Ma Ribbon sells it and guarantees it to do, exactly as advertised. Hyomei also cures Asthma, Brom:elle tie, Osughs, Colds and Infant's Croup, On Saturday, Nov. 7th, the death of Mies Flora Fraser, aged 84 years, oo- ourred at the reaidenoe of her nephew, Mr. Donald Fraser, Kincardine town- ship, The late Miss Fraser was born in Satherlandshire, Scotland, and came to Canada about 35 years ago. She was a sister of the late William Fraser and for many years made her home in the town of Kincardine. About a year ago, owing to her advanced age she went to reside with her nephew. Deceased was it woman highly esteemed and was a member of Knox Presbyterian church, Chafed and Irritated Skin. What mother is not tired of using un- sanitary, pore -slogging powders to re- lieve the chafing and skin irritation of her baby? Dr. Chase's Ointment is so delightfully soothing and healing that it ie admirably adapted for this purpose. It relieves the itching and stinging and makes the skin soft, smooth and velvety. Dr. Chase's Ointment is also a positive cure for baby eczema from whioh so many babies suffer during the teething period. • anir:r*, the oldesh news- : p v•.,:•.10... niter em existence of 1,1111yeaee Clilf:?.10°.1t tttll Nific.1)210: pxo, 4,1s" o 5'sse""les," •"st diwnve ,• , • 19 t.,-,,Tra, is now using its , .• "A 10 Unt Ztttentla teats page fer fri,.aks, and has started ota flif.ARIZ2111 0 LAXA.I.EvER PRLLS .0. on tiles 11.M.'el5.; gently end waturally O vet:teat wade:nate the lioly, but, on the O ("hits,it, 01111 Cory will if per. * • severed in rehave and eme the worst CatiCII COrtrWall, Ont., writes: • "I wan troubled with oiek heaflaelies, eon- . etipatien and catarrh of the ototnaeh. I • eet1,1 get notlitee, ti do me anygood until 41, T at a vial of Itlilletrrect Laxa-Liver Pills. AI' They del mo more g.ted than anything etre • I ever tried. I have no headaches .or eons nra, and the catarrh if the stomach • is tt'ivTU', 1 if 1ti.V3 0 71014r woman, • i:,,ra7.a i,-ablimetas Latta-Livee ePiIls. • mad in all about half a &team vials." . • Prise 2S) eeuts vial, 5 for $1.01. at all - A dilaitt by Tho T. Milburn Co.. LitaiStal. Toronto. OHL MIILEW RN'S otioso.g00000000.oc000•t, CS, ea_ fel wi Tho Ifind You Have Wye 800;4: Bears the Signittare How to Treat a Sprain. Sprains, swellings and lameness are promptly relieved by Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment reduces in- fiammation and soreness so that a sprain may be cured in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. 26 and 50 oent sizes for sale by all drug- gist& In the referendum the people of South Dakota voted overwhelmMgly to end South Dakota's famous divorce mill. The new law provides that the plaintiff in an action for divoroe must have been sultotual resident, in good faith, of that State for a year, and of the county where an aotion is commenced three months, preoeding the suit. Pnblio hearings are else provided for. s=9 .et's. rat tre Y:90 . Retire the The Kind Yon Have Alison bight Signature of On Wednesday, Oot. 28th, the home, of Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, of Kinloss, was the scene of a happy event when his daughter, Mise Melissa R., was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. George Coleman of Stanley township. The bride, who was given away by her father, entered the parlor to the strains of the wed- ding maroh played by Mrs. James Webster jr., and looked °harming in a beautiful dress. of oream silk abis- tease trimmed with ribbon and Point. d'Esprit net. Rev, r.T. E. Ford, or Luoknow Methodist church performed the oeremony under a beautifully de- corated arch, and after congratulationi. the guests, to the number of about. sixty, repaired to the dining room,, where a dainty dinner was served. Hugh MoDermid, eldest son of Mr. Angus McDermid, of the Huron road west, died at Las Animas, Colorado on Ootober 25th, agod forty-two years. Deceased went to Colerado about ten years ago and had resided there ever since. About live weeks previous to his death he was taken down with ty- phoid fever, and hie mother and broth - or went to his bedside. While they were there he took a change for the better and they returned home. Just after their return, however, word was received that he had suffered a re- lapse, and he passed- away as above stated. Canadian egrioultnre lost a most valuable aid when Dr. Fletcher died. et Montreal, where he had gone for an operation. Dr. Fletcha had been con- nected with the Dominion Expel:halm- tal Fano item tho timo of its ergan- ization. He vme rucoiziaind es ono of the best authorities in America on 1816eCt5 itJjl1ittt2.4 tc.) ctiart (iTtiPS, and was always enthtulastio and earnest in his efforts te combat these enemies. Old lit,tty-"Dld ye hear, Sandy, hoo Mr. Brown is gittin on?" Sandy- "/ heard he took a' eelapee this mornin'." Old Betty (with it sigh)- "Woel, weel, I hope it'll dee the puir soul guile, but I ha o /160 faith in the riew.fangled medicines." The essential lung -healing prineipal of the pine tree has finally been successfully caprvrted and refined into a perfect cough raedicine-nr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, Sold by all dealers on a guarantee Of gatisfootion. Pelee 26 cents. ROW'S =XS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case c? Catarrh that oanuot be Cured by Hall's Patent Oute. F. 3. Chtuttvr & Go, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J., Cheney for the last 15 years, and be' lieve him perfectly honorable In all intsi- nesd transaotions and 2.nancially able to carry out any obligations made by hie firm, WALDING, IttNNAta & MARVIN, Wholesale DruggistS, Toledo, 0, HMV's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the bleed and mucous surfaces of the Ordeal. Testimonials sent free. Price 15o per bottle, Sold by all Druagists. Take Mall's Family Fills for constipa- ' tion. Repeat it :-"Shiloh'3 Oure will al- ways cure my coughs and oolds." There died at his residenoe in Har- pnrhey on Saturday, November 7th.,. Wm. Aitoheson, eldest son of the late John Aitoheson, of Roxboro, MoKillope The deceased had been in failing health for over a year, with a complication of ailments, an !sixteen) on the lung being the immediate cause of death. Throughout his long illneae he proved a patient sufferer, and passed peacefully away, as above stated. Mr. Aitoheson- was born in Scotland 67 years ago, and when two years of age came with his. parents to Canada, remaining a resident, of this vicinity ever eine°. In 1869 he married Isabella McKenzie, daughter of the late John McKenzie, of MoKillop, who predeceased him ten years ago. By their marriage five children were born. How to Cure a Cold. Be as careful as you can, you will occasionally take cold, and when you do, get itt medicine of known re- liability, one that has an established reputation and that is certain to effect a quick cure. Such a remedy is Oham- berlain's Cough Remedy. It has gained a world. wide reputation by its remark- able cures of this most common ailment, and can almost always be depended up. on. It note on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aidstexpeotoration, openo the seeretions end aids nettire in restoring the system to a healthy onerlition. Dur- ing the many years in which it hese been in general use WO have yet to learn of a single wee of cold or attack of the grip having resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was used, whioh shows conclus- ively that it 11 12 sTtaiit preventive of that dangerorie dl3ease. rliamberlain's Cough Ilemedy contains n.) opium or other narcotic anti am? Iv' -lean ail eon lidenVy to a baby t'S to tui t.,lulu. for side by all druggist& - The Rev. lel Hick's Almanac For 1909, ready Nov. 16, 1908, best ever sent out, beautiful covers in colors, fine portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors, all the old features and several new ones in the book. The best astronomical year book and the only one containing the original "Hittite Weathor Foreoaets," By mail 250. on news amide30o. One copy -free with Word and Works, the bent $1 monthly in America Discounts on almaaaos In qatimities. Agents wanteid. Word and Works Pub. Go, 2201 Loonet Street, St. Louis, Mo. Every citizen owes it to himself, to his fellows and to Prof. Melte to possens the "Hicks" foi cos:30,-01e orly reliable, _ In a town of the central ecu Ides cf Sealant], it Mr. Jnmee carried on a very extensive business in7, /hen man- ufactn.ring. Strikes were not so com- mon in those days, but did exist oven then -100 years age. Among Mr. Janice' workmen there was one trouble- some fellow who WO always wanting something, and insisting on getting it. One day he made a request that his master thought most unreasonable and refused it. At last the growler submit- ted with bad grace, saying, "You're nae better than Pliers*, sir, foroin' air folk to mak' brick witheot strae," "Well, Saunders," quietly replied his tnester, "if I'm nae better than Pharaoh in one respeot i'll be better in [wither, for I'll no' hinder ye gann to the wilder- ness wheneVer ye choose." That finIsh- ed the grumbler. -T. no,13rown, sa:•••awilecaosstaces,erwen•......• antrICUTS TilE GREAT -1ST BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD. 1. Good brain food, 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4, Disinfects die mouth. 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances. 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions. 9. Obviates indigestion. 10. A preventative against diseases of the doom. 11. Restores all nervous energy and re, vives,the natural forces. THE OXYGENATOR CO. 42 ilarbord Street, Toronto, Ont. SOLD Ir'Y ALL DRUGGISTS. ss • 4.