HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-19, Page 24
$rice of changes mnat be left at this.
office not later than Saturday noon.
The Dopy for ohaages must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Oatn.al advertisements accepted up
to no Wednesday of each week.
$l3TABLISRED 18751
THURSt) A.Y. NOTE 1113ER 19 1908.
( Toronto Star )
One of the chief abuses in oonneo
tion with the purohsse of supplies for
public institutions has its pause in the
existence of "a patronage list," made
up ot friends of the Government. When
competition is artificially restrioted by
confining all purchases made to those
named on such list the inevitable re-
sult is to unnecessarily increase the
coat of goods purchased, The way
is at the same time made easier for the
development ;,ot a system of organized
corruption, such as that being revealed
et Quebec. A Government;, official, no
matter how severe the itch in his
palm, would scarcely dare to accept
commissions from open opponents of
the Administration snob as some of.
finers at Qaebeo received, through
friends of the same. The risk of ex-
posure is great enough even when deal-
ing with party allies; it becomes in-
finitely greater when dealing with
party enemies.
The exposure at Quebec would be
worth while, even if it bad no further
result than to bring about the abohtion
of' a favored list of official contractor',
and the institution of a system of open
competition by one of the great spend -
tug departments. In ordering this
change, Mr. Brodeur has taken the
proper Douse. It cannot, however,
be fairly pleaded • se an excuse for
the abuses revealed at Quebec that
these date back to Conservative ad-
ministration. A Government that has
been twelve years in power has surely
had time enough to clean up any mese
left by its predecessors. It is well that
a oleaning•np, too long delayed, has
begun in earnest at last. And now
that a start has been made it should
not be limited to one department.
When the Marine Department has been
disposed of other departments should
be taken up in tarn. Let the work of
house cleaning be thoroughly done
while we are at it.
Husband and Wife
The Proviuoial expenditures on colon•
izaticn roads and bridges this year to.
tolled about $750,000.
The Oatario Government will make a
Change in the financial year are as to ob.
elate delays in preparing public ncoonnts
tor the Legislature.
The Government bas forbidden the
importation of onttle and hides from
Pennsylvania on account of an outbreak
of the foot -and -month disease there.
It is denied at Ottawa that Hon. A.
B. Ayleewo. th is returning to Vicuna
for treatment. He is now preparing the
government bills tor the next session of
the hunse.
Two deferred Dominion elections
were held on Thursday last in the West,
and two Conservatives were elected.
Mr. Barrell in Yale -Cariboo and Mr.
Goodeve in Kootenay.
The annual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal Association will be held
in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Tnee.
day, December 15th. for the elootion of
officers and other business.
Mr. 0. 0. Hodgins, ex•M. ' P , has
been appointed by the Ontario Govern.
ment to the position of Bursar of the
Hospital for Epileptics at Woodetook.
He eucoeeds Mr. John Ronan, deceased.
So far the papers are being got
ready by the Ontario Reform Associa-
tion to protest eight Conservative
seats in this Province as a result of
the Dominion elections, and before the
date of entering the protests arrives,
Deo. 5, more will come.
Sir Wilfrid L%nrier has made ar-
rangements for a brief holiday beforo
the meeting of Parliament and leaves
accordingly at the end of the present
week for Florida. The Premier is now
recovered from his recent indisposition,
bat has been advised to take a rest and
change of air before entering on the
exacting daties of the session.
To -day the Herald abandons the
oomio supplement. That' acoompani-
ment of newspaperdom has had its
day. We discard it as we would throw
aside any mechanism that had reaoh-
ed the end of its usefulness or any
feature that had ceased to fulfil the
purpose of attraotion. Comic supple-
ments have ceased to be comic. They
have become as vulgar in design as
they are tawdry in color. There is
no longer any semblance of art in
them, ' and if there are any ideals
they are low and descending lower. -
Boston Herald.
8 ih Restored to Health by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills,
"Both myself and my wife can truth-
fully say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have been of great benefit to us, and
W8 are constantly recommending them
to oar friends." Thus writes Mr.
Ernest L. Archibald, Truro, N. S , who
further says:-''Iu my own ease I bad
been subject to dizzy headaohes for
over a year, and three boxes of the
Pills completely cured me of the
trouble. About a year ago my wife
began to complain. She seemed to be
completely run down; was very pale
and weak; she could not walk up stairs
without stopping on the way to get
breath, and ultimately she grew so
weak she could not sweep a floor with.
out testing. She tried sever
but received no benefit. T
evaded her to try Dr. Wi
Pills and got her a half
After she had used a
her appetite began to
color to return to
n I per -
ams' Pink
ozen boxes.
uple of boxes
mprove and the
faoe. She mu -
tinned using the ' Ile until she had
taken the six boxes, and to -day she is
perfectly well, feels stronger and looks
better than she has done for some years.
While she was taking the PAIS she
gained twelve pounds in weight."
Dr. Williams' Pills cure troubles
like these beoause they are rooted in
the blood. Bad blood is the cause of
all common diseases like anaemia,
rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia, St.
Vitus dance, general weakness, and
those ailments that only women folks
know, with their, attendant headaches
and irregularities. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are a ante oure when given a fair
trial, because they enrich the blood
and thus reaoh the root of the disease.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail
at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2,50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Ont.
•w 0s sees oleo i iseiwesesrslr •S11100000000.000.0000.0•000
• •
F -A -L -L C-u1--T"-S �.
(Windsor Record.)
One of the great national worke of
the near future is the Georgian Bay
canal, an enterprise as to whioh the
government has expressed the opin-
ion that the necessities of the coun-
try require • that it should be under-
taken. There has been a clear ex-
preesion of opinion as to this. The
Georgian Bay canal must be built, the
people whose interests will be affect-
ed by it have made their wishes
known in this regard, and the Geor-
gian Bay canal is an enterprise that
the government will give attention
to without any undue delay. The peo-
ple want it and it will be part of
Sir Wilfrid...,rier'a work to see this
canal built and given over for the use
of the people.
The All•Red line is another project
which has now received the sanction
and indorsement of the people. In due
time the oommeroe of Great Britain
to the antipodes will pass through
Canada, which will• be the occasion of
an impetus to Canadian commerce,
and enlighten the world more as to
the riches and resonroee,of this flue
The attention of the government
will still be given to the improve-
ment of harbors and waterways and
the lighting of the channels. The
settler will be encouraged to settle
in the west, and every facility will be
provided so that the increasing crops
will find easy access to market.
There will be no disturbance of the
fisoal policy. Bueiuess men may re•
same operations without fear of fie-
oal disturbances,; and the ordinary
affairs of lite may now be resumed
with absolute knowledge that five
more years of prosperity, face the
In the famone libel case of the Eye
Opener against McGillicuddy, leave to
appeal was granted to the court en bano,
which meets on Deo. 2, and which will
decide if the jury had power to decide
on the plea of jaetifioation. Stay of pay-
ment of the fine was granted to Des. 15.
The fact that the jury added a rider ad-
vising the ltye Opener to be suppressed
if filthy matter is published in future,
combined with Judge Beok's condemna-
tion of the paper as "debasing, corrupt-
ing and immoral," and the releasing of
the defendant from the paying of costa,
le regarded by McGillicuddy 9a a strong
moral viotory, practically as good as an
acquittal so far as the policy of the
Drily News is concerned. The editor is
most confident as to the success of an
appeal. The Eye Opener has been a
disgrace to the country as well art to its
editor, and if its pages are to be charac-
terized by the smut and vile innuedo
which have marked its past history, the
suggestion of the jury that it be sup-
pressed cannot be noted on too quickly.
-Guelph Mercury.
What woman wants
Is sornblese floors,
Endless incomes,
Bakeleee loaves,
Smokeless husbands,
Slamless doors,
Peekless curtains,
Soorohless stoves,
Washlese dishes,
Ponndlees steaks,
Dan:lees socks,
Spanklese ohildren,
Spotless frocks,
And may be
Ere we Dense to fret
We'll want a bathiese
Baby yet.
We will give you newest styles, latest shades, best materials and
closest prices. •
The way our Dress Goods are going odt is to us the most satisfactory
evidence that they are correct in every particular, and
i our prices the lowest. quality considered.
• ••
• Wraps, Shawls, Underwear, etc. •
• In Wraps of every kind, Shawls to suit every taste, and Underwear •
a that will give pleasure and solid comfort, we have an assortment •
i� �7 •
1 �O•
• M. O GO110N
s••••••••00•••••00 onewes�s•••e•••••••••••••••
a.ive Stock Markets.
Toronto, Nov. 17 -City Cattle Mar-
ket -The fact that Monday's heavy
inn of cattle was followed by another
today failed• to weaken the market.
Trade was quite active, and by midday
there was very little left over. Prices
were well maintained for good butcher
cattle, while, as before, common and
inferior mixed cattle are plentiful, with
prioee easy. Export trade is quiet, ,but
prices steady for ohoioe quality.. The
run of sheep and lambs was heavy, and
prices off.
The total run was 100 oars, with 1,620
head of cattle, 1,600 sheep and lambs,
400 hogs, and 100 calves.
Lambs easter.
Sheep easier.
Butcher onttle-Market steady to
Steady deinandfor good feeders and
Hoge -Market firmer; select hogs of
country pointe, f.o.b.. $6.00; Toronto,
fed and watered, $6.25.
Export market steady at $5 to $5.25
for choice quality; medium export, 84.40
to $4 60.
Choice butcher cattle steady to firmer,
around $4 40 to $4.60; fair to good
butoher, $3.75 to $4 25.
Miloh cows and springers -Mark et
firm for good stook.
Good feeding steers steady at $3.50 to
$8 80. Demand for distillery feeders has
slackened off, but a good farmers' de-
The following are the quotations:
Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs.
My Hair is!
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
genuine hair -food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair -bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
The best kind of a testisneaiat-e
"Sold for ever s te' Tears."
Y Llio s a $ergo, w '
qers !Il' Y Paeinit Ii.,
Steel Ranges
Pandora Ranges
Cross Cut Saws
Cow Chains
Plain Paper
Happy Thought Ranges
Base Burners
Tar Paper
Carpet Felt
Glass and Putty
New Century Washer Sunlight Washer
/ Wringers Carpet Sweepers
Horse Blankets Halters
Galvanized Iron Pails Lanterns, &c.
A good variety of Fancy Lamps and Silverware.
All go at lowest possible prices.
IJ. G. St.ewart & Co.�
Rev. S M. Whaley, of Hickson was
visiting with old friends here let week.
Mr. and Mrs. 11 N. Deuey, of To•
ronto were visiting at k re. R. K. Mil-
ler's last week.
Mr. Stuart Miller has gone to Ver-
million, Alta. to take a position in • a
general store.
Anniversary services were held in
Calvin church on Sunday last. Rev. J.
L. Murray, D. D., of Toronto preached
morning and evening. On Monday
evening a tea meeting and entertain-
ment was held, when Dr. Murray gave
a lecture on "Yellowstone Park, the
Wonderland of America." Misses Bell
and Bice, of Dungannon and Mr. Armi-
tage, of Luoknow, assisted in the
musiosl program.
The Crown Reserve Mining Com•
pang at Cobalt has just paid $10,267.85
in royalty to the Government for the
quarter year. This includes the prioe
of a large silver nugget at present on
exhibition es the Parliament build.
logs, and which some visitors have
been informed is worth a million dol-
lars." The Government purchased the
nuggett some time ago. For the pre-
vione quitter the mine paid some 04,000
in royalties, and the !novenae giver some
idea ot tiw progress made there.
VV v .A.y wVe!VWwwwV
Choice $4 80 $5 25
Medium 4 40 4 60
Bulls 8 75, 4 25
Light 800 3 25
Cows 3 40 3 75
Feeders -
best 1000 pounds and op -
p wards 4 26 4 60
Stockers choice 2 75 8 00
" bulls 1 60 200
Picked 4 40 4 60
Medium 3 35 8 60
Cows.... 200 2 75
Bulls 2 60 8 76
Hogs -
Best 6 26
Lights 6 00
Sheep -
Export ewes 8 26 3 40
Backe.... 200 200
Calle2 50 8 25
Spring Lambs each.. 4 40 4 60
Calves. each ... ... 300 600
UUMIIMMI;1141111U Ill U14
Big Book Store
Wingham, Nov. 18th, 1908.
Fiota per 100 lbs.......... 2 65 to 3 25
Fall Wheat ..............
88 to 0 88
Oats 0 88 to 0 88
e ley 0 60 to 0 62
Butter dairy ............ 0 21 to 0 23
0 22 to 0 22
Eggs per dos
Wood per cord ....,250t0300
Hay , per ton... .... 7 00 to 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel, 0 80 to 0 86
Lard - 0 16 to 0 16
Live Hoge, per cwt6 10 to 6 10
Ohiokens, per lb 0 07 M 0 08
Geese, per 1b.. 0 67 to 0 08
Ducks, per lb. ..... 008 to 008
Tarireye, per Ib0 12 to 0 12
We have in. stock a nice line of handsomely
bound Bibles, with concordance, maps, etc.,
which we offer at very reasonable prices.
Hymn Books --Suitable for all denominations.
To Churches and Sunday Schools ordering large
numbers we will give special prices.
New Books.
A large stock of the latest books just a.
You can add to your library at a small cost
our selection of good literature. I{ we have; not
the particular book in stock that 7.
will order it for you.
Wall Paper.
Our lines are popular in shade, pattern, quality
and price. Here you can get the latest and
best on the market, and the prices we ask ' are
amazingly low. Come in and have a look at
them if you are doing any papering this fall.
Elliott and Walley
Gregory Block,
Ne r Bank of Oo
Ladies' Fur Jackets !Almost Given
Look at these prices, then come in and bay.
$38.00 now........ $25.00 $55,00 now.... $3800
$32.00 now. $21.00 $28.00 now....$1900
1 Astrachan Cape, regular $15.00 for. $10.00
1 Astrachan Cape, regular $12.00 for $8.00
-_ Ca
A quantity of Wool Tams, Hair, Tams and White Bear
Tams at half price.
350 Tams for 18e 50e Tams for 25e
75e Tams for 38e , $1.00 Tams for 50e
Ulsters and Overcoats for Men,
Half Price
One doz. Men's Ulsters and -Overcoats to clear at
half price.
$7 00 Coat for $3.50 - $6.00 Coat for $3.00 - $5 0 50 Ooat for Ooat for $2.75
$5.00 Coat for $2.50 -= $4.60 Coat for $2.25 - $4
Men's Raincoats, half price .
Seasonable goods at half price is good buying.
You'll perhaps need a . Raincoat this seasou. If so, this
is the place to get it.
$10 00 Raincoat for $5.00 - $8 50 Raincoat for $4.25
$6.00 Raincoat for $3.00 - $5 00 Raincoat for $2.50
Women's Raincoats, half price •
Light, medium • and heavy weight Raincoats to
clear. You'll be fortunate to get a good, well made,
fashionable garment at half price.
$13 7 000 OooatCoatfor $3.50 - $6 00 Coat for 53.00 - $5 00 Coat for $2.50
12 doz. Whisks, good quality,. well -bound, only - l0c
Colored Silk Twist, per spool, only lc
Diamond Dye all shades, per package $e or 2 for 15c or 4 for 25c
We are headquarters.
WANTED -Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples,
White Beans, Wood and Oats, also choice young
Chickens, Ducks and Geese, must be fat and dry
dei "cLSS
... HURON :..
Stoves and Ran es
We will be pleased to have you call and let us explain the many
good points in these Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges. It will be
to your advantage to know how we can sell such
superior goods at the prices quoted , below.
Art Huron Base Burners
Square, 15 -in Fire -pot $24.95
With Oven, 15 -in Fire -pot $28.25
Red Hot Huron Furnaces
No. 488 $25.00 229,85
No. 442 $30.00 $35.50
No. 446 $33.00 $40.50
No. 452 $40.00 $48,75
Oakdale Huron
No. 10
No. 12
No. 14
No. 17
$ 9.60
Royal Huron -- For Wood
w No. 9/21, Square $17.25 No. 9121, with Reservoir $21,00 g
1 No, 9/23, Square 19 00 I No. 9/28, with Reservoir 23,00 Cid
No. 9/25, Square 20.50 No. 9/25, with Reservoir 26.00ceLl
Fall line of home manufactured goods in stock. Wood Stoves,
i Base Burners, Furnaces, Box Stoves, etc., proportionately low. n
L'S,L�, & Cz
o ars--1q,s ass u•S s vac, S�usss ,Sn ass van r ,.i r. r s vs s. us cvs v in