HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-12, Page 6MINOR LOCALS, -Thuredav, November 12. --Only sil< weeks until Olirietnuas. ---T]ae reveler meeting of Oawp ("laled(lnia, Sens of Scotland will be held rieVi Monday everting. -Rata A U Ooartiee, former editor of the Obrietien Guardian, died ut ills Mollie in Toronto on Tu08day, -Mr, Thee. H, Taylor has been ser- iouelS .ill for some days, but we ore pleased to report that he is now mover - log. ---her Wm, Agor, well-known to a number of our townspeople, died at bis home in Iagarson on Friday last, in hie Qua year. E, Walker is in Northern Ontario this week purchasing cattle, which will be sold by anctiolt in Wine - been at an early date, -Mr, Turnbull Smith, proprietor of the Hotel Gladstone, at Toronto, drop ped dead in the hotel, heart failure being the cause of death. -Tbe Clinton water commission is having splendid success with artesian wells, and the town will now have a fine supply of the best water. Firs. Gneleo has presented to the town of Kincardine for hospital pur- poses a briok house with several acres of ground together with an endowment of $25,000. -Thanksgiving Day was quietly ob- nerved in Wingham. Many of our eitizesls spent the day around their own homes getting things in readiness for the Bainter. , -You can make rant, more deltaic/ "Saluda " One tea Dupe. Use absolu Steep five minutes. richer more frog• 8 t'. if yon use p•.ufnl makes two y boiling water, -Mr. Wm, Britton has been awarded the pair of boots given by Willie & Co. to the player on the Wingham baseball team making the largest number of base hits during the past season. -A high•olass concert will be Oven in the stone school House, Morris, on Friday evening of this week. A good programme has been arranged and the publid are invited to attend. -Mr. W. R. Brink has sold the Queen's hotel business at Kinoardine to Mr. Joseph White, of Barrie, and has sauce purchased the Royal hotel in that town from Mrs. Jennings, -The plant of the Teeswater News is being moved to a downstairs ofnoe, and no paper le being /toned this week. The Turn's is pleased to see thio sign of prosperity and we wish Mr. McKenzie continued success. -We have been looking over our mailing sheet and find on it, a lot of subscribers who are getting very far behind. We need money and would urge upon the persons referred to, to get a move on at once. There is no deed to wait until the end of the year. We would like that money now, -There is an excellent agricultural ;paper that is of more than usual in- terest to the farmer whowants to know the praotisal and not the theoretical side of his bu Ines . To such of our readers we w ui suggest that when /on renew your subscription to the Tines you order The Weekly Sun, the price is but $1,80. You will find it worth the money. -The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's Church enjoyed a social time on Thanksgiving evening. An interest- ing programme was given in the Mills Memorial Hall, and re'reehments were served in the school room. A pleasant feature of the entertahatnent wee a couple of indoor baseball games. In the first a team of the young ladies of Blyth were pitted against the Wingham young ladies, the latter winning, The second game was between Blyth and Viringlitera yntng men. The safe of Mr. A. Brittain, jeweller, of Wyoming, was creeked and robio3 df a large amount of jewellery. Charles W. Morse, the finanoier, found guilty of misapplying the funds and falsifying the books of the National Bank of North Araerica, won nentonoed to fifteen yea'o in prison. SLEEPLESS BABIES ARE SICKLY BABIES "When babies are restless and sleep - 1888 it is the surest passible sign of iiinece. Well ll bbies sleep soundly and t^c►:•' +.n r"'ah'-iy.Teeplesencee is generally due to eorao derangement of the stomach or bowels n to teething tre;ablce, A few d sea (m 1' hy's Own Tablets' will put he the one right, and make it Sleep rally and sound- Iy, 3tothere need net bo afraid of tide medicine as it ie guaranteed by' a goo - eminent analyst to Contain no opiate or narcotic. tire. Louis Resells. (Xawae, tient., says: ----"I am never without Baby's Own Tablets in the hoses. I have need this medicine for ray chil- dren as O.'AS un required, for the last NERSONAL• Thi WINW1i; M TIMES, NOVEMBER 121. low this ocolluntlmn from and y have readerw. X you have visitors or purpose going sway yourdelt. (IMP in and tell ins. ur send us a uoto to that effect. Mr. Frank Cady spent the holidays in London. Mr. Bert Martin spout Thaakegiving in'need water. Mr. Dewitt Holmes vieited friends in London during the week. Mr. Harvey Liuklater ?Kea friends at Amberly fcr the Holiday,,. Miss Annie Elliott, of Mildmay spent the holidays at her home in town. Mr. Wm Elliott, or Wingham Juno - tion, visited hie daughter in Burlin. Mies Shier was visiting for a few days with her parents at Kincardine. Dr Ball, of Toronto, was visiting for over Sunday with his sisters in town. Mr. George Jones, of Guelph, spent Thaukesiving with his family in town. Mr. end Mrs John Patersod, of Glen Morris visited friends in town this week. WI' John Nichol spout t, a Thanks- giving holidays with frieiida in Dur, ham. Miss Jean Miller, oI Toronto Junotion, was visiting at John Fowler's, Binevale road. Aliso Browk was visiting for a few days with relatives and friends in Listowel, Mr. N. Tilt, of Berlin, was visiting with his sister, Mrs, Rich. Anderson, tbia week. rtXr. Be J. Plenty, of Southampton, visited with his parents in town for a few days. Mies Iia Oleghorn bas returned to Toronto after apending a few days with her parente. Mr. Arthur Angus, of Chesley, was visiting at his parental home in town for the holidays. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Magee spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Ethel and Brussels. Mr, Morten, of Brampton, was visit tug for a few days with his son, Mr,. .T. A. Morton. Mr, and Aire. James Cummings, of Listowel, spent Thanksgiving with rela- tives in town. - Miss Janisa Perris, of Stratford spent the holidays with her parents, Rav, D. and Mrs. Perrie. Mise O:ive Manners, of London spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her paren- tal home in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Orvis spent the Thanksgiving holidays at Mr. George Tervit's in Kincardine. Mr. Thos. Field has returned home after spending two weeks in the north country, doer hunting. Mr. Denby and his daughter, Mrs. W, Hunt, of Burford, spent Thanksgiving at Mr. P. S. Linklater's, Mr. andaMre. A, J. Malcolm were visiting with relatives and friends at Mitchell for the holiday, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Stalker, of Blyth, were visitore with Wingham relatives and friends'for a few days. Miss Marjorie Rose, of Guelph, was a guest at Mr. V. VanNorman's for a few days of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Patterson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson at Kincardine for over Sunday. Miss Marion Robinson, of Ingersoll, was visiting for a few days at the home of her uncle, Mr. F. H. Walley, Miss Marjory Gordon, of Toronto was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Gordon, for the holidays. Mr. end Mrs. V. Wenzel, of New Hamburg, visited with Wingham rela- tives) and friends fora few days. Dr. Agnew has returned home after spending the past few weeks visiting the different hospitals in Chicago. Mr. Samuel Crozier, of Orangeville, spent a few days of the past week with his daughter, Mr. (Dr.) W. J. Price. Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Scott, of Sandusky, Mich., was visiting for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Wilson, Mr. Austin A. Lamonby, of Dannvilie spent the Thanksgiving holidays with hie parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Lamon• by. Mrs. Thom, of Watford, end Mrs. Wilton, of Granton, were visitors at Mr. F. G. Sparlleg's daring the poet week. Mr. N. L. Brandon, o2 St. Marys, visited for over Sunday with his parents in Morris and was coiling en old friends in Wingham, Mise Vera Holmes was home froni Ilavergal College for Thanksgiving, aocompeoied by Mfsd Marjorie Blarson, her room -mate. Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Young, of Long Branch, Cal., were mete ct the form. 02'S sister, Mra. E. G. Sperling, for a few day this week. Miss Florence 'VanNorrnan, and Misses Mabel and Rthel Walsh, who are attending Stratford Normal School, spent the Thankegivixig holidays at five 7ea s. and have f nd superior to their homes in town, all other medicines in caring no ills ofJ ,,Hied Dineen, of town, Mrs. ,ttobort g1t.lGhoc;"." Su"d by uioilicina (lealere or by triad at i:5 cents Ii box frons 'rhe Coates, Dotrolt, and Mra. . inatey, of TTr, Wililatn3' Medicine Co„ Beeettville, Chicago, are visiting relatives In Wing. Out. Ilam, --•-Clinton Few Era. EINQ'S FOR BARGAINS 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE All PRODUCE WANTED. ANTED. kinds farm produce ---Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Featht rs, etc, -- for which we will pay the highest price. Furs! Furs!!! 1 v• vvvvvvvvvvvisvvvvrvvrvwwv ••••••+•••••••••••••••••• A full range of Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, • is Neck Furs, Muffs, etc., at the lowest prices. Our stock of Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Hosiery, Under- wear, Yarns, Blankets, c:tc., is complete in every particular . We solicit a call. BUTTER 22e, FRESH EGGS 25c. (FOOD GOODS G. E. KING., C HEAP PRIDES Me. Thos. J.L+`lliott returned home this week from the West, having' spent the past three months with relatives in the vioinity of Stonier, Alta, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Routledge, of Seaforth spent the Thanksgiving holi- days with Mr. and Mrs, Jae. Anderson, Mrs, Jas. Carr, accompanied by her grandson, Master Jimmie Carr, spent the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Shields at. Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. J. C McMath and daughte}'e, Marjorie and Winnie, of Clinton, spent Thanksgiving with the former's sister, Mr. Geo. C. Manners. Mr. and Mrs. John Leary and son, Lawrence, of Mitohell, and Mr. and Mra. Walter Huggau, of Wroxeter, spent Thanksgiving at Mr, John Tervit'a. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORB 'THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresoleno with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10a in stamps. Lamm, lamas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ox Chester Buokborrough was acquitted of the charge of setting fire to the Queen's Hotel at Tilsonburg. Rev. Dr. Barclay of Montreal, who has completed his 25th year as pastor of St, Paul's Presbyterian Church, was presented with a cheque for $5,000 by the congregation, and another for $73,300 by Lord Mount Stephen, BORIC ROBINSON.-In East Wawanosh, on Novem- ber 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson ; a son. L£ATBEaD.L£--In Brussels, on November 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, W. L Leatherdille; a daughter. Warm -In Grey, on October 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Welsh; a son. DIED JamesF7euty,aged70yen as, 2monthsoandt 3 days. Willi mAlexannder Morris, of Tamesvand Isabella Shedden, aged 8 months and 14 days. Moos -1n Hallett, on October 8tst, Thomas A. Moon, aged 46 years, ROAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -$1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. BENDERSON, Winghani, r. 0. I• Central Business College 4.. • of Toronto hes started thous - .1. ands of young men and wo- idea on the easy way to rude. • pendence and auOeeae. Let us give you the right start. Write for Catalogue and plan to spend the next six months With ns, Enter silly time. Address W, EC Sham, .Pin- .l. Opal, Tongs and Gerrard Streets, TOrontot �.i. Sample Copy Free Would yon like to have a temple, copy of Viso L'aa'mer's A,f voeate gird novae l!J4g. a2:ine The Best gricy4ltural and Horn aper on the Anierloan Continent. No progressive farmer can afford to be without it. Published weekly Ohl. $1.50 per yen*. Drop post Bard for free sample copy. i* Agents wanted. Address : "The Farmer's Advocate" ldtentionthixpaper. it.Olcot)N, tlnt, CANADIAN NAME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p. m. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates fosee sour 'rates ble ot ianyyramoeembeToiar officers, Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. AW DE, T. E. ROBIv80N, Loader, Recording Secretary W. J. WvLEs, Financial Secretary. The 0r8a1 School CENTRAL JaWidi STF ATFORD. 014T.-..-, Our past record and our present grade of work stamps as as the great practical training school of Western Ontario. We have three departments:-- COtYIMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Oar graduates are in demand as Business College teachers as well as office assistants, Individual bourn - tion. Enter now. Farce catalogue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINOXPAtS. • Royal Grocery Call and leave your order t. for s• FRESH OYSTERS, + TURKEYS, GEESE AND CHICKENS for Thanksgiving Day..' ALSO The Best Groceries + The Best Tea and Coffee The Best Spices and Extracts AT MALGOLyI 'S PRODUCE WANTED, + Griffin's Old Stand. PRONE 04, RAlI,wV GR AND +; TRUNK lVetAy To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, The attractive route is via Chicago and St, Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. California, Mexico and Florida Speoial round trip tourist rates in effect to principal winter retorts, For fell information as to rates, routes, etc., apply to W. Ilenry, Depot Agent. or address .i'. D. Mo. Donald, D. P, A,, Toronto. P. ► • • • • a 4 4 • 4 • • • •• • • •♦ • • • 4 4. ♦• 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 • s 4 4 • 4 4 4 I HANNA Friday Bargaio Day NovltasnER ldxrf, 1008. HANNA BROS. With every week our sales mount higher and higher. With every Friday a new record is Made for a single day's business. That this Friday aruay be no exception to the rule, we offer you such au array of irresistable values in every day necessities that you will ,make this popular store h'lin with business. Watch our window displays on Thursday for Friday bargains. LADIES' WEAR DEPARTMENT. Our entire range of Ladies' Waists. consisting of the latest and most artistic productions of high class makers, on speeial sale Friday, is an announcement our lady friends will hail with delight, Whatever your particular need may be, whether a neat Black Sateen, a dainty Flannel!, plain Lustre or an elaborately trimmed Net or Silk, you will find it here at reductions equal to these below. $1 Wrapperette Waists 63c New, smart styles, dainty pat- terns, perfect colorings are featured in this range of Waists, all sizes, regular $1, Speoial Friday 63c A saving of 37o. $3 Lustre Waists $2.39 Fancy Lustre Waists, elabor. ately embroidered with silk, distinctive in style, perfect in St, regular $3 value. Spe- cial Friday $2.39 A saving of 610. Smallwares $5 and $6 Waists $3.98 In this range are inolnded am most expensive Waists, bought opeoiaily for onr Obristmas trade, comprised of delicate shades in net, silk in blaok and white, reg. no to $6. Speoial Friday ....83.98 A caving or up to $2.02. and Notions for Friday. Fancy Handkerchiefs on Sale 20 Ladies' Fancy Embroidered $andkerohiefs, fine hem- stitched edge, splendid gnaI- ity cambric, reg. 15o. Spe- oial Friday 10e 10 doz only ladies' finest Cam. brio handkerchiefs, daioty embroidery patterns, scal- loped or hemstitched edge, reg. 28o and 35o eaoh. Spe. oidi Friday 3 for......., . 50c 50c and 75c Belts 39c Oar entire range of ladies' fanoy leather, silk and elastin Belts, new styles, as- sorted shades, go on sale indiscriminately Friday at... 39c A saving of up to 36o 15c, 20c and 25c Ernbroid- eries 13c. Fine Swiss Embroideries of which the insertion to irtatoh has been sold, in very dainty patterns, worth up to 250. Spadini Friday per yd ... ,13o A saving of ng' to 12o per yard. Extra Specials fo Men and Boys. Boys' 75c Odd Vests 39c 10 doz Odd Tweed Vests we picked up from the makers at anoh a slash price we can't resist the temptation and make a huge sweep; sizes 82 to 35, regular 750. Extra special Friday 39e A saving of. 36o. Boys' $1.00 Blouse Suits 65c 10 only boys' dark grey serge Blouse Snits, sizes for boys of 5 6.7.8 years of age, regular $1.00, Speoial Friday 65c - 'A saving of 85o. Boys' 25c Wool Gloves 17c Boys' firm knitted Gloves in plain and colors, assorted sizes, regular 250. Friday........ • A saving of 80. assorted Special 17o Men's $1.25 Sweaters 89c. Men's fine worsted Wool Sweaters in plain and fanoy oolors, regular $1.25 value. Speoial Friday. ., 89c A saving of 36o. Men's 75c Wool Lined Mitts 49c 6 doz. Men's Heavy Calf Mitts, double stitched, with strong waxed thread, continuous thumb, lining and wrist of fine knitted wool, reg. 75o Speoial Friday continuous., .....490 A saving of 26o. Men's 50c Wool Gloves 38c Men's Fancy Knitted Wool Gloves in black and grey, high wrists. .regular 50o. Special Friday 38e A saving of 12o, • You Can't Afford to Hesitate over the z ♦4 } Floor Covering Prices held out to you Friday. Rugs and Squares Reduced + + 50c arid 60c Linoleums 41c per yard + Oar immense stook of 1 2 and 4 + yard wide Linolenins in smart patterns, good oolor- • Inge, regular 80o and 60e, ♦ Special Friday per square yard „410 4 ► i Pure line unbleached Hand Towelling, splendid even quality, regular 10o. Speoial Friday..73xe We have plotted out 15 different squares as unneoeaeary stook. Among them Ingraina,Tapes- triea and Brussels, splendid patterns and oclorings, sizes 3x33!, 331x4, 33111431, regu- larly worth up to $15, Spe- cial Friday $9.45 A saving of up to $555. 15c Matting 10c per yard Japanese Matting, full yard wide, colored patterns, re- gular 150 per yard, Speoial Friday .. 4... 10e A saving of 5o per yard. Staples and Dress Goods for Friday Shoppers. Factory Cotton 5c per yard At last we have Secured a good quality grey Fao- tory Cotton, which we pat on sale Friday at per yard 5c 10c Hand Towelling 7Yac A saving of 2310 per yard, P. ► • ► C That our Friday bargain day is amply appreciated by the buying public is clearly demonstrated. ► in the increasing nnmbera who crowd cur different departments. Should you not as yet have bene. ► fitted by our great underpricing, come out, We promise yott stich treatment as will bring you back ► again. 60c' Factory Yarns 47c per Ib. Domestio Yarns, fine, even, Soft and strong qual- ity, regular 60c per lb. Speoial Friday.:..47c A slaving of 13o per lb. 50c and 60c Suitings 37c Fancy Tweed Sultinge In stylish stripe* and checks, and plain colors, winter weights), reit. 500 and 60o 'valve. Speoial Friday per yd...37c A saving of tip to 23o per yard, HANNA BROS Wingham. special priced are strictly cash of trado. Storospun.1nt ;, 1< at 8 a Mom at 7 Tt• m 44cAiiA,.44*AA A�i. eA NI l � i31►��1�r1 11bcl �llAllt+ltocciA'AiiiAACIAM4011AA4414 .4 t 3 •t 41 r 4 4..