HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-12, Page 3THE MUTO COAT
Can be adjust-
' ed from one
to • the other
in 10 seconds.
Can be made
from any
weight of cloth.
It will be our pleasure to show
you the GREATEST COAT ever
produced, for style and comfort.
The trustees of our Pablio School
has re-engaged H. D, Afniay as grin-
olpal for the eoming year and have
secured Mies Lizzie MoKay, a former
well-known teaoher la the sohool, to
take charge of the Junior department
ata salary of $330.00. Thte is less than
Mise MoKay is receiving in the sohool
where she is now teaohiag but the mat-
ter of being at her home is a oonsider-
ation prompting the change.
To Core Toothache,
Search over the whole globe and
you'll not find the equal of Nerviline:
An aobing tooth it relieves at once.
Fill the cavity with batting dipped in
Nerviline and rub the game with Ner-
viline also. If the facie ie swollen and
sore, bathe with Nerviline and then bind
ou a hot flannel. This can't fail beeauso
Nerviline kills the pain outright, Just
ae good for earache, neuralgia or guff
nook. A 25o. bottle of Nerviline cures
the aohee of the whole family. Try it.
McGee & Campbell
Store closes 7
O p. m., except
Snoro els Sufi
evenings b e-
' fore hlidays.
Special Fall and Winter Shoes
For Men.
We have different styles of these very superior shoes and each kind
has 3 special features to whiorr we wish to draw your attention, as
follows :
1 -Heavy Calf Tops. 2 -Double Oak Tan Soles. 3 -Fall Wilde Bottoms.
Three Prices. - - $3.00, $4.00, $5.00.
No need of Rubbers with shoes like these. Samples in South window.
Willis & Co.
R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce.
The new Station Agent, at the G. T. Eta`'
R here, as sueoessor to J. O'Neill, is J.
Mestere, whose home is at Bluevate.
The It 5, Williams Piano 0o., of Tor-
onto, recently offered a number of prizes
is a dot contest, J. H. Kerney, the
well known restanrnnter of town, had
industry and patienoe to go at the job,
and, by the aid of a magnifying glass,
figured ont 2772 dots. It took him 5
hours to make the count three times but
as he reoeived a cheek fur $75 00 he is
not kioking ranch about the time eon-
L. S. Danford, Secretary of Brussels
Foot Ball team, forwarded the Ontario
Silver Championship Tankard to Mal-
vern and the Western cup to Owen
Sound. to the respective champions of
1908. It is not often a village club wins
a ohampionship like the above 2 or 3
times in ito history and less frequent do
they hold two cups at onoe, as was the
Daae with Brussels last year. It was a
good artiole oe ball our team put on the
Council met as per adjournment ou
Oct. 23rd. Members all present,
Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting, read and oonarmed on
motion of Thompson and Murray.
Treasurer's statement showed balance
on hand of $76 83. Received and filed
on motion of Thompson and Anderson.
Mrs. A. Medley's taxes were refunded
on motion of Anderson and Thompson.
Mrs, Robinson was granted $15 00
charity on motion of Medd and Murray.
Councillor Medd paid $5.00 to Treas-
urer for sale of timber re bridge, con. 6.
Murray and Medd were appointed to
see about shingling township hell on
motion of Anderson and Thompson,
The Reeve brought up the matter of
drain opposite J. Medd's stable at Dun-
gannon and also the road, con. 6, lot
16 and 17. Left over until next meet-
Cheques were issued to the amount
of about $368.00 for payment of ac-
Council adjourned to meet on Nov.
19th. at 10 o'olook,
W. S. MOORo3TIE, Clerk.
Miss M, MoNiohol, con. 4, who has
been so very ill with pneumonia, is re-
covering, we are pleased to state.
A. neat wire fence has been placed
around the school premises at S. S.
No 5; greatly improving the appearance
of it.
The total taxes to be oolleoted this
year in Grey township amount to
$24,702.77. Of this amount John Mc -
Nab, oolleotor, has $18,810.62 to handle
in the Southerly division while P. J.
Bishop looks after $10,892.15 in the
North. It is no small oontraot to
have to do with the gathering in of
nearly $25,000. The ratepayers of Grey
are fairly prompt payers however and
that sweetens the work considerably,
Tho ooileotor.s receive $50 each far their
The Ailments of Women.
If the girls and women who suffer with
what they think is "Female Trouble"
would look to their kidneys, they'll soon
find the source of their ill -health. The
kidneys are closely allied with the
female organs, and if the vitality of the
kidneys is interfered with, great suffer-
ing occurs. There is no better medicine
than Dr. Hamilton's Pills, -they stim-
ulate and strengthen the kidneys, assist
other organs to do Nature's work,
cleanse the system and thereby main-
tain perfect health. Great benefit and
certain cure is guaranteed for all women
who use Dr' Hamilton's Pills.
• gra. Robt. Scott and two sons,
Leonard and Murray, aged 11 and 13
years, were instantly killed on Wed-
nesday morning, Nov. 4th, on the
Guelph & Goderich Railroad, two cross-
ings east of Auburn and 11 miles from
Goderich, They were driving to sohool,
and were struck by a light engine, run-
ning up from Guelph Junction. The
herbs esoaped, but the buggy was
struok, and all three 000npants killed.
Apparently they did not hear the ap-
proaoh of the engine until too late, and
were struck before they could get clear.
The aooident took place while snow was
failing heavily, and the storm was no
doubt a;_ factor in the aooident. • The
engine was in charge df Engiueer
Munroe of Goderich. Mrs. Scott was
the wife of Robert Scott of Mullett.
Two children, a son and daughter,
one in Goderich and one in Toronto,
survive with the husband.
•••••MO••••.•$••••••9••$'4 #►.est *41- ►®aOd'I1dd144O4f,i•r4r*4
-0 We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, •
which • has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, 'anal and •
4. Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
(Dressed or undressed) $
4; Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
t. ter Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. i
J.• AN
it esidenoe Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. •4
********4131•4440************ *****4.4144ir!'SN*bis***** *
Mies Lilly Oalbfieleoh, of Milverton
was "visiting with her sister, Mrs. 0.
Messrs. Ed. Barnard and Percy Pat -
tenon are On the Nick list,
Mr. - and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill and
family have this week moved to their
new home in Mengel,.
Robinson Bros., of Tara, were in the
village making some improvements on
the Rae Block, which they purchased in
the spring.
Two British engineers arrived at Vic-
toria, B. 0., with Chinese wives, and
the question of the women's liability t0
the head tax has been raised.
Richard Armstrong and N'. Embnry,
the well known hunters, are away for
their annual supply of deer in North-
ern Ontario.
This Is the trade -mark of
Scott's Emulsion
and is on every bottle of it sold
in the world—which amounts
to several millions yearly.
Why -Because it has made
so many sickly children
strong and well—given
health and rosy cheeks to so
many pale, anaemic girls and
restored to health so many
thousands in the first stages
of Consumption.
Send this advertisement, together with name
of paper in which it appears, your address
and four cents to cover postage, and we will
send you a "Complete Bandy Atlas of the
World" :: :: :: ::
u6 Wellington St. W., TORONTO, ONT.
Mr. George Routledge has moved into
the house recently purchased from Mrs.
Messrs. Fothergill & Son shippede oar
of apples to the old country via the 0.
P. R last week and the flour mill ship-
ped a car of flour.
Mr. Fleming, County Secretary of the
Y. 61.0.A., held a meeting last week in
Mime's Hall, for the purpose of forming
an association here. There was a very
good attendance and he was here again
on Wednesday of last week to Minot up
the organizeti in. As outlined by him,
it seems to be a very good place for the
young men to spend their evenings, and
if the right men are at the head of it
there is no doubt but that it will do a
great dens of good and should reoeivo the
encouragement of not only the young
men, but the older ones, as it will keep
the boys off the street or away from
more questionable resorts.
The many friends of David Mo-
Outcheon, 6th line, hope to hear of a
much improved condition of health in
the near future.
The Nioholson Lithe Works have
closed down for this season after a
good run. Operatibus will be resumed
next Spring in fallefonce.
Mess Belle Henderson has been re-
engaged as teacher' of S. S. No. 10 for
the next year at ,an inoreased salary,
the figure being $435, She has done
good work in the sohool and we wish
her even better success in 1909.
The Trustees of S. S. No. 4 have ant-
ed wisely in re-engaging Miss Isabel.
MoNab as teacher for the coming year,
the salary being $450. Miss MoNab is
an excellent teaoher.
You Feel Blue As Indigo,
Yon are sleepless -no energy -bad
digestton-irritable nerves -everything
seems wrong. You're getting worse.
Stop it to day, end your misery by
building up with Ferrozone. It's a food
tonic -supplies nutriment and building
material•' -give weak organs and ex-
hansted nerves the strength they re-
qnire. With Ferrozone you eat more,
digest more, get fatter. Vitality courses
through your veins, the feeling of youth
predominates, vim, strength and health
return for good. Nothing rejuvenates
and restores so quickly and permanently
as Ferrozone. You'll try it to -day, 60o.
at all dealers.
Proved Beyond Doubt.
The disappointed victims of poor Ca-
tarrh remedies should read the state-
ment of J. R. Smith, of Lake Stream,
N. B. In Oatarrhozone he found anab-
cure and says: "Last winter my little
girl of eight naught cold whioh lodged
in her ears in the form of Catarrh. She
became sink and deaf and nothing help-
ed. By inhaling Oatarrhozone she got
relief and gradually the disoharge went
&way. She was oared perfectly of Ca-
tarrh. Personally I oan recommend
Catarrhozone for coughs and throat irri-
tation; its a wonderful medicine."
Sold everywhere, 25o. and $1,00.
Ponzi, the Italian who killed a fellow•
countryman with a stone at Ingersoll,
was sentenoed to two and e, half years'
imprisonment at the Woodstook Assizes,
Up to Oot, 31st the elevator had hand-
led this year sixty -font cargoes, amount-
ing to 4,502,915 bnehele; compared with
2,812,685 bushels for the corresponding
period of 1907. Possibly another million
bushels will be added to the record be-
fore the olose of the season. The winter
storage epaoe of 550,000 busbels has all
been taken, and it is likely that a boat
will lie in the harbor with about 125,000
bushels to be taken out during the
On Monday morning, Nov. 2nd,
George Levy, a man of about sixty
years of age, who was working for Geo.
Bissett at his farm in Goderioh town-
ship, met with an aooident whioh term-
inated in his death on Wednesday morn-
ing. Mr. Levy was milking a cow,
when in Nome way he got beneath the
feet of the animal. The ribs on the
right side were broken and crashed in,
the broken bones penetrating the lungs
and other organs of the body. Mr.
Levy was able to get up himself, how-
ever, after the accident. He was
brought to the hospital in town and in
the afternoon the doctors operated
upon him as the only ohanoe of saving
his life. Little hope was entertained
of the man's recovery, however, and
although on Tuesday he Was mneh
easier, his death was not long delayed.
Mr, Levy was formerly a resident of
Oolborne township. He was twioe
Married and for some time lived in
London, where his widow survives.
For a time past ke had been working
in Colborne township,
With no small regret we chronicle the
death of William Alexander, the bright
little son of James and Isabella Shed-
den, 4th line, who died on Monday of
last week, aged 8 months and 14 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Shedden have the sym-
pathy of the community in their be-
Tax Collector Proctor has com-
menced his duties for 1908 and has a
big job ahead of him as the roll calls
for the largo sum of $20,692. The
building of the new steel bridge, 5th
line, is largely responsible for the in-
croase this year but as it was an im-
perative necessity and will stand for
many years there will not be. much of a
hick coming.
The Local Option petitions were
planed in the hands of the Township
Clerk, at Belgrave, on Satnrday, Oot.
31st. There are over the necessary 25%
of names on the list. A vote will no
doubt be taken on the question at the
next municipal election. There are two
hotels in the township at present, one
located at Walton and the other at
The Council met Oot. 31st at Bel -
grave, pursuant to adjournment; mem-
bers all present; minutes of list meeting
read and confirmed.
TheTreasurer reported that in
answer to his advertieemeut some ten
different brokers had forwarded tenders
for the purchase of the Hallahan Dreier
Debentures. Moved by Lir. Gillespie
seconded by M:. Barnhill that the
tender of the Dominion Seonrities Cor-
poration of Toronto, being the highest
offer, be asoepted, and that the Reeve
and Councillor Soott be appointed to
arrange with the Treasurer for the final
settlement of the same. -Carried.
By -Law No. 16, 1908, to repeal By -
Law No. 5, 1907, and By -Law No, 17,
1908, ratifying • the appointment of
Edwin A. Face of Galt, Township
Engineer, in plane of Lewis Bolton of
Listowel, both duly rend and paseed.
On motion of Mr. Gillespie seconded
by Mr. Onming, the following accounts
were ordered to be paid: -The "Mail
and Empire" Toronto, advertising for
Bele of Drainage Debentures, ,$8.10;
Connelly & Co., oontraotors, part pay-
ment on the Hallahan Drain, 1747.68;
Wm. Connelly & Co., building culvert
on the Hallahan Drain, $6 00; George
Taylor, building Belgrave bridge, core
9, $551 79; George Taylor, building
bridge opposite Lot 39, eon, 5, on the
Hallahan Drair, $236 67; Thos. J. Bell,
inspecting building bridge Lot 39, con.
5, $9 00; Jas. .e.. Scott, work and
material on outlet con. 9, $12 80; Henry
Edwards, cleaning out ditch opposite
Lot 37, oon. 5, 50 ots. ; Thos. H. Taylor,
Jr., repairing Fothergill'e bridge, con. 6,
75ots. ; Joshua J. Walsh, drawing and
furnishing gravel for Belgrave bridge,
13 00; Win. Birkett, repairing Marnoch
bridge, con. 9, 15 75; Chas. Campbell,
nnderbrushing road allowance Lot 34,
eon. 9, $4.00; J. N. Campbell, tile for
drain for roadway con. 5, $4 64; Thos.
Rodger, cleaning stones off hill, con. 5.
50ots, : J. Anderson, Blyth, hall rent
voters' lists court, $2.00; Wm. J. Parke,
selecting Jurors, $3 00; Alex. Porter-
field, selecting Jurors, $5.00; Alex.
Porterfield, clerk's fees on the Johnson
and Hallahan Drains, $50.00; Wm.
Deacon, gravelling on con. 10, $22.40;
Jas. Tanney, 60 yds. gravel, $4.20;
Henry Edwards, 28 yds. gravel, $1.9G;
Robert Sheill, 64 yds. gravel, $4.48;
Wm. G. Graig, 86 yds. gravel, $6,02;
Henry Deacon, 5 days shovelling gravel,
$6,25; Fred Rath, gravelling at lot 41,
con. 4, $68.80; Malcolm T. Walsh,
fnrnlshing tile and putting in culvert
on Eastern Boundary, $10.25.
The Connell then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Nov. 23rd next.
t _Ifi'iiMI -
will be a
in the
We're aiming straight for BIG BUSINESS on Saturday, and
along with special offerings in every Department throughout the
store, we will have a BIG DAY in Ready -to -Wear Clothing. A
004TS of the HEST MAKES. All new right -up -to -the minute patterns
and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a krl;
saving to every customer. Come Saturday morning and get first choice.
18 Men's Suits.
Choice patterns, medium and dark worsteds and tweeds, well
tailored, good trimmings, every- suit good enough for
best wear. Good value at $12.50. Saturday prices only $9.50
Men's Suits.
In good wearing tweeds, dark small patterns, strong linings,
well tailored, A Saturday bargain
Special value in Boys New Winter Overcoats, made of plain
and fancy cloth, strong linings, every coat a bargain,
prices are $3.7b, $4 00, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $8.00
Men's Overcoats.
All the New Fall and Winter Overcoats are in, we have a
LARGE stock to show you. See our special coat
at $S 00, $10.00 and $12.00
Men's Pants
10 dozen Men' Pants to sell at cut prices, new patterns in good
strong tweeds and worsteds, prices begin at. .
Men's Underwear.
All the best makes arc in stock including PENMAN'S, WATSON'S
and TIGER BRAND. See our Saturday bargain at per
garment 50e and ?5e
Boys' ,Underwear.
Lots of Boy's Fleece Lined and Ribbed Wool Shirts and
Drawers in all sizes. A clearing line at 25e
$S 00
H. E. TSAR .
George Felker of Fergus shot himself
while hunting and died almost inetautly.
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti•
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat -
went. It is invaluable to mothers with 'Small
Those of aconsunlptive s. lab ,ICC'W_
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in- `d
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists. ,v
Send postal for booklet. = r
Laasttac, MILES Co., `, L
Limited, Agents, Mont-. j 4•r7• p
real, Canada. 307 •
®V®islefeinewerwwvweeest evversrwsry olioi.TIrtrrtilIPIFTs173.7"""r/',Ir';7*ftfOZOX
Ont. 4
• Wingham
a Ont.
fab% ®Cl ;9
Eight lives were lost in a fire in the
house of Mr. Carey, near Swan Lake.
Manitoba. The victims were Mrs.
Carey, five daughters, one son and Mies
Gillespie, a teaoher. Mr. Carey was so
badly burned that his recovery is hope.
We are showing a full and complete range of all
sizes. We guarantee every garment to be
unshrinkable and to give thorough satisfaction
in every particular.
We also carry a full stock of lower priced gar-
ments, ranging from fifty cents upwards.
Highest prices paid, and best value for your
1 _ _ ....___
s Wingham, Ont.