HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-12, Page 2TUE WINGUAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 12, 1908 TO ADVERTISERS *Ohm of changes mast be lett at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must bet left not later than Monday evening. Cana), advertisements accepted up to noon Wedneedav of each week. BISTABLIS$ED 1B74 THE W1NGD&11 TINES. H, lt,ELL10 ELT -407r. pU'Bx,isumnnsnPaortatama THURSDAY. NOVEMBER. 12, 1908. NOTES AND COMMENTS The re.connt in Saath Perth reduced the majority Of G fl, IlScI ityre, Lit er- a, from, 85 to 29. The deferred eleotion to Prince Albert was held on Tuesday. From latest reports Rattan, Liberal, was leading by 33 votes and his eleotion is conceded Hon. S. H. Agnew. I'rovinci'I Treas- urer of 13anitoba, died cm r4ouday last. He was operated on last week, atter having been suddenly striokau with ap- pendiottis. The re-coant of the ballots oast in North Perth was completed before Sedge Barron Fraley evening, with the result that Dr. Rankin's majority was reduced from 47 to 41, RHEUMATISM IN THE BLOOD Liniments and Rubbing Will Not Cure. it. The Disease Must be Tr;ated Thraugh the Blood. The trouble with mem and women who beve raenmatism is that they waste valuable time in trying to rub the complaint away, It they rob hard enough the friction causes werulth in the affeoted part, which temporarily relieves the pain, but inn short time the aches and pains are ae bad as ever. All the tabbing, and all the liniments and outward applications in the world won't cure rheumatism, because it ie rooted in the blood. Robbing won't remove the poisonous acid in the blood that oaases the pain. But Dr, Wil - llama' Pink Pills will, because they are a blood medicine acting on the blood, That is why the aches and pains and stiff swollen joints of rheumatism die appear when these pills are used, `Moat's why Sensible people waste no time in rubbing but take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills when the first twinges of rheumatism Dome on, and these speedily` gym, eh - With only two seats to be beard from, Met week's eleotion in Newfoundland for members of the colonial legislature has resulted in a tie between the pre. Mier, Sir Robert Bond, and the opposi- tion, headed by Sir Edward Morrie, for control of that body. The Montreal Star says: - "The ,.f army of sorttiueers who did their duty yesterday all over the country deserve a word of commendation. It is true that most of them are party men; but there are Iota of party men would not take the trouble to sit in a polling booth all day and check the voters who oat= in to mark their ballots. As long as we have the party system of government in this country we will be largely dependent upon the representatives of ane party to watch the other; and among the most vale: able of these watchers are the scrota neere on election day. When they are active and intelligent, they pre- vent the polling of a great number of bogus votes. They are a terror to the "telegrapher" and a menace to the "repeater." Now it is no fun to sit in an ill smelling and over -heated polling booth and keep sharp watch on the file of voters who come into the poll. The scrutineer mac be awake every minute of the time and he toast be ready to precipitate a disagreeable scene if he suspects a voter of being other than he pretends. It is not a nice thing to have to challenge a man's vote and ask him to swear; but it is a scrutineer's duty to do this the moment he is in doubt. It may even become his duty to make au arrest. All this requires vigilance, pluck, alertness and assiduity. The scrutineers who poeseee these qualities, who scruti- nize the vote vigorously, serve their country quite as ranch as they do their party. cattle, 8,400 sheep and lambs, 100 hags and 81 calves. The following are the quotations; Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs, Ohpioe $4 80 $5 25 Madinat.. . , .... .. 4 40 Bulls 8 75 Light 8 00 Cows 3 40 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards Stockers oholee " bulls ilutghers' Pinked,...,, Medium... . Cows..... , . 13ulle Flogs Best Lights Sheep - Export ewes Bucks,,., Culla Spring Lambe each. Calves. each. drive the trouble ant of their eye Mr. Sohn Evans, 12 Kempt Roadr'1 fax. N. S., says: -"About fore years ago I had an attack of r nrnatism which settletain my sigh,. le and ankle. wbioh became very mach swollen and was exceedingly p info I wasted a good deal of time y g to got rid of the trouble by ru g with liniments, but it did not do me a bit of good. My daughter was using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the,time and filially persuaded me to try them. Inside of a week the pills began to help me, and after taking them a few weeks longer the trouble had completely disappeared and has not bothered me since, My daugh- ter was also taking the pills at the time for weakness and anaemia, was also oured by them, and I am now a firm friend of this medicine." Most of the tronblee that afflict man- kind are due to poor, watery blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new red blood. That is why they oure anaemia with its headaches, and back- aches, and dizziness and fainting spells; the gangs of rheumatism, and the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia; also in- digestion, St. Vitus dance, paralysis and the ailments of young girls and women of mature age. Good blood is the secret of health and the se:ret of good blood is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by medioioe dealers or by mail at 60 oents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A WORTHLESS CRY. (New York Times.) The Canadian elections afford ns an excellent opportunity to appraise be- fore the event in our case the worth of scandals as a campaign ory. There is no essential difference between the eleotorates on opposite sides of the border in this respect. Bath would drive froaa public life politicians guilty of betraying the public for private in- terest, bat neither -certainly not Can- adians, nor do we believe theAmerioans, are eo simple as to believe all that is alleged against the "rascals" in office. This is particularly true of the broad plass of oases in which facts are obscure and quality of the sots doubtful, In such oases many whose moral standard are above reproach, hesitate to take partisan views even upon clear oharg=s, arguing that there is not mnoh differ - • 4 25 2 75 1 50 • 4 40 385 2 00 2 60 ..,..,... G 05 0 8 25 250 2 50 , 4 40 300 4 60 4 26 825 3 75 4 60 3 00 2 00 4 60 3 60 2 75 3 75 .11*••••••••4M•a ee• •.••S••• ....•••••...•00,...•••••00 at • LADIES, PLEASE CODE TO D. M. GORDON'S FOR YOUR . r s• - EE&O-A-T-S • is • $ And your FALL AND WINTER FURS. • We will give you • • • 1 0 0 • 65 15 90 The way our Dress Goods are going out is to us the most satisfactory 5 evidence that they are correct in every particular, and 3 60 a our prices the lowest. quality considered. • 275 • • 3 25• 470 • •• 6 °° I Wraps, Shawls, Underwear, etc.•s • In Wraps of every kind, Shawls to suit every taste, and Underwear • • that will give pleasure and solid comfort, we have iin assortment • it that CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE EVERY BUYER. •0 a • • • As USf7AL, HIGHEST • PRICES FOR GOOD MARKETABLE TRADE+'. •st • newest styles, latest shades, best materials and Closest prices. • • • . DRESS GOODS WINORAM MARRET REPORTS Wingham, Nov. 11th, 1.908. Floor per 100 lbs.... 2 65 to 8 85 $all Wheat 0 $8 to 0 88 Oats, 0 85 to 0 30 Barley- .... ..... ... 0 50 to 0 52 Peas ,.. 0 80 to 0 80 Batter dairy ••••• •.....,. 0 21 to 0 23 Eggs per dos . , 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per oord , , , , .. 2 50 to 800 Hay , per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 80 to 0 85 Lard .. 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs, per owt. 6 10 to 6 10 ante between the rascals of the different parties, and that it is more important that political principles should control than that they should be submerged in the efforts to change the 'freebooters of one party for those of another. Sir Wilfrid declined to desoend to the level of euoh campaigning. He took the view, discredited in high quarters with no, that "guilt is always personal" and left individuals to present their own defenses to their constituents making no defense on the part of the Government oollectively. The result is that only one minietor was defeated. Have You a Friend? Then telt him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured yourhard cough. Tell him why you Always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc- tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. :tub Mod nd of la tastbne4,rlal- :'Bo3d for over sixty Tears.'* usser..r..o. Arm' de.. antra Aosta smtsAtutaf.a. Sere = W. *onto Ate simmit. i W4 IMAM i ire tsieuidei ell mu! Y1M1ii*.M. lt1tof Aries Pills at tittle will ttyt •-,. '.iW1", Beatty la t. • SERIOUS DEPLETION IN - FUNDS HARD TIMES HARD ON THE POOR CONSUMPTIVE truskoka Free Hospital fpr Consump- tives Makes an Urgent Appeal for Money. 525,000 Required to Cover Bank Overdraft and Provide for Maintenance of Poor Patients. These head -lines tell the story of our needs. . They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve' months the question has pressed itself upon the Trustees, " Can we continue the work further?" Every month brought its quota of accounts for salaries and wages of staff, bills of butcher, milkman, eggs, groceries, heavy coal bills - a serious item -and other uncon- trollable expenses so Iong as"- the doors were kept open. WHITECHUROH. The National Thanksgiving supper held in the Methodist church last Thurs- day evening, under the anspioes of the Ladies' Aid Society was largely attend- ed. Sapper was served from 6 to 8 o'clock and Mr. Holmes gave numerous selections on bis gramaphone daring the sapper time. The tables were set apart for the different countries and the waitresses were dressed in costume to represent the various countries. The Irish table was deoorated with potatoes, cooked with the "jackets" on and the thistle and rose were there for Sootiand and England. After the supper a good program was rendered. Tho Wingbam Methodist ohoir gave several excellent selections and the solos by Mr. Hill and Mrs. Beattie were wed rendered. Mr. Wm. McDonald, of Wiugbam, with the concertina, will not soon be forgotten. It was a surprise to many that snoh a volume of music could be brought from a concertina. He is certainly an expert. Addressee were given by Dr. Redmond, on Eng. land; Geo. Spotton, on Ireland; Rev. G. P. Duncan, on Scotland, and Mr. Cameron, on Canada. They were all good addresses, and recitations on Canada by Miss Brook were well rendered. Rev. Mr. Finlay was chair- man. The supper and entertainment was one of the best ever held here. When coming to the supper on Tnee• day night, Mr. David Kennedy's horse ran away and the occupants of the buggy were thrown Out. Mr. and Mies Kennedy were badly injured, while Mrs. Kennedy escaped uninjured. Rev. G. P. Duncan preached a union Thanksgiving sermon in the Methodist Chnroh on Sunday evening. The church was crowded and in his sermon, Mr. Duncan pointed out many things for whieh we should be thankful. The anion choir supplied the ranee. We are pleased to note the friendliness of our two churches. These had to be paid somehow Contributions - especially after the turn of the year when the finan- cial depression was felt at its keen- est -fell off to such an extent, that each month the burden became heavier. During all this period there was only one thing to do, and that was to lean on our banker -swelling the bank overdraft. The trial was the severest in the history of these Muskoka Homes, in which nearly 3,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for. Lite Stock Markets. Toronto. Nov. 10th. -City tialtle Market--Bnstneee was only moderately active today, but prioes were steady and +hell maintained sit last week's improved Levels. Reoeipte of export are very light. Choice finality butchers' cattle are scarce, and much in demand. There is still M fairly active demand for good distillery feeders, though ODA or two of the buyers are already tilled up.The total rue was 92 oars, With 1,250 Shack Life at Muskoka Free hospital for Consumptives. But never for a single hour did the doors of the Free Hospital fail to swing open, and give a welcome to suffering ones without money and without price. The good news has gone forth of a rich harvest the wide Dominion over. Priends, we come to you at this time, when the clouds of depression are being lifted, asking that you now - in the direness of our ex- tremity - help to lift the burden being- carried ---not for any personal gain, but solely, alone, only on behalf of suffering sisters and brothers. Our plea is on behalf of the sick ones. What will you give? Do not say nay. Help generously. Help all you can. Kelp some. Help near. Contributions may be ses r..tb W. 3. GAGE, Es0., Chairman $z- ecutive • Cotninittee, 84 Spaditta Avenue, Toronto ; hr 5. S. Itossrar., sole, Sec. -Treasurer National Sani- tarhxn Association, t47 King Stasi* West. T•rott1tit. +ar 6 D. M.GQRDON: a •O.S.••.•••••••••.....Oit•• ast•e••4ei•••ai••eeSS•SSosatt VVVVWVW/VVVVVWVVYWWWV A01001010WAAAAAA/1/V1AM1NAAAAA jSeasonable Goodsl { AT THE 5 1 CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE } Steel Ranges Happy Thought Ranges c Pandora Ranges Base Burners Cross Cut Saws Axes Cow Chains Tar Paper ' Plain Paper Carpet Felt Glass and Putty c New Century Washer Sunlight •Washer i Wringers Carpet Sweepers > Horse Blankets Halters ; Galvanized Iron Pails Lanterns, &c. 3 A good variety of Fancy Lamps and Silverware. i All go at lowest possible prices. J. G. Stewart & Go.! CENTRAL 11JARDWARE - WINGHAM VVVWWVVVWvvvvv/4VOI'WVVV, vvyv WVVVNVVvvvvvvWWVW 77 9JJ J77 J l JJJ “u JJ 7 JJ J 7iumuull Big Book Store BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS Me 10 1111114111111$ Min • • 11111111111.111 We have in stock a nice line of handsomely bound Bibles, with concordance, maps, etc., which we offer at very reasonable prices. Hymn Books -Suitable for all denominations. To Churches and Sunday Schools ordering large numbers we will give special prices: New Books. minsompagammangsmoost A large stock of the latest books just arrived. You can add to your library at a small cost from our selection of good literature. If we have;; not the particular book in stock that you want w e will order it for you. Wall Paper. isimmussimemumiors Our lines are popular in shade, pattern, quality and price, Here you can get the latest and best on the market, and the prices we ask are amazingly low. Corrie in and have a look at them. if you are doing any papering this fall. Elliott and Walley Gregory Block. ?RoPRIn'IORS OP BIG BOOK STORE, Near Bank of Oommeroe. »» ;g11 11 1 KERR & BIRD. Every Day, Bargain Day at This Store Bargains in Trousers A quantity of Men's Trousers to clear at about half price. Good color. Good workmanship. Correct styles. Regular price $1.75. Special price to olear, a pair • 99e Ulsters and Overcoats for Men, Half Price One doz. Men's Ulsters and Overcoats to clear at half price. 57 00 Coat for $3.50 -- $6.00 Coat for $3.00 56 60 Coat for $2.751 $6.00 Coat for $2.130 - $4.50 Coat for $2.25 - $t 00 Cloat for $2.00 Men's Raincoats, 4half price Seasonable goods at half price is good buying. You'll perhaps need a Raincoat this season. If so, this is the place to get it. $10 00 Raincoat for $5,00 - $8 50 Raincoat for $4.25 56.00 Raincoat for $3,00 - $5 00 Raincoat for $2.50 Women's Raincoats, half price Light, medium and heavy` weight Raincoats to clear. You'll be fortunate to get a good, well made, fashionable garment at half price. $13 00 Coat for $6.50 -- $12.00 Coat for $6.00 - 510 00 Coat for $5,00 $7,00 Coat for $3.50 - $6 00 Ooatfor $3.00 - $5 00 Coat for $2.50 12 doz. Whisks, good quality, well -bound, only 10e Colored Silk Twist, per spool, only le Diamond Dye all shades, per package 8c or 2 for 15e or 4 for 25c We are headquarters. WANTED -Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, White Beans, Wood and Oats, also choice young Chickens, Ducks and Geese, must be, fat and dry picked. 1111111111101111111110.1.11 ... HURON .• Stoves and RanAes We will be pleased to have you call and let us explain the many good points in these Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges. It will be to • your advantage to know how we can sell such superior goods at the prices quoted below. Art Huron Base Burners Square, 15 -in Fire -pot 524.95 With Oven, 15 -in Fire•pot 523.25 Red Hot Huron Furnaces PRICE WITHOUT CASING WITIX CASING No. 438 $25.00 $29.85 No. 442 830.00 $85.50 No. 446 533.00 $40.50 No. 462 $40.00 $48.75 Oakdale Huron No. 10 No. 12 No. 14 No. 11 $ 9.50 $10 00 $12.75 814.60 1a,y,--iAi, .°' ■ a�tf� -i 4 34.1 Tr riktiV"J• Royal Huron -- For Wood No. 9/21, Square $17,25 -No. 9/21, with Reservoir $21.00 No. 9/23, Square 19 00 No. 8/28, with Reservoir 28,00 No, 9/26, Square 20.60 No, 9/25, with Reservoir 26 00 Full line Of home manufactured goods in stock, Wood Stoves, Base Burners, Furnaces, Box Stoves, etc., proportionately low. C! a tv C,• tY7 tb1 C� ALEX.? YOUNG ,6 CO. el s S'NF.SS3s 1.S SS'Mt.>,SSISSS uS,.SSSwNEMS ER,S SS .S .SSS