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The Wingham Times, 1908-11-12, Page 1
DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFIOE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, ," and added to principal quarterly -end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. aRainsLE LOCAL Fresh Fish SALESMAN Fridays. wanted for Wingham and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" While business in some lines may be dull, farmers were never more encour- aged as regards fruit growing than at the present season. High prices for all classes of fruit have been obtained the past season, and there is as a consequ. enoe, an increased demand for nur- sery stock. Our stook is complete in every depart- ment including a new list of specialties whioh we alone handle. The right man will obtain a perman- for situation, with territory reserved ent him. Pay weekly. Free sample out- fit, eto. Write for particulars. STONE .Sr. WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries (850 acres TORONTO, CANADA. I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and > ill be able to supply them Every Friday. All orders will receive prompt attention. THOS. FELLS BUTCHER. v et We -Want -Them!" The biscuits which please us must be brown and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well -raised, evenly -baked crust. " Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated -`PANDORA' OVEN EXACTLY." Imo' When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale is made. • r e vlar London, Toronto, Montreal, winelpeg. Vancouver. St. Bohn, N.B., Hamilton. Calgary. FOR SALE IN "WINGHAM BY J. G. STEWART & CO. TIMES, NO Y.EMB 12, 1908 STROKE THIRTEEN. [Naw York Snn.1 There's nothing underneath the sun That lends to life a greater teat Than finding out a tellow's done A little bit beyond his best-- Tbe or of work that seems to show A bidden self more strong and flue, And makes the worker mutter low, "That's gopd; too good; it can't be mine." Alas for proud, loarian wings! The time will come, and Dome it must, When ribald, mookina failure bringe The soaring spirit down to dues; When that which ranged from pole to pole Is spent in limits poor and mean, Remember then, despairing soul, The clock can't always strike thir- teen. So build ilio bridge fir mold the phrase, Or ply the brush or grip the helve, Aud learn the worth of blame or praise, And count the strokes from one to twelve, New light will dawn olear to the eye, Brave thoughts will Dome to guide the pen; Joie faith to work, and by and by The clock will strike thirteen again. BRITAIN'S HOME TRADE. Great as is the export trade of Great Britain, it is small indeed when com- pared with the home trade of the United Kingdom. Premier Asquith, in a reoent epeeoh, showed the latter to be almost ten times as great as that of the former, the figures for the last fiscal year being: Export trade, £426,294,596; home trade, £4,262,045,960. In one in- dustry alone -shoes and leather -the value of exports was £2,000,000, while the home consumption was valued at £45,000,000. The effectofthis is seen in the wage bills in the two departments of trade. While the total wage bill was between £700,000,000 and £750,000,000, that of those engaged in the export trade totals only £180,000,000. The Government contemplates in- troducing an innovation in the form of a comprehensive census of home production. The object of the ordin- ary census in Great Britain is to fie - certain how many people are in the country upon a certain specific day, little attempt being made to obtain a record of what is being done in an industrial way. One reason for the proposed industrial mime, arrange- ments for which are in the hands of Mr. Llloyd George, is to afford the public 'material upon which an intel- lectual deoieion can be reached on any proposal that may be made to change the present fiscal policy. A leading English trade journal says that with the exception of the cotton industry, most of the trades depend for their prosperity upon the home demand, although the impres- sion is quite common that Britain's prosperity largely depends upon her export trade. The same journal, while admitting the impossibility of fore- seeing what effect the gathering of facts relating to home oonenmption may have upon the demand for tar - reform, believes protection will re- oeive its death blow, for, it says when the people of Great Britain un- derstand the matter they will be less willing than ever to disarrange the conditions upon which the domestic demand has been built up for the pur- pose of promoting an export trade. Youth's Companion for Christmas. There are three good reasons why The Youth's Companion makes one of the best gifts for Christmas time, for a birthday. for any occasion when a preen ent is in order. IT NEVER FAILS TO GIVE PLEASURE. There is something in every issue of The Companion for every member of the family. The children never pass it by, and the parents are restless until the children reluctantly put it down to go to bed. IT IS EASY TO ORDER BY MAIL. Yon need not go through the vexation of Christmas shopping to make a present of The Companion. Sit down in the quiet of your own house, and send the subscription. The Companion will be delivered wherever you say, on Christ- mas morning, IT COMES EVERY WEER IN THE YEAR. Nine out of ten Christmas presents have lost their novelty by New Year's. The Companion provides a continual pleasure, for it ie renewed 52 times, un- til Christmas comes again. Is their an- other present equal to it that poets so little -only $2.00 to subscribers living in Canada? • The new subscriber receives Free the Double Holiday Numbers and The Com- panion Calendar for 1909, "In Grand- mother's Garden," lithographed in 18 colors. Full illustrated Announcement of the new volume for 1909 will be sent with sample oopies of the paper to any ad- dreee free. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. Because the young woman's parents objeoted to their marriage Chester Johnson of Hamilton fired five shots in- to Miss Rose Oniret's body and then shot himself, He is dead, but the young woman is still living. SOLUTE SECURITY. • C:enulne Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy to take ars sugar, FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVEN. TOR ,CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION CARTERS L1TTLE IVER PI LLS. Gamma ° MU.THAV. +NATUII. I Pnroly Yegetablo , 'owed. wr CURE SICK HEADACHE. THE WINNING TALENT. [9. E. Kiser. J His manners are rude, his fibre is coarse, He lacks all the traits that are splendid, He takes what he oan by the nee of brute force. And considers the argument ended; His face is repulsive, his language nn. Olean, His heir hides the filth of his Dollar; He is foul, he is selfish and sordid and mean, But he knows how to cling to a dol. lar. He is merely a body deprived of a soul, He scoffs at the artist as worthless; From all who deal with him he olaime heavy toll, Hie voice 1s nerve -rasping and mirth - lees; His ways are the ways of a boor and he sneers At gently -bred people, and soholars, But the world deems him worthy and wise, it appears - He knows how to pile up the dollars. MAKE IT YOURSELF. Says Many Persons Here Can Be Made Happy Again By Using it. There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice will be highly appre oiated by those who suffer: Get from any good pharmacy one- half onnoe Fluid Extraot Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa• rilla. Shake those well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after eaoh meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few vie- tims of this dread and torturous dis ease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to strengthen and oleanse the elimina- tive tissues of 'the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, whioh cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous oth- er diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suf- fers from any urinary trouble what- ever, should nct hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. Seventy men are under arrest at Samburg, Tenn., in connection with the hanging of Captain Rankin there. One of the progressive farmers of Stephen, W D. Sanders, President of the South Heron Farmers+ Institute, informs the Exeter Advocate that he out a ton of hay to the acre off 6 acres that had yielded 55 bushels of bar:ey to the acro, this year. CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA As is well known, this troublesome com- plaint arises from overeating, the use of too much rich food, neglected constipation, lack of exorciso, bad air, etc. The food should bo thoroughly chewed, and never bolted or swallowed in haste, stimulants must be avoided and exercise taken if possible. A remedy which has rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect permanent cures, even in the most obstinate cases, is BURDOCK BLOOD It acts by regulating and toning the di- gestive organs, removing costiveness and increasing the appetite' and restoring health and vigor to the systom. Mr. Amos Bawler, Gold River, N.S., writes: -"I was greatly troubled with dyspepsia, and after trying several doctors to no effect I commenced taking Burdock Blood Bitters and r think it is the best medicine thorn is for that complaint." For Sale at all Duggists and Dealers. H• ,i. 4. 4. .l. d• •i• •i' •p d• •i• .l. d• •F� •i. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S CLUBBING RATES • FOR. 1907 - 08. The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any of the following publications ; and Daily Globe...... Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times and Daily Mail and Empire....... and Daily World ..... ..... . and Toronto Daily News.. ,.... and Toronto Daily Star........ , and Daily Advertiser .,..,....... and Toronto Saturday Night ,........... and Weekly Globe . and Weekly Mail and Empire.... and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Family Herald and Weekly Star, premiums and Weekly Witness and London Free Press (weekly) and London Advertiser (weekly)... . and Toronto Weekly Sun and World Wide and Northern Messenger. and Farmers' Advocate We speoially recommend our Leaders to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. and Farming World and Presbyterian and Westminster and Presbyterian and Westminster........ and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. ... . and Youths' Companion and Canadian Magazine (monthly) and 'Sabbath Reading, New York and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... and Michigan Farmer ......... • and Woman's Home Companion .. Country Gentleman Delineator Boston Cooking School Magazine Green's Fruit Grower Good Housekeeping McCall's Magazine American Illustrated Magazine American Boy Magazine What to Eat Business Man's Magazine Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman ...... Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine .. Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...... Times and Canadian Pictorial and 4.5Q 4.50 3.35 2.30 230 2.35 2.60 1.60 1.35 185 2.10 1.85 1,80 1.60 1.80 2.20 1,35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2 40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1 85 2.15 2 25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2 30 1.70 2.30 1 90 1 90 2.15 2.15 2.75 .2.75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2.50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1.75 2.R0 1.25 1.60 4. .H The above prices include postage on American publications to any 4 address in Canada. If the TIDIES is to be sent to an American address, add S 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to • American addresses a reduction will be made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in Fe the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give yon prides on the 5 paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will g secure snob premiums when ordering through us, seine as ordering direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are es STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE • • • • WINGHAM, ONTARIO, s ••ewes• em••aur•asrmiedia omes •w•P.•Ks1••r•alew•••••••••••. There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY SUN. The Sun is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, ONLY $I.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. ommuntca- tions strictly conlldont al. HANDBOOK on Patents cont free. Oldoet a Duey for eecurtng.�yystenta. PatontI taken tfron.e Munn $ Ce. recslve ercciat notice, without charge, lathe Scientific JIniertcan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. .Largest Dir» ciliation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, t3.45 a year, poetage prepaid, Sold by ell nowsdealers. MUNN & Co R61Bfoaihsy. New York primal Office. tbb F 58., Washington. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they- wish io dispose of,,,henld adver- tioo the same for sale in the TIMLB. Ont large circulationtellsand it will be strange indeed if yen doon not get8o t cause Weoan'tguarantee a yon may ask more for the article or stook than li is wr.rth. Send your rn advertisement 90 tho Tiaas and try this prticles, lan of your stook and other IT PAYS TO y{ i�}yy/1I : V 7.1 rISE IN TIMES U en Ei ©0 n a 9 9 a e© The Sense of Secur- ity against to -morrow 6 ee al OE •SU .2 en nes©� PHU., Daae A. e ®Et ,gDiiila:. i A-�-� 9 6E18 08 q Fit ft gives ample incentive I P . to save to -day. 1 Head Office, Hamilton. Talmost HE men or women with a Savings Bank Account can be picked out of a crowd. The sense of security in face em and independence is noticeable cheerful and confident air. Friends are uncertain when needed - Money in the Bank is sure and certain, when necessity or opportunity makes the demand. Money is the best friend of man, and reserve money is possible to all who work and save. The Bank of Hamilton considers its most important public function to be the education of people to systematically save, and to afford them a safe, profitable depository for their savings. Over Ninety Branch Savings Banks have been opened by the Bank -of Hamilton throughout "Canada -which gather and care for, the saving of the people; and every dollar deposited in any branch office is under the direct custody of the Head Office in Hamilton. Total assets of over Thirty Millions Dollars at present en- trusted to the care of this Bank, is its best reference in soliciting your Saving Accounts, on which the highest current interest will be allowed, and credited on the deposit, four times each year. a BANK OF HA LTON , • . WINGHAM BRANCH ' - C. P. SMITH, Agent. `J DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFIOE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, ," and added to principal quarterly -end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. aRainsLE LOCAL Fresh Fish SALESMAN Fridays. wanted for Wingham and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" While business in some lines may be dull, farmers were never more encour- aged as regards fruit growing than at the present season. High prices for all classes of fruit have been obtained the past season, and there is as a consequ. enoe, an increased demand for nur- sery stock. Our stook is complete in every depart- ment including a new list of specialties whioh we alone handle. The right man will obtain a perman- for situation, with territory reserved ent him. Pay weekly. Free sample out- fit, eto. Write for particulars. STONE .Sr. WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries (850 acres TORONTO, CANADA. I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and > ill be able to supply them Every Friday. All orders will receive prompt attention. THOS. FELLS BUTCHER. v et We -Want -Them!" The biscuits which please us must be brown and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well -raised, evenly -baked crust. " Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated -`PANDORA' OVEN EXACTLY." Imo' When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale is made. • r e vlar London, Toronto, Montreal, winelpeg. Vancouver. St. Bohn, N.B., Hamilton. Calgary. FOR SALE IN "WINGHAM BY J. G. STEWART & CO. TIMES, NO Y.EMB 12, 1908 STROKE THIRTEEN. [Naw York Snn.1 There's nothing underneath the sun That lends to life a greater teat Than finding out a tellow's done A little bit beyond his best-- Tbe or of work that seems to show A bidden self more strong and flue, And makes the worker mutter low, "That's gopd; too good; it can't be mine." Alas for proud, loarian wings! The time will come, and Dome it must, When ribald, mookina failure bringe The soaring spirit down to dues; When that which ranged from pole to pole Is spent in limits poor and mean, Remember then, despairing soul, The clock can't always strike thir- teen. So build ilio bridge fir mold the phrase, Or ply the brush or grip the helve, Aud learn the worth of blame or praise, And count the strokes from one to twelve, New light will dawn olear to the eye, Brave thoughts will Dome to guide the pen; Joie faith to work, and by and by The clock will strike thirteen again. BRITAIN'S HOME TRADE. Great as is the export trade of Great Britain, it is small indeed when com- pared with the home trade of the United Kingdom. Premier Asquith, in a reoent epeeoh, showed the latter to be almost ten times as great as that of the former, the figures for the last fiscal year being: Export trade, £426,294,596; home trade, £4,262,045,960. In one in- dustry alone -shoes and leather -the value of exports was £2,000,000, while the home consumption was valued at £45,000,000. The effectofthis is seen in the wage bills in the two departments of trade. While the total wage bill was between £700,000,000 and £750,000,000, that of those engaged in the export trade totals only £180,000,000. The Government contemplates in- troducing an innovation in the form of a comprehensive census of home production. The object of the ordin- ary census in Great Britain is to fie - certain how many people are in the country upon a certain specific day, little attempt being made to obtain a record of what is being done in an industrial way. One reason for the proposed industrial mime, arrange- ments for which are in the hands of Mr. Llloyd George, is to afford the public 'material upon which an intel- lectual deoieion can be reached on any proposal that may be made to change the present fiscal policy. A leading English trade journal says that with the exception of the cotton industry, most of the trades depend for their prosperity upon the home demand, although the impres- sion is quite common that Britain's prosperity largely depends upon her export trade. The same journal, while admitting the impossibility of fore- seeing what effect the gathering of facts relating to home oonenmption may have upon the demand for tar - reform, believes protection will re- oeive its death blow, for, it says when the people of Great Britain un- derstand the matter they will be less willing than ever to disarrange the conditions upon which the domestic demand has been built up for the pur- pose of promoting an export trade. Youth's Companion for Christmas. There are three good reasons why The Youth's Companion makes one of the best gifts for Christmas time, for a birthday. for any occasion when a preen ent is in order. IT NEVER FAILS TO GIVE PLEASURE. There is something in every issue of The Companion for every member of the family. The children never pass it by, and the parents are restless until the children reluctantly put it down to go to bed. IT IS EASY TO ORDER BY MAIL. Yon need not go through the vexation of Christmas shopping to make a present of The Companion. Sit down in the quiet of your own house, and send the subscription. The Companion will be delivered wherever you say, on Christ- mas morning, IT COMES EVERY WEER IN THE YEAR. Nine out of ten Christmas presents have lost their novelty by New Year's. The Companion provides a continual pleasure, for it ie renewed 52 times, un- til Christmas comes again. Is their an- other present equal to it that poets so little -only $2.00 to subscribers living in Canada? • The new subscriber receives Free the Double Holiday Numbers and The Com- panion Calendar for 1909, "In Grand- mother's Garden," lithographed in 18 colors. Full illustrated Announcement of the new volume for 1909 will be sent with sample oopies of the paper to any ad- dreee free. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. Because the young woman's parents objeoted to their marriage Chester Johnson of Hamilton fired five shots in- to Miss Rose Oniret's body and then shot himself, He is dead, but the young woman is still living. SOLUTE SECURITY. • C:enulne Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy to take ars sugar, FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVEN. TOR ,CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION CARTERS L1TTLE IVER PI LLS. Gamma ° MU.THAV. +NATUII. I Pnroly Yegetablo , 'owed. wr CURE SICK HEADACHE. THE WINNING TALENT. [9. E. Kiser. J His manners are rude, his fibre is coarse, He lacks all the traits that are splendid, He takes what he oan by the nee of brute force. And considers the argument ended; His face is repulsive, his language nn. Olean, His heir hides the filth of his Dollar; He is foul, he is selfish and sordid and mean, But he knows how to cling to a dol. lar. He is merely a body deprived of a soul, He scoffs at the artist as worthless; From all who deal with him he olaime heavy toll, Hie voice 1s nerve -rasping and mirth - lees; His ways are the ways of a boor and he sneers At gently -bred people, and soholars, But the world deems him worthy and wise, it appears - He knows how to pile up the dollars. MAKE IT YOURSELF. Says Many Persons Here Can Be Made Happy Again By Using it. There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice will be highly appre oiated by those who suffer: Get from any good pharmacy one- half onnoe Fluid Extraot Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa• rilla. Shake those well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after eaoh meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few vie- tims of this dread and torturous dis ease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to strengthen and oleanse the elimina- tive tissues of 'the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, whioh cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous oth- er diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suf- fers from any urinary trouble what- ever, should nct hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. Seventy men are under arrest at Samburg, Tenn., in connection with the hanging of Captain Rankin there. One of the progressive farmers of Stephen, W D. Sanders, President of the South Heron Farmers+ Institute, informs the Exeter Advocate that he out a ton of hay to the acre off 6 acres that had yielded 55 bushels of bar:ey to the acro, this year. CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA As is well known, this troublesome com- plaint arises from overeating, the use of too much rich food, neglected constipation, lack of exorciso, bad air, etc. The food should bo thoroughly chewed, and never bolted or swallowed in haste, stimulants must be avoided and exercise taken if possible. A remedy which has rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect permanent cures, even in the most obstinate cases, is BURDOCK BLOOD It acts by regulating and toning the di- gestive organs, removing costiveness and increasing the appetite' and restoring health and vigor to the systom. Mr. Amos Bawler, Gold River, N.S., writes: -"I was greatly troubled with dyspepsia, and after trying several doctors to no effect I commenced taking Burdock Blood Bitters and r think it is the best medicine thorn is for that complaint." For Sale at all Duggists and Dealers. H• ,i. 4. 4. .l. d• •i• •i' •p d• •i• .l. d• •F� •i. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S CLUBBING RATES • FOR. 1907 - 08. The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any of the following publications ; and Daily Globe...... Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times and Daily Mail and Empire....... and Daily World ..... ..... . and Toronto Daily News.. ,.... and Toronto Daily Star........ , and Daily Advertiser .,..,....... and Toronto Saturday Night ,........... and Weekly Globe . and Weekly Mail and Empire.... and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Family Herald and Weekly Star, premiums and Weekly Witness and London Free Press (weekly) and London Advertiser (weekly)... . and Toronto Weekly Sun and World Wide and Northern Messenger. and Farmers' Advocate We speoially recommend our Leaders to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. and Farming World and Presbyterian and Westminster and Presbyterian and Westminster........ and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. ... . and Youths' Companion and Canadian Magazine (monthly) and 'Sabbath Reading, New York and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... and Michigan Farmer ......... • and Woman's Home Companion .. Country Gentleman Delineator Boston Cooking School Magazine Green's Fruit Grower Good Housekeeping McCall's Magazine American Illustrated Magazine American Boy Magazine What to Eat Business Man's Magazine Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman ...... Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine .. Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...... Times and Canadian Pictorial and 4.5Q 4.50 3.35 2.30 230 2.35 2.60 1.60 1.35 185 2.10 1.85 1,80 1.60 1.80 2.20 1,35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2 40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1 85 2.15 2 25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2 30 1.70 2.30 1 90 1 90 2.15 2.15 2.75 .2.75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2.50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1.75 2.R0 1.25 1.60 4. .H The above prices include postage on American publications to any 4 address in Canada. If the TIDIES is to be sent to an American address, add S 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to • American addresses a reduction will be made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in Fe the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give yon prides on the 5 paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will g secure snob premiums when ordering through us, seine as ordering direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are es STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE • • • • WINGHAM, ONTARIO, s ••ewes• em••aur•asrmiedia omes •w•P.•Ks1••r•alew•••••••••••. There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY SUN. The Sun is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, ONLY $I.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. ommuntca- tions strictly conlldont al. HANDBOOK on Patents cont free. Oldoet a Duey for eecurtng.�yystenta. PatontI taken tfron.e Munn $ Ce. recslve ercciat notice, without charge, lathe Scientific JIniertcan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. .Largest Dir» ciliation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, t3.45 a year, poetage prepaid, Sold by ell nowsdealers. MUNN & Co R61Bfoaihsy. New York primal Office. tbb F 58., Washington. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they- wish io dispose of,,,henld adver- tioo the same for sale in the TIMLB. Ont large circulationtellsand it will be strange indeed if yen doon not get8o t cause Weoan'tguarantee a yon may ask more for the article or stook than li is wr.rth. Send your rn advertisement 90 tho Tiaas and try this prticles, lan of your stook and other IT PAYS TO y{ i�}yy/1I : V 7.1 rISE IN TIMES