HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-05, Page 71.
VOL XXXVII.--NO. 1918,
Cures Chapped Hands in one night.
Not greasy- rubs in perfectly.
Perfumed with Violet Petals.
An elegant preparation for atter
25c. a bottle
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Blook,• Wingham, t
anadian is made for just
Cough such colds us yu,
and it will cure them.
We sell you a large bottle
use for 25 GENTS. Get a
bottle and keep it on hand.
Fall Bulbs It is time you had your
Fall Bulbs. We will
keep a full assortment for one week more,
so come early and get good choice.
Call and see us.
Ritchie & Cosens
Farm Properties
Some exceptional values in
farms. If you want one it will
pay you to see us.
The good old Province of Ont-
ario is all right.
Town Properties
At right prices. We have a
number of places admirably
suited for retired farmers.
No . prettier or healthier town
in Ontario than Wingham.
Property bought helm can al-
ways be re -sold.
Griffin-Vanetone Block, WINGHAM.
Phone 123
Fruit Buying Time is
Never saw suoli fruit as we're selling.
We've bought the BEST GRADES from
the BEST MARKETS and are convinced
Better Can't be Got
RAISINS -every ono of them aro fat
and plump.
CtiRRANTS-are large, fine flavored
and clean.
Our Peels
aro not second grades. They're the
pick of dripped peals.
Remember -pew's the time to buy.
J.. Henry Christie
Wingham Greenhouses
Cut Flowers anrd" Floral Designs
Funeral apd Wedding Orders re-
ceive prompt attention,
PHONE 101.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Y. M. C. A. "At Home." d'
The local branoh of the Y. M, 0. A.,
will be "at home" Thursday evening,
19th inet., in their rooms in the Macdon-
ald block, . The, arangemente are in
charge of an active energetic commit-
tee and a very enjo able time is antioi-
Drink Christie's Teas
v An Offici
Dr. R. W. Brno
Inspector of Ho
Charities, paid his
Wingham General
day last. He e
greatly, pleased
work being dont
manner in which
conducted. His
follow shortly.
Smith, Provincial
pitals and Piiblio
official visit to the
Hospital on Thurs.
pressed himself as
ith the satisfactory
and the splendid
the Hospital is being
offbial report , will
Bargains in millinery at MRs.GREEN'S.
Diseases o
A new featur
Winter Fair this
Westervelt, will b
the prevention
agricultural nni
arise of the oonti
deliver lectures,
charts, to give
rudimentary k
common disease
lest cures.
Farm Stock.
of the Provincial
ear, and a very im
according to Sooretary
in oonneotion with
d mire of diseases of
Is, The best veterin-
ent will bo secured to
Aith lantern slides and
to the agriculturist a
owledge of the more
in stook and the situp•
WANTED. -Girl for general louse.'
work. Apply Box 338, Wingham.
C. O. F
Several, new me
into Court Maitl
of Foresters, at
held on Thursda;
izer Harris is
success in his
expected that th
Maitland will
fore he leaves
meeting of the
Friday evening
members are re
hers were admitted
nd Canadian Order
the epeoi'al meeting.
evening last. Organ-
eeting with splendid
ark here and it is
membership of Court
soh the 300 mark be.
ingham, The regular
Court will be held on
of this week and all
nested to be present.
Rooms in Macdonald block to rent.
See the new stook of Bibles and Hymn
Books at the BIG BOOK STORE.
Change in Ele
Patrons of th
power system are
the use of coal
strong" power.
at the power hone
position, and the
shafting and inst
ator, eto., was
morning. Conse
no light service si
it is expected tha
readiness and the
be in operation o
TIMEs staff is h
old bill of fare,'i
this Week's issue
of the plant one
venienoe to ma
hoped that and
much better eer7,i
we have ever enjo
tric Light Plant,
electric light and
his week indulging in
it lamps and "arm -
he new waterwheels
have been plaoed in
ork of changing the
ling the new gener-
commenced' Tuesday
nently, there has been
oe Monday night, but
the plant will be in
the new service will
Saturday night. The
ving a feast from the
having to "turn off"
y hand. The closing
considerable inoon-
y citizens, but it is
the new system a
e will be given than
ed before.
Take the Hi
A new series
about to comma
Herald and Week
that are said to
fared to newepep
pieta story will app
series alone is wo
Whole year's subs
dollar, and when
other good things
great weekly he
stand why the pu
urge present an
early and give the
the thousands of
Deoember and Jan
say that no porno
for the Family
Star for 1909 w
farmer, partionlarl
gnlar reader, is
oannot afford to.
and Act Now.
of short stories is
e in The Family
y Star of Montreal
e the best ever of-
readers.s oom•
er each wwThe
th o than the
rip L�price, one
o links of all the
that appear in that
an readily under.
Roberti so earnestly
oribers to renew
a chance to enter
ew applications in
ary. It is safe to
remitting a dollar
erald and Weekly
regret it. Any
, who is not a re•
going something he
Patent Cb
A number • of
lately baen fitting
on their houses an
*chimney top; whi
These. tops will pr
log np into the sto
lent thing for oh
rounded by high
are guaranteed to
may be obtaine
/mney Tops.,
er townspeople have
he tops of ohtn:rieys
stores a patent
is made from °lay,
vent the smoke back -
e and are an exoel-
mneys that are sur -
buildings, The tops
ave satisfaction and
from Mr. Geo, Mc -
See the new wall
paper at
The membership
L., No. 794, has 1r
crooned during t
regular meeting of
five candidates
the busirest had
gramme of addre
en,a number of t
Refreshments wj
and a very. e
the 131G
L. O. L•
of Wingham L. O.
sen considerably in•
past year. At the
Friday evening last,
ere initiated. When
en concluded, a pro-
ses and mneio was giv-
e members taking part.
are afterwards served,
joyable evening was
brought to a otor.
Sweeping sale of millinery -large, up-
to-date stook to select from. Dins GREEN
Twenty-fifth Ai
On Tuesday evening
ham members of K. 0
the Oddfellows hall to
25th anniversary of th
Order. A good progt
atter which ooffee and
A very enjoyable e
From very small
London, Ont„ and le
Mioh„ this Order h)
of the strongest a
assooiations,ia Ames
Nov 3rd,•Wing»
T. M.; met in
nommemorate the
founding of the
imme was given,
cake were served.
ening was spent.
aginnings 'first in
er in Port Huron,
a grown to be one
td best benefioiary
Highest prioe paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Canada's Tha
Monday last was t
Graoions Ring a
Thanksgiving Day.
divldnals we leave
for. The sentimen
among all our pe
pressed in the T
es follows:-"
countrymen in
only the contri
notion to the S
np the prayer o
symbolize the b
look book over
thought of a bo
tented people, o
en expanding n
people will 00
blessings. The
thanks, but th
meet that we s
what we have h
widespread dila
position for ora
found in Russia
dieturbed our pe
most of the bn
mast parry, whi
every good that
vanced ednoatio
can give." •
e birth day of our
d also Canada's
As people and in-
oh,to be thankful
that should prevail
ple is fittingly ex-
ronto Sunday World
odnees has come to our
nth varied ways that
e heart, full of true de•
preme Power, can sena
thankfulness that w ll
et appreciation, If pie
the waning year, tie
notal harvest, of a ooa-
a flourishing trade, of
tionhood and a unit id
e to us. These are
demand the sincereet
y are not all. It a is
old rejoice, at time i,
t. Pestilence, famine,
ter, war,the inborn die•
ty, such as are to be
nd Turkey, have not•
Breeders' Ho
The next horse Sho'
paces of the Ontario
Assooidtion will be he
Stook Yards, West
Tunotion), on Wednes
Friday, Ja>inary 13th,
1909, Daring the tim
good street car servio
from the City of Toron
Stook Yards. The bn
the Show will be held
fitted with 'a show ripg
lighted and heated. A
exhibition will he etalyl
Yards and every opp•
given visitors to vie
Both the 0 P.R, and
ings in the Yards and
venienoe for the easy
loading of the hoz'
glasses of the'Show w
offered for each are a
dales, $820; Cannata
and Shires, $440; S
nays, $420; Sand.
Thoreughbreds,' $27
Heavy Draught Ho
pionships, $245; • t•
$3215 . The judges o
be, Hon. Robert Bei,
Jamed'Toranoe, Mar;
Ashburn; with A Mo
reserve judge. The
Heys will be, Dr. Cam
H. Gibson, Beadonefie
well; Ottawa;'with I
don as reserve judge.
offered is practically 1,
Shots; copies may he
plication to the
Horse Breeders' Ex
Building, Toronto.
se Show.
, under the aus-
Horse Breeders'
at the Union
oronto (Toronto
y, Thursday and
14th, and 15th,
of the Show a
will be given
o to the Union
Ming in which
ill be Ppeoially
and will be well
1 the horses on
d at the Stook
rtunity will be
• the exhibits.
T,R. havo sid-
here is every con -
loading and an.
B. The different
th the prize money
follows: Clyde,-
. Bred Olydeedale•s
res, $305; Hack.
rd Breda, $275;
; Ponies, $130;
see, $305; Charn-
el prize money,
heavy horses will
th, Bowmanville;
sham; Job White,
Laren, Chicago, as
adgea for Hack -
bell, Berlin; W.
d, Que , B. Roth-
. Meredith, Lon -
The list of prizes
st same as' at the
procured on 'ap-
bition, Parliament
Rubbers, that wear w: can fit any
shape oboe and our vari; v is large.
WILLIs & Co.
A blaok fur muff
Dominion Bank o
Owner can have ea
was left at the
day last week.
y calling at the
Death of
The Trt1Es ig this
chronicle the deat.
eers of Wingham i
Fleuty, who pass
on Josephine ser
morning, Mr. F
health for some
was not unexp
born in Witha
1838 and Dame t
learuecl the print
ing England and
ode, his first poli
Advertiser. Fro
Buffalo and was
staff of the. Con
taming to Cana.
foreman on the
year and then
Walkerton Teles
to Wingham a
foreman on the
oe. We are free from having just ben
ens that other lands
e enriched by nearly
reedom, progress, ad -
and national happiness
mes Fleuty.
week called upon to
of one of the pion -
the person of James
away at his home
early Wednesday
my had been in poor
onthe and his death
oted. Deceased was
, Essex, England, in
Canada in 1858. He
ng trade before leav-
•n his arrival in On,n-
ion was on the Guelph
• Guelph he went to
or some time on the
ler in that city. Re-
a he took a position as
alkerton Herald for a
ook an interest in the
ope. In 1873 he name
nd took a position ate
Advanoe, the paper
established by a Ma.
Line. In 1874 he pnr-
ance from Mr, (Muff
oontrol until 1895 when
John Oornyn, havirg
ith the ono paper fe,r
as been a resident of
5 years. Mr. Fleuty
nu active interest in
as for the good of the
his newspaper gave
better interests of the
er has always found
bor and a kindly op-
s ever ready to give
uoh was required. He
disposition, but during
e in the town he had
e of friends In poli-
•ervative and throngh
gave his party loyal
death another of the
neere is removed. Mr.
by his widow, who
dstone, of Elora, and
✓ daughters, viz: -W.
o Star; Robt. J., of the
eacon, and Misses
lo and Maud at home.
ave the sympathy of a
ends in their bereave.
sal will take plane on
n at 2 30 o'clock and
i by the Masonic Order
deceased had for many
Contributi•ns to Hospital.
Thedireotors o the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, at th•. close of the hospital.
year, wish to tha k the people of Wing-
ham and all thou: who have contributed
to the maintenan.: of the Hospital fol
their liberality t • wards this deserving
institution. The treasurer aoknow-
ledges the follow' • g contributions:
Western Found v Co $100.00
Walker & Clegg furniture, 40 00
William Nichols i n 25.00
Robt. F. White 16 00
Imperial Theato 'null benefit 10.00
J, & A. Loutit 10.00
W, H. Green. .. 10 00
Crowell Wilson, • anitoba 10,00
Wingham Lodge .. F.&A.M. 10.00
Clare Vanetone, N amilton.. 5 00
W..A. Currie... 1.00
A subsoription ' let was opened in
January of this y:ar to raise $200 to
endow a free bed in the hospital for ono
year, The following is the list of sub-
0. Lloyd & Son . $ 25.00
Walker & Clegg. .. 25 00
Canada Furn.; M re. 25.00
J. D. Burne 10.00
T. A. Mills 10.00
Lebanon Chapter... 10.00
L. 0. L. No 794 Wingham 10.00
R. Vanetone.... ,.,. 10.00
A. J. Irwin 10.00
Court Maitland , O. P,.. 5,00
W. Howson 6 00
Camp Caledonia S. 0. S..,5.00
J. 0. Corrie ... 5.00
A, O. U. W. 6.00
J. Henry Christ ......., 5.00
Thos. Fells 5.00
Ohm. Lepard 5.00
A friend ..... 5,00
W. G. Pattern ,..,. 500
Mrd. J. Hanna , 5.00
W. J. Greer... ... . ,. 5.00
A. Cozens 2.00
Wm. Wellwoo 2.00
W' Bone 2.00
B. 0oohrane. 2,00
Oluff, of Kincar
phased the Ad
and continued i
he sold to Mr.
been connected
22 years, and
Wingham for
had always take
everything that
town and thron_.
much space to t
town. The wri
him a good neig.
position and w
assistanot when
was of a retiring
Ms long residen
made a large circ
tins he was a Co •
his paper elway-
support. In his
few remaining pi
Fleuty is survive
was Miss Ann Bi
two sons and fo
J , of the Oakvil
Louise, Lizzie,
The family will
large circle of fr
meat. The fungi
Friday afternoc
will be conduct
of which sooiet
years been a me
.net arrived -Felt sailors, all shades.
Call early for first choice. MRs Game.
Leggings! Leggings I for all purposes.
In Ladies,' Gents,' Boys,' Mimes and
Children's, in every now style. Prices
from 40o. to $2.26 a pair, See them.
W. J. Gann,
Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at
MoKibbon'e drag etore,Wednesday, Nov-
ember 18th, Hours: 2 pan. to 8 pat.
Glasses properly fitted.
Rev. W. G Ho
services .he the
ohdrth next Sunda
Rev. T. G. W. ig
ton, has been a
Williams to take
Ohuroh in Sarnia,
duties about Deo 1
Wingham Distri
Qhnroh will be
lance of Layman'
ment. The prel
oonsists of Jno.
0. Taylor, Jno. Jo
and W. H. Kerr
the purposes of o
ably be beld in th
The entire Exe
upon a grand
ou all the appal
snenoe the last
tend far into
Hunter go to
Miss Morton g
for three weeks.
is taken by the
each taking two
on two separate d
The evangelisti
to have been oom
dist Church Su
postponed for a
menoed next Su
services will be
Turk, of Toront
and solo singer.
be a general pre
and at 11 o'cloc
take the gen
morning and
ways welcome •
son will take the
russets Methodist
t, B. A., of Welker -
pointed by Bishop
harge of St. Johu'i
and will assume hie
t of the Methodirt
rganiz,d along the
Missionary Move-
inary Oommittee
err (Convener), D.
nt, `hos. E. Wilson
A. Convention for
ganization will prob.
near future.
r District is entering
vangelietio campaign
tments. It will oom-
of November, and ex-
bruary. Crossley and
xeter on Nov. 29th.
es to Hensall in Feb.
The rest of the work
nisters of the District,
eeks away from home
services which were
enoed in the Metho-
day laet, have been
eek, and will be oom-
day, 15th inst. These
nduoted by Rev. G R.
, au excellent preaoher
On Sunday there will
er meeting at 9 80 a' m.,
Rev. Mr, Turk will
al service, preaohing
venin. Strangers al -
Fall and winter shoes for men. Read
our advt. on page 5. WILLIS & Oo.
Gun Clu Shoot.
The members of the Wingham Gan
Olob held a shoot the ranges on the
race track grounds n the afternoon of
Thanksgiving day nd there was a good
afternoon's sport. The prizes were
awarded as follows -
Event No. 1 -le , B. Cochrane; 2nd,
Dr. J. R. Maodona d; 3rd, A. M Craw.
No. 2 -let, A. •• Crawford; 2nd, Dr
J. R. Macdonald; ' d, B. Ooohrabe.
No. 3. -let, L. At: inson; 2nd, Dr. J
R. Macdonald; 3rd, L. Binkley..
Prize to the mem •er making largest
number of shots wa: won by Dr. J. R.
Coneolation, for non prize winners -
let, Mr, Mokeith; nd, V. R. Vannor-
On Tuesday aft
held between side
Macdonald and
Crawford's tea
more of 63 to 44.
noon a contest was
chosen by Dr. J. R.
M. Crawford. Mr.
were winners by a
The turmoil of elections over and
Christmas less than seven weeks off,
business has alra. dy assumed a steadier
tone. For man - weeks merchants have
been stocking th:ir stores with the ante -
Christmas suppli:s in readiness for the
large volume of t ade which is handled
at this season of he year. In the past
citizene of Win ham have learned the
rather severe les one taught by last-
minute shopping, nd it is not surprising
that there may b a revolution in this
respect during e next few weeks.
There'is no bette way for merchants to
bring their goo s to the attention of
buyers than th ongh the advertising
columns of the u:wspaper. There is no
money in Maine unless goods are be-
ing kept const:. fly on the move. A
store whioh oar.ies the same stook from
ono end of the ,•eek to the other is not
a profitable inv stmont. Tho only way
in which to •• aka money is to keep
things moving, and this oan bo done by
making the pe • pie realize that `you have
something for ; ale et prices which will
draw the anon y from the hiding places.
No man or omen is ready to allow
birgaine to pas by unnoticed; bargains
Will at all tines win the oash, and the
only way to l'qocomplish this is to let the
publio knows what you have to offer.
The successful business man is he who
tat all time succeeds in reaching the
publio. To do that it is necessary to
nee the med oma which people read and
which are e er before their eyes. The
newspaper i one of the means by which
advertisers re sure to reach the people
of a oomm nity. Consistent and con-
tinuous ad rtising in the newspapers is
responsible or the building up of many
of the lar a enterprises of the coun-
try, and th advertiser today, who does
not reaoh a people through the col-
umna of th weekly paper is the business
man who is oomplaining of dullm.sss of
the times,
We learn with •.noh regret of the
sudden illnnee of Mr. Harry Green,
president of the igh School Literary
Society. We trust that he will soon be
with us again.
eft. R MoBarn
in'aisposed last We
it that the malady
y, alias "Bob," was
nesday, Rumor has
was a zoology exami
"VER :IThf SAP "
EXPERIMENT-, r. 0. Pugh in his
election oampaigoffered chocolates
(Coulter brand).
OBSERVATION The chocolates were
CONCLUSION. -..r. Pugh was de.
Mips Dadson a.ent the holidays at her
home in ''Jaime.
Mr. Taylor g • e an interesting lecture
on Friday last, is text being "The way
of the transgres or is hard."
An interestin topio will be discussed
at one of the '• iteraries" in the near
future, as to w'• ether the earth is round
or Sat, T. E. R binson taking the for-
mer and popnla idea, while the latter
will be upheld .y that modern Cicero,
0. Pugh.. Both :ides have any amount
of proofs to Bust: in their arguments, tui
they are both we 1 versed in the con-
tents of Ayer's • lmanao. A good time
is anticipated.
Wingham P
on Tuesday
present eacep
Jenkins, Afte
of Ootober
report was r
Messrs. Griffin
showed attend
blit School Board met
vening; all members
Messrs. Moore and
confirmation of minutes
eeting, the Principal's
ad and on motion of
and Lloyd adopted. It
nos for the month as
I. average 44
I 41
II 14 43
for the month 306
ears. Ross and Ieard,
tints were paid: -J.
90 tits.; R. H. Mo-
i., $2.75; H. Kerr,
tea for October was
Board adjourned.
Total average
On motion of M
the following ace
G. ,Stewart, glees
Kay, glazing, et
stairway and limb1
Payment of sale
authorized and the
You got the beet grade of Felt Foot-
wear in all the np to date styles et
The following
written examine
six weeks.
grammar, geog
literature, readin
The marks given
the standing of
several were abee
examinations. P
is the result of fie
ions during the poet
abjeots - Arithmetic,
aphy, composition,
, writing and spelling.
do not fully indicate
he various pupils, as
t from one or more
ss 390.
Thomas Holrhos 569
Oneida Irwin! 492
Jean VanNorknrn .488
Lila Bowma453
Annie Macdonald 449
Arthur Wile u. 442
George Crui shank 426
Elmo Arno r 409
Goldwin Ha ilton ..... ... 407
Fred Menne 391
Gordon Mc Nan 391
Margaret Pa arson 382
Annie Lloyd 382
Norman Bu cher 379
Leonard Brg:ok 377
Mabel Swartle. 359
Basil Black all 351
George Hoson 350
Roy Kiusm 'n 349
Ruby Robe tson 326 .
Lizzie Star y 314
Luella Mo ool .311
Maggie Red 305
Stella MoM nnus...... 304
Herold Dr mmond 303
John Allen 302
Frank Galbraith . 301
Lloyd Hewer.. 300
Vernon Scott. ..289
Ernest Diamond .....287
Mary Ourria 286
Reta Walker .285
Hazel Eilio,t .. - .276
Marion Alien 272
Mabel IsarL 268
Lorne Atcliomn 261
Frances Bemer 261
Georgie Fo bee. 350
Harold Hineoliffe. 249
George Shafer . 239
Frank MoL an 282
Charlie Mc can 228
Jennie Stapl ton 2224
Olive Knox. ..,.........
Eva Linklat r... J215
Olive Angns 214
.Agnes Walk r ..194
Della Miller 189
r s.
i3rownie Sw�i t ..........155
Edith Shark 127
Winnie Pugh 106
ltifarjoris Ii es90
is what you invariably get
when you .leave your
order for clothing at this
Clothes bought here are
guaranteed to fit well,
look well and wear well
-and they do.
Mon's Furnishings
of all kinds
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties,
Collars, Underwear, etc.
The very newest of new
goods are here.
Come in and have a look.
RobI1 Maxwell
Most modern and popular Busi-
ness School in Western Ontario.
Widely experiencHd broadly
educated, sympathetic, attentive
staff. The synonym of success.
Graduates eminently successful.
The very essence of modern,
living business systems.
Stenography, Telegraphy
and Commercial
Preparatory course for those
whose education has been neg-
Mail courses, in any subjects,
for those who wish to study at
Individual instrn,tion Enter
any day. Write for handsome
The Leading Shoe Store.
This is the Legging season, For damp,
wet and sloppy walking there's nothing
like a pair of Leggings to protect the
feet and ankles. Our assortment shows
all the best makes in Men'a, Women's,
Boys', Girls' and Children's.