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The Wingham Times, 1908-11-05, Page 6
'r W1falliSJ~lAIit TIM , XOVEitilSER fi, MA MINOR LOCALS. rots% "Saturday night—Haliowe'etz— owed of very quietly in Wingham. e have had to genuine touch of "nutter weather daring the frust week 'With saran f lu es, --Re Malcolm McGregor, editor of the rtnebyterian, died at hie llozno in Temente .an Tuesday, --The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board Brill be field next Taeeday evening. Just arrived—Felt eailore, all shades, Call early for first choice. mins GRBEN, —'Wingham L, O. L, meets on Friday zavening of this week. A large attend- atnCe oi" the inetnbers is desired. McKenzie, of Lochalsh, who 'underwent an operation for appendicitis *t the Wingltatu hospital on Tuesday, is doing nicely. —The annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the 9nethodist Church on Wednesday. Re- port will be given in our nent trine. --lkLr. Tilos. Fells hes bad the interior tof his butcher shop brighteueel up by giving it z3 fresh coat of paint. Mr, Fells believes in keeping everything =twee -date. —.Any pas= zvlio drinks 2 ea and tattoo tastes 30o "Salads" will ee that it is not only finer in flay ut that as sane pound makes many more caps, it is economical to use. —Mr. J. J. Homnth, of Toronto, who Stas been in town fora few days, sold his house and lot on Diagonal street teat week to Mr. Thos. Scott, of Morris, Mr. Scott has eeoured a good property. PERSONAL. D'ir. Blob Clegggwwaevisiting fu Inge.- eell for over Sunday. Mr. ,rasa Hislop, of Stratford, visited with Wingham friends for two days last week. Miss Annie Barber visited over Sunk' day with bar friend, Mise Etta Bedburu, of Teeswater. Mr. W, J, McGregor, of Iivolrnow, was in town last week * iaiting his mother, Mre. D. McGregor, Mr. John Cameron, of Galt, and a former resident of Turnborry, was hero on business - for a few days of the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker and children, of Clinton, were visia fug with Wingham relativeta during the past week.. Mr. T. Hall, editor of the Advanoe, spent a few days of the past week visiting relatives at ?!eaford and Owen Sound. Miss Hazel Vanalstine, of the Blue - vete Road, has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with friends in London. Messrs. W. J. and Thos. 0. Kelly, who have been residing at Tisdale, Sask., are home on a visit with. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelly. Mrs. James enders= and daughter Marguerite, of the Blnevale Road, have returned home after spending a couple of week with friends in Hamilton and Caledonia, --Mies Mattie Drummond, of Tiver- ton, died at the hospital on Monday. iiiiee Drummond had been ill for some weeks and was in her 19th year. The remains were taken to Tiverton for interment on Monday. —Rev. Wm. Penhall, formerly pastor of Blyth Methodist Church, died sud- denly at >:atoroton, Ont,, on Monday, aged 57 years. Mr. Penhall was in his usual good health and conducted the services in his church on Sunday. lESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene With the eootu;ng properties of slippery elm ...rid lien. ince Your druggist or from us, 10e in stamps. ^,Saxcgine, 4fn,na Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4o' --Mr. Theop. Finnen returned home .bast weef;, having spent the past couple raf months in the vicinity of Killarney, Mau. In that distriot the wheat yield was from S to 22 bushels per acre; oats, Prem 20 to 70 bushels, and barley, 20 to 135. The fall weather has been cold and backward. Mr. Finnen is reri}oving to the Taylor farm in Tnrnberry. —Mr. W. B. Wellwood, son of Mr. 1Wm. Wellwor;d of this town, writing from Saskatoon, Sask. last week, says that in mast localities in the west, bnainees is better than teat fall. Yields of grain vary a great deal, running from Height to fifty bushels per acre for wheat. There does not seem to be a scarcity of oars, and grain is moving out rt pidly. —Every farmer shculd kno Trice offered by the dealer hogs, etc., is a fair one. know this if he does bnetness raper? lNliiat or backless man er, ,1 business paper? that the for cattle, ow can he t take a farm cotor or lawyer be without this ere is but one farmers' bueineae and market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. You can get The Sun an combination with The Teems for only $l.80 and yon should not be withont them. ---Mr. John lafeEtarg resumed his dirties es etatienxnaster at the Grand 'Frank station, London, on Monday morning, having received word that his *pliant:ea to be allowed to complete the full term of his service according to the provisions of the pension fund hoe been accepted. Mr. Mcnarg has still nearly two years in which he can serve befere he reaches the ago limit. Mr. Mcrtarg bas many friends i;3 Wing - tam, ;vita will be pleased to hear of his xeouming Ms old positioxl. A wild doe, frightened ,y a panting mete, ran into tho rail mill at Sault Ste. Marie and jumped into the role:o. The €aninlnPn legs were broken and it had to be killed. The Railway Colrnaie:ice will allow tailentte to tsardte grain at falter piens o n Sunday, on condition that they &rant the tams of showier; the anthori., tici that the eruTk is anee eoary to pre- vent endue Oa ley SAdriat't WC:LFGil:3a +ea90THEri' 3 CHIEF CARE, Ever' mother is nmturally etniotas that ber tittle ones shall tie e1�'tlay, geed causal rad bright Every a ,�, rax . 1little . o r� t S >L�l.,t�in tete S i if she will i condition I; them cis Coctaeioaaai dose of Baby's wn Tablets, Tiieso `:ablate aura all /stomach and bovicI troabies, bre up'oolds, destroy *rotate a10 iodic tee 'i ^t" eddy Equal- ly rec✓,? far tt1, i t'rbe' en rise well grown child. ]etre. W. J. Stewart, St. George, N. Il., says:—"I have tined Baby's Own Tablets- for r y little ulnen r 1. ,t a l e„rs n 3 .advn ff n�: for aetre� rt 5 © 7 them reliable in all emerge:erica. I ca ta_.t praise the Tablets too highly.” Sold in n,.5 an deelef'e or It a' by meds ee v' roan tit .,� ootitt a boo from The Dr. Williams Ke+ti^ins Orr., Brockville, Ont. :, Mrs. Frank Carruthers died suddenly at her home, in Berlin on Thursday last. Mr, and Mra. Thos. Carruthers left on Friday morning for Berlin to attend the funeral, the deceased lady bring their daughter-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Burns left this week for their new home in Perth Mr. and Mra. Burns made a large circle of friends during their residence in'. WiLgham and all are sorry to hear of their removal from town. aloltEIS. The scholars of S. S. No. 7, stone sohool, will hold a concert on Friday evening, November 13th. Local talent will give a high-olass program. The public are invited to attend. The new steel bridge, 5th line, is now ready for use, the delay in open- ing being occasioned on account of a uement floor being put on which had to be thoroughly dried. Local option will likely be voted upon at next Municipal Election in Morris. Monday of last week persons were deputized to attend the various polling places and seoure names on the petition to be presented- to the Oouncil. The neoesaary number of signatures was obtained. The Council met according to ad- journment on Oct. 19th. Members all present, the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. A petition was presented by Andrew Knight and others asking for the con. struotton of a drain in the locality of Iota 28 and 29, con. 9, under the pro- visions of the Municipal Drainage Act. Taylor—Oampbell.—That said petition be accepted and that Engineer Roger be instructed to examine the described area and make his report accordingly. --Carried. The Oourt of Revision on By -Laws No. 9 and 10, known as the McDonald and Johnston drain by-laws were open- ed according to notice, but no appeals were made. On motion of Campbell and McOutoh• eon the Court of Revision on By -Law No. 9 was closed and the by-law as read was finally passed. On motion of Oampbell and Shaw the Court of Revision on 13y -Law No. 10 wars closed and the by-law an read was finally pasted. Mr. Richard Proctor presented his bend as Collector for the current year. On motion of Taylor and Shaw tee said bond wise accreted as satisfactory. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows: --RR. Meaner, repairing oultart north boundary, $2 ;,0; D. E',„,• ray, drain Forrest award, $25 00; Mr. Cook, drain Forrest sward, $7,20; Mr. Cook, drain Forrest award, $25.00; McKin- non fire., gravelling treat Loundary, $16 '05; ;3. VanNorman, inspecting west boundary, $4 CO; Jas. Taylor, work and Rile Grooby drain, $2C0.00; Wan, Con. Helly, part payment Kelly drain, 0100; It. 13, 1lcock, filling at Sommerville bridge, x,285.00; W. II. Fraser, digging ditob,4lForrest award, $.8.00; 3, Hall, oement culvert, 57,00; 'Wan, Skelton, two culverts, $0.50; aaleotoro et jurors, each $4.00; Jno. Conine, drawing cement tile, $3.00; Wm, Salter, gravel, $1,80; W. J. Palmer, filling east ap- proach to Sommerville bridge,, $;;7.00; Sellars & McCauley, grravolliett east boundary, $88.37; Geo. Pollard, int sect. fag east boundary, 05.00; Miller Bros., making :cement tile, $u5.$2; Gerry d; Wallies, cement, $22.50; Wm. Laidlaw, farm brltdge on Kelly dram, $15,00; Won. (7raig, drawing gravel and slaking cement tile, $25.00; Robt, Young, 2arm bridge on Colo drain, $15,00; ,Ths, ,0rnitL•shank, gravel, '$3.18; D. W. Campbell, repairing bridge, $1.00i Was. Rook, repairing bridge, 23o.; Oran Russel, repairing bridge, 50e.; /I. Virg• by, gravel, 35.36; ano, Watson, port KING'S FOR BARGAINS l WE WANT Y0TJR TRADE Thankgiving Fowl Wanted. All kinds Fowl for Thanksgiving trade, DRY PICK AND DON'T DRAW ANY FOWL. Deliver all fowl NOT LATER THAN ?RIDAY NOVEMBER bars, EXTRA SPECIALS. 10 dozen White Quilts, large size, regular 81.50, to clear at.... 90c 25 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets—the best lot of coats for the least Money ever shown in Wingham—to clear at each $12.50 TERMS—SPOT CASH. gutter 22c, Fresh Eggs 25c. tre.FARMERS—Bring in your DriedApples, Beans, Feathers, etc, Highest prices. 1:111 , GOODS1 G. E. KING. PRIES 1 payment inspecting cement work at Sommerville bridge, $86.00; Alex. Oloakey, gravel, $2.22; M. Proctor, drawing cement tile, $3 00. On motion of Mo0utcheon and Shaw, the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 16th of November next. W. ()LARK, Clerk. HO W IV H. Whilst political events especially dur ing the past few weeks have been in the ascendancy and have engaged the at. tention and absorbed the interest of the general public, some of the young people in our district have not been insensible to the sednotive influence and charms of matrimony, and again another wedding took place on Wednesday, October 28th. at the residence of Mr. Robert MoTn- tosh, Iot 16, B line, when his eldest daughter, Mary Edna, was married to James Lorne Laird, of lot 8, B line, of the same township. Invitations to be present on the occasion had been issued to a large number of friends and ac- quaintances, including some from Grey county and the Northwest. The mar- riage ceremony took place in the even- ing, under an artistic arch of evergreens in the large parlor. The bride was giv. en away by her father, the officiating clergyman being Rev. Mr. Perrin, of the Presbyterian Church. Soon afterwards dinner was served, 135 guests sitting down to a sumptuous repast. The even- ing was pleasantly spent in social inter_ coarse, vocal and instrumental music gra maphone selections, and inspection of the wedding presents, which were of a varied and costly character and iudi- oated the esteem in which the young couple are held. Later on, a program was rendered, in which several of those present took part, Mr. William Weir presiding. ,The singing of the Glory Song and the National Anthem, brought the happy gathering to a close, and the company dispersed, after expressing their good wishes for the future welfare of the bride and groom. BOOP(. LEntwT—In Wingham,Oct. 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. John D. Lediet; twin boys. BiNKt EY.—In Wingham, on October 23th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Binkley ; a son, E1twmN—In East Wawanosh, Oat. 24th. to Mr. and Dirs. Thos. Erwin ; a daughter. HEsDEn0oN—In Morris, Oct. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson; a daughter. LAOITE.—In Howick, on Oct. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Leckie; a son. ALBREC1lT.—In Howick, on October 24, to Mr. and Dirs. E. Albrecht; a daughter. DIED DRilnnONn—In Wingham, on November 1st, Mattie Drummond, of Tiverton, aged 18 years and 5 months. BTig :LEY. --1n Wingham, en November 1st, infant son of Mr. and. Mrs. L. Binlrley. EoNsxa.—In Brussels, at the home of Mr. D. Ewen, on October 25th, Eeoecea Torrance, rel ct of the late William Bonner, aged 02 years and 10 months. CnATr,.—In Iiowclt,on Oct. 21, Jennie McLeod. beloved wife of John Craig, in her 68th year. BT.MING —In Blyth, on Thursday, Oct. 22nd, Scary (Aiming, aged t'3 years and 8 months. McCovatr.—In West Wawanosh, on Novem- ber 2nd, Elizabeth, relict of the late James McCourt, aged 84 years. Cnv4;teott.—In Ea.at Wawanosh, on Novem- ber8rd, aiargaret McCauig, wife of Mr, John Cameron, of Lower Wingham, aged 81 years. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The underSigned will keep for service on his premises,Lot 18, Con. 1, RVlorris, (Biuevalo Road; a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar Terms -8I, to be paid at time of servieo. T. M. HT1tiDEREON, Wingham, P. O. Iv a very goad salary' for a young person ander 20 to receive. Sec. eral of our shorthand graduates of last year aro now enjoying this salary. Perhaps we can help gen to receive this amount. Our new Catalogue explains. Cut out this card, sign it and send to W, H. Shaw, v Central Business o Ii ess C IIs e s, Toronto. Name Addre a ♦ 4. + +g ..14s4•:2:4 '; It+.4 i:'l• (;+.44.3.31.€.421% CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingbani Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at S p.m. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates fr cheap, reliable insurance solicited: Ask to see cur rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. Awwnu; Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYres, Financial Secretary. T. E. naturism, The Great School CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Onr past record and our present grade of work stamps us as the great praotioal training school of Western Ontario. We have three departments:— COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC: Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers as well as office assistants:; Individual instruc- tion. Enter now. Large catalogue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT '& . MciACHIAIY PRINCIPALS. 4. • Royal Grocery i ♦ 4t Call and leave your order for FRESH OYSTERS, TURKEYS, GEESE AND CHICKENS for Thanksgiving Day. ALSO The Best Groceries The Best Tea and Coffee ♦ 4, ♦ •1• + The Best * Spices and i.atracts il 4 `i' AT 4, .I. MI 6OILI'6 + PRODUCE WANTED. + 4' Griffin's Old hand., Patoxx 54. + 4.4-1-1.-..1.^%,;„I1,+,%44.g444.l.,i.,l'$44,44 - Nvs r4. THANKSGIVING DAY Return tickets at single faro between all stations in Canada, Good going Nov. 0, 7, 8, 9. Return limit, Nov. 10th, 1009. Omen irsommiens SPORTSMEN Daily until and Including Nov. Ord, re- turn tickets at single fare to all points in Hunting District. Return limit, Dee. 5th, or until close of navigation, if earlier, to Mints reached by' steamers. Wasiiormastmemiuminarlsmaildemoo TD WESTERN CANADA St. t. Pani, attractive ler vilu]uut.he.agtSen ro Topp of time table entitled "NOW Route to Winnipeg and Western Canada via Chicago' front Grand Trunk Agent, or address J. D. McDonald, Districti'assengor Agent, Toronto. 1 •••+r••+...+off•**+•«ist•- VVYYVIVYVVYYYV!YV VV !YVYYVR HANNA BROS, NavEIr11Ea 6Trr, I$0$Friday Bargain Day. HANNA BROS. Our desire, our determination, is that every Friday's business shall eclipse the Last. Why not ? Every week a greater number of buyers are becoming more familiar with the enormous dividends our special values pay them. We advertise wast what we have, and have what we advertise. Thus our patrons are ever satisfied --never disappointed, C c Friday's Special offerings in Ladies' Wear. se se • ♦ ♦ i + t • + •4. f ••E • + ••• ♦ s •♦ ♦ • + + 100 yards good quality navy bine Venetian Oloth + 42 inches wide, regular 500 per yard. Speoial y A saving of 13o per yard. + + + While we claim, and claim justly, that our Ladies' Wear department affords you an almost unlimited choice of styles at any time, and a range of garments as elegant as is to be found in city. stores, we quote a few values of surpassing interest for Friday. "N. oworatagrwealosawro, $5.00 and $6.00 Dress Skirts $3.69. This lot consists of Panama, Serges, Lustres and Venetians in blaok or colors, neatly trimmed with siok or self bands and folds, all sizes, reg. 35 00 and 36.00. Special Friday $3.69 Ladies' Knit Goods to be Cleared Friday. • Ladies' Knitted Wool Golf Jackets, Coats, Under- akirte, Vests, etc., will be on display Friday at such prices as will sell them quickly. Come early MEN'S WEAR UNDER- PRICED FRIDAY 75c Shirts 49c. 18 doz. men's soft bosomed Shirts in fancy stripes and checks, Crescent make, regular 75o. Spii- cial Friday 490 A saving of 26o $2.50 Work Jackets $1.55. 10 only heavy waterproof duck Pea Jackete, heavy linings, deep corduroy collar, regular 32.50. Speoial Friday. $1,55 A saving of 95o • Men's $10 and $12 Overcoats $6.69. 18 only Men's Overcoats in fanoy tweeds, plain r g eye and blacks, well tailored, stylish gar- ments, regular 310 and 312. Special Friday $6.69 A saving of up to $5 31 FURS ON SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY $24.00 Grey Squirrel Sets $17.50. 3 only finest quality Squirrel Sete, new Empire Muff, 72 -in. Throw, regular 324.00. Speoial Friday $17.50 A saving of 36,40 Marmot Stoles $4,98. 10 only Mink Marmot Stoles, deep rich brown color, reliable quality, good size, regular 37 00 to 38.00 valves. Special Friday $4.9$ A saving of $3.02 $9 and $10 Storm Collars $4.95. 5only large Storm Collars, assorted styles, gener- ons size oape,high collar, made for genuine com- fort, regular 39 and $10. Speoial Friday$4.915 A saving of up to 35.05. Dress Goods and Staples to be Cleared out Friday 123c Light Prints 9c.. About 30 different patterns in light colored prints, mostly white grounds in dainty patterns of fast oolors, reg. 12o per yd. Speoial Friday.. 9c A saving of 8)o per yard. 50c Navy Venetian Cloth 37c. 10c Bleached Cotton 7%c. 180 yards 32 -in. heavy Bleached Cotton,good even quality and weight, regular loo value. Special Friday .... 7%c A saving of 2%o per yard. $1.50 French Broadcloths $1.19. Finest imported French Broadcloths in newest shades of navy, brown, green, garnet and blank, full 54 inches wide, reg. $1.50 per yard. Speoial Friday $1.19 A saving of 810 per yard House Furnishings Department, Under- ♦ ♦ • 15c White Enamelled Curtain Poles 10c prices in Seasonable Goods. ♦ • • 50c Colored Madras 33c. •+ + ..rs1MIN ♦ • Friday Inducements 12 only white enamelled cottage Curtain Poles, brass brackets and ends, regular oemplete 16o, Special Friday 10c A saving of 5o 5 different patterns and colors in fancy Curtain Madras, selling regularly at 50o per yard. Speoial Friday, .. 33c A saving of 17o per yard. • Canned Corn 7c. ► ► C C C AAAii ii;,AAAAAA+1A#IiAAII016 alis Carpet Remnants and Ends. Carpet remnants and ends tip to 12 yards will be sold Friday at a price. Look them up. Cream anda,White Scrim 10c. 225 yards Scrim in white and oream, dainty pat- terns, selling regularly up to 16o per yard. Spe- oial Friday 10c A saving of from 2te to 5o per yard. from the Grocery Department. 5 oases Alvinston brand canned corn, regular 10o per tin. Speoial Friday 7e A saving of 3o. Ideal Household Ammonia 7c. 3 doz only /deal Powered B3bnaehold Ammonia, regular 10o package. Speoial Friday 7c A saving o$ 3o. 25c Jersey Cream. Baking Powder 19c The Little Eaton Baking Powder in 1a lb. glass jars, regular 25e. Speoial Friday 1111, 19e A saving of 6o, Ladies' French Kid Gloves 49c. 16 doz. in all, very fine French Kid °levee in greys, champagnes, light browns and blacks, worth 31,00 and 31,25. Friday par pair.... 49c A saving bf up to 76o, During this entire month we are quoting specially low prices on our immense range of Fur, and Fur -lined Coats for Ladies and Gentlemen. On Friday do your shopping early ; it will pay you, as we confidently look for another record-breaking day. HANNA BROS., Spoetal prices ars strictly cash or trade. W• ingham. Store Opens at 8 a.m.; Closes at 't P. all, f ul ♦. ' 1♦r ++40 + ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 4 ♦ +' + 4' + 4 41 46 -413