HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-05, Page 3u ,AT4TY" For F all and ,Winter wear, of superior style and workmanship,prices from $10.00 to $21.00 Don't fail to see our special 81000 flack Baader Overcoat It is excellent value. McGee & Campbell CLOTHING - MEN'S FURNISHINGS Amosumomalm :Exclusive CO Shoe WILLS & Dealers 1 Tag WINGBAM TIM , NOVEU ER 5 1808 I3ELGRATU. The quarterly eaorementel eeratoe for Belgrave olronit will be held at Snn- ehine next Sunday morning at 10.30. The Official Board will meet to the Belgrave Methodist Church on Monday, Nov. 0th. at 2 30 p. m. A speoial Thanksgiving service will be held in the Belgrave Adethodist Oharola next Sunday evening at 7 o'olook. Thanksgiving sermon and mesio. All are invited. 1151111111111111111111111 Store closes 7 p. m., except Saturdays and evenings b e - fore holidays. WE ARE THANKFUL FOR A ,GREAT MANY THINGS, and our store will therefore be CLOSED ALL DAY on MONDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 9th _THANKSGIVING DAY. In the meantime we wish to remind, you, that this is THE LEADING PLACE FOR RUBBERS AND COLD WEATHER FOOTWEAR OF ALL KINDS DO NOT PASS US BY. Willis & Co. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PHONE 129. Do You Belch Gas? This ie a disagreeable result of food fermentation that Nerviline stops at onoe. Take ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. The etomeoh is warm- ed and soothed, digeativo trouble oor- 'reoted, the rising of gas ceases and you are well. When snoh a simple remedy does so mnoh it's foolish to be without it. For indigestion, sour stomeoh. heart burn and sick headache you'll find no- thing half so efficient as Poison's Nerv- iline. Get a 25o. bottle from your deal- er to -day. EAST WAWANOSH. Faliorving ie the report for S. S. No. 9: -Sr. IV -Gwendolyn Currie, Verne Taylor, Pearl Deacon. Sr. III -Ernest Shiell, Maggie P0000k, Jeeeie Currie. Sr. II -Annie Carrie, Fona Deacon, Mandie Riutoul. Pt. 11 -Harold Reid, George P0000k, Thomas Carrie. Sr. I -.-Alex. Leaver, Charlie Currie, Helen Pocock. Jr. I -Jas. Perdue, Jno. Taylor, Kathleen Kerr. Average attendance 20. ANNIE L. LAWRENCE, Teacher. SV:EhTFIELD, Mvs. Densmore, we are pleased to report, is recovering from her receLt illness. We are pleased to hear that Mies Mary Ohamney, who underwent on operation in Clinton hospital nearly three weeks ago, has recovered rapidly, A. number from here went to Auburn ou Setutday evening to hear the singe: e of the Southland. Many were delights ed. while others were somewhat disnp• pointed, as they would have liked to hear more of the darkey songs. CILANHHOOK. The Library for Oraubrook has ar• rived this week. Any desiring books should oall and look over them at the postofiiee. Oranbrook is en Irishman's paradise. A. Helm suooeeded this year in growing two crops of potatoes. The last one was planted in the middle of August. On election day two pioneers, in the persona of Robert Looking, whose age is 97 years, and James Knight, who is 94, were at the poll recording their vote for Liberalism. John Knight, after much patience, has succeeded in growing a bushel of potatoes from the seed, this process taking three years. The old gentle- man is to be complimented upon his experiment. He gave these potatoes to those who wanted to try them. They are wonderful as anyone may see who calla at Mr. Forrest's blacksmith shop. Some of tbem were planed in a olosed pasteboard box and planed on a shelf by one of the fines. They were neglected but upon examination this Fall the box was found to be full of stalks lined with new potatoes about the size of peas, no many as 25 being dounted on one stalk. This shows that potatoes oan be grown without air, moisture or earth. A case of an offence under seotion 204 of the Criminal Code was to have been tried before the county judge yesterday, but when the complainant was put in the witness box she denied the truth of the story she had previ- ously told the Crown officers and the case consequently broke down. The young woman had been an inmate of the house of refuge for ten years but was taken out last September by friends in East Wawaaoah, and had since been living in the township. After the court was adjourned the young woman was left alone in the court room and having no plane to go to the Crown offioers had her commit- ted to jail as a vagrant in order to give her shelter in the •meantime.- Goderioh Signal. 1 i 19sk04:04.,4.NN**OPS0•••••.A COAL COAL COAL. '+ s 4. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • t whioh has no equal. • Also the best grades of Smithing, gannel and +, 'SI.Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. A. Pt°° LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH • (Dressed or Undressed) 4 If. . Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. e• 1 far Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. '!i • J. A , McLeanI• I • ;`R � eaidenoe Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. • ifs►ONl••hTO- 0S4 A•Niat ololo o4OON l4Z�+*N►.Nli4ret How to Improve Health. No better way than to improve the blood,-oleanse and enrich it, -give it nourishment and strength. This oan be quickly done•by Dr. Hamilton's Pills whioh have a vitalizing, purifying effeot that is unequalled in any other medi- cine. With lots of pure rich blood cir- culating to all parte of the body, with snap and vim running through every vein and artery, robust health inevi- table. No cleansing, building tonin is as good as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers. GREY. At a meeting of the trustees of S. S. No. 6 Miss Florence Armstrong ten• dared her resignation. During her three years in the section Mise Florence has made many warm friends who will be sorry to see her leave. We are sorry to hear that Jno. Farquharson, who makes his home with hie grandmother, Mrs. Shine, ,Con. 12, is not in good health but we hope a ohange for the better will soon ensue. Mrs. S. M. Moore and two children, who split three months at Winnipeg, o Thorn Hill, Killarney and otherpoints are ndb ck l here. aMraMoorelis in the West butWinter is advertising his fine 150 pore farm on the 8th line, Morrie, for sale so as to be able to take hold of business out there, Friday Ootober, 83rd, Joseph Ray nard, an old resident of Grey, paid Nature's debt. Re had been in failing Why Catarrh is Dangerous. Uenally it oomee with a cold. Being slight it is negleoted-but the seed is sown for a dangerous harvest, perhaps consumption. To: care at' once, inhale Catarrhozone. It destroys the germ of Catarrh, clears away mucous, cleanses the passage of the nose and throat. The hacking cough and sneezing oold soon disappear, and health is yours again. Nothing for colds, catarrh and throat trouble that is so ourative as Oatarrb- ozone. It cures by a new method that never yet failed. At all dealers 26o and $1 00. Get Catarrhezone now, to -day. W ROXETER. The TIMES to January 1st, 1910 for $1.00. Thos. Grant moved hie family from Howiok to the house he reoently pur- chased from A. McLean. Chester Smith, formerly of Oolpoy's Bay, is spending a week with his parents, John and Mrs. Smith, before leaving to take a course in the Owen Sound Business College. 'BRUSSELS. Consumption is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to be -in the beginning. It can always be stopped -in the beginning. The trouble is: you don't know you've got it; you don't believe it; you won't believe it -till you are forced to. Then it is dangerous. Don't be afraid; but attend to it quick -you can do it yourself and at home. Take SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver 011 and live care- fully every way. This is sound doctrine, what- ever you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will save life. Send this advertisement, together with name of paper in which it appears. your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." SCOTT ec BOWNE 126 Wellington Street W TORONTO, ONT. ST. HELENS. Mr. Hyde has started work on his new blacksmith shop. Wedding Bells are expected to ring in this burg ere long. Mr. Robert Darnin returned home on Saturday from Guelph. Mr. James Ramage returned home frim the Weet on Thursday last. Miss Rhobena Harris of Atlantic City, is spending a month visiting friends and old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs 3 ohn Darnin atten:ed the Colerman-Webster wedding at Luck - now last Wednesday. Mr. Robert McGuire had the misfor- tane'to break his arm. We hope to soou see him able to go threshing again. Messrs. Blake and Green have return- ed from McGaily and intend to spend the winter in this vioinity. They ex- pect to go farther west in the spring. St. Helens school has changed towel - ere this week. Miss B. Anderson has The Metropolitan Bank' of Brussels is gone to teach in the Wingham High School and Mr. Naylor is her enooessor. The English Ohnrch, St. Helens, held their annual Thank Offering meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. The Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford, of Brussela, and Rev. Mr. Saunders gave addresses. Rev. Mr. Campbell of Toronto occu- pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian O1 a oh here for the last two Sabbaths and the Rev. Mr. MoEaohern will be the minister for next Sunday. to undergo a thorough overhauling in both interiorand exterior, A. J. Lowry disposed of his harness business here to G. House,of Hensel', who will take possession abont the middle of this month. The latter aold his business at Heneall to John Donaldson, a former resident of Brnssele. The A. Y. P. A.•.of$'t. Jcthn's Churah held their anneal efeotion of officers on Monday evening, Oot. 26th. The fol- lowing were eleoted;for the last half of this Ohuroh yeafi:-President, Dr. Field; Vioe;Preeident, Mr. Drage; Seo., Miss 1'ethio; Treas., Miss Wilson; Or- ganist, Mrs. Field; Assistant organist, Mrs. Harris. After an illness extending over nearly a year, largely doe to a stroke of paraly- sis, Rebecca Torrance, relict of the late Wm. Bonner, died at the home of D. Ewan, on Sunday, Oot. 251h, aged 62 years and 10 months. She was a cousin to Mrs. Ewan. Deceased was born in the township of Dereham, Oxford Co., and was married over forty years ago to her late husband who died 5 years after. Two children survive, James, in the U. S. and Mrs. Staadeeker, of Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Bonner was a faith- ful member of the Presbyterian ohuroh and was related to the Ross and Laird families. G. Hardy, who has been employed by John Douglass, for some weeks, ow- ing to illness, left for his home in Orangeville. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. W. O. Carrie's sale of household goods last week was well attended. Mr. Currie has rented Miss E. O. Laurie's house, Main street, and will remain here this winter. health for the past 1;Z years from Bright's disease but the week prior to his decease he contracted re cold which developed into pneumonia resulting in his demise, Thursday he lapsed into unconeofosisneae and passed away with- out rousing from it. Mr. Baynard was born in Blanchard township, Perth Co., nearly 68 years ago, oomtng to Grey int 1874 and locating on 4th con. In June' 1901, hie first wife, who was Mise Cath- arine Jackson and to whom he was married 83 years, died. Forte -years ago he was married to Mise Rebecoa Nogg, who survives him. The children are Austin and Irwin, of Grey township, and Mrs. Geo. Yeo, of Turnberry. Mr. Baynard has two brothers (Christopher, n John, o[ the U. and Ethel, and f 5.,) two sisers (Mrs, Irwin Jaokson, of Arthur, and Mrs. S. Cook, of West Wawanoah.) Deoeaaed was an indus- trious, honorable man who enjoyed the esteem of the community. Hewas a faithful member of the Methodist ohuroh and for year« held official polli• tion at Roe's appointment in both ohuroh and Sabbath SOhool, New Theory About Rheumatism. This disease is constitutional -caused by virus in the blood that oiroulates to all parts of the body. To cure, you must use a constitutional treatment. Nothing eo completely dispels the pois- son from the system as Ferrozone. It purifies and renews the blood, clears it of every taint. The system is vitalized and strengthened and thus enabled to fight off threatened attacks. Not only does Ferrozone relieve at once -it cures rheumatism, gout and lumbago perman- ently. Results guaranteed, 60o boxes at all dealers. HLYTi H Anniversary services were held in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday last. Special sermons were preached by Rev. W. M. Haig, of Hillbauk. On Thursday, Oot. 22nd, at her resi- dence, corner of Dinsley and Morris streets, Miss Mary Deming passed away after a short illness of two weeks fol- lowed by a stroke on Wednesday even' ing. Deoeaaed, accompanied by her parents and brothers and sisters, left Devonshire, England, 66 years ago and came to Toronto where the deceased and her stater, Miss Catharine, were dress. makere for over 29 years. Over 27 years ago they Dame to Blyth and have resid- ed here ever since, Only three of the family are now left, Miss Katharine, Elias and Nicholas. The deoeaeed was a member of the Methodist ohnroh and the pastor, Rev. W. H. Cooper, took the seivioes'at the home and grave, inter- ment being made in the Union ceme- tery. TURNBERRY. Minutes of council meeting held in the Clerk's offroe, Binevale, on Wednes- day, Oot. 28th, 1908. Iidembors of coun- cil all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Moffatt and Rutherford. An account from C. A. Jones for $5.00 for levelling Thompson Drain on 12th con. Turtiberry and Culross. Filed. Kelly -Moffatt. -That Mr. Ruther- ford be appointed to meet member or members of Culross 'Donnell and make re Bryoe culvert. - arrangements Carried. The following accounts were passed and ohognes issued :-John Moegrove, selecting jurors, $3.00; John McTavish, selecting jurors, $3.00; 'John Burgess, selecting jurors, $6 00; Amos Gofton, gravel, $8.12; J. A. MoLean, plank and teaming, $36.25; Henry Godkin, Turn - berry share drain, $6.00; Allan Mc- Tavish, damages, 50o.; John N. San - burn, damages, 60o.; John H. Smith, brushing con. 9, $2,25; James Kirton, repairing oulvert, $125; Wm, Deane, repairing culvert. $3 00; F. Keyes, Opening drain, 603.; Phos. Barrett, re- pairing drain, $1.76; Mei McKinnon, gravel and gravelling, $64.00; D. Mo- Oormaek, inspeoting gravelling, $2.25; D. McCormack, grading, $1.50; 11. Hennings, working road grader, $8 30, Alex. Forsyth, grading, $2.25; Charles Gray, brushing, $4 00; John Kelly, moving grader, $1,50; Chris. Skinn, repairing oulvert, $22 50. Moffatt -Kelly. -That this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's offioe, Blnevale, on Monday, Nov. 23rd,, 1908, nt,10 o'clock a, m. JOnti Burdsss, Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McRoberts cele- brated the 60th anniversary of their wedding on Monday Nov, 2.id. Not many couples are priveleged to travel so long together on life's journey. We hope they may be spared to enjoy many more years together. The monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute was held at the home of the President, Miss Minnie Ramage. There were 27 present and the subject for dis- cussion was "Tho Making of Bread." Quite a number of the ladies brought a loaf of bread and the prizes were award- ed as follows: -Mrs. Wm. Hnghs, lst prize; Mrs. W. J. Todd, 2nd prize. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Abe Darnin ou the last Thurs- day of this month. WEST WAWANOSH. Mrs. James McCourt, one of the pioneer residents of this township. passed away on Monday at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Brophy . The de- ceased lady was 84 years of age and was held in high esteem by her many friends. The funeral took place on Wednesday morning to St. Augustine cemetery. r - The re-oonnt in Victoria, B. 0. gives Mr. Barnard thirteen majority over Hon. Mr. Templeman. A protest is likely. The steamer Telegram ran on a reef at Fitzwilliam Island and was burned, with her cargo. All the Drew and pas- sengers were saved. 1 Established 1899 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresole0.e is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not teem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach Y It cures because the air rendered strongly anti• septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. neat. It is Invaluable to mothers with small children. Those an consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. Lttctttrtr., Mtt¢s Co , Limited, Agents' Mont- real,- Canada. lee i1 ISARD S SATURDAY will be a BIG DAY in the Clothing II IIIIIIIIIIIIIi ;'3 Department We're aimingstraight for BIG BUSINESS on Saturday, and along with special offerings in every Department throughout the sture, we will have a BIG DAY in Ready -to -Wear Clothing. A MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE of MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AaD OVER- COATS of the BEST MALES, All new right -up -to -the minute patterns and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a hip;. saving to every customer, Come Saturday morning and get first choice. 18 Men's Suits. Choice patterns, medium and dark worsteds and tweeds, well tailored, good trimmings, every suit good enough for best wear. Good value at 512.50. Saturday prices only $9.50 Men's Suits. In good wearing tweeds, darksmall patterns, strong linings, well tailored, A Saturday bargain $8.00 Overcoats. Special value in Boys New Winter Overcoats, made of plain and fancy cloth, strong linings, every coat a bargain, prices arc $3.7b, 81.00, 85.00, $6.00, $6.50, $8.00 Men's Overcoats. All the New Fall and Winter Overcoats are in, we have a LARGE stock to show you. Sle our special tau:lt at ' 88 00, 810.00 and $12.00 Men's Pants 10 dozen Men' Pants to sell at cut priers, new patterns in good strong tweeds and worsteds, prices begin at...... I. 81.00 Men's Underwear. All the best makes are in stock including PErna,tN's, WATSON'S and TIGER BRAND. See our Saturday bargain at per garment 50e. and 'I5c Boys' Underwear. Lots of Boy's Fleece Lined and Ribbed Wool Shirts. and Drawers in all sizes. A clearing line at.. 25e H. E. ISARD & CO. WYTTVV.Y/VVtlttll7 V,Wo"sv'iq+ rr,vvrv's RrYt4'''i,'vrstr/r, 7Svvrfrky "tl.,,y,,,rm- ,t ".,,,:p Wingham Ont. ► ► Wingham Ont. ►F u r s 0 iP l• ► ats 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 I 41 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 We are showing for this season the largest range of FUR COATS ever shown in Wingham, at prices that will 4 be a pleasant surprise to any wishing 4 4. to purchase anything in that line. Do not miss a money -Saving op- I 4 4 4 4 4 4 portunity. We want your Produce Highest prices paid for all kinds of Fowl, 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dried Apples, 1 4 Potatoes, Beans, Butter and Eggs. T. A. MILLSI Wingham, Ont.