HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-11-05, Page 2THE WINGHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 5, 1fiO8 TO ADVERT1SER5 NOt10e of changes must be left at this offioe not later than. Saturday noon. The oopy for ohangee must be left not later than Monday evening. Ottaua1 advertisements aooepted up to noon Wedneetley of eaoh week. RBTABLIBHIIID 1672 Tia \VING.0 i TIMES. ia. S'. EtL1OTT. PnnldenRk2 L Nn PROFiilxTOlr THURI DAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1908, NOTES AND COMMENTS When the stream, of immigration onoe seta iu, it will be ditfi.enit to set bounds to the growth of British Columbia. We may look forward, therefore, to the Parliament elected four or five yer,ra hence oontainiag sixty or seventy mem- bers from the West, between the Red River and the Paoefic Ocean. The elec- tion will mark an epoch in the history of the country, for the House of Clam - mous will for the first time contain a Western contingent numerous enough to convey some idea of the immense ex- tent and resources of the country -nut an ad, cerate idea, but only a promise of what is Doming. Ia the not very die tent future the country west of the Great Lukes will elect as many re. presentatives as the country to the east. Dr. Rankin's t' MAel majority in North Perth over A. F. MoLsan was 47, Official returns for Niei•+ang show that Mr, Gordo,, Conserve ive, defeated Mr. MoOool by twenty-one votes. William H. Taft will be the twenty. e 'enth President of the 'Culled Sratee, having swept the country on Tuesday by a vote which will give him 325 hal- Iota in the Eteotoral College against Mr. Bryan's 168, or only eleven less than Mr. Roosevelt had in 1904 His ma- jority will be 167 William J. Bryan suffered his third and most ornehing defeat in his twelve years' Inn for President of the Uuited States. EAST HURON ELECTION RE- TURNS. Consumption's' Starting Point Owing to a slight error on the part of the Deputy Returning Officer for No. 4 Turnberry, Returning Offioer Morton was obliged to adjourn the official Donut for East Baron until Tuesday afternoon. The official figures give Dr. Chisholm 83 majority. In the riding there were 9 apoiled and 12 rejected ballots. The vote by potting cub divisions foliows:- BLYTH - No. 1 No, 2 Altogether it was a great day for Liberalism. The appeal to reason has won the day, the slanderbnnd has been routed. Mr. Borden has got a severe trouncing, which his election in Halifax, achieved as it was, will not avail to lessen, and Sir Wilfrid is given a new lease of power with an over- whelming majority at his back. He is still the supreme Oanadian.--Halifax Chronicle. For the first eight months of the present fiscal year there was a net in- crease of 2235 in number of homestead entries made in the Canadian west. The total number of entries was 18,423, as against 20,668 last year. During the month of August there was 1859 entries, representing 4467 souls. Americans headed the list with 424, English came next with 287, and Canadians from Ontario third with 245. Of foreigners Antro -Hungarians head the list with 128 entries. Maj. for Hielop BRUSSELS - No. 1.... No. 2 No. 3... was 08 Lies in Weak, Watery Blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make the Blood Rich and Red, Bloodlessness is the starting point of oonsumption. When your blood is thin and watery your whole health declines. Your face grows pale, your appetite tails and your heart jumps and flatters at the least exertion or excitement. You are always weak and wretohed and lose interest in everything. This is the point from which you may easily step Into that hopeless decline that leads to con- sumption and the grave. What is act- ually needed to briug back health end strength and energy is the new rich blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make. In all the world there is no other tonic medicine like them, and all who feel weak and sadly tired should take these Pills at onoe, and regal new health. Mies Ada Burke, The R e. N. B., says: -"I feel that I o not say too much in favor of Dr. interns' Pink Pills. In Maroh, 1 07, was attacked with whooping oo which clung to me f lr several mo the, and when the cough disappeared I was left weak and run down. All summer I was ailing, but when the autumn came I seemed to be completely worn out. For a whole mouth I never moved outside the house, and could scarcely walk about the house I was so weak. I had no appetite, my color was a greenish yellow. I had severe headaches and would be almost breathless at the least exertion. I took several bottles of medioine, but it did not help me, and thou my mother got me three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, when I had used them I was much better, and when I had used an- other three boxes I was again enjoying the best of health, with a hearty ap- peIftyongood want color ew beat hrenewed andrnew strength try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a fair use of this medioine will not disappoint you. Sold by medioine dealers at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Hielop Chisholm bl 56 49 37 100 92 8 Maj. for Hlelop GREY - No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7..... 34 46 43 123 16 68 55 87 82 67 61 70 480 Maj. for Hielop 159 Howtox-- No. 1 48 No.2 63 No.3..... 62 No.4 60 No.5 83 No.6 63 The electors of Canada gave con- vincing proof of their intelligence by the decisive verdict of their ballots yesterday. They judged the Govern- ment of Sir Wilfrid Laurier upon its record of magnificent service rendered to Canada, and sustained that Govern- ment by a large majority in the new Parliament -a majority broad based upon the whole Dominion. . . 11 will be a relief to the public if the parties at Ottawa cease the wranglings and re- criminations of the past two sessions, which were a consequence of the Con- servative tactics, and devote their talents to the serious and dignified disonesion of national issues. -Winnipeg Free Press. THE NEXT CENSUS. 86 40 31 107 55 29 31 37 71 56 42 321 92 85 127 108 66 71 369 549 Maj. for Chisholm 190 MORRIS - No. 1.... 60 No.2 59 No.3 45 No.4 49 No, 6 61 No, 6 61 (Toronto Star. ) Two of the most important events of the new Parliament will be the taking of the census of 1911, and the redistribution of the oonstitnenciee a0oording to the census. For the first time the large increase of population due to the immigration of the last de- oale will be shown in the census and hi the division of political power. The census of 1901 gave the West, between Ontario and the Rooky Mountains, a population of 419,512. The special censue of 1906 showed a population of 838,863. We may estimate the popula- tion of to -day at a million, and the population of 1911 at a million and a quarter. This, taking Vie unit of rep- resentation al 25,000, would give the three Prairie Provinces a representation of fifty, instead of the present represen- tation of twenty-seven. British Col- umbia will have ten or twelve instead of seven, and there may be an even larger inor,lase in the Psoifio Province, the development of whioh has only begun. 825 Maj. for ....Hislop...14 TIIRNBERRY- No. 1 49 No.2 70 No.3 ... 51 No.4 51 Maj, for Chisholm ♦r ROSETER- No. 1 Maj. for Hielop WINGHAai- No,1 ......... No. 2 221 55 19 No. 4 37 44 49 46 59 76 311 97 69 55 47 sweeseessemataaeseamposs•S• •w•••••••••••••••es►is emoo• to LADIES, PLEASE COME TO D, M. GORDON'S FOR YOUR • • '-A-L L C • • • a • • a • • • • O -AT -S • And your FALL AND WINTER FURS. % • We will give you newest styles, latest shades, best materials and i closest prices. • • a DRESS GOODS • • • The way our Dress Goode are going out is to ns the most satisfactory evidence that they are correct in every particular, and, • a our prices the lowest. quality considered. a --....-- •so• d •a yY Sh wls Underwear, etc. • raps! a 9 ' • a • a In Wraps of eevery kind, Shawls to suit every taste, and Underwear • a • that • will give pleasure and solid comfort, we have an assortment • a that CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE EVERY BUYER. a �e • As USiTAL, HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD MARKETABLE TRADE, a • • • • • a SOUTH BRUCE. The majorities in South Bruce as far as we have been able to secure them are as follows:- Oulrosa Kinloss Lnoknow Ohesley Teeswater Paisley Brant Oarriok Greenock Huron E lde retie .......... Walkerton ... McKenzie Donnelly 59 79 37 32 31 33 271 Majority for Donnelly.... 135 142 182 60 21 33 673 sot CENTRAL HARDWARE - WINGHAM WWwWW VVVVV VVNWWVW VWW WWWWW VWfVWWVW 2 M. GORDON • • •0 00000000000000000000000000 *0000000000000000000000000 VVYYVVYWVWWVVVVVWWWV /wnwnhAAnAnAAMMNMVAAAAA c n ab l e Goods��ealS� AT THE CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE } I Steel Ranges Happy Thought Ranges S Pandora Ranges Base Burners Cross Cut Saws Axes Cow Chains Tar Paper Plain Paper Glass and Putty c New Century Washer Sunlight Washer `Vringers Carpet Sweepers Horse Blankets Halters Galvanized Iron Pails Lanterns, &c. A good variety of Fancy Lamps and Silverware. All go at lowest possible prices. Carpet Felt J. G. Stewart & Go. I THE PARTY STANDING. The standing of the two parties in the House is as follows: - Lib, Con. Ontario 38 48 Quebec 64 11 268 Nova Scotia 12 6 New Brunswiok 11 2 47 P. E. Island 8 1 Manitoba 2 8 36 Saskatchewan 8 1 Alberta British Columbia 2 3 Total 134 83 85 60 31 55 41 70 80 117 187 302 Maj. for Wilhelm. .. 115 EABT WAWANOSH- No. 1 72 No. 2.......... 61 No.3 56 No.4 55 244 191 Maj. for Hislop... ... 63 RECAPITULATION Hielop Chisholm 48 70 41 82 Blyth Breese's Grey Howiok ... 190 Morris 14 Turnberry47 Winghain . 115 Wroxeter 19 East Wawanosh53 269 852 Maj. for Chisholm 83 8 16 159 Help!Help! I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved. This was be -cause Ayer's Hair Vigor Is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair Is caused by a germ, and fats medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. no beet kind of a testimonial- " ?Sold estimonial-"?Sold for over suety yam." as.r o+-. Ls. sAuu tun l t. YersCfilfttY P2C ORAL» lama WEST HURON. The following are the official majori- ties in the different municipalities of West Huron: - Holmes Lewis Ashfield Goderioti ... Goderich township... West Wawanosh ... . 67 Clinton Hallett 71 Colborne 144 206 5 76 122 8 Liberal Majorty 51 There are still four elet,tiona to be held: Prince Albert, Kootenay, Yale - Cariboo and Yukon. These seats will probably break even, leaving the ma- jority as it stands. Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Nov. 3rd.-Reoeipte of live stook at the city market, were 88 car- loads, composed of 1196 cattle, 1264 hogs, 2138 sheep and lambs, and 102 calves. Receipts of cattle were moderate, of which few could be classed as good, the bulk being oommon to medium. Trade was fairly good, prices being firmer for anything' approaohing good, but 'inferior to common sold at about the same quotations as last week. Majority for Lewis.... 62 SOUTH HURON. The following is the vote in South Huron : - McLean Senforth 275 Tuckersmith 894 Exeter 187 Unborn@ 218 Stephen 397 flensall 91 Bayfield 85 Stanley 2227 Hay 24 MoKillop 865 2588 Majority for McLean,... Sherritt 196 176 268 836 605 110 82 260 290 219 2182 66 MU =MUM UM 3797JJ ;=; 71 7 ;;;;4;JJ The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice $4 75 55 00 Medium 4 40 4 50 Bolls 8 75 6 25 Light 8 00 3 25 Cows 3 40 3 76 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 wards 25 4 60 Stockers ohoioe 2 75 3 00 " bulls .. 1 50 200 Butchers' - Picked 4 40 4 50 Medium 8 35 3 60 Cows........ 200 2 75 Bulls 2 50 8 75 Hogs - Best .600 6 15 Lights 5 75 5 90 Sheep - Export ewes 8 25 8 60 Bucks.... 2 50 2 75 Culls ... 2 50 8 25 Spring Lambe eaoh.. 4 00 4 50 Calves. each 800 6 00 WINOIiAM MARKET REPORTS W inghatn, Nov. a4 6 to 1908. A6 Flora r:r 100lbs.... 0 65 to 3 88 Fall " •eat ........+. •••• Ba, 0 88 to 0 88 Barleye.... ..... 050 10 0 52080 to 0 80 Bead Butter dairy ... 0 21 to 0 28 ......... Eggs per dos 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord2 50 to 8 00 Hay , per ...... . 7 00 to 800 ton..... Potatoes, per bushel 0 80 to 0 35 016to016 Live Hogs, per owl, 6 10 t0 6 10 01 1• Big :`fool{ Store BIBIES AND HYMN BOOKS maganasesiamemagumu We have in stock a nice line of handsomely bound Bibles, with concordance, maps, etc., which we offer at very reasonable prices. Hymn Boolzs-Suitable for all denominations. To Churches and Sunday Schools ordering large numbers we will give special prices. New Books. A large stock of the latest books just arrived. You can add to your library at a small cost from our selection of good literature. If we have not the particular book in stock that you want we will order it for you. Wall Paper. Our lines are popular in shade, pattern, quality and price. Here you can get the latest and best on the market, and t1e prices we ask are ' amazingly low. Come in and have a look at them if you are doing any papering this fall. Elliott and Walley Gregory Block. PROPRIETORS OF BIG BooK STons. TTr KERR & BIRD. Every Day, Bargain Day at This Store Near Bank of Commerce. Bargains in Trousers A quantity of Men's Trou sers to clear workmanship. at Cor ect out half price. Good color. Good styles.t Ofle Regular prion $1.75. Special price to clear, a pair Ulsters and Overcoats for Men, Half Price $5.00 Ooat for $2.50 - 54.60 Goat for $2.25 - 540 One doz. Men's Ulsters and Overcoats to clear at half price. $7 00 Ooat for $3.50 - $6.00 Goat for $3.00 - $5 5Goat for 'oat for 332 00 Men's Raincoats, half price Seasonable goods at half price is good buying, You'll perhaps need a Raincoat this seasou. If so, this is the place to get it. 510 00 Raincoat for $5.00 - 58 50 Raincoat for $4.25 $6,00 Raincoat for $3.00 - $5 00 Rain0Oat"for $2.50 i 1 Women's Raincoats, half price Light, medium and heavy weight Raincoats to clear. You'll be fortunate to get a good, well made, fashionable garment at half price. 57 00at OGooat for $3.50 - 56 00 Coat for $3.00 - 55 00 Ooat for $2.50 12 doz. Whisks, good quality, well -bound, only lOc Colored Silk Twist, per spool, only 1c 1 Diamond Dye all shades, We pe k a e Se or r. 2 for 15e or 4 for 25e ® WANTED -Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, White Beans, Wood and Oats, also choice young Chickens, Ducks and Geese, must be fat and dry picked. . lhossimanwieffurasowssomalvamongluszialb :1W-7 . . . HURON . . . Stoves and Ranes We will be pleased to have you call and let us explain the many good points in these Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges. It will be to your advantage to know how we can sell such superior goods at the priees quoted below. Art Huron Base Burners' Square, 15 -in Fire -pot 524.95 With Oven, 15 -in Fire -pot 528,25 MOM Red Hot Huron Furnaces PRICE WITHOUT CASING No. 438 525.00 No. 442 $80.00 No. 446 533.00 No. 452 540.00 wrlIt CASING 529.85 535.50 540.50 548.75 Oakdale Huron No. 10 No. 12 No. 14 No. 17 $ 11.50 $10.00 512.75 $14.50 Royal Huron -- For Wood No. 9/21, Square No. 9/23, Square No. 9/25, Square $17.25 19 00 20,50 No. 9/21, with Reservoir No. 9/23, with Reservoir No. 9/25, with Reservoir $21.00 23.00 26.00 Fall line of home manufactured goods in stock. Wood Stoves, Base Burners, Furnaces, Box Stoves, oto., proportionately low. ALEX. YOUNG & CO. ;j•y(`n rrr^n /�r'n,t'nrncr`vn,('nr`,^l n(`n nrn .�*r`/7 n[`n ri-,r`r-1 n n n /� ,y�/,][�,/�Il.]'L/�[/_]LY]I1.]V]'L✓.]'[1.][✓]L/�L/.]:'(�i5�[li [✓�L/.�V�L✓.]V C/,]C✓.]Ll�(✓���I✓�O L 3 1/7 1Y1 1