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The Wingham Times, 1908-10-29, Page 8
lin, nr4t., better y Ota "$I ilea Bea," hu MILBURN'S A L IV PILLS $e 104 4a? naad 'atria for hie patients+ when Auntie% t474r , sr 4 i; is a yell -known f.tae fust retail-pcz auf.Cbx't>t•it mart keep the mostly 3re11 reguletetitl, Road whet he ser :.-." I bane bona >rfli ,ted for years with s, di000ned liver, and Imre tried all kinds c4 ;rnedi:;ine, but of no suit until *beet fryer qesrr ego I tried y7arLotrs,Liver Pills, so get instant relief. iiia: then I !lays vented d ffersnt pittieuto Afflicted with rmolloorc, end la catch pian 1 have noel your veltrable 3illa, "M$ wiihv 4 are that all persons suffering with storm/on or liver troubles will try Mil- tiern'a Latex -Liver fills. I will edvertisa tem wirennyer aril wherever I have as OVpor'turiity affil I hope Get if et any time I c*ow t gat the pills, I will txrfrartunate oneuMitl Barr). get exa Livtrthe l ]?illy are 26 cent* per rix! or 6 vials for $1.00, at all dealers cc will be mails! direct by Tho T, Milburn Coo Liteined, 'l,'UrOnto, Out, .fl:$TABLISHED 1872 THE WiNinMM TIMES. a. B. $I41.1oDr. PrlISLZNHlait AND kuOplt tvron TRURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1908. NOTES AND COMMENTS Mr. Borden emerges from the contcNt pretty much in the position of Ur. Blake lax 1997, or Sir Wm, Meredith to 1894 By winning book Halifax he has paid off t;u old more, and he IN in good repute for !lir unselfish and vigorous isroreaut[ou of the campaign that has just ended. It iYlll be for those of hie own party, of worse, to parr upon the resignation he is virtually bound to profiler, but It may not be improper In an opposing paper to suggest that his shortcoming hail chiefly oonsiwtcd to his failure to outlet, in dao reason, the Fort of men who could be presented for the npprovat of the people ifz rt general eleotiou with some hope of mow. It wail a dreadful thing to have to go into an elootion with saoh booking 4s Ur. Borden had, and the queotion mast ultimately bo whether, after eight Tears of leadership, lig can bo relieved of responsibility for that oondition. It Will be difficult to ooavinoe Nome people %bit Sir John Macdonald, with. whom leadership was everything, would lot himself be caught in snob a trap, -- Montreal IIcrntd. The moral of the !fedoral oontest of yesterday, if It has any lesson, lit that both parties roust roorganize, mutt ro- OonrtrUOt, into reform, The people hiwo told f3(r Wilfrid that they dleap. provo of extravagance, of scandal, of tatetadmtuirtration in memo Depart - Meets and of inoflloionoy in °there. The people have told the Oonaorva- tiveN that they, too, moot reoonetrnot, drop tho men who have handicapped thorn, get a more progro.rolve pint- fortn, before they will ho ontraetcd with tho management of public, Wars, Mr, Bordou iu a better and stronger man today than over before, He has grown. But he has boon have- pbred by an effort more or noes marked for twelve years to maintain the Tap- per tradition, n very anoiout and do- oadent cult. Sir Wilfrid lino passed through the fire and has oomo out not nnroorohod, lie fN in power for an- other term, What will ho do to got in line With publlo opinion? Will ho (Word anyone, wile he insist on more affioleu°y in the oonduot of pnbilo bnoinore, will be tithe out, will ho eeourge the anon who have defiled the +omnis of state? Tho pnbilo hello givcu film n now !oaso of power on the express ntipulntiou that ho otoan his house, and fumlgftto hie oorridors, The 'votoe of the people le for mop. lug refortni in both parties. ---Toronto World, Conrervetiye, Nor have the oloationtt pronounced jndgaf.ucut upon the "scandal" charges of the Opposltio 1. Thee! hAvo simply announced the deeisiou of tho country Po "let Laurier finial). his work," the pony slogan from 000an to ocean, They have further announoed An nd. verse jndginont on the 0apaoity And Integrity of the Oppooittou M it etoi d, The duty of the Opposition from to. day forward 1s to regain pnblto eon• fame. by deserving it, The voting hint pruned stymy some of its worst "dettcl.vrood" and there Is more that ought to go; but what the Opposition min best do for the present is to pneh to the front its better elements And to l.tttrloh with optimistio oonrnge pro• grWMiee polloletr. It has received t<omr eatseellebt new timber, as the re. halt Of. y►rtarda>r'ii voting; and the tiovernittent ben brought bank sole tread re orris! as well, If these men and influences etre in bath omen Waned is *be tttn oat, ltnet arenot perraltee4 to be shouldered aside by this agresnllve greed of former whioh hitherto have had too utuot% to tiny in ib* gIdalttoa of both parties, the aaftrntry Will tante it butter choice cat *hire it When the general •lectiorts tntit r*tiled +gads,.-ltontrsal Star, Don- sitt'lattre. WHEN ALL WATER POWERS ARE HARNESSED. It would nil Lire au army of 87,000,- 000 men to do by hand the labor ill Is now done by 6,400,000 workers wit aid of machinery and steam power i the Milted States, rays the Toronto Star, Fifty tour million heroes and 13 600,. 000 loborertt wo(t1d bo necessary to move with nil the transport facilities in exist- enee ono itundrrd years ego, the eon]. modttitr now carried by railroads in the sante country. In this grephio mnnner, President Wright, of Olark ()allege, presents be. fore our minds the extent of the rovolu• tion itt iudustrtat and social conditions xastating from the harnessing of atones and the application of man's inventive gerrtur to lnaohtnory driven by steam. In some dtraotions the change wrought has been greater than in others, Tho time required to mnnufaoture 500 yards of one quality of cottonade has been raduogd from 7,634 hours to 84. A. cer- tain quanttty of double cap paper pan bo ruled in two hours and forty..five mhinter; as agalust 4,800 hours required with ruler and quill. In tho printtug of nowlpapors, the raving of time is great- er still. How to it with all these laborsaving tieviaon in operation, that so ranch time la still spent in labor? There are two answers to the gnet/tlon that naturally arisen. The period of toil hes been very greatly ahortoned. and as a result of the vast increase in production during thin period the average of human comfort has boon increased almost beyond Dom- putntioD. At least n fifth ha. been oat off the time spent by artisans at their daily tasks, and without modern sewer- age, water, lighting, and transportation ryetemr in operation the laborers of to- dey has more real comfort than had the rich man of generations pact, But, groat no le the advanoo re• oorded in the Not half century, it door not begin to equal what ie prozritsed in the next fifty years, Tho total of the artificial energy of tho United States including that pro- duced by stoma, water, gas, and elec• Welty, is only about fifty per cent. in excess of the estimated poesibiltt£os in the Niagara Rtver between Tonto wands and Qaeenston. Niagara River again, is only one of the counties other monroos of power in Oauada and the United States. Within fifty miles of Ottawa it is estimated that a million horse power can be produced. When oven a frnotion of tbo energy now run- ning to waste in North Amerioa is turned to account, the present potelbili- tiee in the manufacture of utefnl oom- modittoe will bo inoreaned by on amount far beyond the most sanguine nntioipa- tions of the present, TUE / INGITA , 1 ,1 Ay1,7, NOVENA jR r, 1901:1 International Newspaper Bible Study Course. SAVE THiS, ANYWAY, Put it In Some Safe Place for It May Come In Handy Some Day, Hero is re simple homo•mado mix- ture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diacaaoe, who makes the statement that it will relieve almost any case of Ilridnoy trouble if taken before the stage of Brigitte' diem/ie. Ito mates that snob eymptoma as lame back, pain in the aide, frequent do - sire to urinate, eapeoiaily at night; palatal and dieoolarod urination, are readily overcome. Hero is the recipe. Try it: Ifdtiicl Extrnot Dnndolion, ono -half ounce; Compound Ea"gon ono ounce; Oomponnd Syrup Sarsaparilla, throe ounces. Take te teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known druggist here in town is authority that those ingredients ere MI harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. Tide mixture has n pooaliar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kid- ney and Urinnry etructuro, and often overcomes the worst forma of Rbon- mntlem en just a little while, This mixture is said to remove all blood (lisorders and cure tho Rheumatism by forcing tho iitdnoye to filter and strain from the blood and syttom n11 urto acid and foul, d000mposed waste twitter, whioh oauao those afflictions. Try it it you aren't well. Save tho preeoriptlon. A Hopeful Sign, Tho bank statement for September shows an improvement over the figures for August in overy item, indioetive of butinosr aotivlty, The otrnulation in• oreaeod by 16,850,330, Deposits on donland, that is money on deposit for current bnelnoee, show hn inereneo of $7,259,608 over Anf(ntt, while the eavinge dopotiti increased by 12,860,916, Tho revival of atooki ie retieotod by au ineroato of $1,677,676 in call and short loans to ©°nada. To the oheapening of money in the *United States Is probably dao the decrease shown in oalt and short loans by the Canadian banks °bread. Ab compared with August, the banks have increased their current loons for the carrying on of business in Oitnndet by nearly tw•l) mUltont; current btne shroud Are three millions greater. The banks InereIeed their liabilities by 08,776,810, sold their assets by $9,804,- 246 during September, How to Treat a Sprain: Sprains, swellings and lRntenese are promptly relieved by Ohnntberla1n's Liniment, This liniment reduces In. flomrrfation and soreness Ito that a sprain mslr be mired in Irbont oge•third the time r'eonired by the titan! 81'eatnlent. 5 itttd 1i0 cunt Ileus for We by all drug. lent rojnts In the Lesson for Sotr da;y, Nov. fist, (riven In. n Series of Quewittontu by Rev, Dr. L,inseott. (Register ixl in a^corrlanoe with the Copyright AO.) DAvzn Ottravxs Fott AVaLtoM II Baal. 18 Golden Text: A foolish son is agr£ef to hie father, Prov. 17:25, Verses 1.2 --Te there any hope for 8uoogMy in the ordinary affairs of life, ee Well as in war, without system and thorough organization? How zonate of the sttocees of this country depends upon our national leaders? Verses 3, 4 -Should a general in war, or it leader in any cause, person- ally expos° himself in the danger line? If a man aaurto martyrdom for the truth, to it either right or in the inter- ests of the troth, Wao David right in wauting to per. sonally oonduot this war, or were the leaders right in persuading him not to do so? Verse 6 -Was it right and acoording to the mind of (od, for David to com- mand that no harm be done to suoh an arch traitor Qs Absalom? When people sympathize with crim- inals and try to shield them from jos. tine, is it it maudliu sympathy or true Christian love? Verses 0 8 - Has war, upon the whole, been a blessing or a nurse to mankind? Ii war ever right, ezoept no a no - unary means for obtaining peaoe? Woe David to be praised or blamed for tike war? Dosoribe the horrors of this war, and compare them with tho unspeakable horrors of the possible wars of the future, and then say if future wars will, or will not, brand their authors as wore° oriminala than the traitorous Absalom? Verse 9 -Was it accidental or prov. idontial for Absalom to be caught by the head in this oak tree? Aro there any aooidente in the life of a true Christian? le there any reaeonable expectation that the winked will not, Roily, bring deatrnot£on upon tbomeelves? Veraee 10 -18 -What can you any for or against the masoning of this man, who found Absalom hanging on the tree and refused to kill him? As between our souls and Glad, should we obey, or disobey those in authority, when we know their commando are against the will of God, as in the pros. ant case? Should we obey Gyd, tither than man, even at the risk of our Iives? To it right, or ignoble, to let per - conal profit influence us in matters of right and wrong? Verses 14.17-Notwlthgtanding the oommand of the ktag, to the oontrary, was Job right in slaying Abeelotii? When the leader in a bad cause is destroyed, does it generally atop the rebellion, no in this cane? Is it possible for an ignoble life to have a noble ending, or a noble Life to have an ignoble ending? What is the reoord of history? Verse 18 -Should a traly good man ever be concerned as to what posterity will any of him, or personally cause any monument to be erected to his memory? Barring exoeptions, is it generally a disgrace or otherwise, for a min to die having no children? What is generally tho end of a self - °entered proud life? Verset 19 82-Ahimenz was a priest; should priests or preaohera take coy active part in political affairs? In carrying important tidings, either good or bad, to our friends, what rales should govern us? la It wise to toll the whole blunt truth at once? Did Ahimaaz, the young priest, tell the truth, and was he to be blamed or praised? If a preacher or a priest defends a creed which he knows to be un- true, can his word be trusted in other ,matters? (This question must be answered in writing by members o1 the club,) Verse 82 -What can you say, for or against, the pathetic grief of this heart- broken father, at the death of his worse than worthless son? Leeson for Sunday, Nov. 15th, 1908 - "The Lord Oar Shepherd " Pdalm xxiii TWENTY YEARS AGO, Loeaf History of the early 80s. Items from the "'nine's"fyles. (1l'rom the Titans of Nov. 2, 1888.) LOCAL NEWS. Agreeably to' promieo the Tines is this week issued entirely as a looal paper, the patent sheet in use having been dii- ponsod with. Mr. W. F, Brookenehire bas boon ap- pointed D. D. G. M. for distriot No. 20, I. O. O, F. Mr, J. 13. Oumminga is repairing the roeidenoo to oonneetion with his shop where he Intends to remove at an early date. Moors. George and Donald Gilohrlet have pnrohaeod Mr, J. I£ling's bakery business, Mr. John Brennan has purchased from Mr. Jahn Little the 6 born property on the road leading to the cemetery and known as the "Grove." Mr. Wm. Polton has purehaeod Mr. J. Porter's dray business and removed into Wingham, Mr. John A,14toltwen, of Morris, sold hies hoose and lot on Souter Street, this week, to Mr. Thos. Armstrong for $475. Mr. W. 13. Hutton, of Button & Oarr, intends removing to his reoidenoo near the Upper mill. Mr, Geo. Green's atom is being divid. od and is to be occupied by Messrs. Robt, Hill and Ed, Dinaley as restaurant and jewelry stores respectively. Mr. Wm. Clegg has had a telephone put in his ofiioe at P. Deane'. This is the 18th in town, Meeare. Pringle and Croweton have re- moved their Pop Works to Mrs. A. T. Bell's brink etoro on Josephine et. Sudden and diatroaeingly sad is the anneanooment of the death of Jldre. W. F. Hia000ke, which took place on Wed- nesday morning last. BIRTHS. Wilson. -In Tarnberry, on the 80th alt., the wife of Mr. Gavin Wilson; a daughter, Stratton-Olark,-Io Morris, on the Ord ult., at the residence of Frank Mo- Oracken, by the Rev. Mr, Oaf!, Mr. James 13, Stretton, of Braseele, to Miss Emily, danghtor of Att. Thos. Clark, of Morrie. Jefferson--Cameron,-In Wait Wawa - nosh, by the Rev, R. Leash, Mr. A. W. 3, Jefferson, of East Wawanoab, to Mies Christina Cameron, of West Wawanoeh. A New Use for Straw. It is rotated that in future the boxes °ontaing butter shipped from Qaeens- Iancl to Groat i3ritain are to be made of straw and that it oompany with a oapitel of $250,000 bat been formed to work the bueinete. At present 8,000,000 bore0 aro used in Australia costing annually $1,000,000. Tho new box will, it is estimated, tnvo the Qneeneland dairy industry about $200,000 a year. In tho new box a mixture of kaolin and straw is need. It weighs about 10 ib. and is Kamp -proof and odorless. Hog Notes, Be sore to giro thorn it warm dry nett of straw, Warn), the feed tot all pigs, and feed them three times a day. l'roteot feeding ynrd with stacks of fodder, straw, or other wind. breaks. Make just as much use nn possible of olover, Milk, oto,, no's that grain 1s so high. 1Votioe the pig from different sows, And see whether yott Want any more of the smile kind, Veep >t ll'eoord of date of breeding different sawn, so OM you Will kutOW When to expect pign. Tennyson received for hie poetry be-' tweon $25.000 and $85,000 a year. Freed from Piles THE .JOY OF 1T. The utter misery and despair of the suffers? from pile* or hemorrhoids can never be des. erased. Not only the intense itching and stinging, not only the dread of * surgical operation, but the whole system teems to be undermined by this horrible disease. The ioy which cured ones expesienee oa being freed from itching, bleeding and protrud- ing piles it told in thousands of !cams teeeived in regard to Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment You need not tell tits writers of these letters that there is a nese of plies which Dr, A. W. Chutes Ointment will not cure, for they will not believe it. They alone know how they suffered, and also know that thin ointment cured them. It brings relief at ante. 60 ctc a hoe, at all dealers or l dmaaton, Bates & Co., Toronto. Mr. John A. Metarnore, Pert Dalhousie, Ont., writes "For luny years i was .cnreiyp atilietod with piles and rpint hundreds of dollars without obtaining the dssired rendes, About a year No I was cured by three boats of Ih. Chrw'a.. U�dt '*h WO#>`t,rt+taatt, and iletahrt TOWN DIRECTORY. I3,tt Alia OnmtOR--sabbath newtons 11 son and 7 p m. Bultday Bohool 2:80 p m, General prayer znoetf on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Edg cr Alien, pastor. 13,'il'.P,U. mei ltioodey eventnge 8 p.m. Abner 0os4 S.S. Suporiutendent. M1ITL(0D10T Oavztoa--Sabbath servo at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool 2:$0 p m. Epworth League every Mt day evening. General prayer meeti on Wednesday evenings, Rev. e. Howson, pastor. f, 8aohanan, Superintendent. PaltarirrantA Outman -Sabbath 4 view at 11 a m and 7 pen, Sun School at 2:30 p m. General pro: meeting on Wecineaday evenings. Re D. Porrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, 8 Superintendent. Sr. PA/71;'s QiruR013, EPI:GOPR1,--8 bath servioee at 11 a m and 7 p Sunday Sohool at 2:30 pm. Rev. U. .Tjakias, B. A., B. D., Iteotor ; Nash, 8. 8. Superintendent ; Thos. Robinaou, assistant Superiatendont. SALVATION Axatx-Service at 7 and a m and 3 and 7 p nt on Sunday, a every evening daring the week at o'olook at the barraoke. PosT 01179R -00W hours from $a to 6:80 p m, Open to box holders fri 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmast PIIULIO LIIiRARY--Library and fr reacting room in the Town Hall, w be open every afternoon from 2 6;30 o'clock, and every evening from to 0:80 o'clock. Miss Erhel E[liot Iibrarian. TOWN Ootr air. -W, Holmes, May Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Be) Toe. Gregory, D. E. McDonald Wm Nicholaon,Goo. Spotton, Geo, 0. Haim Oonnoillora; J, B. Ferguson, Clerk ar Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Asseaso Board meets first Monday evening 1 oaoh month at 8 o'olook. HIGH 8011004 BOARD.-- John Wilso (ohairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. Maodanald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. fa Vaneton Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Oosen treasurer. Board meets second Mond evening in each month. P(yBLIo SCHOOL BOARD. --T. Hal (chairman), B Jenkins,i3. E. Ieard,A. Itloyd,R. Kerr, Wm. Moore,Alex. Ros 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John Groves; Treaearer, J, B. Fergus° Meetings second Tuesday eveningin eao month. HIGH SorrooL TEAOHERS--J, A. Ta los, B.A., prinoipaI; S. 0. Snaith, 8.4 classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A. mathematical master ; Miss Helen Dodson, B.A., tenoher of English an Moderns. PUBLIC SO/100L TRAOPOIRS.--A, 1? Musgrove, Principal Miss Brooi Miss Reynolds, MIN Farquharson, Mi Wilson, Miss Cummings, and 14Iii Fraser. BOARD oa Hn➢ALT11--W. Holme (chairman), R, Porter, Thomas Grel ory, John Wilson, V.8., 3, B. Fergusof Secretary; Dr. J. R Maodonali Medical Health Ofllonr. TAKE NOTICE. That J. 8, Jerome, Dentis la rraea4s ie making beautiful Bets o teeth for eight dollars, an inserting the Patent Airohamber. At work guaranteed, Moein Chisholm Block, Wingham VOLUNTEERS BOUNTY ACT, 1908. WARNING TO PURCHASERS. Every nsslgnment of the right of n Sout African Volunteer entitled to a land gran must be by way of appointment of a substi- •tuto and must be in the form provided by th Act. Special attention is called to Bub -section 8 oP Section 5 of the Volunteer Bounty Act, 1808, which provides that no assignment of the right of n volunteer by the nppointment of a sub- stitute shall bo accepted or recognized by the Dcpnrtutont of the Interior which is NOT ItXEOUTrtd AND DATED ASTER THE DATE OT TOE WARRANT soft TRH LANK GRANT issued by the Minister of Militia and Defence in favor of the Volunteer. J W. GRE18NWAY, Commissioner of Dominion 28th September. 1908, Lunde, Ottawa, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. NY even nubered section of Dominion .A m Lands in Ainnitobn Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of n family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter seotion of 100 aores, more or lesii Application for entry must be made in per. son by the applicant ata Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-ogency for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how- ever, bo made at an Ageney on certain condi. tions by his father, mother, sou, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under ono of the following plans: (li At Least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) A homostondor may, if he so desires, perform +he required residence duties by living on farming land Owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement. deew)If feed)of thehho(mestteader'has permanent father it reshlonco on farming Iand owned pn la y by0 him, not lees than eighty (801 acres in extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or tenon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, snob homesteader may perform his own resi- dence dation by living with the father (or mother.) (4) The term "vicinity" in the two preced- ing paragraphs ie defined Am meaning not more than nine miles in a direct lino, exclusive of the width of road allowanoes tressed bi the measnrernent. (5) A homeeteader intending to perform Iiia restdonee duttea m aecordanee with the above while living with parents or on farming land owned by hinititit innet notify the Agent for the district of each intention. Six months' notice to writing must lira given to the Oommtl;sloner of Dominion Land# at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. Deputy of the Mlnni 0? thhe eInterior. ]+1.b.�17mm�ikarfaed ppbxloatioa of thin ttd 'trsrilaetmkent will not be Zald, for. *ITAB1.I$E$D 1012 THE ' 1N IIIAJIr TINES. at IS PUBL:03H$17 atEVERY THURSDAY MORNINt ng S. ....AT-. Its The Times 01llca, Beaver Bloch to WINQH,A,$, ONTARIO, ay ).I. 11'. h t e thi fol Sale in, Zara $8.04 0.0( 8.0( 1.21 pail at thi of Mt Tams ow ttumeaImou--;1.0e par animals at advance 81.50 if not so paid. No paper dlaoon n- tinned tin all arrears ars paid, except at rig option of the publisher. , ADvaiSTiste RATne. - Legal and other oagnaladvertlsementa l00 per Nonparie111no 8, Ilrat insertion, 0e per lino for each,ubwignen insertion. Advertisements in !coat ouimm�a are obargk )r. 10 cte. per line for asst insertion, and 5 oenti ay per line for esoh subsequent insertion. er Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for or to Rout, and similar, ;LAO for first threi q. weeks, and 25 coats for each subsequent 13, aertion. Oo&atuts.or BAxns-Tho following table shows onrrates for the insertion of advertiseineuti b- for specified periods: - D. SPACE. 1 Ira. t x°. 8 me. E. One0olamn 170.00 :40.00 822.60 d, HiItCotmmn.. 40.00 25.00 15.00 QliarterOolamn.....- W00 *2.60 7.60 V.. One Inch ........,.... 5.00 0.00 2.00 Advertlsemonte without a eolfto direotioni will be inserted tin forbid and oharged a000rd 11 ingIy Transient advertisements mast be 1d for in advance. 8 The Jon Dap.►ntmsubrr to atooked with extensive assortment of all requisites for print ing, affording fao111tiee not equalled in m countyfor turning oat drat class work. Larg( En type and appropriate Date for allttyles of Poet ere, Eland Bills, eta., and the latest styles T, choice fanny type for the finer classes of print e0 H. B. ELLIOTT, ill Proprietor and Publisher to . 7 J P 1C10NNIIDY, M. D.,_ M.O.P. S. 0. -' ,t, tion. Member Medf aUls in BMeddiciMedical Spitooial attention paid to diseases of Women and Child; ren. Office home --1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m. 1, . DR. MACDONALD, r, id Oentre Street r• Wingham, Ontario. 11 g, DR. ACNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. e. Qfx(oe-)feodonald Block, oyer W,MoKibbon'e 0. Drug Store. Night calls answered at the °Moe. a, DR. ROBT. 0. REDMOND, M. 8.0.13. (Bag) L. R. 0. P. London, 1, PHYSICIAN and SIIRG130N. e, Office, with Dr. Chisholm. 1. h to VANSTONR, itio ,- BARnIST13R, SOLICITOR, RTO Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rateof interest, mortgages, town and farm a property pp)Moe, Beaver Block,oht and Winfram d E. Jr A. MORTON, E,, • Is BARRISTgU, too. is Wingham, Ont. r. B. L. Dx0nnveoll DUMMY Har.MEs I, • DICKINSON & HO/MES BARRISTIIRs, SOLICITORS, Ste. - MONnr TO LOAN. 0ra'Ioit: Meyer Block, Wingham. t f .ti, A Rr}3tIR a. nom, D. D. S., L. D. S. 1 Doctor ofDentalSnrgeryofthe Pennsylvania 1 Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office in. Macdonald Block, Winghate, YM 3. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. 8., D. D. S. Surgeons of Ontarrio, Rand College of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office ; Bearer Block. ALEX. BELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSIED AUOTIONBB13 For cte0d at r©so able rates.s.leOrders left kinds the TIxne offioe will receive prompt attention, FRANK MCCONNELL, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron criptionse prepared to farm. istosoles k and efmple- able termsIn . Orders Orders art of lefcountry, t the Tlarzon s office will be promptly and cheerfully attended to. Wingham General Hospital (Under Government inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS-- (whioh include board and nursing), $3,50 t0 $15.00 per week a000rding to location of room. For farther information, address MIss J. E. Worst;, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIM13 TAIBL S. GRAND TRUNK WAX' SYSTl5ht. ' , 1 ', , i , i TRAINS LUTA ton London - 0.40 a.m...,. 8.80p.ni. Toronto &Eagti 11:11Oa,m. 9.128 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Binoardine..11.67 n.m.,. 2.08 p.m— 9.16p,m. Binoardiae ,-0 40e m_ II0pe.m_-, 240 Pan. London......_ ........ ,. 1144 a.m.... 7.86 P.m. Palmerston....-... ,..,,. 10.80a.m;. Toronto it Emit...,...... 2.08 p,m.. - 0.I5 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PA01FIo RATLWA.Y. T'RAINit LnAY* TOR Toronto And BAet.-....-. 0.65 a.m.... 8.80 p.m. Teeewater 1.10 p.m.10.08 p.m. -. .►nnlvn Atex Tebewater».. .:,..»-, -IA a.m....- 8.841 p.m. Toronto and Bast -..1.10g m,- _10.08 p.m. .3. H.13ERliaR. A.fent,Wingham, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ft't UH(QUAL4RO Fgte Coughs, Colds and Croup. t CCoPYright, 1908, by C. M. Barnttz. The% articles and illustrations must not be re. printed without epectat permission.) A PHILOSOPHER FLOORED. Y knew a man in I -Told -U -So Who thought he knew it all. Ile feared to walk too near the rine For fear the world would fall. He discoursed on the universe And on original sin; There wasn't much of sky or earth That he did not butt M. One day I met hint on the street. Ile looked so wondrous wise, 1 thought the hour very meet Ror me to catechise. "Wise friend," said 1, "will you tell me In the whenceness of the when Which the other did precede, Egg, rooster or the hen?" Ile stared long into vacancy And then replied to me, "Will 'Myouoral just waitPhilosophyr .1,until I see hiy THE FIRST CHICKENS. A great mystery! What? Not a $1,000,000 robbery nor a Gunness mat- rimonial graveyard, but how the first of the chicken tribe got away over into India's deep tiger den jungles when they were created in the garden of Eden, on the plain of Iran, in Asia Mi. nor. Now, there were the three sons of Noah -Ham, the black; Shem, the yel- low, and Japheth, the white. When they parted, Shem going east, Japheth north and west and Ham, the black man, going to Africa, you would have thought Ham would have got away with the chickens. Perhaps Ham Iiked pork better, or maybe Shem bagged them first. Anyhow, when Mr. Darwin went or his expedition to prove that man is a souvenir of the monkey tribe he dis- JIINGLB BOWL. covered the progenitors of the chicken family way over among the palms and alligators of the Ganges, and the pretty bird was called "gallas bankiva" or jungle fowl. Hindoos do not eat chicken, and the fowls were allowed to multiply until the forests were full of the beautiful orange colored birds, and as they flash- ed from tree to tree and proudly strut- ted among the ferns and palms and magnolias their golden glow made 'More beautiful the sylvan scene. But white hunters on elephants, while tiger hunting, shot them down, the nee' tires drove thein tato horsehair snares; and Mr. Hagenbeck; the great animal trainer, caught them for curiosities and shipped them by thousands alt over the world, so today they are a rare bird. They are smaller than our chickens. The hens are chestnut brown and just like our Biddies except they have feathered throats. They lay from six to twelve eggs a year, thus you may see the wonderful development of your birds not only in size, but in laying ability. The cocks have bright golden orange hackles, blue brown basks, rich chest- nut saddle feathers, steel blue wing feathers with reddish yellow edge; breast and under parts dead black and graceful tails of black, rich green and metallic bine. Yes, we call our fowls ideal in shape and color, but few of them equal this Magnificently adorned aboriginal cock of the jungle glades as he flashes to the top of a flowering tree and greets the rising sun. DON'TS. Don't feed heavy in the heat, but cep the water pure and sweet. Don't forget that dueks have no hops. Ti yon stuff with grain you'll have no crop of ducks. Don't get dissatielied tvith your breed very time you read of another. If mums is not a uuceess, you ditto. Don't cross big breeds with small. It muses ruptnle, crtoked back and cross. catches. Don't throw fresh droppings right ?at where chicks can scratch in thetae slot nice. Get Tice. Don't have stumbling blocks shout or drickling to fall over. Don't be 1 stumbling block to others. Don't study the drug bush:toe to be- e prodelent In removing color de- eets tidy sarger5* fe become an expert n. trimming cbinb8. Don't refuse an answer to a dissstis. ted cuotot ter. A. dotit:ltkerltatlationt eadr cies:etre sky,. but at dogged silence a!R1". . 11dt. , :1 ; ra'z.,