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The Wingham Times, 1908-10-29, Page 7
THE VOL XXXVII. NO. 7-917. WINGHAM.... TIMES. MOAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1908. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE Cream 1 Violets Cures Chapped Hands in one night. Not greasy- rubs in perfectly. Perfumed with Violet Petals. An elegant preparation for after shaving. }25c. a bottle Walton Mckibbon THE ©RUCCIST Maodonald Blook, Wingham. j HAVE YOU A COUGH ? OUR an Canadian - is made for just ougll such olds uyours. d itt will carr e them. we sell you a large bottle ure for 25 CENTS. Get a bottle and keep it on hand. 1 Fall Bulbs It is time you had your Fa11 Bulbs. Wo will keep a full assortment for one week more, so come early and get good choice. Call and sec us. WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Wingham Greenhouses SPECIALTIES: Cut Flowers and Floral Designs Funeral and Wedding Orders re- ceive prompt attention. PHONE 101. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear cheer's Shoes and Rubbers Balance of T New snbsoribere receive the paper. the present year ing in full till t can give very lo any outside pope send and get pr for another year. e Year Free. to the Teems will for the balance of ree, one dollar pay - end of 1909. We clubbing rates for you want. Call or es before renewing Drink Christie's Teas. Canadian Mr. R. B. Hi Organizer for the Foresters, is in t� iutereste ot Cour already secured a Cons. A special I will be held this and all members present. Ritchie 116 Cosells REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional valves in farms. If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of places admirably suited for retired farmers. No prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought her e can al- ways be resold. RITCHIE & COSENS Griffin -Ironstone Block, WINGHAM. Phone 12.3 Wingham A meeting of all th ham who are interes be held in the Connoi day evening to re-orl Club for the comin should be a large att Foresters. tris, of Wroxeter, Canadian Order of wn working in the Maitland and has number of applioa- eeting of the Court (Thursday) evening ire requested to be Bargains in milline Death of H Edward Dineley, of Clinton, and o tiers in Huron con last week in hi When but quite a there and °endue later went into tl His sons, William, are prominent bu the United State daughters live in+ in Chicago. t Mas.GREEN'S. See the new wal BOOK STORE, riers. parties in Wing- ed iu curling will Chamber on Fri- anize the Darling season. There idance of curlers. paper at the BIG C. P. R. Ti A new time tal le the 0. P. R. on M timeon all the train ham is changed, follows :-Morning now leaves at 6 3 6.55 o'clock and th Toronto leaves a Trains arrive fro in plane of 1 02 in plaoa of 10 p. iron Pioneer.' the oldest resident a of the earliest set- ty, died Tuesday of ninety-third year. oung man he moved id a wagon shop and re butcher business. Edward and Robert, iness men living in , while two of his Clinton and another Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fella' butcher oho). Huron The Executive Huron Old Boys' Friday evening at prepare the Assoc for the winter. It the annual meeting on Nov. 20, and to residents of the cordial invitation annual reunion a in the Temple Friday in March. Ems, PHONE 59. New Fruit There's all kind of fruit, but only and that gives the BESentire satisfac- tion Currants and Raisins. .As formerly you eau depend on RYERY NT ANb RAISIN that leaves this store. Seeing's Believing. Therefore come along. We want you to examine our fruit and we're confident you'll buy. All other Fruits as they come to hand win be of the very bast quality. loommommommirom J. Henry Christie d Boys. ommittee of the ssooiation met On e Rusin House to tion's programme as deoided to hold at the Roesin House extend to all former ounty of Huron a to be present. The d dance will be h&1 wilding on the fires Toronto Globe e Table. ent into effeot on nday last and the to and from Wing - he changes are as train for Toronto o'clock in place of afternoon train to 3.16 in place of 3,39. Toronto at 1 07 p. m, m. and at 9.42 p.•m. Rooms in Macdon d Took to rent. Apply to DR. MACDO D. Hicks' Anticil Rev, Irl. Hicks a wind and storms, with the opening days of No the 8th to the 10th, pa erably waemer; turnipi about the 12th. The severe and dangerous the northern lake reg Hicks, are decidedly st 16th to the end of the gators and ehlppers on t who ignore these pr adds, will take deeps: paying expensive fort dash of winter is predioi the 25th. He concluder will merge into Deoemb of cold, mercurial wintry aspects prevaili thern to central parts Be ready for it!" ation. Wingham M. C. A. A meeting of the xeoutive Board of the Wingham Y. •, . C. A. was held on Tuesday evening when Messrs. W. J. McDonald and Ir Parker were eleoted as members of the Board, Mr. Parker being eleoted as Secretary. For this weekithe regular ••eeting will be held on Friday evenin instead of Thursday evening and all •• :mbers are requested to be present. M . L. 0. Fleming, of Clinton, the Con .y Secretary, was in town this week a d gives an excellent report of the wor being done in the different parts of the county. Already five places are ,rganized, namely:- Wingham, God:: ioh, Clinton, Exeter and Blyth. The work is being enthusi- astically taken • •ld of everywhere, and it is expected . • at good work will be accomplished a •• ong the young men of Huron county Yon get the best grade o Felt Foot- wear in all the up t'J to styles at A Solid A vote of the Canada to asoertai be had in the ne without question r for the Family Star of Montreal. times its present be considered go just such a pa would have at a one dollar a ye wrong in givin reaches the m country, and would not be w 1 Vote. ole Dominion of the best valve to spaper line would nit in a solid vote rald and Weekly At twioe, yep--fve rine it would still value, in fact it is a most homes pe. It costs but r, and one can't go it a trial. It already ority of homes in this those who reoeivgi it hoot it. Sweeping sale of ', it • ery-large, up- to-date stock to Bele '• 'rom. MRS.GREEN Gift to SR• Paul's, tioipated rain, ome frost, for ember. From and consid- mnoh colder robabilities of ales all over ns, says Mr, ong from, the onth. "Navi- e Great Lakes babilities," he to chances of its," A. real d along about "The month it in the midst oudiness, with g over all nor - of the country. Leggings 1 Leggings! for all : , rpoees. In Ladies,' Gents,' Boy • ,' isses and Children's, in every ne •' ° •yle. Prime from 40o. to. $2.26 a parr. See them W. J. GREER. An tet of gener sity on the part d one of our citizens which must result in considerable s tisfaction to those interested, is repo ted this week• By the transaction th old Congregational church property rohased some time ago, is handed eve to St. Paul's church free of debt, the o urch °Mioisie agree- ing to assume the st of some improve- ments which hay already been made and are yet to be ade to the building.' In future the buil ng will be known as the Mille Memori Hall, and a stone bear'ig that: inscri tion will be planed over the main dao The Parish Olnb will, as in the past, ontinne to use the building for their rposes, and base- ball, basketball, bill: other games will b ,tinter months. It te' ,t the citizen ab Mr. T. A. Mille, and no dela, t 110 highly t Induction of Rector f St. Paul's. An interesting and i mony took piece on We last in St.. Paul's oh rector, Rev. 0. E. Jeaki was formally induoted There was a large con and the visiting olergy Messrs. Lang -Ford, of of Gerrie; Hartley, of B of Lnoknow, and Rur of Clinton. Right Re liams, Lord Biebop of an eloquent and app and afterwards conduct service. Rev. Mr. mandate at the door of Rev. Mr. Jenkins rang of possession. A pleas ing was afterwards h ment, at which address the clergymen prese ments were served throughout was a m profitable one-foreth Rey. Mr. Deakins alre of the charge well i suodess of hie efforts We have as good variety •f robbers and cold weather footwear as has been t are under no obligati° .o buy. WILLIS & Co., the leading plane for robbers, etc. shown in Wingham Come in and see W any a day. we have, you The York I Tho Toronto chief of the win this case as says any dividend middle of next y 000asioned by d who had got ne turning in both ,'Our polioy wil "to make the di large as possibl up all• we oa been authorize whioh amount and dividends only to persona an Liquidation. elegram quotes the ing up proceedings in g that it is not likely '11 be paid before the ar. A lot of delay was plicate claims of people books, and now were e old and new books. be," said Mr, Smith, idends as few and as We are hurrying it �� The liquidator has to retain all dividende less than one dollar, that sum will be paid applicants for flame. pressive oere- nesday evening oh, when the s, B. A., B. D.. oto the charge. egation preaent included Revs. russets; Farr, yth; Saunders, 1 Dean Gonne, David Wil- uron, delivered priate sermon, d the induction nne read the the edifice, and e bell in token t social gather - id in the base- s were given by , and refresh - The evening et pleasant and e who attended. dy has the work hand and of the we have no dont. TOWN COUNCIL. The oivlo father clerk's offioe on M Guy Bros. minstrel propriated the ooni dressing room, All the members Mayor Holmes in th A by-law was pas Mayor and Treasur to meet the expen with the improve lighting plant until issued for this pur of. A report was re Amyot of the Health, on the co samples of water the town snbmitt ing that the wate wells was oons should not be boiling. Mayor number of othe legislated in the nday evening, the troupe having sp- oil ohamber as a ere present, with cham ed authorizing the r to borrow money iture in connection ents at the eleotrio he debentures to be ase can be disposed ived from Dr. J. A. rovinoial Board of dition of a number of rom different wells of d for analysis, ehow- in at least four of the derably polluted and sed without previous Holmes stated that a samples would be sent down and/when a report was received a public meeting • f the citizens would be called to discusthe question of taking some action in egard to the sewerage and waterworks propositions. Considerable • isoussion took plane on the snbjeot of s,werage and waterworks systems, and a •• otion was finally car- ried appointing eeve Irwin and Conn. Gregory a depn atson to visit a number of towns simile to Wingbam and ob- tain all possibl: information as to the working of thei plants. The following accounts were ordered to be paid, on eoommendation of the Finance Oommi:tee:- August Homn = • , right of 5 00 way, eto $ Dom. Express 0•., charges.50 R. Rankin, salar 7.00 0. P. R., rent o weigh scales 2 site 00 Ed. Lewis, salar 20 00 Geo. Allen, salar; 45.00 J. B. Ferguson. sa ry & postage 55 50 J. A. McLean, In •,ber, ooal, eto 129 20 Richardson & Ra , supplies... 1.99 Bell Telephone oo., rent of phone 7.60 T. J. McLean, oil 1.70 A. Sanderson, wok .. 11.66 A. Sanderson, wat ring streets. 16.10 D. 0, McDonald, ork .. - 39.02 Electric light ao •ants amounting to $1048.02 were also +rdered to be paid. The Citizens' and was given the usual quarterly gr nt of $37.60. Council adjour•:d. See the new stook of Bibles and Hymn Books at the BIG BOOK STORE Moulders gaiters at -'10 per pair - and up to $2 50 Der s WILLIs & Co. sole agents for Viet la Shoes for ladies and Albert Shoes for men. Baptist •nvention. Successful mee end Quebec Ba Leen held in 0 week. A few s rds, bowling and various reports in order for thereaders. Rev. but fair to state Burwell, prese e referred to is Committee on is generosity will During the ye preoiat'd• ordained to th --�- were trained i and one name ministry. Tw now on their aries under the new ohurohes 14 new build quiries it had that sixty-two attended the homes obser Eighty-two pe report an impr conditions of men's Missions organized in fift ing the year 2,6 decrease of 136 den0mination'e vinoes, 52,050. 578 62, a eligh previous year, abroad, $118,272.3 $12,000, and a tot convention of $ average per me report of the Sun presented and c was rich in Btati grass of Sunday are at present 464 Church, with 4,9 and 41,741 sohola of 46,703, involy last year of 18 ac 7,160 scholars. Sunday sehooiB r $41,397, an incera year. The avers 89 cents for ever and $1,41 for eve attendance. 1. WANTED. -Girl fo work. Apply Box 33� eneral house- �ingham. Died at Ri The death of which took place o from this earthly highly esteemed re wanoeh, and one w of this county for years. The deo: name was Marg native of Scotland Port Glasgow in early years of he and was married t ner in June, 1856. new world a few d riage', landing in 8th. From there whore they rem afterwards movi ship, where they years. The roll were spent in Ma and thirty•flve y: Huron identity. was a member Church. Her ki emplary ethernet esteem of a lar' Up to about a ye. ed a rematkable since then had be til the end cam husband, four da survive : -Mrs. J onto; Mrs. Itober wanoeh; Mrs. W field; Miss Rebut) and Alexander, of eldest daughter, twenty years ago oan MoOauig, r: funeral takes p. afternoon to the Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat will be at MoKibbon's drug store, Wednesday, Nov ember 18th. Hours: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. MAWS pro7erly fitted. • e Old Age. rs. John Cameron, Tuesday, removes sphere one of the :+dents of East Wa- o had been a citizen the past thirty-five sed, whose maiden et Mo0anig, was it having been born in 1827. She spent the life in the old land. her now bereft part - They sailed for the ye after their mar- ew York on August :!• ey Dame to Toronto, ived about a year, to Soarboro town - wed for a couple of ing thirteen years 1: ham and Pickering, rs ago they came to he late Mrs. Cameron of the Presbyterian d disposition and ea- r won for her the number of friends. ago she had peewee - degree of vigor, but n in failing health un - Besides her aged •ghters and one son hn Jackson, of Tor - Currie, of East Wei- . Twamley, of Ash- , of Norwalk, Ohio, Amherst, Ohio. The Jessie, died about A brother, Mr. Dun - ides at Oro, The oe this (Thursday) ' Ingham cemetery'. I 11 ngs of the Ontario ist Association have awn during the past tistios taken from the ill be of interest to our 0. E. McLeod, Port ted the report of the he State of Religion. r nineteen have been ministry, ten of whom MoMaeter University from the Presbyterian of those ordained are ay to India as mission• Foreign Board. Twelve ave been organized, and ngs erected. From in - been learned, he said, er cent. of the members ord'e Supper, but few ed family worship. cent. of the pastors ement in the spiritual heir fields. The Lay - Movement has been -eight churches. Dar - 3 joined by baptism, a ver 1907, making the emberehip in the Pro - or home work $608, - decrease over the as raised; for work , an increase of over 1 contribution for the 6,850,95. This is an ber of $11.83. The ay School Board was sidered. The report tins showing the pro - School work, There ohools in the Baptist officers and teachers, a total membership e an inorease over ools, 130 offioera and nrfug the year the teed for all purposes e of $5,756 over last e contribution was member on the roll, y member in actual ENSIGN J. POOLE Who has just been appointed to take charge of the Wingham Salvation Army Corps. Dir. Poole is asissted in the local work by Lieut. Miller. HIGH SCHCj0L NOTES. Mr. J. 0. Smit , B A., classical master, was indispo ed Wednesday. Miss Beatrice An erson, who holds a first °lees professi nal certificate, and who has been to (thing continuation class work at St. ,H/lens for three' years, has been engaged y the Board as fifth teacher in Wingh m High School, at a srlary of $626. iss Anderson comes with the very hig est recommendations, and will °onside ably strengthen the staff of the aorop is. The attendant at this now famous institution has r ached the large num- ber of 161. Of hese 77 are from the town, 66 from he county, 15 from Bruce county, 1 from Algoma and 2 from Dnfferin. Fifty students from the county and ntside points board in the town, so it o n readily be seen that a considerable a onnt of money is left in town by the st dents. CHURC NOTES. On Sunday eveni Church the Rev. 0. a special address to The subject will be man," Special mu by a choir of men oordially invited. g next in St. Paul's E. Jeakine will give oys and young men. 'The Ideal Sports - o will be rendered and boys. All are The citizens f Wingham are pro- bably not genera y aware ot the foot that another etre one political contest has been fought i their midst during the past fortnigb,. Nevertheless such is the case, as an student of the High Sobool will testi . The climax of the struggle came Tuesday afternoon, when the eleotio were held which de- cided for this ter who should control the destinies of he Literary Sooiety. For several days revions the candidates and their supper ers "campaigned" in truly orthodox tyle. Platforms were issued, Cartoons ere displayed on the blackboards, and 11 kinds of promisee made by the tw tickets as to what would be done in ase of election. The eleotion itself on Tneeday was carried out with all sole nity and every pre- caution taken to e sere the secrecy and sanctity of the ba lot. Poll olerke, re- turning officers, orntineers and con- stables were all o hand, carefully in- structed in their d ties. Voters whose names were misain from the list held by the returning o ter were summarily ejected, and, it is s id that several whose conduct appeared s spicions were com- pelled to take the o th. The girls were quite as enthusias 'o as the boys, and displayed a thoroug acquaintance with election tactics. It s rumored -and we speak only from he rsay-that the elec- tion was not wholly ree from bribery, the favorite medium f currency being chocolates. Sever hours were con- sumed in counting t e ballots, the great- est care being tak n to detect spoiled ballots. When the task was finally completed, the seni returning officer, Mr. Geo. Tees, gave out the following list of successful oa didates:- Honorary preside t, Dr. Macdonald; President, W. H. Green ; first vice- president, Miss Gr a Kennedy; second vioe-president, He tor Mutton; secre- tary, Miss Edna Isbister; treasurer. Peter McEwen; pr phet, Fred Corley; press reporters, Ad m Iebister and Miss Islay Agnew; ex ontive committee - Form 4, Miss Alb: to Goble and Olay - ton Proctor; For :• 3, Mies Pauline McInnes and The . Taylor; Form 2, Miss Ethel Tipling nd Gordon Young; Form 1, Miss Cor Kerr and Norman Geddes. On Thursday, ov. 6th, Captain Bunton, who tray s in the interest of the Salvation Ar et sooial operations, will give a moat i• teresting illustrated lecture in the Arm Hall. The subject, "One of His Jewel ." The first pictures will be shown at 8 + m. The last Sunday of November is to be celebrated thro • ' hout the English speaking world a Temperance Sunday. Secretary Ben • Spence is making a tour of the West rn part of Ontario, and is arranging for n exchange of pulpits by the pastors, of only in their own towns, but in nei hboring cities. WANTED. -A c for general ho family. Highest R.ANSFORI), Box 13 Rev. G. R. Tu , of Toronto, an ex- cellent preacher and solo singer, will open up an evang listio campaign in. the Methodist Chnr here next Sunday. A general prayereeting will be held in the lecture room at 9.30 a. m. At 11 o'clook, Mr. Trerrk will take the gen- eral eveningvioStrang+rechl alwayerning and welcome. Come. The West Tor • nto correspondent of the Toronto Wo ad refers thus to the sermon of W. a Howson on Sunday evening last in connection with the opening services • f the new High Park avenue Method':t Church: -"Lord, God of Hosts, b with as yet, lost we forget, lest we f. get," These famous words of in ormed the central theme of alplver : (interesting sermon preached to•nighat the new High Park -avenue Me,l•odist Church by it former pastor. ' ev. W. G. Howson, now of Wingha • • "The religion to whioh we as Chistians all adhere is simply God's t•.• oh on humanity," said Rev. Mr. Ho son. "It has been so all through the ag:s." The speaker then dismissed the ue:, nlness of the Sunday sohool in develo•ing the character of the young. "T ore has been disoover- ed in Texas a a :veer which always has its potale tows • s the north, so that travelers lost o the prairie can get their bearings this flower oan be found. So doe the Sunday school direct the y • , ng towards God. Memory and im gination were also two valuable gifts o nature for the upbuild- ing of oharaote , a000rding to childhood days always fi our hearts with happy memories whe ver we go, and though our later life may be oftentimes a tragedy, the r collections of the long able woman or girl ago come as solace to our Dares. On ework in a small the field of Waterloo, where once ages paid. MRs, R, human bloodstreamed, the ground is Olinton. I now covered ith forget•m.e-note. Fine Tailoring is what you invariably get when you leave your order for clothing at this store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well -and they do. Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in and have a look. Robt1 Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND .MEN'S FURNISHER waingsom._ SITLJATIONSUI_ with leading business houses await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. THREE COURSES, - Stenography, Commercial, 'Telegraphy. Enter any day. Write for particulars. ,FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1st Wingham Business College GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. Manitoba's E -Premier Dead. Hon. Thomas Greenway, former Premier of Man toba, and recently appointed to the Board of Oanadian Railway Commies' nets, died at Ottawa on Friday last, th immediate cause of death being heart failure. Mr. Green- way was born in Cornwall, England. March 25, 1838, d name to Canada with hie parents in 1844. He was educated in the p lio schools of Steph- en Township, H ron Oonnty, Ont., where his father/ took land. He afterwards started/a generalmmerchant's store at Centre ia. In 1867 he was elected reeve an served as such for ten years. He was eleoted to the Commons for S th Huron in 1875 by acclamation, a at there until 1878. Mr. Greenway hen removed to Mani- toba oon a scale. In 1879 he went to he Legisla- ture for Mon tain and was rc-eleoted on every app 1 since. In 1887 he be- came leader the Opposition and in January, 1888 was intrusted with the formation of ministry, and held the premiership u 11 the return to power of the Conservatives. The Pennant for Shoes us. style assortment ilnelade certainly very la to models in style, made by reliable manufactur- ers. from the includes TO GRANDMA. everybody' And if you can find anything to criticize in either looks or leather. we will be the most surprised shoo dealers in existence. Buy DAINTY :..ODE RUillietltS; they are the best, W. J. GREER