HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-29, Page 4KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges ., fcol and leer money are soon married. A• woman is always a woman, but a cigar is often a rope. For Chapped tilde. Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be oared in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also me quoted for sore nipples, burns and aoalde. For sale by all druggists. .a• Ii The only men who lose their credit are Dam who never had any. A mo.eagoahle daughter ie the best (antiseptic for tainted money. Redden the Blood. Redden the blood by the use of Dr. IJbaee's Nerve Food and you lift your. aell from that low level of health which leaves you an easy prey to every ill wind that blows. With the blood thin and watery you catch cold easily and tare liable to baoome a victim of Don• aumptinn or some form of wasting or contagions disease. Twenty one persons leave lost their liven in forest fires in Michigan. James F. Creighton, who was under sentence of death in Owen Sound jail, is dead. Dr. Chase's Dint went is a certain and guaranteed curoforeach and every form of itching, bleeding a n d protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask year neighbors abort it. You can use it and got our money back if not satisfied. 60o, at all aealers. r EDAIANso:r, BATES &Co., Toronto. bRs CE-IASE'S OINTMENT. ENT. There is but one county without railroad connection in the State of Colorado. A bachelor may be independently rich. but a rich married man is never independent. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventios. Preventice are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventica eft the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48- 25o. Wnlley's drug store. When a man mixes business with pleasure the principal ingredient in the mixture is pleasure. When an egotist travels he is snrpris- ed to discover that a lot of people o n earth never heard of him. C ,: tL STO R I A For Infants and Children. 'The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At sixteen a girl thinks about roe and poetry; at thirty-six her thoughts run to oabbagea and money. A woman should never marry a man to reform him until she Dan make a satisfactory omelet ont of bad eggs. Dorm's Kidney Pills act on the kin- aeys, bladder and urinary organs only. They ours backaches, weak back, rheum - Warn, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the iridney' and bladder Everybody likes peaches, but you have to learn the tree worth of prunes before you Dare for them. The Local Option fight is on in Owen Sonnd. There are 800 appeals to be beard by the County Judge in the voter's list court. Port Elgin citizens are indignant at a recent advance in electric light charges and Reeve Hither has `called a pnbiio meeting to discuss the quetion. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature —® of .a• A 80 months' old baby which tipped the scales at 130 pounds, attracted a great deal of attention recently while visiting Bucyrus, O., with it's parents. Louie—' Uncle, what's chagrin?" Uncle—"well, it's what a stout man feels when he rune and jumps on a oar that doesn't start for half an hour." To forget the name of last week's sweetheart means that you are busy; but to forget the name' of your first sweetheart means that you are growing old. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways pure my coughs and colds." Mr. William McInnes of the geologi- oal survey reports that there is a wide belt of good agricultural land that will be opened up by the new Hudson Bay Railway. Instructor—Mr. Smith, kindly name the bones of the skull. Student Smith— Well, air, I've got them all in my head, but I can't think of their names just naw.—Bohemian. At least 140,000 cotton operatives were recently thrown out of work in Lancashire. There aro only two hundred automo- biles in nee in Ceylon, of which only two are of Amerioan make. SPRING MEDICINE. Ae a spring medicines, Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary Yeeling so prevalent in the spring. Great Britain is looking forward to a 'winter with more people out of work than in many years past, Repeat it:—"Sbiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and cords." We have found that thin spots in on- rubbers can be mended at home by applying a cement made from five cents ,,-north of real gabby dissolved in chloroform. Keep the bottle containing the cement tightly corked and apply 'with e mucilage brush as griollly as possible that it may not harden. Ali (Generated Oxygen) Cures CONSUMPTION, CATARRH, COLDS and LA GRIPPE. Aisr- RHEUMATISM, es it allows theKidneys to free!), discharge the Uric Add from the Bleed. Cures Old Sores. Cel;' Fatally Medicine, to use far Cuts, Scalca end Bruises. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER KNOWN. 1'or Sala ty all Druggists. TSE OXYGENATOR Ca, 42 iiarberd Street, Toronto, Canada V' Ct sem. °ri" ®1SL 1 tel. r Bears the _ The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Rev. John Sharp, retiring editorial superintendent of the British and Foreign society, states the society has now translated the Bible into 412 languages. No fewer than five out of twelve jurors at an inquest at the North-East London, Eng., coroner's court were unable to write their own names or even spell them. ei .Eft.rre?Pd..X EL. Beare the The Kind You Have Always Baugliv signature Of A Wise Mother's Story Let all !diallers and Daughters read t arefally and Profit by it. "1 am oouvtticed," write, Mrs. A, B, Holeford from St. Jehu, "that a major• ity of young girls who die of eonenujp• tion do so because their mothers neglect- ed their health at the critical time wheu earetulnese icsures vigor and sound health. It q girl's health is negleoted front her eleventh to sixteenth year her body will be weak and she becomes a rettoy victim to t> phold, anaemia and iu ninny oaiee eonaunlptlon itself. In her sixteenth year my youngest daughter showed signs of failing strength. Some dyspeptics trouble developed, her heart became weak and palpitatiou frightened her dreadfully. She was irregular In the important bodily funotious and rapid lose in a weight and a ruddy complexion poiuted to a rapid decline. She disliked making her troubles known to our doctor, a feeling I felt I should respect, and so by good fortune I was led to use FBerrt,znne with moat gratifying results My neighbor next door, Mrs. Woods, had found Ferrozoue so good in nervousness that she persuad- ed me that it would restore Floseie'a health, and from the time the second box was commenced her improvement was oonstent, She ie now a big, strong girl, ruddy and plump, able to study hard and take her share of household duties. I ata an earnest advocate of Fern:zone. We all use it now as a tonic as it is certainly woman's best friend " A11 dealers sell Ferrozone, 50 cents per box or two boxes for $2 50; proonre a supply to•day. Nearly 10 per cent. of the recipients of the Victoria Cross are military doc- tors. A man is as great as he believes. It's only when he tries to make someone else believe it that he becomes a fool. as - Penalty Penalty of hurried Eating. Hurried eating and lack of proper chewing of the food are among the most common causes of indigestion and de• rangements of the liver and kidneys. Relief and cure are most quickly obtain• ed by nee of Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pille, which are unique in having a direot and combined action on kidneys, liver and bowels. If Dans of fruit are wrapped after they have 000led from the canning prooess in old newspapers and planed in a cool dry spot, the printer's ink and paper will prevent their moulding if the paper is paid for. Go to the blood, if yon are to drive out rheumatism. A Wisconsin physician, Dr. Shoop, does this with his Rheu- matic Remedy—and with seeming suc- cess. Rub on's, says the doctor, never did cure Rheumatism. It is more than skin deep—it is oonstituional, al- ways. Because of this principle, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existence. It goes by word of month from one to another, everywhere. Grateful patients gladly spread results. It is an act of hnmaaity. to tell the Siok of a way to health. Tell some sick one. Sold at Walley's drug store. A movement is taking shape in South- ampton to provide a reading and recrea- tion room as there are a great number of sailors and fishermen who spend the winter there, and some sneh place is mnoh required for them and others. A young man named Wentworth, from Grimsby, was painting a barn near Jordan, when oolts at play became en- tangled in a rope and pulled his ladder over. Haa killed wa led by the fail. "Men and women can't be judged by the same standarde. For instance, a man is known by the oompany he keeps," said a sharp-tongued young woman. "And a woman by the ser- vants she can't keep!" was the retort. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a laeg healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Remedy its curative properties. Tick'. ing or dry bronchial coughs quickly alld safely yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even every young babes. No Opium, no chloroform—absolutely noth• ing harsh or harmful, It calms the dis- tressing cough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Accept no other. De- mand Dr. Shocp's. Sold at Walley's drug store. The United States weather bureau maintains a telegraph line in the State of Washington which spans a river 2,700 feet wide, This is cleared to be the lorgeet single span known. Dr. H. O. Stevens, of Seattle, reports recent experiments which show that objects seen by indirect vision ordinarily appear larger in the right half of the field of vision than in the left. Reneat it:—"Sbiloh's Care will al- ways core my coughs and colds," Saturday, the 17th inst., was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the wed - din of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aitken,end g the happy occasion was celebrated by a pleasant social gathering in the rooms at the Gederioh public Library occupied by Mr, and Mra, Aitken, The wedding of twenty-five years ago was celebrated by ltev. T. M. Campbell, thein pastor of North street Methodist church, both bride and groom being then, as now, residents of Goderiob, • More Than Enough is Too Much, To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual consumption of more food than is neot seary for these purpose° is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indiges- tion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again. For sale by all druggists. Thos. W. Crozier, who with his son, Milton Crozier, arrested a week ago for circulating counterfeiting money, plead- ed guilty and was sentenced to nine years in penitentiary. The son, Milton, was sentenced to two years less one day in the Central Prison at Toronto. The Yankee politicians complain that the baseball situation has absorbed all the enthusiasm of the nation, to the de- triment of the Presidential quarteunial blowout. Everybody talks baseball. The Republioan fans say it will "Three strikes and out for Bryan," and the Democrats retort that "Taft will never reach first base," and so it goes on. DAYS OF DIMNESS Come to Many Wingham People An anooufrmed report is to hand to the effect Ghat Oapt. Cook, the Arotte explorer, had reeohed the North Pole, When last heard from previously, Cook was within 560 miles of the North Pole with a big equipment of dogs, sleds, and supplies. He was the Duly white min of the party. TUN LADIES' FAVOIK1T]E, Latta -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite in idioine. They mare Constipation, Siok Headache, Biliiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening, Mr. T J Berry, the well known horse importer and dealer, of Hansell, has sold the well known stallion, Lord Lowther, to Mr.;D McMichael, of near Walkerton, for $2 000 This makes six horses Mr. Berry hoe sold to Mr, MoMiobael in eight years. Lord Lowther is eight years old and is a partioularly fine animal. t'heiii'Silk it lung-healing•prinoipal of she pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect sough medicine—Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of aatisfaotion. Price 25 ents. A case of throwing at a goose and hitting the gander occurred in Mount Forest last week. A youth threw a stone at a bird and put a big hole in one of 3, W. Tanner's large plate glass win- dows. The pane is worth in the neighborhood of $100 and it will Dost somebody pain to make the damage good. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al ways cure my coughs and colds." Boys with bats on the bank of their heads and smutty words in their months are cheaper than worn out horses. No- body wants them at any pride. Men will not employ them; girls will not marry them They are not worth their keep to anybody, and they will not keep themselves. Any boy who happens to read this description let him take a book eit himself and do what his conscience says is beat to do. ----•ter--- . Lame Back. This ailment is generally caused by rheumatiem of the muscles of the small of the back, and is quickly oared by ap- plying Chamberlain's Liniment two or three times a day and massaging the parts at each application. For Bale by all druggists. On Thursday morning, October 22nd, one of the early pioneers of Huron county, and the founder of the village of Hensel!, in the person of Mr, James Petty, a reference to whose illness will be found in these columns. Sinoe ever Hensall was a place, Mr. Petty has been associated with the business interests of the village, so that his death removes one of our oldest and most prominent citizens. The deceased was about 76 years of age. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25o box of Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablet. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if the . formula is not complete. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere wet instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Walley's drug .Store. Some wise guy once said : " Time is money," and this has been repeated time and time again. There are excep- tions, however. Sometimes time is money and sometimes time isn't. If you buy anything on time, time isn't money, and when a culprit is doing time there is not much money in it. We have been waiting a long time for some of our money and still we have more time than money, and so on — time is not money excepting you invest in a gold watch or marble clock, and sometimes not even then. There are days of dizziness, spells of drowsiness, headache, sidesob.e, back- ache. Sometimes rheumatio pain after nrin- ary trouble. You are plainly told that the Kidneys are sink. Booth's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney ills. Mrs. Runstedlor, of Leopold St., Wingham, Ont., says:—"I had suffered with an attack of Pleurisy which had greatly weakened me real left a bad effect across the small part of my bank, a severe pain had settled in the region of my kidneys and extended around my sides. I could scarcely stoop over or straighten myself up. Headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and my eyes were weak and painful. Booth's Kidney Pills were recommended and I tried them. They soon relieved me and the pains and tenderness left me and the headaches and dizziness were likewise quickly relieved. 1 believe Booth's Kid- ney Pills to be an exceptioral remedy and will not hesitate to recommend them," Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont„ Sole Canadian Agents. $100 Reward, 8100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and noncoms surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the fonndattons of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to mire. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., To- ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. One of the oldest residents of Tees - water passed away last Saturday even- ing, Ootober 17th, in tho person of Thomas Rome. He was a few days over 82 years of age and for some time had been very feeble. A native of Dumfriesshire, .Scotland, he came to this country 52 years ago, sailing on them carried r same vessel as oar ed M . Jas. Johnston (blacksmith) norms the At. lantio. For a number of years he lived at Ayr where he worked at his trade, being a oarpenter. Later he moved to the Township of Carrick, and for many years owned and worked a farm near Balaklava. He Dame to Teeswater between seven and eight years ago with his wife who died six years since. Repeat It;-.."Sbiloh'a Cure will al• ways ours my coughs and colds." Word was received is So sforth on Waduesday morning, Out. 21st, of the sodden death, in E,imouton, of Mr. Michael McGrath, jr , eon of M r. Michael McGrath, of Seaforth, and brotber of Mrs, Robert Devereux. No previous intimation had been reoetved of hie Musses, in fact his parents here received a letter from him two weeks ago, saying he wee in the best of health, and was looking forward with pleasure to visiting them shortly, when the announoeineut of his death came so suddenly, Stomach troubles would more gniokly disappear it the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect. would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hid den nerve, sage Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart, and one to the kidneys When these • inside nerves" fail, then the organs must fniter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is directed speoi- floally to these failing nerves. Within 48 hours atter starting the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a gain. Sold at Walley's drug store. Owen Sound Advertiser: The loss of the steamer J. H Jones nearly two years ago is recalled by a momeuto of the ill-fated boat which was pinked up HOMO days ago on the north shore of the Georgian Bay and may now be seen at the warehouse of the Domin- ion Transportation Co. It is a board bearing the name of J. H. Jones and is from the bow of the boat. The board is painted blank with the name in gilt lettere. It has been split by some means so that only the bottom part of the first J remains on the narrow end of the board, while almost the entire S remains at the wide end. It was brought down by the City of Mearord on Sunday and handed out to Mr. Armour, the wharfinger, by Engineer Silas Heverley. The Jones was wreck- ed near Tobermoray on the 22nd of November, 1906, when twenty-seven lives were lost. Why Colds are Dangerous. Because you have contracted ordinary colds and reo ,vered from them without treatment of any kind, do not for a moment imagine that colds are not dan- gerous. Everyone knows that pneu- monia and chronic catarrh have their origin in a common cold. Consumption is not caused by a oold but the cold pre- pares the system for the reception and development of the germs that would not otherwise have found lodgement. It is the same with all infections diseas- es. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are mach more likely to be contracted when the child has a cold. You will else from this that more real danger lurks in a cold than in any other of the common ailments. The easiest and quickest way to euro a cold is to take Chamberlain's Congo Remedy. The many remarkable cures affected by this preparation have made it a staple article of trade over a large part of the world. For sale by all druggists. What are Your Boys and Girls Reading? They aro bound to rend something. They will read trash unless you give them something better that is equally interesting. Try The Youth's Compan. ion. There is plenty of adventure in the stories, and the heroes and heroines are of the real kind, finding in the line of duty opportunity for oonrage and unselfishness. More than 250 suob stories will be published in the 52 issues of the new volume for 1909. There will be fully as many articles, eketohes and remiuieoenees to Impart useful informa- tion in the most agreeable way, familiar- izing The Companion readers with the best that is known and thought in the world. Fall illustrated Announcement of The Companion for 1909 will be sent to any address free with sample copies of the paper. The new subsoriber liv- ing in Canada who at once sends $2.00 for 1909 will receive free all the remain- ing issues o1 1908, besides the gift of The Companion's Calendar for 1909, entitled "In Grandmother's Garden," lithggrapbed in 13 colors. THE YOUTH'S C01IPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." HAD GIVEN UP ALL ROPE OF LIVING. Heart TroubleCured by MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. Andrew Savoy, Grattan's, N.B., writes: In the year of 1905 I was taken sick and did nob think I could live any length of time. My trouble was with my heart and people told me that nothing could be done for a case like mine. I consulted the very best doctors but they could do mo no good. For seven weeks I could hardly cross tho floor. I had no pain, but was so weak nobody in the world can believe how I fait. I had given up all hopes of living and had given my little girl to my sister-in- law. One day a friend came to see me, and call- ing mo by name, said, 'Lizzie, if I were you I would try a dose of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills as they are good for heart trouble.' My husband got mo a box, but for two days I was not feeling any better, but on the fourth day my husband said, 'I believe those pills are doing you good.' I was able to say Yos, I feel a good deal g bettor this mornin Ho said, wi11 got you another box right aw' ay.' nook two boxes and three doses out of the third one, and I was perfectly well and have not been sick since then. I will never be without them in my home for God knows if it bad not been for Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I Would not `e! have boon alive now." 3 boxes Price SOcenfor$Ltsperboa2,5,, The T. Milbnrtn Co., Llmlted, Toronto, Ont. • The only nourishment that bread affords is that which the flour contains.. tread ' baking is merely putting flour ill appetizing form. Flour snaking is merely putting wheat in shape for bread slaking. 01,7 rg ` cal ii =9 sehold ° o r is made from carefully selected Manitoba Hard spring wheat. Every pound is almost a pound of food; clean, and nutritious. It goes farther, does better baking and. is more satisfactory in every way than any other flour. Ask your grocer. 12 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, IVIontreal. i• •i� ,�'r a�ti1,��.�-r + r:�� . ����. , Vis. •ti ��a �' l..r•r....- -•w,••,: •.•,a, v se .ait..0.74•05.1" ii:ria: • ss .. iia ;i 4 DON'T GO TO BUSINESS FREE COLLEGE UNTIL YOU'VE READ THIS CATALo i` r. IuLees ForeSat Cityt sB sad S$orthand Leadoa Co11este,I, listen. BOOK It is immensely Important that • you should gat all the information about a college before you enroll es • etudont. Your success do. pends upon your choice, Our Free Catalogue tolls all about our Mothoda of Teaohing—why we turn out graduates who are always In demand. It explains the Commercial end Short. hand courses In detail. Showsthe velus oldie BuolneseEducetor eAasociaUon a Diplome. And this large. hnndsomoly llluetreted bootwili.be aunt to you FREE hp return of moll if you will Just send us your name and address. Students admitted any Nine: Spaniel Opening September and January The Forest City Business and Shorthand Colles LONDON, ONTARIO J. W. Westorveu, 1. W. westar,nit. Jr, C.A. Prindpat V1ce.Priccipa e. ab k..,S '• Y 1 'v:�ix, t, v `% ••••••••••••••••*A•••••••• • • •• •• ••• • • •• • • ♦ • T• • imes Printing Office •• •- O ♦ • • - • • • Good Printing• •• • • i • • • :