HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-29, Page 3f
n , .LITY"
For F all and Winter
wear, of superior style
and workmanship,prices
$10.00 to $21.00
Don't fail to see our
S10100 Black
Beaver Overcoat
It is excellent value.
McGee & Campbell
Rev. R. Barbour wan here attending
the funeral of bis aunt, Mrs, John
Miss Elizabeth Dnrnin was hone
from Wingham fora few days.
Mies M. Harris, of Toronto, and
Miss Robena Harris, of Atlantic) pity,
attended the funeral of their aunt,
Mrs. Barbour,
The rifle olnb intend holding a sht;ot-
ing match on Friday, the 30th lest.
Thelosing side furnish an oyster anpkee
at a future date.
Mr. Campbell, of Toronto, preaohed
in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday
)hors closes 7
CO. pp e i except
WILLIS forerhoand
eveningse -
fore holidays.
Cold Weather Shoes
and Slippers for Ladies
Similar to above, and many other kinds. In tact we have
almost every kind you could think of. We shall be glad to
have you call and look at the many nice things we have in
COLD WEATHER SHOES, and you are under no
obligation to buy whatever. Samples in North window.
R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce.
Miss Olive Clark, of Auburn, was
Tfsiting at Mr, Wm. Thompson's.
John Boyle and Oo melet Pollard
have been busy :daring the past week
putting in oement sidewalks for Rev.
Father Lanrendeau.
Mrs, John Thompson halt returned
home after a four weeks' visit with
irieuds in Toronto, Brooklyn, Whitby,
and other Eastern towns,
Most of the farmers in this vioieity
have their maugels and potatoes up,
Both are a good crop, but the turnip
crop is not so good, owing to the dry
Speoial devotional servicee have been
in progress in St, Auguetiue ohuroh,
Rev, Father Lanrendeau being assisted
by several other clergymen.
Aro Toa Pale, Anaemic?
Anaemia menus colorless blood
means langour, .blanched lips, faded
cheeks. Yon grow dyspeptic, nervous,
suffer functional irregularity. This
condition can't exist if there is plenty of
healthy blood. Ferrozone makes good
blood, rioh uutritious blood—that's why
it cures. In concentrated form Ferro -
zone contains pertain rare qualities that
render it unfailing in Anaemia, langour,
poor color and loss of weight. To build
up—feel young and vigorous, nothing is
bettor than Ferrozone, At all dealers
in 50o. boxes.
Tom MoDonald is home from Toron-
to where he graduated from the Busi-
ness College. We wish him snocese.
Alex. Nichol, of Sunny Brae farm, 6th
non., Morrie, brought The Post a whop-
per of a potato that weighed 3% lbs.
W. H. McCracken, the well known
gardener of Brussels, attended eight
Fall Fairs this season and captured no
less than 250 prizes. He drove over
200 miles and will clear over $100.00.
Miss Jane Mitohell, who lute been
housekeeper for Thos. Ballantyne for
some time, was called to the West ow-
ing to the serious illness of her father,
James Mitchell, formerly of the 12th
con. of Grey.
Alex. Stewart, 16th non., has leased
his farra to A. C. Dames for grass and
will hold an auction sale of stook in the
near future,
Alvin Barr and family, 9th non , ex-
peot to remove to Olds, Alberta, the
first week in November, sending on
their household effects earlier. Mr.
Barr's sale totalled about $1200.
W. L. McQaarrie and bride, of Prince
Albert, are enjoying a honeymoon
holiday with relatives and old friends in
this looality and receiving hearty oou-
gratulations, for a long, happy and
prosperous lite.
The trustees of S S. No. 5 have re-
engaged Miss Olive McGillivray for the
first 6 months of 1909, at an inorease of
salary. Her certificate expires, hence
the short term. She has done good
work in the sobool.
Mre. W. Wark was at Toronto to
visit her son, Robert, who has been
seriously ill. We are pleased to state
he is improving nicely and will 80011 be
able to get home for a recuperative
Beware or Cocaine Medicines.
Thousands of Drug Fiends have been
started on their downward course
through Catarrh stuffs containing thie
habit forming drag. If you suffer from
a cold, sneezing or Catarrh—don't use
a snuff -use a eeasible treatment like
Catarrhozone. It heals and soothes,
brings relief at once, puree thoroughly.
In Bronchitic and throat trouble no dote
tor can do bettor than prescribe Catarrh -
ozone. Try it—see what wonders it
works—what power it possesses. Dif-
ferent from the old way,—yon inhale
Catarrhozone. Sold in 25o. and $1.00
sizes by all dealers.
The trustees of Anderson's school,
3rd line, have re-engaged Miss Carrie
MoOracken as teacher for the coming
year at an increased salary. We wish
her continued success.
•••o•N••••••40.•11•••••••••, vt444•••••••••*••s•••••••••
tWe are Bole agents for the oelebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the beet grades of Smithing, Cannel and
Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
4. (Dressed or Undressed)
:! Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "gm
A root 'curiosity was found in the
marigold crop on the farm of J. P. Mo-
Intosh, lot 21, oon. 12, in the shape of a
mangold which had a knot tied in it.
It is supposed to have been 000aeioned
by the top being bent down in some way
and in regaining its upright position
caused the knot.
As Unexpected as Burglars.
That's the way cramps oome—strike
without warning. Nothing so sure to
instantly relieve as Nsrviliue,—jaet a
few drops in sweetened water is all
that's required to stop the pain. Poi-
son's Nervilino is a true comfort to
every family, for stomach and bowel
derangements it is an absolute specific.
Guaranteed to have at least five times
the strength of any other pain relieving
medicine,—perfectly safe, pleasant, and
nsetul for external pains too. For a
reliable household medicine -case Ner-
viline supplies all that's necessary.
Large 26c. bottles sold everywhere.
- +--
James Shnrrie's auction sale attracted
a large crowd. Prices ruled high as the
following will show:—A 5% months
heavy draft filly sold for $110.00, the
purchaser being Peter Mason of East
Wawanoeh; another colt the same age
brought $80,00; one brood mare realized
$200 and her mate $170: 2 year old
heifers $37.50; cows $46.50; yearling
steers $25 00 and calves $12 00. The
sale totalled $1500. Mr. Sherrie has
sold the farm to a Mr. Kerr, of Water-
loo Co„ who will get possession next
J. A. McLean.
• Res idenoe Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44.
u*•s'•••••Wi•: *•'•m:••••••••• ie•••••••st*".••4•*i**•e••Aa••
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men, women and
When appetite fails, it restores
it. When food is a burden, it
lifts the burden.
When you lose flesh, it brings
the plumpness of health.
When work is hard and duty
is heavy, it makes life bright. ,
It is the thin edge of the wedge;
the thick end is food. But
what is the use of food when
you hate it and can't digest it.?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the food that makes you
forget your stomach.
$end this advertisement, together with name
of paper in which It appears, your address and
four cents to cover postage, and we will send
you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World."
126 Wellington Street W., TORONTO, ONT.
Health of Ontario.
Dr. Hodgetts, Sscretary of the Pro-
vin'rial Board of Health, stated Tuesday
that it was evident that there were a few
oates of smallpox annealed about the
Province. Some of the known cases
could not be traced to the souroe of
intention, he said. The returns regard-
ing contagions diseases to the Provincial
Board for September show fewer oases
than during the oorresponding month
last year, there having been only ten, as
compared with twenty-seven a year
ago, Oa the other hand, the returns
ehow typhoid fever to have been muoh
more prevalent. In September, 1908,
there were 424 oases and 262 last year.
Taberoulosis caused 1.43 deaths in Sept-
ember month this year. With all con-
tagions diseases there was an increase
of 160 casae and 30 deaths. The deaths
from all causes numbered 2,272, niak'ng
a death rate of 13 5 in 1,000.
Mrs. John Barbour, whose death was
briefly noted in our last issue, was born
September 2nd, 1840, of Highlaud origin
at Campbelltown ` Argyleshire, Scot-
land, and, was the oldest child in a fam-
ily of fourteen otildreri, of whom six
still survive: James, William, Archi-
bald, Charles and Margaret, all' of Wa-
wanosh, and Donald, a gifted journalist
in London, England. In 1835 she immi-
grated with her father, Donald Martin,
and family, during the stirring scenes of
the rebellion. The family spent part of
the time in Toronto, and then settled in
the township of Darlington, is Durham
County. In 1857 deceased carne to Hur-
on county, where her parents with the
rest of the family engaged in the ar-
duous toil of pioneer life. In May, 1860,
she was married and forty-eight years
she shared with her husband in the
material and moral advance of Western
Ontario. There were no children by
this union, yet no fewer than eight boys
and girls were guided to a useful and
strong manhood and womanhood under
the wise and jndioioue parental pare of
the deceased. Mrs. Barbour in her
faith was a strict Presbyterian, a zealous
and consistent member of Calvin
church, St. Helens, of which congrega-
tion she was a charter member. In pol-
ities she was an ardent admirer of Mr.
Gladstone and firmly held to Liberal
principles through her long life. She
had a striking and unique personality,
fearless and abrupt in her censure of
wrong, possessing great courage and
initiative iu the choice of her own path-
way, while her whole life movement
was balanoed by firm religions princi-
ples and ever tended even through fal-
tering moments towards the goal of
true womanhood for the race. A very
large concourse of pioneers, friends and
relatives assembled at the home to pay
the last tribute of love, respect and
honor to her oheriehed memory. The
remains were interred with quiet core -
money in Green Hill cemetery, Lack -
now. Rev. 0. M. Ratherford, of Dun-
gannon, and Rev. G. P. Duncan, of
Whitechnroh, offioiated. Tho bereaved
husband has the sympathy of the whole
Life Will Be Shortened.
Those who fail to observe the funda-
mental rules of health, especially those
who neglect oonetipation,—will have
short lives. Costiveness ruins health,
destroys vitality, weakens the blood,
causes dyepepsia,nervoesnese and insom-
nia. Why not use Dr. Hamilton's Pills
and bo cured. Take one or two pills be-
fore retiring and you're well next morn-
ing. No gripe or pain, no headache and
nausea when yon use Dr. Hamilton's
Pills,—they care eoientifioally. Posl-
tively the best laxative known, 25o. at
all dealers.
The grain Drop of Western Canada
is valued at $125,000,000.
James Barber, farmer, of Blenheim,
committed snioide by taking poison.
The evaporator building of the Whit-
by Fruit & Vinegar Co, was damaged
by fire.
The Grand Trunk Railway terminals
at Montreal will be improved at an out-
lay of millions of dollars.
About a hundred Italian laborers em-
ployed en the waterworks construction
at Guelph have gone on strike.
Richard Tobin was sent to jail at
'`Hamilton for refusing to tell where he
secured liquor. Tobin is on the pro-
hibited list.
'rhe 0. P. R. will start despatching
trains by telephone as soon as the
double tracking between Fort;. William
sand Winnipeg is taken over.
w --
LIVE) Stock Markets.
Toronto, Oot. 27th.—Ofty Cattle Mar-
ket trade only moderately active to-
day, and prices practically unchanged.
The run was not heavy, bat the demand
was not keen for a good deal of the
light inferior stuff offering. The de-
mand for good feeders is still active for
distillery feeding. Gsod stockers also
in demand.
Export market steady around $4 75
to $5 00 for ohoice quality.
Ohoioe 'bntoher cattle steady around
,1 25 to $4 40.
The total ran to day was 68 loads
with 1,072 cattle, 2,000 sheep and lambs,
300 hoge and 78 oalvee.
Mre. S. Playford died at her late re-
sidence in Wroxeter, on Saturday,
Oot. 10th, at the advanced age of 81
years and 3 months. Seven weeks
previous to her death, she was taken
i11 with pneumonia, but was regaining
her strength when she was very sudden-
ly called home, apoplexy being the
pause of death, Deoeaeed was born on
July 11, 1827, in Norfolk County, Eng-
land, and emigrated to Canada with
her parents when she was eight years
old and settled in Oobonrg where she was
married to the late Samuel Playford
about sixty-two yeare ago. They lived
in Cobonrg for a few years, and then
moved to Orosshill, Wellesley township.
In 1863 they moved to Wroxeter, where
they spent the remainder of their days.
This union was blessed by a family of
thirteen children, ten of whom survive
their parents.
Eight oraoksmen robbed the Provin-
cial Bank at St. Raphael, Quebec), of
$1,500, and wounded the oashier.
Fred. Kimble was charged with
bigamy at Hamilton, and two women
swore they went through the marriage
ceremony with the aoonsed.
Harry Martin, a sheep rancher, near
Maple Creek, Seek., was frozen to death
in the repent blizzard, and Howard Mo•
Oonnel of Boyne Lake is missing, and is
supposed to have met a similar fate.
One rancher lost 2,500 sheep in the
Chas. H. Hays, President of the
Grand Trunk Paoifio, has returned
from a Western tour, and states that
he is more oonvinoed than ever of the
wisdom of gding into the enterprise,
and of the future of the country. It
id expected that at Prince Rupert town
lots will be offered for sale in a year
from date.
The following are the
Exporters' cattle—
best 1000 pounds and up -4 25
2 75
1 50
Per 100 lbs.
$4 75 $5 00
... 4 40 4 50
3 75 5 25
3 00 3 25
3 40 3 75
Stockers choice
" bulls
Sheep— 26
Export ewes 3 25
Bucks.... 22 50
Spring Lambe each.. 4 00
3 00
Calves, eaoh ...-.
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti•
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in.
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists
Send postal for booklet.
Agents,MMus oLimted,Mnt
Canada. 307
4 50
3 00
2 00
4 40 4 50
335 360
2 00 2 75
2 60 3 75
600 6 15
5 75 5 90
3 50
2 75
3 25
4 60
6 00
will be a
in the
111111111.N' Department
® We're aiming straight for BIG BUSINESS on Saturday, and
along with special offerings in every Department throughout the
store, we will have a BIG D.tY in Ready -to -Wear Clothing. tl
COATS of the BEST MAKES, All new right -up to -the minute patterns
and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a big
saving to every customer. Come Saturday morning and get first choice,
18 Men's Suits.
Choice patterns, medium and dark worsteds and tweeds, well
tailored, good trimmings, every suit good enough for
best wear. Good value at $12.50. Saturday prices only 40.50
Men's Suits.
In good wearing tweeds, dark small patterns, strong linings, 00
well tailored, A Saturday bargain
Special value in Boys New Winter Overcoats, made of plain
and fancy cloth, strong linings, every coat a bargain,
prices are $3.7b, 44.00, 45.00, $6.00, $6.50, 48.00
Men's Overcoats.
All the New Fall and Winter Overcoats are in, we have a
LARGE stock to show you. See oar special 0021
at, $8,00, $10.00 and 412.00
Men's Pants
10 dozen Men' Pants to sell at cut prices, new patterns in good
strong tweeds and worsteds, prices begin at. $1.00
Men's Underwear.
All the best makes are in stuck including; PENMAN'S, WATSON'S
and TIGER BRAND. See our Saturday bargain at per
garment 50e and 'i5c
Boys' Underwear.
Lots of Boy's Fleece Lined and Ribbed Wool Shirts and DOC
Drawers in all sizes. A clearing line at
VVVI STY) 9:17V l/TVIV 1Mi1."r..1 7.1'f Tifv. L'0':PiC't 175/5F4V iY9v'xli.
\)lin ;ham .
Wingham, Oat. 28 th, 1908.
Floes per 100 lbs.... 2 65 to 3 25
Pall Wheat 0 b8 to 0 88
Oats, 0 35 to 0 86
Barley .... ..... ..... 0 50 to 0 52
Peas .... 0 80 to 0 80
Butter dairy .... 0 21 to 0 23
Butter creamery 0 27 to 0 27
Egge per doe 0 19 to 0 19
Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00
Hay , per ton 7 00 to 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel, 0 25 to 0 30
Lard ... 0 15 to 0 15
Live Hogs, per owt 6 10 to 6 10
Hunters' Excursions.
Via Grand Trunk Railway System.
Return tiokete at single fare, Oct. 6th to
Nov. 3rd, to pointe in Temagami, points
Mattawa to Port Arthur. To Georgian
Bay and Maokinaw Division; Port
Arthur via N. N. Co.. and to certain
points in Quebec). New Brunswick,
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Oot,
22nd to Nov. 3rd, to Muskoka Lakes,
Lake of Bays, Magnetawan River,
Penetang, Midland and Lakefield,
Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Argyle to
Oob000nk, Lindsay to Haliburton, Sher-
bet Lake via K. & P. Ry., and paints
from Severn to North Bay inclusive.
Return limit on all tiokets Saturday,
Deo. 5th, 1908, or until close of naviga-
tion, if earlier, to pointe reached by
ateamore. Fall information from any
Grand Trunk ticket agent.
After robbing the store of Tanneholz
and Lexington, in New York, of about
$1,000 worth of jewelry, shooting and
wounding Maurine Tanneholz, the dar-
ing robbers got clear away and so far
have not been captured.
For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour-
age,. strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
-pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general 111e= th in every way.
notes wheolnti
.• vinss))iao
Lowen. Woe e.
urore of
EiAIR vl0OR.
We have no nearest We publish
the formulae of all Ise medicines.
We are showing for this season the a
largest range of FUR COATS ever
shown in Wingham, at prices that will
be a pleasant surprise to any wishing
to purchase anything in that line.
Do not miss a money -Saving op-
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Fowl, Dried Apples,
Potatoes, Beans, Butter and Eggs.
We want your Produce
Wingham, Ont.