HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-29, Page 2TRE WINGHAM. TIMES,, OCTOBER 22, MS 1010#0,00,•••••••••••••••014110s#ss• se••••Hass•#••••••+11a. LADIES, PLEASE COME TO D. M. GORDON'S FOR YOUR I ni�j IRESULTS IU BRIEF JORITY1dE I51•YE . Mantaba. Dauphin, Campbell ,••,•,•••�„' Macdonald tataxples ,,,.•**,��• pi is Again. Handsamety En- dorse Sir Wilfrid, I Marquette, Roche e 300 150 Selkirk, Bradbury Portage la Prairie, Meighea ..., 160 Many Strangers Will Take Seats U PLURALITY IS FIFTY Government Witt Have Majority in Every Prgvince Except Ontario— Standerbund. Meets its Death Blew With Seven Among the Has,Beens---Mackenzie King Victorious. In N. Waterloo. Toronto, Oct. 27,—The following are the returns of yesterday's elections, Wording to provinces: s Libs. Cons.7 Ontario ., ... 39 Quebec . .,.... ,.. 51 12 nn Nova. Sea 11 7 New Brunswick 11 2 P. E. Island 3 Manitoba ..,,•• 4 1 Saskatchewan 4 1 Alberta •.•• British Columbia ... 1 3 Souris, Schaffner 471 j to the House. Winnipeg, Haggai ...... •..,, 4800 Saskatchewan, Battleford, 1orrfsou ,,. �.. 140 STALWARTS BITE THE DUST 11 L1+ Qu'Appe e. a -e ,.....« ,.,,,. Miller .., •+•• Prince Albert, McKay (election later). New Faces Will Be Seen instead of Alberta, Calgary, McCarthy ... •..••.- 26066 Retired Legislators and Defeated Medicine Hat, Magrath ..,,,••• Members -- Misfortune 'Overtakes British Columbia, I Lefurgey and. His Partners— Salt Coats, 45 Vancouver, Cowan •• Vetoria, • Barnard New Westmnster, Taylor Prince Edward Island. King's, Fraser LIBERALS ELECTED Ontario. Algoma East, Dyment .........129 titled with others. Of the Cense Brant, Patterson , 800. tive leaders many are gone and some Brantford, Harris .... ... 194 of the Liberals, too, .are missing. The Brockville, Graham ...., • 250 , result summarized is: North Bruce, Tolmie 325 Conservative ex -Members Defeated. I North Essex, Sutherland .....• South Essex, Clarke 10.9. 5 Gains Resolved. Themselves . 500 Into a Matter of Exchange. Toronto, Oct. 27.—The new House of Commons will show many ohanges. old members gone and strangers elect- ed to seats that haye long been iden- 900 South Huron, M. Y. McLean .•- South Grey. Miller 100 East Kent,Gordon 400 400 132 B2 West Kent, McCoig ....., • • 300 Kingston. Harty West Lambton, Pardee 'West Middlesex. h ddex,Sh.• 150 West Northumberland. McCollS60 South Ontario, Fowke • • 360 Ottawa, McGiverin ...... . " Sir W. Laurier •• • 19 • 5519 North Oxford, Nesbitt • •.. 98 36 South Oxford. Schell8 North Perth, Dr. Rankin •.•.•96 50 South Perth, McIntyre 350 West Peterboro, Stratton • 300 Prescott, Proulx 127 Prince Edward. Currie • - 600 South Renfrew, Thos. Low 875 Russell, Hon. C. Murphy East Simcoe, Chew.....•• 136 Stormont, Major Smih •-•• Thunder Bay, Jas. Conmee .... • North Waterloo, King • - Welland, German... North Wellington, Martin ..... South Welling .•_. Wentworth, Sealle. sworth .. ..... North York. Aylesworth Quebec. • Beauharnois, rapine=.... .• 26 Beaute, Beland -- . Talbot 2,000 000 Ber tiler, eLecrement 385 Berthie=, 320 Broin, Fisher 320 Begot, Marcel - • .. 800 Chateaugay, Brown ...--...... 300 Compton, Hunt 300 Dorchester, Roy m notgiv150 Arthabaska, Lavergne, ej• n. Hochelaga, Rivet 70 200 Huntingdon, Robb ..-.. ---, • • 200 Joliette, Dubeau .. »--• 600 Kamouraska, Lapointe Laprairie & Napierville, Lanclot 394 L'Assomption, Seguia. maj. notgive /nom. Laval, Wilson 400 Labelle, Major 635 Levis, Carrier' 635 Lotbiniere, Fortier ...... 2.800 Maissoneuve, Verviile 300 500 37 800 175 400 Majority.•50 Elections to be held -7. In Quebec the elections resulted in a condition of as you were. The Lib- erals and Conservatives each gained five seats. The net result of the poll- ing really was the changing of a few seats from one column to the other, and the defeat of Mr. Bergeron, one of Mr, Borden's lieutenants from that province. The most remarkable reversal of the verdict of 1904 took place in Nova Bootie, That province returned "the Solid eighteen” an unbroken delega- tion we this year thefiguresindicate in 4�the election of eleven Liberals and seven Conser- vatives, The other Maritime Pro- vinces make up for this loss by a greatly increased representation of Lib'rals• Prince Edward Island. which returned three Conservatives and a. Liberal in 1904. this time sends three Liberals and a Conservative. New Brunswick gives an answer to the campaign of slander waged against Mr. Pugsley and his suppor- ters by returning eleven Liberalsand only two Conservatives. From the Maritime Provinces as a whole, therefore, there are 25 Lib- erals and 10 Conservatives. The Ontario Turn -Over. The totals fpr Ontario are 39 Liber- als and 47 Conservatives, precisely the same figures as when the House of Commons was dissolved. The gener- a( result is the same. but there has been such a shaking up of seats as leer expected. Here are the Liberal and Conservative gains in this Pro- vince: Liberal gains—Brantford. Cornwall and Stormont, West Kent, South On- tario, North Perth. Prince Edward East Simcoe, North Waterloo, Went- worth. Total -9. Conservative gains—South Bruce, North Grey, West eramilton, Winne sing, North Ontario. Parry Sound, Bast Peterborough. North Simooe, Centre York. Total -9. These are the results so far eecured from the various ooastituences. The assured Liberal victories will be much greater: CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. Ontario. Algoma West, Boyce ........... 200 South Bruce, Donnelly ... 200 Carleton, Borden ••--- 800 Dufferin, Dr. Barr Dundas, Broder 500 Durham, Thornton 186 Bast Fegin, Marshall 500 'Vest Elgin, Crothers Frontenac, Dr. Edwards - • • • ... 115 Glengarry, McGregor Grenville, Reid .... .......... Bast Grey, Dr. Sproule 100 North Grey, Middleboro Haldimand, Lalor ...... 221Halton, Henderson East Hamilton, Barker West Hamilton, Mayor Stewart Bast Hastings, Northrop 200 West Hastings, E. Guss Porter East Huron, Dr. Chisholm 9[ West Huron, Lewis East Lambton, Armstrong 500 Ii orth Lanark. Thoburn ...••8009 South Lanark. Haggart Leeds, Taylor Lennox and Addington. Wilson 115 Lincoln, Lancaster 1,000840 London, Major Beattie000 East Middlesex, Elson 267 Muskoka, Wright 0 2(ipissing, Gordon Norfolk, McCall 200 Bast Northumberland, Owen -15 North Ontario, Sharpe 1 arry td Arthu 139 Peel, Blain 150 East Peterboro, Sexsneith 396 North Renfrew, White .. 550 North Sinicoe, Currie 56 South Simcoe. Lennox ..- 700 Centre Toronto, Bristol' ... East Toronto. Jos. Russell . North Toronto. G. E. Foster. South Toronto. MacdonelI West Toronto, Osler Victoria and Ho ibuiion. Hughes Routh Waterloo, Clare . 111 ()entre York. Wallace South York, Maclean. ...... �_.i' a.m. Quebec. Argenteuil. Paley - ....... 200 3`segttes Cartier. Monk 4 700 100 L'Islet, Paquet •.�.S 150 Btierbrooki:b4n e, Wor¢4. on .see 100 Montreal. St. � 10 ntreal. St. Antes. Doherty , t rlevoix. k"orgeb ..e.w,•:•,•,�rie ` 200 fiuebec West, Peace ..le•,r"e4 74 1. t tilat . Lertie r...►. •...It4t. 0 ;, 1 TertcbSsea. It�a +ae +•*+"4, 40 ... titiateplafa' H iso Came Itreton Nottii end Victoria. �acrounk ,.... •t.• .04. 'l sten. sttair d�...e. 64 ,Cumberland, Bbodes ,rewee w melt , :1112teleat ..a..4.w'4. +1.441131 (1). Norden • ....... 400 s� Crosby .•..r..'...,�.", 248 Joliri V��•,y�tJ r Xenia .,+...0 ark,. Orockett 4#112.4....4.. i 0 11. • . 1k eb a 356r 700 550 2001 350 Masldnonge, Mayrand Megantic, Savoie llissisquoi, Meigs Montcalm, Dugas Montmagny. Roy Montmorency. Parent Montreal. St. James, Gervais . • 1.593 Montreal. St. Lawrence, Bicker dike 800 Montreal. St. Mary's, Martin 900 Nicolet, Turcotte 100700 Pontiac, Hodgins ...........» 100 Port Neuf, Delisle 500 Quebec Centre, Lachance Quebec East, Laurier -- 2, 000 Quejiec County, Turootte +_.. 150 . 1,100 Richelieu, Lanclot Richmond and Wolfe, Tobin ... 1,000 Rimouski, Ross . • •+- • -... 450 Rouville, Brodeur (aecla St. Hyacinthe, Beauparlaut .... 520 Shefford, Allan _e. 270 Stanstead, Lovell, maj. not given Temiscouta, Gauvreau -.-. 5700 Three Rivers, Bureau .,...»». Two Mountains, Ethier .. a•.....: 85 Audreuale, Boyer Wright, Devlin, maj. not given. Yamaska, Gladu so St. Johns-IbervlIle, Demers (aocl.) Nova Scotia. Annapolis, Pickup Antigonish, Chisholm Guysboro, Sinclair Hants, Black Inverness, Dr. Chisholm King's, Sir F. Borden . • Lunenburg, McLean Pictou, Macdonald Richmond, Kyte . •- Shelburne -Queen's, Fielding Yarmouth. Law .. New Brunswick. Carleton. Carvil Charlotte, Todd Gloucester, Turgeoa-._........ Kent, Leblanc King's -Albert. McAllister •-,, Northumberland, Loggie ... Restigouche, Reid St. John City and Oount, Hon Pugsley • • •- Victoria, Michaud Sunbury-Queen's—McLean -... Westmoreland, Emerson . r. 1,000 Manitoba. Brandon. Hon. C. Sifton. Lisgar, Greenway -. • Provencher. Milloy =-•••-•• Saskatchewan. Assinfboia, Saciff Humbolt, Dr. Neely ...c• 1/tickenzie, Dr, Cash .. Moose law, Knowles ..... ... K Regina, Martin Saskatchewan. McCraney • •• • ..., Alberta. Edmonton, Ron. F. Oliver McDonald Red Deer, Dr. Clark .•t..,...,.. Strathcona, McIntyre .....s •••-• Victoria, White .. .. •...r•....-, Wince Edward Island. A. E. Kemp. R. A. Pringle. Peter Christie. G. 0. Alcorn. W. H. Bennett. W. F. Cockshutt. M. Avery. A. F. Maclaren. Liberal ex -Members Defeated. Adam Zimmerman. Dr. P. D. 'McLean. G. D. Grant. W. P. Telford. R. J. Watson. P. H. McKenzie. C. A. McCool. Conservative Gains.. Bruoe South—Donnelly. Battlef ord—Morrison. Cumberland, N.S.-Rhodes. Champlain Blondin. Cape Breton South—Madden. Cape Breton North—McCormack. Digby, N.S.—Jameson C-O-A- - 1 And [your FALL AND WINTER FURS. a We will give you newest styles, latest shades, best materials and closest prices. • • • • • •• • Wraps•, Shawls, Underwear, a c:• si and • In Wraps of iverkind, and solid comfort, wls to suit we have an assortment Underwear will• that r • a0 As USITAL, HIGHEST PRIORS VOR 000D MARKETABLE TRADE. a oGORDONI, ID. e e••a••••# #o##a•##s#s••ae•# a�seer�#wt�•s►••••#•o•#wee 341 vvvWVvvavWWavv�°vWVVvyv p.,"AnA 4otAnnANMM.r.^AA N4MnR i DRESS GOODS The way our Dress Goods are going out is to as. the most satisfactory evidence that they are correct in every particular, and our prices the lowest, quality considered. • that wi give pleasure CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE EVERY BUYER.. 1 1 kOOK! LOOK !LOOK!' We have for sale, CHEAP Size 4, 4, 4?;, c ~AGAIN"CAN TMi�, Dauphin --Campbell. • -e . Grey North—Middlebro. Halifax (1)—R. L. Borden.; Halifax (2)—A. B. Crosby.:it Hamilton West -Stewart. 1..,s.' King, P.E.I•—Fraser. Lanark North—Thoburn. +' Montreal. St. Anne'.s--Doherty. Nipissing—Gordon. ,. ' hs;'," New Westminster—Taylor. , ` ?cj , Ontario North—Sharpe. Peterboro East—Sexsmith. gee Portage la Prairie—Merghen. N. Parry Sound—Arthurs. Quebec West—Price.+.�, Simcoe North—Currie.•x Selkirk—Bradbury. 'web Y. S^• Soulanges—Lortie. 250 248 450 371 350 223 150 214 156 160 113 63 '148 Te rrebonne—Nantel. Victoria—Bernard. Winnipeg Haggart. York Centre —Wallace. Liberal Gains. l3rantierd-Martis. Bea.nharnois—Papinean. Doroheeter—Roy. Huntingdon—Robb. Kent bleat—Mcooig. Leval, Que.—Wilson. OntarioSouth—Fowke. Prince Bd�vard—Currie. Perth North—Rankin. Pontiac—Hodgins. Prin•re, P.E.T. Richards. Stormont—Smith Prowse. Simcoe East—Chew. Waterloo Borth—King. New Faces In the House. T. W. Crothcrs. C. J. Thornton. Lloyd Harris. J. J. Donnelly. Dr. Edwards. W. S. Middleboro. Mayor Stewart. Alex. Smith. George Gordon. Alex. McCall. Sam Sharpe. I� . L. Fowke. Hal McGiverin. E. W. Nesbitt. James Arthurs Dr. J. P. Rankin. J. A. Sexsmith. Hon. J. R. Stratton. Dr. M. Currie. M. Chew. Major Ourrie. MinorRusssell. Joseph W. L. Mackenzie King. W. 0. Seeley. Captain T. G. Wallace. A. B. Mcdoiig.binrphy Hon. Charles A B. Crosby. Prins, ieberd& •i."FYi •4K /�Yi•[ ce'a. �'rr �weC i...... tr ...{ British Cotimta, Nanaimo. Smith .•.....,r.••r+• ISO Deferred. Itootenay --it.. L. Goode" .8mftli Curtis, deferred. Combx Atlin-�Dr. Quin 1. Stone, deferred. Tale-Cariboo••-Mastist 'Bur1e1. ' ' eau Roes, deferred. W - m WE CUT NAILS 41, 5, 5i and 6. Any quantity of any of the above sizes for 4 cents per pound. CEMENT A carload of Hanover Cement just in ata very low price. KERR &BIRD. The Bargain Store, Winghan, Ont. PPOPULAR We have secured the agency for l.+ a number of the most popular Magazines in the world, They MAGAZINES. will be here every month sharp on time. November numbers are here. Get your 3 C t town for the celebrated Pandora Range and STOVES- We are sole agents in the Happy Thought. Call in and see our stoves. We sell the kind that will give yon good satisfaction. id. cG. Stewartrt & 6o WWVW vyvvvvvvvvv ovweA V W W V W e- • CENTRAL HARDWARE - WINGHAM vvedweivolveivvvvv Queue, Oct. 2.7 --Sir Wilfrid Lame ler received returns at the Chateau Protiteriac, surrounded by many en - thea! 5tfo friends. He made no se- era. of hie pleasure, but had no state- ment for the country last night. Pee4est in peterbee'o. Oct.Peterboro. V. --The a Cone ery a- tiles hers twiitvtll proceed at once to try and unseat J. R. Stratton (Lib.), who defeated A. 14. Burnham yesterday by 850 majority. Mr. Burnham's fol- lowers claim they have an abundance of evidence of wholesale bribery and Corruption to annul tho election. The city only gave Mr. Burnham five ma- jotity, while be was expected, accord. ingShe difference tailSesec= sec= to 400. ig good Store FALL PAPERING Our new stock of Wall Paper is now ready for your inspection. We intend to make this department a leading feature of our store. Those wishing to beautify their homes cannot fail to find in this stock something to please them. Wall Paper within reach of all. To brighten and cheer the humblest cottage and also suitable for the palaces of the ricb. Wall Papers that are exclusive and cannot be purchased in any other store within many miles of this town. W e hope by square dealing to merit the patronage of all. STANDARD PATTERNS supplyearly. Leave your order' for future numbers. If wish to subscribe for any magazine not in this t we can get you what you want. POPULAR MAGAZINES Ainslee's Everybody's Pearson's Scribner's Ladies' Home Journal American Metropolitan Popular Mechanics Woman's Home Companion Embroidery Patterns II For Making Christmas Gifts This store has again secured the local agency for the patterns of Give Standard Fashion Co. call when you need a pa tern of any kiare nin every particular. d. LIMOGES CHINA The Embroidery Patterns for November have been designed more particularly to meet the wants of the woman who likes to make her Christmas gifts with her own hands. " Made" gifts are more appreciated than "bought" gists. Get ks," through our November lCountteoroBook.r come We can get look g for you any pattern that you wish. NOVEMBER PATTERNS ARE IN STOCK November Style Books free—call 11 and get one. e.5c each. Quarterly Style Books, 96 pages priceY Here's a Bargain in Men's Congress Shoes Suitable for foundry men, factory men, farmers, labourers. Plain Congress Shoe, 6,1 all sizes. Price per pair, only..... •Zs. FELT SLIPPERS—Felt soles, warm, comfortable slip pers, all sizes for men, women, misses and children. • FELT SHOES—Lace and Congress, solid leather sole=_ good felt uppers ; for men and women. $1.00 to $1.25 We are having a good ran on our exclusive pattern of Limoges China. We have a new stock just to hand. Collectors of this china are invited to call and inspect the stock. Oar stook of School. Supplies, and blank books of all kinds is now eomplele and prices are right. SQUARE DEALING IS THE MOTTO OF THIS STOVE. Elliott and Walley PnOrtieBTofts os RIG Boos sTons' (4reixory Bloat, Near Bank of Ooinmeccoe, • ggilggt %0 00 M .,. HURON. . . Stoves and Ranges v5'i"i5"i`5'g vSvS VS:�'S We will be pleased to have you call and let us explain the many good points in these Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges. It will be to your advantage to know how we can sell such superior goods at the prices quoted below. Art Huron Base Burners Square, 15 -in Fire -pot $24.95 With Oven, 15.inFire-pot $28.25 Ped Hot Huron Furnaces PRICE WITHOUT CASING WITH CASING No. 438 No. 442 No. 446 No. 452 $25.00 $30.00 $33.00 $40.00 $29.85 $35.50 $40,50 $48.75 Oakdale Huron No. 10 No. 12 No. 14 No. 17 $ 9.60 $10.00 $12.75 $14.50 Royal Huron -- For Wo No. 9/21, Square 911,25 No. 9/21, with Reservoir 921.00 No. No. 9/23Suare 19 25, Squaree 20.60 ( No. 9/ No. 928, with Reservoir 28,00 125, with Reservoir 26.00 od Pall line of home manufactured goods in stock. Wood Stoves Base Burners, Furnaces, Box Stoves, ete., proportionately low, ALEX. YOUNG & CO, aSSSSSSSS' SSSS ESSS�S2,SSS2(SSS's S&SSS2/SvS M 2,S S