HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-22, Page 7'criCG11AM', onEIOI. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1908. Wlrigharrl Gree pulses arzoIM. Cut Flower a Floral Designs Funeral and Wedding Orders re- ceive prompt attention. PHONE 101., GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer; $hoes and Rubbora Guy Bros, Next Monday. The old time fa Crites, Guy Brothers high.olass minstrs s, will appear in the Winghew opera house next Monday evening. The co •• pany has an entirely new program f r this soason. Prices are 35o and 60o ith plan of .hall at Mo. Krbbon'e drug a ore, See the new wall paper at the Bre Boole Seoet a. Accident While playing lo School grounds on Carrie Wilson, a V. S., had the break his arm. been very untor second time he ha the past few mon t School. tbaii at the Public Tneeday afternoon, of John Wilson, fortune to fall and his young man has nate, for this is the had a broken arni in 6. "Dainty Mode" is the name of the best rubbers for ladies and gents. W. J. Greer. The South! The Baptist ohnr the doors on Tnead the program given Sexette. The erste the beet we hay Wingham and e company was audience. The tette; were very a ret urn visit to would again hav nd Sexette. le was crowded to y evening to hear y the Old Southland tainment evt a one of ever attended in ry member of the a favorite with the s• oo, duets and quar- noh appreciated. On Ingham this company a crowded hone, t Moulders' gaiters from 10 to $2 50 per pair. See our s Mal moulders' gaiter. Wades & Co , agents for .Vice toria shoes for lad and Albert shove for men. Autumi A quiet weddin the home of Mra. John street, on k when her second Beatrice, was unit Norman Lorn Pry1 performed by Rev immediate relati young couple a honeymoon in To and will reside i home to their fie 25th. May the fu nese in store for people. j Weddin' was sole nized at Catharine ilohriet, onday evening last, aughter, Mias Annie rd in marriage to Mr. The ceremony was ! D. Perri°, only the sa being present. The s spending a short onto and other pima, Wingham, being at ads after November ure have much tempi. these popular young Buy "Dainty Mode" rubbers. They wear longer and coat no more. W. J. GREEK, Auxiliary's The Ladies' Hospital opened; with a balance During the year? $250.22, making of $893.91, The to $296.42. By Society supplied rubber pads for table and bed 1i installed A ma vided flowers fo and Easter tide the year 1908, h $97.40. uccessful Work. xiliary of Wingham s. year on Oct, 9, 1907, on Rand of $143.69, he receipts have been `total in the treasury expenditure amounted this expenditure the linoleune for the halls, stairs, replenished the n and dishes supplies, to wardrobe and pro - the wards at Christmas At the beginning of d a balance on hand of Rubbers that will keep are a necessity at this,tip We keep the best m prices are AO lOw as t dOur feet dry e of the year. a only and our e lowest. WILLIS & Co. Citizens' Ba A large andien Band in the ops evening, when t •CI'nion Depot," w of young people o direction of Miss teriatia scenes the siderable draniati those who took p and drilla Were added to the en jo Mesa Drake had in instrnoti,ng th rehearsing the p so successfully. d Entertainment. e greeted the Oitizens' hoose last Thursday e play "Scenes in a a put on by a number the town, tinder the rake, Many olbarao- o depicted, and ooa. ability was ahowr by 1. Solos, recitations interspersed, whit% uient of the evening, pont the past week .young people and in y which culminated Dr. Ovine, Oenliat, 'London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mol ibbon'e drug store, Wednesday, Nov. ember 18tH, Hours: 2 p.m, to 8 p,m. Wass* prop* fitted. 4, THS WINGHAM TIMES, VOL XXXYII, NO. 1916, " ` .o1" 1 THE GREAT TONIC Every bottle guaranteed 1 We refund your money if it fails, Walton Mckiblion THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Blook, Winghiem. r.. Bulbs for Fall Planting We have a foil stook of all fall and winter bulbs, oanapriaing Chinese Lilies, Narcissus, Tulips, Hyacinths, Freesias, Jonquils, Crocus, Etc. Etc, Come in and aee them, as it is time to plant them now. Oar stook is oomplote and peioea right. Ont flowers always on hand. Orders taken for special flowers. WALLEY'S 1 DRUG STORE Ritchie Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms, If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of paces admirably suited for retired farmers. No . prettier or healthier town in Ontario • than Wingham. Property boughs here can al. ways be resold. RITCHIE & COSENS Griffin-Vaztstone Block, WINGEAM. Phone 128 Just Tr ter,..,.. 00.4,* for all kinds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, Eta. J. Henry Chrislie PHONE S9» The Iate. Willi m 8. Anderson, Turnberry Pio ser Passes Away. One of the e Best settlers of the townehip• of Tur,berry, Mr, William S. Anderson, passed over to the great majority on• Sat nifty last, in his $let. year. The late r. Anderson was a native of Scotiad, having been born near the town of eebles, and spent the earlier years of h s life in the old land, On June 8th, 18;5, he married Mary Grierson, and tie :e days Iater he and his bride set sail fo Canada, the journey taking nine weeks. They spent three years in Soarboro ownship, coming to Tnrnberry in 1868 rad settling • on the. north half of lot 16 000oe08ion 1, where they made their home and where they have resided oon innonely. Here they labored and ender :d the inconveniences and hardships whi: h were inseparably connected with the life of the early settiere; Mr. Ander on had possessed a strong constitution nd retained up to a short time ago are . arkable degree of. vitality, being able to do a coneiderable amount of work on the' farm, But within the past few months the ad. yawing years began .o tell upon him. The late Mr. Anderso • was a man of strict integrity and hb orable in all iiia dealings, enjoying t e respect and esteem of the comma +sty.' He was. a Liberal in politics, and : member of the Presbyterian ohuroh. 1 n June Last Mr, and Mrs. Anderson oelebrated the .fifty-third anniversar of their wedding day. The family o• -meted of seven children—five sons an two daughters- William and John,. . 1 Arcola, Sask. ;. Thomas (deceased); dam, of (Willa; Mrs. John Currie, o East Wawanosh; Miss Maggie and Fra k, at home. The funeral took place • n Tuesday after- noon to the Wingh: m cemetery, ser. vices being conductsat the house and grave by Rev. W. West, M. A., of Bluevale. Drink Ohristie'a Teas. Sunday So On Sunday aftern terming and profita "Rally" was held house, Con. 10, Tar dance was large, eighty. Suitable were rendered by the The service was ma by a very tonohin death of Miss Haze had been so faithful at all the services of Hazel was a membe also a member of t odist Church, She consistent ob frequently spoken her faith in God. her death, and rig her departure, eh deuce in God th one so young. S by her oompanio work. ool Rally,, on Inst a very in - le Sunday School Holmes' school erry. The atten- numbering about naiaal eeleotions ohoir and others. o very impressive reference to the M. Mitchell, who in her attendance his Sunday 'School, of the S. S. bhoir, e Wingham Meth. ad lived a beaitti- ttian fife and had her own home of or days previous to t up to the time of manifested a pond. was remarkable for will be much missed s In Sunday School Many a woman gees without rubbers and regrets it afterwards. 'We have wonien's rubbers in all styles -55o, 65o, and 75o a pair, W. J. Gana, Hunte leaves Toronto vi way System 9 p. (Pullman, coach dation) for Nat points, Returnin Bay 9 p. m. Nov. man, coach and b running through all station to All onto 6.30 a. ni, trains. Speoiel1 Nov, 10, 11, 12,1 baggage care for Coach to Toronte. from Grand Tran J• 11. Mol)onal Agent, Toronto. s' Special ' Grand Trunk Rail- , Oct, 20, 30 and Slat. d baggage aeobmmo• Bay stopping at all speolal leaves North 2, 13 and 14. (Pali. ggage a000ntodetibn) Toronto, stopping at ndalo, arriving Tor- eonneoting with all cues Callander 6 p, rn, ,14, for Toronto with efferent aeotiont, and Further information Agents, or address Dlstriet Paeaenger Highest price paid for bided and pans try at T. Felts' butoher shot. GOLDEN WEDDI CELESRA. TION An unique event as celebrated at the home of Mr, a . d Mrs, Therese Jenkins, of the Blnve road, on Tues- day /net, on the co +pletion of half a century of their wed • ed life. On October 20th, 1858, this highly esteemed couple • <re united in the bonds of matrirnon near Wellesley, in Welliu ton count Three years pre. vionsiy, Mr. Jeniti .: bad coma to Turn« berry and purehas + the farm on which they the,ve reside oontinponely ever ranee, Zia omission w - ; indeed a memorable one, and, espeoi> • ly to the older ones Who were prese t,, brought to mind many incidents in the lives of those who had to do with • • e settlement of the country, Relatives, !ri about seventyfiv and after the hoe bootees had bee festive board, lir the drawing ro rads and neighbors, in all. were present, itality of the host and fully enjoyed at the company repaired to where a pleasant and profitable t me was spent, Mr. Robt. Currie, of Winghana, performed the duties of o+airman, and reminia• oentiy referred •' the firet time he had met Mr. Jenkin •, about 53 years ago; also to the adva • cement that had been made'•eiuoe then and predicted that there would not be as great progress made in the next l fty years. Mr. Robert •• :swell followed, and expressed bee ple•sure at being present. and that during t • e half oele4ury he had been a neighbor of Mr. Jenkins, the utmost harmony had always prevailed." He feelingly referred to the illness of Mr. Wm, S. Au 1 aeon, another of the early settlers wh, hdd come to this part about the same ti .• e as himself. A pleasing fe tura of the gathering was the present: tion to Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, of a p se of gold, from their children. This as done in a neat address by the e dest stn, James. Mr. Jenkins was pres nted with a handsome gold -headed wal ing stick, and Mrs Jenkins with a' •eautifnl •gold sugar spoon, an bah: of the former's brothers and brot • er in-law, by Mr James Hallett, an : ddreea being read by Mita Nellie Jenk' of Oshawa, Mr. Jenkins in epiying expressed his surprise at the indly remembranbes. He gave a numer of incidents con- nected with his rip life in this part, when he had to p y at the rate of $12 a barrel for flour, a . d carry it all the way from Manoheste, (now Auburn). Mr. Ourrie'a home • ad been the resting plane for many weary traveller, and his hospitality ost boundless. Short addresses were ; Ivan by a number of others, The eleven •+embers of the family were all prase • t: --James and John Jenkins, acrd • rs. A. Caldwell, of Kalkaska, Mich ; Joseph, Of Alpena, Mich: ; George, of Inglewood; David, of Calgary; W Mame and Mrs. Jas. Bargees, of Lis owel; Benjamin, and Mrs. Wm. Niche son, of Wingham; and Bdward, who liv .s at home. The sons. in-law and dans • ter; -in-law were also there, with the :xoeption of Mrs. John Jenkins. Besid •a these there were two brothers of M Jenkins: James, of Oshawa, swore , anted by hia daughter, Miss bTellie; an : Joseph, of Kalkaska; the combined ;goo of these three brothers totals •41. John Hallett, of Whitby, a br ther'in-law of Mr. Jenkins, and Ja es and John Hallett; nephews; Mr, an Mrs, John Gray, of Toronto; Mr. an. Mrs. Joseph Gray, of Tnrnberry, and t r. and Mrs. 'Thos. Henderson, of "Ingham were also present. On Wednesda evning the younger members of the f _ roily' and their former schoolmates we e entertained, when Mr. Jenkins reg led the company with an interesting + °count of his first week's experienc-s in Tnrnberry. Mr. and Mrs. l enkins are still vigor- ous and hearty, . otively engaged in the duties of farm ' ork, and are enjoying the afternoon of their lives in comfort- able oirourmt e • ova. May there be many years of happiness yet in store for them, A nnigne fea re in oonneotion with this mission, and one the equal of which we feel fe in Baying is not to be found in a annals of Canadian histary, lies in the fact that it is the third event of t e kind to be oelebrated within three y are by residents whose farms adjoin. The °there were:—Mr, and Mrs. W. S. •.nderaon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. , well. Tete GQVERNM The result of Mo eatiefaotary to the minion and it is 84 Laurier °Grarnme jority of upwards outstanding featur every Minister wa polis. A bitter fig a number of the thing which will b Liberals and shun' 0f Canada is th have failed to p meat by a amp abuse. This kind and should not h the people. 11, a said, the Liberal their party and e the ranks of the not be in public the mejorety neo of these bla look to hire to cleaning, if say servatives and wade rosy foreo planed considers going to happe Liberate find th number of seats the last House. factory and " work." T SUSTAINED. day's pQli£no is veru iberale of the Do. to say that the t will have a ma- tt* fifty. The one of the battle is that successful at the was put rap against Ministers. Another gratifying to the be to all the people t the Oonaervatives t, out the Govern. gu of ;lander and of campaign does not e the endorsation of has been many times have black sheep in, me of them high in arty, then they ahonld ife. Sir Wilfrid has scary to rid bis party sheep and we ke a thorough house is needed. The Con. ny of their newspapers ate of. the result and le stress on what was in Ontario, but the selves with the same in Ontario as were in The result is very satia- aurier will finish his THE RES LT IN HURON. For the Lib Huron, has a The Liberals we believing that t riding, but did jority. In Arch candidate. He the riding in the a number of ye oellent oharacte to take his plea ala, the map of East umber of biook spots. t into the fight fully ey would redeem the at look for a big ma. Hislop they had a good had faithfully served Ontario Legislature for a and is a man of tax. and one who was able in the debati:gig of the questions of the day. As the campaign progressed we •ought he was gaining ground. Mr, : 'slop deserved better at the • elide '01 the there's of East Huron and our friend or. Chisholm can to -day thank the num roue Liberals who were the means of h s election. Without she aid of Liberal otes we do not believe a a Oonservative can be eleoted in East Huron. Arch.: islop made a straight. forward, hones appeal to the eleotora and we are ver sorry to have to report his defeat. Wi, gham Liberals deserve praise for the go • d showing made in this town. This •• +nioipality has always been Considered he turning point of the riding, but on M.nday.the vote showed the Liberals to b: coming bank to their own. The reap shows what united effort will do and in another election we hope to see the Liberals make a still better showing, East Wawanosh and Blyth Liberals m de an exoellent show- ing, but in all the other mnnioipalitiea the vote was a i isappointment to the Liberals and we o' nnot yet understand the reason for th s slump in Grey and the Lower Win ee am division of Tnrn- berry. The resp , though a disappoint- ment to the Libe ala, shows they must continue in the 'ork of organizing and we will all look • orward to redeeming this riding when the electors are again called upon to st their ballots. The exams has endeavored to conduct a Olean campaign nd not say or do any- thing to injure the character or repu. Wien of our . ethical opponents and now that the •fight is over we hope to see our citizen: settle down to the duties of every day 1'•'e. In West Hu . •n our good friend Robt. Holmes, of 01. • ton, has been defeated by the late member, Mr. E. N. Lewis, by the small majority of 28. Mr. Holmes made hard fight and during the last week a the campaign it looked as though We: Huron would be re- deemed. The r .sult in We riding is a disappointment •0 Mr. Holmes and his faithful Worker: The oleotors of West Huron have ma • e a mistake in reject- ing Mr. Holmes : ad sending to Ottawa a representative w will sit on the op. position side. In South Hut n, M. Y. McLean is re-elected and t Liberals have the eatistaotion that t 10 not it solid Huron for the Oppositi n. Mr. Mote an and his workers are • be Congratulated on their viotory. "fhanksgi Return tiok fare, via Gra between all s Detroit and Black hook, tion Bridge, S. 7, 8, 9. R pull inforisia Agent. ing Day Excursions, to will be issued at'single Trunk f ,ailwpy System, tions in Ca . dda, also to rt Hur• • •, lob., Buffalo, iagara '.Ilsand Snspon- y, Good going Nov, urn limit Nov. 10th, 1908. on from any Grand Trunk Laurier will fi Defeated, but Haat Huron Ment." ish his work, of dismayed, a "Agin the govern. The political wise of HOwiok r'anaine normal, A drop in t e temperature may be expected, Another fo government. Winghaln j le be0otiting niore no.Tary.oue. It is now tic windows on. Parliament wi 6th of Janmary. We held our Tories were out "Well, I ha fTam Ontario." (Vlore than thought it a pit going up in auto Tolmte's maj 310. His home him a majority Monday's vo bake to the pelt dal adopted by Tar. Rankin': Si A YEAR IN .A.DY.ANOE to get your storm 1 likely meet on th own in Order's% The o their forecast,�an not pxnfored that uob Sir Wilfrid Laurier. ne thrifty bousewlfe to see so many brooms city in North Bruce is own. gin°ardiue, gave f 124• ng was a stinging re. y of slander and scan. the Opposition. win in North Perth from Alex. M •Laren was one of the great victories Hon. Jame& Minister of by aoolamat Thursday las Mackenzie was able to the Conserv Minister of The elect Aiming Fo Cookshutt ou£y one left d the campaign. Duff, the new Ontario gricuiture, was re-eleoted n in West Simooe en ing ie a fighter, when he in North Waterioo from Ives, He will be the new abor. rs did good work in de - ler, Bennett, Lefurgey, ad Pope, Foster is the of the old brigade. Charles M. roil, M. P. for Bonaven- tnre, Que., 11 be the Speaker in the (3 House of Co mons and . H. McIntyre M. P. for 'south Perth, well be the Deputy Spea .r. When the eferred elections are held the Laurier t. overnment will have a majority of ne rip sixty. This is not a bad answer 1• the fellows who put up the campaign • slander, The Tins defeat of Peter Brune. Durin trent Mr. Mo ability and his the Liberal pa a sorry to hear of the R. MoKenzie in South his one terra in Parlia- enzie thawed splendid efeat will be a loss to y. The usual • •elebration was held in Wingham by the Oonsorvativea, the Oitizens' Bun, and Flute Band taking part. Large n inners of brooms and fireworks were need. Dr, Chisholm thanked hit sup orters for their good worn on his • ehalf. A number of people were p :sent from Brussels, Wroxeter, Gorri: and other neighbor. ing piaoea. The official ft• res for East Huron wili be giyen in ur next lame. The m47orities in the different munioipal- ities, so far as w: have been able to learn, are as folio :. Hislop Chisholm Blyth 8 Brussels 16 Grey 149 Wroxeter . ., .,. 19 Morris 14 East Wawanoah ,; ,. 53 Wingham. 115 Tnrnberry ' 47 Howlok .... .. 190 259 352 Majority for Ch' holm -98. WANTED. --A for general ho family, Highest RANSFORD, Box able w• •• an or girl sea +r: in et small ag:. paid. MRs. R. 3, linter!. LoSr.—In Wingham, a gold bracelet, set with aren't stones; valued as a gift Finder please leave at W. G. Patterson's jewelry store and be rewarded, CHURCH Special services in the Wingham Sunday, Nov. 8th. who bas for some in evangelistic wor 861171088. NOTES. alt. F. J. Maine expected to neon Methodist ohuroh and evening. He hear him, Rev. es at Gua of the with the openin Avenue church in Sucoessftii ann held in St. A chureh on Staidthe oocaeion was ford, of Guelph, ably to large oon ing and evening. evening service. Obrist," was treat praotioal manner. ill be commenced thodiat church on Rev. G. R. Turk, ears been engaged , will oonduot these of London, may be the pulpit of the est Sande),morning is a good speaker, . G. Howson preach- rvioes in oonneotion of the High Park West Toronto. versary services Were drew's Presbyterian . The pteaoher for Rev, R. J, M. Glees - ho preaohed ac0ept- regatione both morn - His subjeot at the "The Divinity of d in an eloquent and Flute 0 The Winghani their first annus house on Exide when an exbelle given, among rho being Mina W. Al Aliso Wallace; lea Johnston MoOor comedian, The are desirous of In taliment, and tori patronage of th first dOnaert, Oot. S0t11, r years of progrcooive d Concert. . lute and will hold concert in the opera everting, Oct. 30th, t programme will be e who will take part a Ohieholm; Ur. and Smith, comic singer; ok, the fanrorts negro embers of the band nialang a good enter - appreciate the liberal eitizent itf this their °member the date— Fine Tailoring is what you invariably get when yo u l e a sr e your order for clothing at this store, Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well,. look well and wear well —and they do, Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in an',d have a look, Robt, Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND P MEN'S FURNISHER f SITUATIONS III await g ess hon with leading . b .n s seg our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern ofiioe methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. TaREE COURSES. - Stenography, Commercial, 'relograpby. Enter any day. Write for partioulars, PALL TtRTir ritoit SEPT. 1st Wingham Business College GPO. SPOT%ON. PRfNCir.A[.. The Pennant for Shoes of style and serviceability certainly b,+longa to ns. Our assortment includes Ili • vorY latest models in style, made by reliable manutactnr. ers. It includes FOOTWEAR for everybody front tho ieATik TO Ottirviiat 4. And if you can find anytbins to criticira 1n either looks or leather, we will qe too most surprrpised shoo dealers in existence. ere »AX Tb MOUE Irtniiinty; they J. G FYYR